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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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of this kind of fun, it feels like therapy the . this is the definitely news life from building south africa accuses days while of genocide against palestinians at the united nations topicals as well dismissed the navigation accusing south africa as collaborating with some us. this comes as an intensifying hit and ground defensive on jobs is driving desperate families further south, but north of homes was also coming up condemnation of process. widest attacks on the crime rocketed cities across the country,
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giving at least 30 faithful and entering more than a 100. keith calls it via cell 5 months ago. seems think the only dies of the for nearly 2 d's. plus a deep dive into belgium's comic strips they pulled. it takes the plunge into a unique, underwater expedition, and brush poured. it takes the plunge into a unique, underwater expedition and process the american handbook into the program. and south africa has filed the case against israel at the international court of justice saying the actions that the as rarely um, forces against palestinians in gaza have a quote genocidal character. it's also cooling on the court to order israel to stop it's attacks. international court of justice in the hague is the united nations highest court. its decisions are bonding,
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but it has little means to enforce them. israel has rejected the filing, citing that it lacked both, quote, factual and legal basis, as well as widening in ground defensive against a mouse which is classified as a terror organization by many countries. now the israeli military is claiming to have destroyed a high that used by the alleged mazda mine, of the october 7th attacks. it's really troops attacking a southern gas, a bass from wareham us militants, presumably se tied to invade israel on october 7th. this vintage from israel's military shows an ongoing operation to gain control of the sites. now israel is expanding its own preparation in the area right in the southern city of ham units where it believes hamas leaders or how you doing. it says it has destroyed several homage tunnels all over the gaza strip. this latest one in the north.
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and that's on what we found very significant to mass total network that's used by senior officials. it's very deep, deeper than the previous ones. this tunnel is different. it has an elevator that goes down a very long tunnel shop to continue has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the gaza strip. this family is saying good bye to their loved ones. the bodies of those killed by and is really your strike on the dear of i live refugee camp in central guys a our lead a site, a hospital. oh, this mother. his last 2 sister twins. no, no, no. you mean when they made me, we were sleeping in the room with 2 of my children who lived in my twins in another room. in the in the house was bomb i live and the rebels
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fell on the twins. nearly so many on their birthday. i saw him with a little part severe aloud were flattened children, search for belongings in the place, many ones called according to estimates by the united nations. the late to strikes have prompted another 100000 people to abandon their houses, leaving everything behind so far, 85 percent of guys, this population has been displaced by the conflicts they w correspond to tenure claim, a, as in jerusalem. i asked her earlier about the latest expansion if he's rouse offensive, and if that has helped the military get any closer to the goal of tracking down, how much the latest? well, the is really all me says uh, almost also in the daily updates that they're systematically destroying uh how much infrastructure and that of other militant groups as well or come on centers as they
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put it. they released of footage last night of what they described as a height out of how most the day y'all has seen were near or in garza city, a network of underground tunnels as a hideout apartment, a day described as the several rooms. but they haven't been getting any closer to find the cedar, which is one of the goals they have said. they want to remove him, us from the power. and this has devastating consequences, of course, for the civilian population. now the ground operation, no offensive is concentrating for the south. also, of course the strikes across because the stupid know also on a cause the 2nd largest city con eunice. awesome to send to the follow from. so right. rectitude can, with thousands, hundreds of thousands of palestinian civilians have been told to go and see a show to people has been displaced on multiple times according to the united
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nations over 80 percent. that's an estimate of the population that has been displaced in this, in this campaign. so far, the south africa has filed the case against these ro, at the international court of justice. israel has rejected the move, but how long kennedy's ro ignore the growing international pressure of re it's offensive, and the humanitarian process and gaza? well, so far it doesn't seem that uh, this international prussia has had any major impact on. is roads decision, you know, we've heard multiple times from uh, probably needs to be in. you mean that to you also from defense miss. so you have color that they continue. uh, this uh more uh on. hum us on a garza to remove from us from power to destroy or the infrastructure. i
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also know that says advertisements, it's case and at the international court of justice is best for an a spokesperson that is best for minister ministry of basic responded to the integrations, a quote with discussed to the black label as he puts it. so, you know, we have seen basically that the a ground offensive has been in the past weeks expanded now for the a cells putting more pressure also in the southern parts of garza, before it from the u. s. is, was closest ally to, uh, you know, that it should go into more into less intensive phase. but so far this have didn't have any impact here on the ground. can you claim it injuries when thank all right, let's take a look now. some of the stories making headlines, us presidential biden's administration, has bypassed congress to approve an emergency sale to as well. for the 2nd time this month, components for artillery shells are included in the only $150000000.00 transfer.
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state department said the decision was justified by the agency of these rails and the attendance president harvey and malay has formerly cancel plans to join the breaks group of nations. argentina had been due to join the economic block on january 1st. i says it's one of the many foreign policy decisions made by the previous government that then now being un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has to condemn the ross the slightest. the tax on ukraine, at least 30 people were killed and many more injured grounds. government says more than a $150.00 missiles and run struck cities nationwide. damaging vital infrastructure as well as industrial and military facilities. schools and a maternity hospital where a man in the building sees maternity ward blown apart and ukraine's eastern city of ne pro mothers and labor were rushed down to the basement for shelter. the kremlin
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massive area was sold over whelmed keys air defenses, ukraine's president says russia hit them with almost every thing and its arsenal, residential buildings, and a shopping center. we're also here in the waves of attacks, which began overnight and lasted for hours in keys. there were multiple depths, firefighters babbled a huge blaze at this warehouse. the attack serve as a stark reminder for those living far from the front lines. lots of little salt mine. that's why we're shocked, because we're kind of used to things becoming calmer unless not intensifying the whole thing as us. so what do you today was a terrible day? is somehow reminds me of the 1st day of the full scale invasion because i didn't expect it. because in keep it was more or less safe matches up will of k, they've been some and spokane, the ukranian space. yet another winter with critical infrastructure under threat. keith has long been pleading to western allies for more air defense missiles. these
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attacks are now wrapping up the pressure on them to deliver. oh they definitely. sonya found, the guy has the latest from keith. well, it was much common night to have to say they would know every dilutes keys and keys um oh, but we did show reports of the city of pencil on coming under the renewed russian fire overnight. there was a lot in in that region though, of course, histone is the frontline city and faces near daily russian trading. of course, today we also here to go see an operations continuing in, in cities across the queens that have been casualties. as the report mentioned, not just in keyboard in cities like new pro and separation cod keep. but also in cities like living you, which of you know which is in the west and which is much further away from the trunk line, which is usually spread the worst of this invasion. now we also showed and reports in the cleaning media that the russian defense industry is now claiming that it's shut down cookie to your cleaning jones overnight over the course of multiple
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regions. now these are uncontrolled reports. we haven't heard anything from the cleaning site. is it so it's hard to see what this is, you know, retaliation for, for use visa, salt brush. i had practically every corner of you crying in that a result. you talk about how the people in keep responding. so i was in keep, yes, there was a couple of of last sites and spoke to some residents and then of course, the record. but we have to remember that many residents feel, you know, go about their lives during every loads. and that is because the city of keys, it has become much safe for them, you know, wind rush it and beat it, or even, you know, compared to the, to last windows. and that's a simply because it has vastly improved a defenses. and in recent months, it's mainly, you know, folding debris from rockets and drones shut down, but you're creating a defense is that the schools destruction you know, and, and some loss of life. but resident, stormy back, change has to be because yesterday we actually sort option besides evading the ukrainian defenses and really slamming into buildings the factories warehouses,
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taking direct hits, causing a massive destruction and loss of life. and i think that is really shocked to people in the city and created the same. so if you don't really bundle and you found that kind of data blue correspondent in k. thank you. is now august often try to reach new depths with a with but one built in comic strip creating risk. taking that literally with the unique underwater display. belgium's comic strips seen as well, famous and 100 characters ranging from 1010 to the smith's. and now there's a new way to fully immerse yourself in the culture. google's flippers and oxygen tanks might not be the usual get up for gallery gore's. but at this brussel swimming sensor, the artworks are 13 meters below the surface. this one of a kind exhibition can only be viewed by plunging into one of the world's deepest pools. if you just dive it's kind of similar every time it's similar, so changing to yours it's, it's always the kind of pleasure done below. swimmers can view just released
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belgium comic strips and follow the adventures of a beloved belgian characters. most visitors are experience divers bucks and you'd be switching to dip their toe into the scene. can also book a lesson to enjoy the artworks. the exhibits finishes at the cool site. we're comic strip star, log a winch and says adventure on solid ground. this quite then some guy who own or john barron arts had the brain way to t. mountain designers during the pandemic. to create a unique experience featuring a typically belgian croft, we don't have on the water level. and we don't have the chocolate. so what the, the, what the company says brussels is often described as the comic book, the capital of the world. and even on dry land, belgian buildings pay homage to the art form with comic strips and cartoons cheering up, rainy sidewalks across the city, and attracting to ruth, even in the belgian winter. back in the warmth of assuming cold. the novelty is
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going darn well. it's a curb and very relax and you say that each die on come i do one way. so at the end of the month i will do have the, the, the, the complete to come make. yeah. and it's even helping some to try new things and meet new people. i've been terrified to support for all my life. i've never learned to swim. so when i retire, as i friends encourage me to come with xyz and i tried to know enough with him, especially when they get older, social contact is good and even those who preferred stay dry can still catch eclipse from afar. now before we get to cape, is that the sue in england, celebrating the birth of the critically endangered cochroll c fuck up. also known as a dancing lima. the dancing and i'm on the 1st is the baby born on september 21st.
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it's an important book. it says display seizes on the thread from deforestation in its native hun madagascar. and he's exactly what's known as the dancing lima. skipping sidewise from one place to the other, one social gathering to the, to the, at the end. even in and out of trees. it's just how they roll just that they'd like to move this. the fans of the metal gasket movie, right? that's all for now. claire richardson will be along next. don't forget there's more news on our website and the youtube channel for me. and the thing here for now the . 7 manuals, engine, you belong to the 77 percent to come to i don't good, i'm 65. last last you'll stop 5 years,
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31115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your.


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