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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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for the, you're watching the news coming to live from birth is really forces pushing deeper into the central and southern gaza. the military announces a short pause and fighting in one camp in the south of the gaza strip sports military and reasons. the latest attacks have killed at least $165.00 cost. also coming up on the show condemnation of russia's latest attacks on ukraine. profits, hip cities across the country, killing at least 30 people, and injuring more than a 100 other calls at the pierce. as this whole by moscow,
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the early days for war nearly 2 years ago. and are less and less rain causes severe floods in northern germany. many communities are under water as rivers and streams burst or banks and more heavy rain. as for the clare richardson, welcome and it's offensive against tomas as well as military is shifting its focus further south in the last 24 hours, airstrikes and artillery fire have hit targets in central and southern gaza, killing at least $165.00 post indians. according to the hamas rank all the health ministry of the united nations estimates that some 100000 causes are newly displaced. many of them not for the 1st time, is rarely forces say they are making progress in their search for weapons. depos and secret hideout used by hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the us,
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germany and several other countries is really treat attacking a southern gas, a beast from. we're high mass militants presumably say to in be israel on october 7th. this protects from israel's military, shows an ongoing operation to gain control of the sites, the goal dismantling, hama, infrastructure and tracking don't is leaders highlights israel's military says it has destroyed several hamas tunnels all over the guise of strip this latest one in the north. the tunnel we found a very significance of mass tunnel network. a network used by senior officials. it's very deep, deeper than the previous ones. this tunnel is different from it has an elevator that goes down a very long tunnel shop. the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the gaza strip. nice,
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israel is expanding itself. variations in the area are right in the southern cities upon eunice. the little co master hospital says it's running or to supplies. space is limited, but the patients keep coming to the hospital is receiving a lot more than its capacity. in fact, we have functioning a 300 percent capacity. the beds are full and most of the time one bed is holding 2 patients at the same time. and we have basically showed an all sorts of medical supplies to find them. and many of that was brought to hospitals are collected by members of the red crescent who transport the dead winded, through streets filled with debris. escalation, there appears to be no respite for a population cost in the crossfire. according to the mass run gas i health ministry,
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israel's offensive has killed more than $21500.00 palestinians. the united nations estimates that about 85 percent of gas as population is now you displace i spoke earlier as a bush i lady the policy lead for ox spam in the palestinian territories. and she told us more about the situation in gaza after the latest is rarely strikes as well . i'm in fact, personally affected by what's happened this weekend, as i, especially in the my, as a massacre on christmas eve. i have my family in the refugee time, but the moment a distant relative of ours, lost his time, lost 2 legs. um in that attack. uh and now is the question um to my family including is where do we go next and where is safe for us to go and
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thats, they've already been displaced 3 times. this is the story of probably they have a lot most people in bozza where there is no way to go. they are trapped in a small strip of land with no food, no water, no copper health care, no electricity. um, no fuel, uh no telecom and very, very little aid coming in. and even whatever age comes in could never be enough to really meet the needs of an entire and it did as an entire set city that the state . and i'm sorry to hear about the family member there. this is clearly an issue affecting you personally as well. i'm sorry to jump in. i. we are just hearing though, that is, rails military has announced a 4 hour tactical pause in fighting in the south of the gaza strip. and i'm wondering from your professional experience how much you thinks these temporary breaks like this could help 8 workers to do their jobs. of absolutely
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nothing for hours to meet the needs of 2 point. 2000000 people were talking about half of which are children. many are sick, many of wounded people. it's, it's, it's absolute chaos. people are fighting for their lives every single day. so 4 hours is this is it's meeting with really is just like the trust, you know, a few, a few weeks ago. and as you maintain organizations were raising the alarm bell on this and how, you know, the 5, the pause is nothing in comparison. so that means that we're seeing, we're see we're talking about almost 60 to 70000 people injured, many of which with extremely traumatic entries. we're talking about people already in hospitals, but also talking about those are the, my parents in law are elderly people. they need a medication for their hearts and, and different kind of things that they can't even get. so it's not just about how
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much 8 comes in in 4 hours. it's about a complete permanent ceasefire. an end to the bombing, an end to the war, crimes that we're seeing submitted and a restoration of services. and i'm a proper environment for humanitarian workers to work in utah. and i am an assignment where we would be okay, as you maintain workers to center teams, to deliver at 8 and it's, it's, it would reach, i do the care to our own teams. well, thank you very much for joining us to share your personal experience and, and the work of 8 workers. as israel says it is continuing, it's offensive against a monster that is bushera lady austin's policy lead for the palestinian territories to be very much appreciate your time. thank you. let's take a look now. it's some other stories making headlines. hundreds of dots. climate after vests have blocked a major highway in amsterdam. the protesters are demanding an end to fossil fuel projects financed by the netherlands largest bank. i. n g. the activists ignore the
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ban on the demonstration, climbing onto the highway and forcing those to shut down the road. flooded railway tunnels under the river thames. of course, the cancellation of more than a 1000 barrels star trade between london and europe. engineers are working to fix the problem, the euro stars warning of severe delays. thousands of passengers have been less stranded. just thousands of people are protesting and these serve young castle bel grade over alleged fraud. in this month's elections, demonstration comes as rerun votes were held in a handful following stations across the country, president alexander, of which his party won the vote decisively by international observers have reported irregularities. the opposition calling for the results to be thrown out and un secretary general, antonio gutierrez has condemned russia's latest a tax on your trade president will. i'm yours. wednesday says that was 39. people
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were chosen fridays. nationwide aerosols the attack inflicted widespread damage to civilian infrastructure as well as industrial and military facilities. rushes as it is, shop down ukrainian, rockets and groans following its biggest aerial assault on ukraine since last year is full scale invasion. the rest of the defense industries of the 13 rockets had been destroyed over the southern del garad region. and according to the local governor, several people were killed, including at least 2 children. russian officials and their defensive shot down more than 30 drones or a number on his post doctoral researcher in the war. so these department atkins, college london and i asked her if you crane's rockets and drones were revenge for rushes, heavy airstrikes a day earlier. a good day. well i, i think it is very plausible to believe that ukraine have to formulate some sort of response and this short window of opportunity. but generally speaking, we have seen attacks from ukrainian territory on dog road. we have seen some
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attacks on moscow, most notably in may during the may celebrations. so i think it's a mixture of bows. we have to remember that this is a war. it's not the quid pro cool. one side is not bleeding until, and that's the amount of tax in order to conduct some operations. hello, racing for ukraine. this is important to do it right now to demonstrate this resilience. and to demonstrate that it still has the capability to respond for perhaps not in kind. however, it has to do something to demonstrate the will of ukrainian people to resist the russian aggression in the international era. now where the support for ukraine is waning, looking at rushes, strikes on your cranny, rush, i hit practically every corner of your brain and fridays air attacks. but officials are describing as the biggest since the start of this war did the scale of the
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attacks. there comes a surprise at this point in the war as well, perhaps because we haven't seen many strikes of sat scale being conducted. and the 1st one was when the war has started. and so, over the years we have heard that russia is running out of missiles, but as a matter of fact, russia is not running out of missiles and russia has been preparing for this attack . end of november, it has tested cubes. air defenses was for headphones, for instance, and here we're seeing that, especially after the ukrainian attack on, on russian worship. in philadelphia, it was sort of a logical response by russia to target few cranes, military facilities, drayton factories and munition factories. everything that they could locate in warranted to destroy ukraine's capability to conduct such strikes in the future. and we heard of ukrainian air force spokesperson saying that russia has launched
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everything. it has including x $22.00 missiles which are extremely hard to intercept. what does that tell you about russia's strategy at this point? well, i think for, i'm sure has stepped up its game in terms of the results it is using in order to evade the western supply. the air defenses, such as a patry of batteries, and i think we also have to understand that the russia has run its capacity to produce missiles. um, there has been many reports from west and sources indicating such and indicating the fact that the russia has managed to circumvent the sanctions in order to get some necessary parts. so we shouldn't be underestimating russian thinking that it. and if mindful and not of missiles quite the opposite, i think that we're likely to see more of so sophisticated missiles to be used in ukraine or a number on thank you. as always for your analysis that is on marina martin from kings college. one thing thank you for having me to. and germany is on high
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alert for flooding with heavy rainfall. battering many areas, officials say the situation in the north west is critical as rivers and streams overflow. and in western germany, forecasters of war and that almost a month's worth of rain could fall in the next 24 hours. a landscape of lakes created by the flood waters in the north western states of lower saxony. many communities can now only be reached by boats. and in this village you need rubber boots or an inflatable thing you to guess around what the levels are rising relentlessly. wait a moment because of this. i thought i was seeing things. spend vicky. it's like a swimming pool full of clear water. it's money that is done by someone can you just don't know what to do. surrounding low lying areas are also badly affected. the flood dikes simply giving way under the weight of water. police and
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military helicopters have been sent in to strengthen the dykes, a nearby cat who had to be evacuated over night. this is filled with one of the attorneys following cove and 19 side. this is the 2nd major crisis . our residents have had to deal with the music for new years and suffering from dementia. and of course, they're better off in their home environment vacation to use it, you know, keep them. but also, the pumps are already running $24.00 as a day and there's no laptop in sight. light is noisy. most of the, unfortunately, there is more rain on the way. the next low pressure system is likely to bring 10 to 20 liters of rain to the northwest sunday. install in healey areas that could rise to 30 or 40 leases, a fortnight's worth and is not likely to ease off in the next few days and was on an inch by no means defect getting mixed in powder, understand light of many local authorities,
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a band fireworks. in the run up to new. yeah. and the flooding site see is being told to stay away. as soon as update f as our stay tuned, i'll be back in 45 minutes time with more news headlines. or if you want more before, then you can find on our website t, w dot com. the people in trucks inject was trying to see the city center the straight pieces screen the around the world more than 100.


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