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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 30, 2023 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use life from the, the end is way the forces pushed deeper into central and southern guns of the military, announced as a short humanitarian pause in the fighting in one camp in the south. the guns, the strip, or latest attacks claimed the lives of at least a $165.00 pounds vinny and civilians. a combat ex claimed the lives of at least a 165 palestinian civilians in combat. in russia, vows were bane john for a ukrainian attack on the southern city of vancouver on hills. more than
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a 1000 people. it follows russia's biggest their results on ukraine since the full scale invasion us funding in a tunnel under the river thames defense holiday travel plans for thousands of people use councils train services to and from on the i've been to sewland. welcome is wales military is shifting, it's offensive against how much thing goes a further south in the last 24 hours as strikes and out until the re fi i have had targets in central and south im pots killing thousands of civilians. according to homeless health officials, the united nations says some 100000 gallons have been duly displaced. millicent groups continue to launch rockets in 2 ways. well, from 11 o 9 guns, a including home us, which is why they classified a terrorist organization is really treat attacking a southern gas,
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a beast. we're high, mass militants, presumably satellite soon. be israel on october 7th. this protects from israel's military, shows an ongoing operation to gain control of the sites, the goal, dismantling. how much infrastructure and tracking don't is leaders highlights israel's military says it has destroyed several homage tunnels all over the guys. a strip this latest one in the north. and that's, i know we found a very significant, a mass tunnel network network used by senior officials. it's very deep, deeper than the previous ones. this tunnel is different from isn't that a vase of that goes down a very long tunnel shelf? the fighting has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the gaza strip. nice. israel is expanding itself variations in the area right in the southern
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cities upon eunice. the little co master hospital says it's running out of supplies. space is limited, but the patients keep coming in the hospital is receiving a lot more than its capacity. in fact, we have functioning at 300 percent capacity. the beds are full and most of the time one bed is holding 2 patients, the same times name. and then we have basically showed an all sorts of medical supplies. and even though many of the was brought to hospitals are collected by members of the red crescent who transport the dead winded, through streets filled with debris, escalation, there appears to be no respite for a population cost in the crossfire. according to the mass run gas i health ministry, israel's offensive has killed more than $21500.00 palestinians. in
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the united nations estimates that about 85 percent of guys this population is now you displaced is why the payment is to benjamin netanyahu says the board with home us will continue for many more months. and the border between gaza at egypt should be on the is by the control thousands of protest as a valued again until it leaves demanding the release of his way the hostages and colon forward. you will exits as well is coming under increasing international pressure to find a long term solution to this conflict. south africa as part of the case against the as well as the international court of justice accusing it of genocide. shame donkey is deputy director of the iris center for human rights in the school of law at the university of go away. what evidence is south africa putting forth south africa has been very detailed submission to the international court of justice in which it goes through the various elements of the crime of genocide. and this is
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a highly significant development in the context of gaza. state states don't tend to take these in just a cases, but regularly received one more recently in the context of can be a versus b, m r. and i think it reflects the seriousness of the situation in gas or what it is, the destruction displacement of the getting the civilians, including many children on a scale without pace, as many of the world's recent done. indeed ongoing conflicts. us highlighted severe risks of starvation on the spreading of disease as a result of the conditions imposed upon gather by israel. so what are the chances of this actually stopping the wall? so the idea of taking this particular case from start about, so that's a good perspective. it seems as to try and put an end to the actions that is taking against java a present. so they are alleging, but is there is in gauging in the, in the crime of genocide, what has been referred to as the crime of crimes. they're saying that these relative is fine. anything it's ongoing,
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it's engaged in the ongoing violation of its obligations onto the 19 cortez genocide convention of both south africa. and these are the parties to the 9040 genocide convention. so this allows we're interested stage to take proceedings to the international court of justice. it's is, it is as i say, that increase that step. but as i say also, i think it reflects the seriousness of the situation. you and experts have been fighting the risk of genocide for, for over a month or so as well as other crimes that are taking place. so the idea that if the court makes the pronouncements such as provision measures as a request, is it to deter it is written from, from it's activity. but will israel heat these warnings from the court as well as the response from his eyes so far has been to condemn south africa's approach the international court of justice. calling it a blow to idle, saying that in 70 semitic the court can proceed if it finds that the claim is well
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founded in both fact and low. ease, right, i think would be well advised to, to adhere to judgments of the international court of justice. now, it didn't do so previously in the context of an advisory opinion, concerning the construction of, of the wall in the westbound and along the green line. but it does carry significant political photos of the states and seem to be in defiance of judgments of the international court of justice. so we had the court issue provisional measures in the context of ukraine versus russia last year. russia did not abide by those provisional matters measures and it does reflect the somewhat pride as fast as the russia has that presence on the introduction stage. very interesting stuff that from shane does a human rights law professor from the university of go away. thanks very much for being here on the don't we most go says it will retaliate after you. kind of miss island wrote a tax cube at least 18 people in the southern russian city of belgrade brushes
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defensive industries. as a 1000 rockets were destroyed over the region, the strikes came a day after a huge russian battle. roger cross, you probably can look at least 39 civilians. the shock and disbelief. the daytime is sold set of air raid sirens, sending people into the streets. russia says the attack hits a residential area the kremlin reported shooting down doesn't so few crazy and drones and rockets as far away as the moscow region in the city of belgrade is just 30 kilometers from the ukrainian border and has been shown before. t v usually doesn't claim responsibility for a tax on russian territory. but previous heavy russian assaults on ukrainian cities have been followed by strikes against russia. on friday, russian forces launched more than
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a 100 miss on and drug and attacks on cities across the ukraine. like here in odessa, ukraine has described it as the biggest ariel better our since the sauce of the war . almost 2 years ago. russia drew shop criticism as a united nations security council meeting. mr. president, technically 2023 is ending as you begin with the investigating violence against the people off a crane. once again, the credit is, are forced to spend the holidays seeking sense of cleaning, the rabble and dirty, and the dead m it's freezing temperatures. russia has now requested a security council meeting about the strikes on belgrade quoting. it's a terrorist attack and saying it will not go unpunished. keith has reported additional russian drone attacks on ukrainian soil to lower on russia as massive
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variable assault on ukraine. on friday i asked security idol is the sucker most of what this says about the bus has capacity to re um or where, what it actually showed was that uh, russia was ready to use a lot of the me size and uh the uh, sort of cruise on and um, probably stick me size as well as drones. i did, i produced over the last year year in particular on that it was ready read to make our show a falls. what these are also indicates is that, um, you know, it shows that the russians are actually have 3 bombs, their industrial capacity very much over the last 2 years. they used to be done very soon after the start of the russian invasion of the brain. when russia or the russian leadership to get that week there 1000000 or the dogs decided to sort of start searching on that russian economy on i was working on already last. yeah. we saw a rush are using the size that were produced in 2022. so they should not come as
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a surprise. i think that, um, the russians seems ready to invest very much on defense spending, which is expected to increase about 70 percent in 2024. so they, they would, we present the over 6 or 6.5 percent off rushes on for a g d p output and, and, and the defense spending is intended to be around. 1 between 3540 percent of all the defense spending. so i think that the russians in our community are ready to continue with is a whole i'm to be ready to achieve some of their objectives. so that, that is really what is showing what is what frustrates attempting to achieve, i think, is to sort of, uh, send a message to the waist that, uh, you know, there is no point in re, i mean, ukraine or has been ukraine because russia has the capability to hate to very effectively on the hard me me on a massive scale if necessary to
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a 2nd. i'm also from king's college bonded toting through some of the others. so he's making headlines. us presidential advisors administration is bypass the congress to approve an emergency um sale to israel for the 2nd time this month. components for us, hillary sales are included in the new $150000000.00 transfer. the state department says the decision is just defined by the urgency of israel states. flash flooding in south africa is killed at least 21 people and left hundreds on. let's search and rescue teams have been scouting the area around the town of lady smith for the fonts trunk on christmas day. and a number of people are still missing. hundreds of don't climate active as of last a major highway and adds to them the protest as the demanding it ends to fossil fuel projects, financed by the lens and just bank i n g. the activists ignore the band on the demonstration,
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climbing onto the highway and forcing police to shut it down. flooding in a tunnel under the thames has voted all eurostar trains services to help us disrupting holiday travel plans. thousands of people bound to power sprencel's and answer them as well as bonded strong winds and heavy rains. the battering, breaking full cost is $1.00 of more stormy wave music for the masses stranded at london saint pancras station. a flooded tunnel has brought eurostar trains to a standstill and disrupted holiday plans. many travelers are now scrambling to reach their destination as the clock ticks down to 2024. i am devastating. i've just had to cry. i just want to get it clear the others are leaving their plans up to fate. the front of the cable.
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so sweet, well, what i would love to stay another couple of days might cost a lot of money to enjoy and will adept to circumstances the chaos started when this undersea rail tunnels flooded in england, which is being hit by a spell of severe weather. the rail operator says the flooding is unprecedented. the euro star trains link london to mainland europe in paris. the cancellations mean the honeymoon is over for a newly wed couple. and also, as i said, we are financing the trip with our wedding gift. so to see go up in smoke like this, we wouldn't be able to get anything back except maybe the price of the outboard ticket. so we're obviously devastated to some are working slot out to find a solution. no plan right now. we're on the line with fed travel agents and she's
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trying to find a hotel looking good. it's the 2nd disruption for euro star passengers this holiday season after workers and friends hit the picket lines. days before christmas, between strikes and storms. nerves are being tested in the final days of the festive traveling rush. i fixed on the w l report. it looks at efforts to save new zealand national, but the key we, i bade fizzle and i'll be back with mobile use next down the so you don't think and do the same way. cubic 6 and one different thing is from life when your parents i just want to pursue what that's my thought or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
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reasonable stopping port is those nonsense. i wonder if my son to read, i'm


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