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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 12:00am-12:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is, the domain is live from the land, know, and inside of the war, and guys is running a prime minister this and now says the fighting will continue for many more months as war planes launched at least strikes on refugee thompson central gaza. and he's ready, troops pushed into the area also on the program, russia vows were event. i've tried to create an attack on a southern section of belgrade, which killed more than
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a dozen people as follows. russia's biggest air assault on ukraine since the full scale invasion and flooding in a tunnel on the river thames disrupt holiday travel plans for thousands of people. eurostar counsels trained services to and from london the, until the 11th. but welcome to the program. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war with him? us will continue for many more months in the gaza strip is ready for us as a shifting there offensive against how much of a south way. nothing else said they aim to take control of guys as border with egypt and the last 24 hours as strikes and artillery 5 that of killed dozens of civilians. according to the house run, health ministry medicine groups continue to launch rockets into israel from lebanon
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. and gaza, including him, us, which la to a deadly terror attack on israel. october 7th is really troops attacking a southern guns, a beast from wareham us militants presumably say to beat israel on october 7th. this protects from israel's military, shows an ongoing operation to gain control of the sites, the goal, dismantling, hama, infrastructure and tracking down as teachers highlights. israel's military says it has destroyed several hamas tunnels all over the guise of strip this latest one in the north. so much, i know we found a very significant mass tunnel network, a network used by senior officials. it's very deep, deeper than the previous ones. this tunnel is different from it has an elevator that goes down a very long tunnel shop. the site thing has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the gaza strip. nice,
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israel is expanding it so for reasons in the area are right in the southern cities upon eunice. the little co master hospital says it's running out of supplies. space is limited, but the patients keep coming to the hospital is receiving a lot more than its capacity. in fact, we have functioning a 300 percent capacity. the beds are full and most of the time one bed is holding 2 patients at the same time name. and then we have basically showed an all sorts of medical supplies and them and many of those brought to hospitals are collected by members of the red crescent. who transport the data winded, through streets filled with debris and with no signs of the escalation, there appears to be no respite for a population cost in the crossfire. according to the mass run gas, i health ministry,
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israel's offensive has killed more than $21500.00 pallets. and in the united nations estimates that about 85 percent of guys this population is now you displaced thousands of protest as have rallied again in tel aviv demanding the release of is really hostages seized by how many are also calling for new elections in israel. where the government is coming under increasing pressure to find a long term solution to the conflict both from abroad and at home. a correspondent . yeah. and then if schoultz was at the demonstration and spoke to, one of the protest is again, thousands of people that have come through the streets and nights to increase pressure on this riley governments to find a way to bring the husbands. this home with me is me. hi, a good evening. if i have missed a has one of our hostages still in guys up. hello. yes. hi. can you tell me why did
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you come here tonight? yeah. come in every week. first, do just look at the audience. eli just charge my advisor here and after the week, i mean you have a lot of support from these valley grout. and i come here to to keep the pressure on the government to release my by doing the rest of the hostages, all as a 2 year old son, rusty's motto at home. and you need the spider back as soon as possible. there are reports about possible you hosted talks. does this make you more hopeful? i actually hear those defaults since day one. i try not to think about it too much because in most cases we were disappointed. so i'm try to think about things that i can,
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i can control and not change that i cannot thank you very much and all of us, 84 days since the kidnapping. but people certainly don't give up. hope you're turning elsewhere in on. moscow says it's over tally, age after ukrainian. miss alden drone attacks killed at least 18 people in the southern russian city of belgrade. russia's defense ministry says, a dozen rockets were destroyed over the region. the strikes came a day after a huge russian badge across ukraine. killed at least 39 civilians. the shock and disbelief. the daytime is sold set of air raid sirens, sending people into the streets. russia assessed the attack hits a residential area the kremlin reported shooting down
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doesn't so few crazy and drones and rockets as far away as the moscow region in the city of belgrade is just 30 kilometers from the ukrainian border and has been shown before. cube usually dozens claim responsibility for attacks on russian territory. but previous heavy russian assaults on ukrainian cities have been followed by strikes against russia. on friday, russian forces launched more than a 100 miss on and drug and attacks on cities across the ukraine. like here in odessa, ukraine has described it as the biggest ariel bar osh since the sauce of the war. almost 2 years ago. russia drove shop criticism as a united nations security council meeting. mister president, surgically 2023 is ending as he began with the investigating violence against the people off a crane is once again the credit is are forced to spend the holidays seeking sense
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of cleaning the rabbit and dirty and the dead m. it's freezing, some for reaches. russia has now requested a security council meeting about the strikes on ballad the road, calling it a terrorist attack and saying it will not go unpunished. keith has reported additional russian thrown attacks on ukrainian soil from on russia's massive ariel a sold. we off the security analyst, i'm going to the cyber most. so what this is about russia is capacity to re, um, where, where the, the actually showed was that russia was ready to use a lot of the me size and of the sort of crews on, and probably stick me size as well as draws that data have produced over the last year year in particular, and that it was ready really to make our show a false. what is also indicates is that, um, you know, it shows that the russians actually have pre,
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bombed their industrial capacity very much over the last 2 years. these be done very soon after the start of the russian invasion of the brain when russia or the russian leadership to get that we are 1000000 on the dogs decided to sort of, um, start searching on that russian economy on i was looking and already lost. yeah. we saw a rush started using me sizes that were produced in 2022, so they should not come as a surprise. i think that the russians seems ready to invest very much on defense spending, which is expected to increase about 70 percent in 2024. they this what we presented to over 606.5 percent off rushes on for a g d p output and and, and the defense spending is intended to be around. 1 between 3540 percent of all the different spending. so i think that the russians, you know, clearly are ready to continue with is
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a goal. i'm to be ready to achieve some of their objectives. so that, that is really what is showing what is what frustrates attempting to achieve, i think, is to sort of, uh, send a message to the ways that, uh, you know, there is no point in re, i mean ukraine or has been ukraine because russia has the capability to hate to very effectively on hardly we, on a massive scale if necessary, was dominant to the 2nd most so from king's college. london are now days of heavy rainfall have triggered flooding in several areas of northern and eastern germany. experts are concerned about the condition of dikes that are needed to prevent additional flooding. residents of joining emergency efforts to prevent further damage even as forecast as predict more rain to come sand bags and there are thousands to reinforce saturated dykes here and holding hag and lower sacks. any relief workers are scrambling to protect the town center and the serengeti part and
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area that normally houses giraffes, antelopes and other wild animals is under water. the animals have all been brought to safety on higher ground. the situation is challenging, even for experienced rescue workers. yeah, i'm here, these are feel, i know if i log in these months like this. so something that's a firm is who believes that for many years or have never seen the full optim further north on the same river, the battle to contain the waters is in full swing. the water is half a meter high. in the heart of the town of beard, but his slowly receding. the fire department makes regular checks, but their efforts are being hampered as if i get it was a huge challenge yesterday. i'd say we had a lot of flood tours here who really hinder the emergency services, obviously. and that's why we close the streets here in the town center in the early hours of the morning and stuff. but i invite told me that after days of flooding,
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relief in hot drinks are more than welcome to over to the further west and lower sacks. to me, the situation is tens. what stable the rain is gone for now. but the devastation could leave a lasting mark. flooding in a tunnel on the river thames, and the u. k. as broad or eurostar train services to a hold that's disrupting holiday travel plans of thousands of people bound full paris, brussels and amsterdam, as well as london on winds and heavy rain of battle. griffin forecast as one of more stormy weather music for the masses. stranded at london saint pancras station, a flooded tunnel has brought eurostar trains to a standstill and disrupted holiday plans. many travelers are now scrambling to
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reach their destination as the clock ticks down to 2024. i am devastating. i've just had to cry. i just want to get it clear the others are leaving their plans up to date. uh well, i would love to stay another couple of days in a loan that might cost a lot of money to enjoy and we'll see circumstances the chaos started when this undersea rail tunnel flooded in england. which is being hit by a spell of severe weather. the rail operator says the flooding is unprecedented. the euro star trains link london to mainland europe in paris. the cancellations mean the honeymoon is over for a newly wed couple. and also, as i said,
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we are financing the trip with our wedding gift. so to see go up in smoke like this, we wouldn't be able to get anything back except maybe the price of the outboard ticket. so we're obviously devastated on the 5th. some are working slot out to find a solution. no plan right now. we're on the line with the travel agent and she's trying to find a hotel looking good. it's the 2nd disruption for euro star passengers this holiday season. after workers in france hit the picket lines, days before christmas, between strikes and storms. nerves are being tested in the final days of the festive traveling rush. still in england, zookeeper, the celebrating the successful beth of a critically endangered dancing lima. it was actually born on september 21st, but chest as who has only just released these images. the species is on the threat from deforestation and its native home madagascar. here's why it's known as the
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dancing lima. the 70 got the moves that's once life is up next. following an object race competitor. it's a trains as dogs for one of the most challenging dogs that races on ice told me a lot of going by land towards the come have a page of this out to the highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually that hamburger is not made from cows.


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