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tv   Mediterranean Journey  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 4:30am-5:01am CET

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in 60 minutes on d w. well, the in progress of pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about the topic. the concern about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress, dw, talk. com. the, the mediterranean was once a major crossroads at the heart of the ancient. today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common? journalist las rog and joe far off to korea, travel the coasts of the mediterranean, in search of answers. you see yourself as
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a to be in june and responsibilities. how can you help me to join us to get to know the people and their dreams, mediterranean. the i'm, we still have one country to go on there. okay. i've just arrived in 10 to yeah. and will be visiting some useful cities to the mediterranean in the next few days. but i oh, that's missing now is just uh, i want to show him the and yet i know from my childhood and teenage days, tunzia with these continents and coaches meets. it's where the atlantic meets the mediterranean and to europe meets that for the kingdom of america. is located in
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north west and africa and pull this out. g area is just a few kilometers to, to browse that in europe. morocco has a, was 36000000 inhabitants a many, a 1000000 different 10 g f. whites moving to architecture, meet spanish and french colonial styles. everything is huddled together on a rocky outcrop. tool begins legend g, cafe hoffa, which is hardly changed since it was established in 1921. very welcome to 10 g. a. great to see a good jenny. no problem. very good. thanks. it looks fantastic. yeah. yeah. now let's you pay for blue is magic. well, it's really, really beautiful, except i brought your head because this cafe has views of the mediterranean. that's a pretty hard to box click and i'm copy. i'm into ma'am. us do appear in tangier. as no, i was going to amazing gem and
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a one of our special i spent my summer breaks in 10 year off to you. by what else connects you to morocco? well language, my lou and i definitely still feel a personal phones diesel. see what kind of bond i have not really. hey, i mean i visit tough and i understand this country and all for steve we making our way to the hoss of time to the medina. well, i'll see the ways that our allies, with the typical hausten and bustling of craft people. trade is small kit sang the cat faced because we now heading just took a doc, you may not be interested in. so i can like inside the know exactly what i do in front of it just took the better, right? so there's a sit on the outside in the, in the writing book, you know, what you'll do instead of using vice, this one to become a to go, i did on to you as a child, i was in schools by tunzia and mach,
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its with its many stems colors and in a tense the room is of spices and incense passport. uh no cuz that's calling on to and they ran to see i'd like to try that. i might think that we're going to give you credit been with us, so i'm putting them in your food. it's the power mastic. i'd like to take some of that. i'm looking forward to my invitation. sure. we'll have moroccan said invalid the ground. so co is the center of 10 to hear the medina meet, the new town on the south side of the square is the cinema riff on on it till to we discover some shed color and every ways they also have pomegranate jewels. yeah. yeah. when go palm granite, you choose, you want some, we tried kitchen, baby boot. so of course we have to give them a roof, couldn't become a granite juice to try now and i never, i loved pomegranate use in you. can you please process and use it done almost not even me then moroccans talk,
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i don't understand everything. i really have to listen closely because it's a completely different dialect. like, you know, i've never heard. so you have to be cleaned up for either. it's super exciting. she's talking, but suddenly i don't understand. i'm ready to call it is okay, that's fine. thanks. i'm just testing the now comes the test. this. it'd be good. i'm sure you like it. oh yeah, wonderful. tundi is growing, the beach permanent. here is 6 kind of mentioned snowman lined with hotels and clubs. in my childhood. it was mainly just beach train tracks and an old ferry towards the beginning, i'm rocco, is the predominant by muslim country of course. and then i'll, did you swim and jump around here in the beginning woman that's indicating that and assume suits you have on with bob. and i have to say what you were rough and didn't make a difference as far as to go hassle to him. we went to the router, i had cause to us who went into the water with the scotch and bob tongue. i were my
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simpson. it made no difference and we will experience deb scan, so i'll send if you do get harassed enough for that. yes, i think many young girls in this country and young women or older women face this kind of experience at the same time, i think in my, in main she's mostly men of so to speak, with those say very much shaped by the side. the so i have re unco cousins, place, man, relatives or acquaintances who aren't like that, who would completely respectful also those from very conservative families. they went martin se atheist, but deeply religious men who regularly prayed, fostered into religion and that tradition very seriously. well, but they knew the to women wearing schultz or a many scott who didn't cover half deserve the same respect. yeah, they, so this is a cool belief that's quite a blessed thing. i think from a female perspective, i'm a real co is more traditional than she nicea, but american women are gaining more and more rights to stay with males report. that
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reforms rely on new thinking. the problem in morocco is the lack of education and awareness. but it's not totally in morocco, the women that hire us to of course, say you would 2 or 2 were 18 or 20. would you let her wear a bikini if she asked you, who would that not be? okay for you? on the testing, she wants to see how she was raised. she did much submitted my thing. why is that? i'm just not convinced of the idea here. thanks for your time to be fully given your georgia. oh sure. no problem. uh, conversation show the people here definitely have critical thoughts, but also often then not translated into action because of old is not make traditions on select his courage. no,
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just when it comes to gender machines the this afternoon i'm meeting with a dedicated to animal welfare. what can hello, hello everyone. in the middle of 10 to you, i came across the dog, actually quite a few dogs. so you can hear this and listen fucking going on. i'm here visiting a great project to exclude the high yacht project and just let but it's initiate to send email. i'm looking forward to meeting her and hearing her story. come doing me since 2013. so we met kadelli unto organization high out, which means nice in arabic, has been caring 6th street animals and needs detain. this managed to rescue as soon as he samson dogs, lots and lots of caps. i'm countless don't keys. who did you get associated with the projects going on between? you mean it was when i was 8 in the class,
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they will not stray dogs where i live. it was way her from school. i saw the dogs were dying little, or someone in the neighborhood was afraid of dogs, and had complained the luckless search she's been put portion of me with some wood shop. can wonder how can we use most the committee such atrocities the determine? the name is connie. okay, nice to you to me now. oh so you come beautiful. he has to come on. how? oh, he's very happy to see me. i'm sure it's sometimes less is enough. definitely 100. it's the whole world and i was good. what's his name? is it a he rashid? and that's probably, that's because it's a he and his name is here, or this. her name is divine, the from dogs, the tech to mine for those know how clever than f a from helmer or oh i neighborhood you may not far from here. yeah. even do you find finish me for wrong?
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i had turned around and she was in multiple times. you for 3 days, what did you try to talk to the previous so not the top team. what did you say? no. you know animal welfare organizations like this one, the not just about helping animals. and you need to understand people to we shouldn't forget what many papers are on education department. just thought it was no voicemail, no power. the mileage though not from tomorrow. it doesn't. you know, it's hard for them to take care of it. don't keep them so miserable. i'm out of mean i'm a head to say, i always tell them the most important part of islam. just want to pray or fast, but to help you, i'm as it is, you see don't keys everywhere. i'm the real kind of money, but they aren't treated very well. and as a child, i also found that's a bit strange, but some of them also had wins on that body and they were used intensively as working animals under the us. they help provide some income, so many people the,
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they're treated really very, very. but as i said i'm, i'm sending my also told us how long to send it along to needed. don't keys are often just discarded like pieces of garbage bar. the with pairings, fitness downtown, i'm leaving tons here where i spent the summer holidays with my parents in mural, couldn't relatives. and continuing as the winding roof mountains to i who see my 300 kilometers away well neighboring algeria was actually considered positive from some the colonial rule was given protectorate state to softer its division in 1912 the newest became a spanish protector. it's on the south, a french protect tourist whose email was on the spanish administration, entered independence in 1956 been divided in. i'm currently in a sima, a city located by the mediterranean, and in the notorious reef mountain. hosting also has an interesting history on the spanish influence,
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and i'm having the new hosting explain to me what's that specially spanish here today? sounds like everywhere else in northern monroe. okay, spain's influence can be seen in phelps here too. it's apparent in the architecture of the lifestyle the cuisine and the language. many knows americans speak spanish, just like i've done how me trace, who's been fascinated by the history of his cities since he was a child. that can be not. yeah. so seeing all what we now in the city center of i see my standing in front of this beautiful bills, i think. what is it that the do the free will pick him that also easily. now a private school for children from l o. c and the surrounding the own eligible came in and the said anyone can bring the children here to the classes that tours in spanish you want. it's funny in all subjects. well, she just me and the subjects are in spanish, the sciences and humanities seems you up to graduating from high school. students
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can study american universities in robots, wholesale, touch, one, tangier, and so on. but also in spain or elsewhere because they have spanish qualification by the americans. and i'm speaking many languages in how many american speak 4 or 5 languages. i find they often speak spanish, french english, arabic and to reach the canal arabic. 5 languages in total loss or what language do you prefer and what language do you think can dream either generally in the time of the to the precisely ratio specific pretty or is the language spoken by my parents and and so says is what the dog because if you're out of graduates from the spanish high school in sima or not to study in spain around 90 percent of them see this opportunity once they've finished university, most of the come back to the roof, go to visit the families what
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kind of lives the women lead in today's, in their okay, how do they on money, particularly in the rear wheel regions? i'm leaving, i know sima and continuing my journey through the rest, taking risk mountains in the north of the country. this mountain, this region is very rugged to centuries. the people here has been self sufficient, goes and women in rural areas to with gaining more educational and employment opportunities these days. i'm meeting with an active women's come up per se the, the, the, the mind. you can tell from my hands. i mean north america near shift showing sibling city quite today. i'm visiting a women's co operative that cultivates mushrooms. and i'm really looking forward to doing my best to pharmacy. one of them is latifah mooney as
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a small business. so now she's defining patriarchal structures so much. hello, hello. how are you? i'm fine and you can make a to me as he can see, hey, is our main role materials and yeah, lots of them may i give it to try and help out of them. i've had to do it on the, to the back and i be of use i don't ever really because i'm, i'm not sure grab the pitch folk today because he gets tired of my doing it right. yes. do it again. wow, that's heavy. was this a tool called again and the mother of the oh wow, it's pretty big. we're putting the back that that's right. let me, let me click on causing mr. newton because because this stage, the filaments are still growing,
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we make sure we've had gloves and use their own lives to make holes like this, what has happened, and then the mushrooms grow as these home. and that's exactly how this on to when the back is completely wyant's, it looks like this is the measure of come out from the left and right side of the and also from here to the back to it is completely white. this is what it looks like. at the end of the j i name you can look at you for me because the mushrooms grow up from the side as you can see was a complete t, y. and as a bit of a problem, the main thing for the stock has talked to then that one, 0, how many machines you get per package of course. see how strongly tell the i'm to around $4.00 to $5.00 and a half, a few less kids. i really admire a lot to fire community into colleagues besides the co operative. they also have households to run that into and much, but they learn new things and work independently with like minded people. can i also so some
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just then comes the oil that's only for oil, right? yes, olive oil. oh it's still t. yes it is. but only for oil gives them a great chase through the top. mm hm. it is very tasty. i'm very r a messic with the olive oil and the lady, i don't know big pizza with it, among other things. so it's highly increasing has also made it to shift show and they know certainly sell the cultivated mushrooms in their own shelves. these mushrooms have once again gained a reputation as a specialty throughout the region. deeper in the risk mountain disclose the viper blue with the fascinating city of chef showing until 1920 christians with
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a bidding from entering. today the city is a major tourist attraction. it was founded in 1471 as a minute to base, defend of the portuguese, and become welcoming from shift show and environment assigned, useful blue city. and i'm about to meet with him man who has adults to tell me about. so you can come up here and have to turn on moody on is this thing as she tells me, that the blue protects against the evil gaze. jews expelled from spain, took refuge here and elsewhere in america, in the 15th century, many american customs, a jewish and took, must have been adopted by muslim americans. like painting the rules please. and is introduced to me to the members of the hot truck females to see musicians go back a long way in more. okay. the system is a form of is nomic mysticism. the women usually performed for women at family celebrations, religious events like mileage. the prophet's birthday and the legend dream,
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the roman catholic cannon special head jewelry, or an absolute must be the traditional clay. this remind me of my childhood, of a wedding into 12. the thing is addressed in no small contradiction in time to touch while uncheck sean. yes. and these traditional haps shut this some say shit that will hand to is that i can touch one. now i know that you many decades ago, 100 thing is one of the right to be seen and heard any way. they now perform on television and concepts. so take part in international festivals with all the arabs, sci fi bands, these sci fi, women's singing, has become famous, far beyond the borders of, nor okay, the
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to, and this is like a little trip back in time. in my life. it takes me back to my childhood when i had precisely the sorts of women's voices, the voices of women from a missing country. women all resting themselves in this way, having fun dumb saying it's really talk shameful in that moment. those kinds of moments have given me is so much with them. you'll also see just much could give them hot. i feel listening. women have so much to give and so much into town goofy to. and i'm delighted that so many young women a role. so preserving this heritage side and the doing it so loudly with joy and pride of the rule, they have no reason to hide. morocco has read the sign of the times. an energy revolution is taking place here on a huge scale. here in the middle of the does, it is the world's largest concentrated solar power plants. the sola tower captures
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the light reflected by hundreds of thousands of power of lake mara's and converts it into energy. the entire complex has a capacity of $518.00 megawatts, with nearly $365.00 days of sunshine a year for cheating that snow sun realistic. the country aims to generate type of 50 percent of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 21st see the pleasure to fish to sedan. the dentist is the tradition. i'm here in the elements, the hotel, which has a very no exciting history and how to open up the this is the face of identity today. she's responsible for helping develop a cause in there. okay? that could stay in dependency, isn't even working until behind maroka to vine. team of the 100 percent american e car is still under development, but the mechanical engineer, counts have been up to and as he sees the future in email ability,
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even foss cough on came home at the 6 support such campaigns. let people think there were no electric cars in morocco and that they won't be available until 2050 because it's an african country because it's just not true. americans are acquainted with the state of the, our technologies. they like new technologies, move in the couch and then after the swamps affordable and environmentally friendly electric cars. everyone him are okay. that there's one little obstacle that's interested in many countries. which about charging station when just charge your com. so i kind of see a single charging station he asked me to get, so i don't like in europe who, because that's true. however, several companies have joined forces to build charging stations and morocco. these stations were installed in gas stations because on average,
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people spend almost an hour their resting or eating lunch. i mean electric car generally takes an hour to recharge. once we have create at the true foundation for this eco system, the electric vehicle market will explode. i'm really convinced of this along with many others working in this field because i like her and sees yes and i'm returning to 10. she is l stating old town, a magnet for individuals since office. numerous design is writers and musicians such as eastern new home island, ginsburg and mick jagger have come here in search of inspiration in world war 2. it was also a haven, so many refugees. i've met up with jeff thought again to show him my absolutely favorite place in this city. the. this is the civilized lighthouse, as you see in the community, that we will not the new tool we saw. okay, how do you in this way?
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and i have a very long and very intense relationship that's used to the since he wouldn't be hired without it. or, and i was, i was say we just 14 kind of messes away from here right now when we talk on the mediterranean and between exactly the mediterranean, by separate sam connected to this region, each side by the bias loading in the other off as a sign he gets it for some, this is about a tourism and having fun on the beach on the you mustn't forget that over 18000 people have died in the sea in recent years as the mediterranean because they have been increasing conflict in recent decades to economic environmental technological and political reasons, i'm on my mind waiting to hear in there. okay. and of course, when my father went ahead and left here on his own place and married my mother and came to gemini. and his idea was also to ensure his children would have the best of future, you know, but you don't, you, you lose. so want to move forward and provide depression, future feel right. and children. so the next generation nice. again,
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that's 2 and that's, that's a how much the yeah is enough. they've grown more reflective, was a whole trip for you spot. it was fascinating. fundament, i mentioned kind of interesting people with great projects to a full of how to drive in on. and i just really wished that this region can move forward, and that even more people are inspired by the using as the they get involved and don't afraid to affect change to promote freedom on human rights. i and the guy had mentioned what i stuff lot, of course on the southern side, there's still a lot to do to. it's more precarious. exactly. just of course there's still a lot left to do. but i'm really curious to see how the region will develop. and you will see each other in 10, mister will do is again, i'd say, are twins on his point in the district. either we agree that there's a melting positive coaches around the mediterranean, a wonderful distinctive mix of european arab and african ingredients. and
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it's precisely this diversity that makes the region so rich and promising the, or the
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it's time for vision, race for sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobo revolution. in
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30 minutes on the w, the click, the queen and her empire of crime, russia ignore to the sales one, cooling one point, a made up currency. we want to be the number one. and then she disappears without the training on the top 10 list, the cartel leaders assigned this swelling about the world's most wanted woman. in 60 minutes on d. w. woman. in 60 minutes on d. w, the adviser and under the listening place of along the mediterranean sea saying this, amazon and jeff are up to coming to us exploring motor in large styles,
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too amy and admitted to a man jenny this week on dw, these places in europe smashing the rank one step into a bold adventure. it's the treasure map for martin clo to discover some of us regular bragging sites on youtube. and also the,
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[000:00:00;00] the this has dw news line from the land, no end inside, or the wall in guys. is there any problem and a sentence and, you know, says the fighting will continue for many more months as war planes and launched the deadly strikes on refugee camps and guidance crowd into shrinking refugee refuges from the bottom. also coming up russia, it strikes again for


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