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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this has dw news line from the land know and inside of the war and guys are ready prime. and his sentence in, you know, says the fighting will continue for many more months as war planes and launched the deadly strikes on refugee camps and guidance crowd in to shrinking refugee refuges from the bottom. also coming up russia, it strikes again for
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a massive weekend as drive on it, and the bottle neighbor must go launches fresh, sold overnight, following a deadly bombardment of washington. and we look back at the champions of 2023, from spain's walk up. controversy, joke of each making, having some history the i'm telling you a lot of welcome to the program is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the war with how much will continue for many more months in the gaza strip is ready forces, pressing their offensive against how may i ask for the south when it to now said they able to take control of gas as border with egypt and the last 24 hours and strikes and artillery? 5, the have killed dozens of civilians, according to the how must run health and ministry. and that's put even more
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pressure on displace palestinians seeking refuge from the islands. as israel plans to take control of the area around the gulf is border with egypt, the displace palestinians crammed the streets of rafa the town right next to that folder. they have come here to escape intense fighting in south and central garza. they flee with just the bare essentials. everyone is looking for shelter. and space is running out there and we came here 20 days ago. we couldn't find any place to put to 10 west staying at the stairs at the most of the if not. so we know the situation is tragic. we don't have drinking more so we don't have food. i like the kids wake up in the morning one to to eat without water to drink the problem. it took us one hours to find water for them. we could not find flour,
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even when we want to take them to the toilet. it took us an hour to with the aid organizations of struggling to provide basic sanitation facilities to cope with the rising number of people. in rafa, these 40 still 7 area when many hundreds now lives adding to the spiraling humanitarian prizes. the will continues in central 1000 rescue was raised to find survives, it says that my goal is the cam officer is riley strikes in the area. and israel's army is pushing into the southern city of con eunice as they try to eliminate him mass, which is widely considered the terrorist organization. as the intense conflict moves, the south displaced palestinians are running out of places to flee,
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to thousands of protest as have rallied again in tel aviv demanding the release of his ready hostages. seized by how much many uh, also calling for new elections in israel, where the government is coming under increasing pressure to find a long term solution to the conflict both for abroad and at home. oh, correspondent young philip schultz was at the demonstration and spoke to one of the protest as again, thousands of people have come through the streets and nights to increase pressure on this riley governments to find a way to bring the husband just home with me is me hi, a good evening. this is, miss ha, has one of our hostages. still in guys up. hello, miss. hi. can you tell me, why did you come here tonight? hey, i come in every week. first to just look at the audience. eli just charge my advisor here after the week. i mean you have
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a lot of support from these valley grout. and i come here to, to keep the pressure on the government to release my by doing the rest of the hostages, all as a 2 year old son, rusty's mondays at home and he need the spider back as soon as possible. there are reports about possible you hosted talks. does this make you more hopeful? i actually hear those april. it's since day one. i try not to think about it too much because in most cases we were disappointed. so i'm try to think about things that i can, i can control and other things that, that i cannot thank you very much and all of us, 84 days since the kidnapping. but people certainly don't give up. hope you're moscow has launched a fresh, a real assault on ukraine
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a day after what's being called. it's biggest strike on its neighbor. comes after rush of out to a vendor ukrainian miss island drawn strike, which attacks which killed at least 20 people in the southern russian city of overrode. now the stripes came a day after a huge russian barrage killed at least $39.00 civilians in ukraine. the shock and disbelief that day time is sold set of air raid sirens, sending people into the streets. russia assessed the attack, hits a residential area the kremlin reported shooting down doesn't so few crazy and drones and rockets as far away as the moscow region. the city of belgrade is just 30 kilometers from the ukrainian border and has been shouted before
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t v. usually dozens claim responsibility for attacks on russian territory. but previous heavy russian assaults on ukrainian cities have been followed by strikes against russia. on friday, russian forces launched more than a 100 miss on and drug and attacks on cities across the ukraine. like here in odessa, ukraine has described it as the biggest ariel better are since the stalls of the war. almost 2 years ago. russia drove shop criticism as a united nations security council meeting. mister president, surgically 2023 is ending as he began with investigating violence against the people of the crane is once again the credit is are forced to spend the holidays seeking sense of cleaning the rabbit and dirty and the dead m it's freezing temperatures. russia has now requested a security council meeting about the strikes on valid the road, calling it
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a terrorist attack and saying it will not go unpunished. keith has reported additional russian, thrown attacks on ukrainian soil. eurostar says it's trains connecting a bridge into the continental resume service on sunday morning following a day long halt that stranded thousands of holiday travelers are flooding in a tunnel under the river thames in the u. k. severed us dogs, london parish link disrupting travel between those cities as well as brussels and amsterdam. now the resumption comes after a frustrating wait for passages on both sides. the channel music for the masses stranded at london saint pancras station. a flooded tunnel has brought eurostar trains to a standstill and disrupted holiday plans. many travelers are now scrambling to
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reach their destination as the clock ticks down to 2024. i'm to ever say and i just had to cry. i just want to get it clear these others are leaving their plans up 2 feet wide front of cables. uh well, what i would love to stay another couple of days might cost a lot of money to enjoy and we'll see circumstances the chaos started when this undersea rail tunnel flooded in england, which is being hit by a spell of severe weather. the rail operator says the flooding is unprecedented. the euro star trains link london to mainland europe in paris. the cancellations mean the honeymoon is over for annually wed couple. most of the way, as i said,
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we are financing the trip with our wedding gift. so to see go up in smoke like this, we wouldn't be able to get anything back except maybe the price of the outboard ticket. so we're obviously devastated to some are working slot out to find a solution. no plan right now. we're on the line with fed travel agents and she's trying to find a hotel looking good. it's the 2nd disruption for euro star passengers this holiday season after workers and friends hit the picket lines. days before christmas, between strikes and storms. nerves are being tested in the final days of the festive traveling rush. the days of heavy rainfall have triggered flooding in several areas of northern and eastern germany. experts are concerned about the condition of dikes that are needed to prevent additional flooding. residents of joining emergency efforts to prevent further damage giving us full cost us predict more rain to come sand bags in their thousands to reinforce saturated dikes here
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and holding hag and lower sacks. any relief workers are scrambling to protect the town center and the serengeti park and area that normally houses, draft, antelopes and other wild animals is under water. the animals have all been brought to safety on higher ground. the situation is challenging, even for experienced rescue workers. yeah, i mean these are feel, i know if i log into floods like this, so something that's a farm is who have lived here for many years, or have never seen the full optim further north on the same river. the battle to contain the waters is in full swing. the water is half a meter high in the heart of the town of baird, but as slowly receding. the fire department makes regular checks, but their efforts are being hampered as if i guess it was a huge challenge yesterday. i'd say we had a lot of flood tours here who really hindered the emergency services obviously. and that's why we close the streets here in the town center in the early hours of the
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morning and stuff, but i invited mucous pads after days of flooding, relief and hot drinks are more than welcome to resume the further west and lower sacks. to me, the situation is tens. what stable the rain is gone for now, but the devastation could leave a lasting mark. 2023 was a busy year in sports with well cups and football rugby and basketball among others, and some big stories to boot. the tribes upsets and farewells. here's a look back at some of the events the made the headlines. i just said he finds out some things and sports feeling nervous about like know, event joke of h. when in grand slam titles, he became the most successful may apply or in tennis history. with 3 more and 20233 was also the magic number for max for stopping. so that's one side. so for him, can any one stop the flying dutchman next year?
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and he wrote the south african celebrated that country defending its wells comp crown. for 2023 wasn't told about the merits ability. there was room for shock and disbelief as wow, jeremy's basketball team upsetting the odds to win the world top success on the course. but not the pitch. germany's football team struggled with both men's and women's coaches, the passing of the world comp. jeremy's women wins house in the group stage, but the tournament is one by spain was overshadowed by one man spanish f. a boss luis would be all is, is non consensual case of jenny and most so that's a wide spread protests and eventually his resignation. elsewhere in football, but with new horizons for the games, greats and goods, christiane, every now they move to saudi arabia, a statement of intent from
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a country that wants to increase its influence on. well sports do you know, may see. meanwhile, when states side joining n n a side into miami, which is co owned by david beckham dimensions of the game bid farewell, the us is making the piano and canada is christine some crap. both were tiring to some of the candidates stones of a few to help them win. the billie jean king top tennessee is 2024 season is already underway. hands with the olympic games in paris is the headline match, new sporting. you will have plenty more to offer watching the news. here's a reminder of our top stories is really 5 minutes have mentioned, and less nowadays is a nation's war against time. us will continue for many more months. debbie strikes of refugee thompson and central guys of israel's chronicles has shifted no offensive. the south russia has
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a balance of retaliation after ukrainian strikes killed at least 18 people. then just 100 southern system. sound good shot down more than 30 printing and rockets and drones. sound of life is up after a short break and looking at the dogs, med racing, the officer. i'm only allowed to claim that in anything the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts or you think your kid is 2 different, risky,


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