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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 31, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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of this kind of fun, it feels like therapy the this is the w news life from, but in most strikes on garza and no new year piece initiative. israel prizes a head with it's offensive. the prime minister again was this international calls for a ceasefire, saying the war will go on for many months. process targets, ukraine's capital and other cities, including hawk. if most of says the bottom, it is the investigation for a deadly attack on the bank of origin. russia, the
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i'm been visible and welcome. we begin with the war and gaza, where there is no sign of any new year piece initiative, and he's well is pressing ahead with his offensive. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu says hostilities will continue for many months. is where the military says it's withdrawing some troops from gaza, but it's not clear how many the war against hamas is putting more pressure on displaced palestinians trying to find a safe place to stay. at 10 story building is raised to the ground and it is rarely a strike on han eunice at tex, hair have intensified in the last week of the yeah. as israel set aside on the south of the gaza strip, the rescue workers search for survivors of shuttling and elsewhere in the city set
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off israel's, um, it has been pushing into con eunice as it tries to eliminate a mouse, which is widely considered a terrorist organization. the this video from the israel defense forces claims to show a ration against him off targets. in con eunice, israel says it has stormed the headquarters of a mazda as intelligence wing in the city. saw the south on the border with egypt, at least a $100000.00 displays. palestinians have arrived in the desolate areas on the outskirts of rest in recent days and the cause of the model of the whole of guys it has been destroyed. people can't celebrate the new year don't model because our homes have been destroyed. i hope the world will end soon. hope we can survive and live with dignity. i hope we can return to our homes, go back to school. we return to everything that is familiar to us and the number
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here know a little how to be was in the in house. with item has a very been around the world is celebrating the new year, watching fireworks display and the for us any fireworks. i miss them. i know we have these rockets and explosions to 2024 is likely to bring more suffering from many thousands with the un warning that lack of supplies have left nearly half of them at risk of famine. peace in augusta remains a distant hype. the u. s. military says it's killed 10 medium and even cheap levels who attacked the merchant ship and the red sea. maybe helicopters responded to a distress call from the vessel and saying several booty, boats. as the rebels attempted to board shipping jobs mask says it has now suspended all shipping through the red sea. the hudy's have been attacking ships, they are linking to israel. it's, well, it's been 2 weeks since the us set up a task force to safeguard ships in the red sea,
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but there's no back up in the tax. is also a copy from harvard university. now the attacks continue because they're not driven by any strategic goal. they're not driven by any military goal. rather merely intended by that. who if he's as a propaganda propaganda war to protect themselves as heroes in the middle east and focusing on external enemies rather than on their own humanitarian crisis. their own ongoing corruption and despotic role. within human does a conflict the humanitarian causes within human that's holding hostage 29000000 gemini's for the past 9 years. and clearly focusing on the external enemy with an israel's far easier for that was used to do then work in their own development within young men itself. so what is going to stop these attacks? at the who is the zip move themselves into the israel doesn't work. and not
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only because they see how popular it is in the street, the number of hundreds of thousands of families pouring out into the street in support of the palestinians and against israel. but really because these see this as an opportunity to both furnish their own credentials coming into the conflict coming into the peace negotiations. besetti ravia. busy so to put themselves behind the shield of gaza, they realize very clearly that the international coalition that has been put together by the united states is limited specifically by the ability of other countries to join the war. because joining the work and so it, these would be supporting israel. what about around, is there something i can do? so the diplomatic efforts over the past 9 years within human, specifically related to the uranium supported militias,
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the hoses have only led to the feasibility to rearm. specifically, after the 2016 triple medic negotiations that led to a cease fire in the western you have any part of how data allowed that with these to retake the port n game at an incredible advantage in the red sea, both in terms of arms and militarization, and we'll see the ramifications of that data ceasefire. so the negotiations with the run that won't necessarily lead towards any further. so as far as uh, if anything at this place uh the scenario as it's playing out in the southern roads see works very much into the rainy, larger mission within the middle east. the stabilize the various different countries and to work together with the militias in the ground. and in order to create professional chaos in the middle east, which target specifically the gulf countries, the girl golf oil countries, middle east analyst shuttle heavy. russia has targeted the east and ukraine against
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city of hockey, stepping up its bombardment in the wake of the biggest aerial assault. and as for the kremlin, says, the strikes are being metalli ation for a ukrainian attack on the southern russian city of bedrock. more than 20 people were killed the aftermath of any sort of cod please. you prince, the 2nd largest city. your cleaning office, you'll see restaurants, military struck the city center 6 times septic residential buildings, shops and a medical facility vir hit. the hockey spell is one of the cities most of what is what is what's badly damaged to this attack sounds of type of document of discussion board to city. i'll spell it out on saturday. rush, you'll see if this was a ukrainian strike and that it gets dozens of people and injured many others. the
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ukrainian government has not especially commented on the banquet or to attack moscow fees. it's lead to strikes on the card. keep. why didn't do that using the felt good order attack room is a little problem, is that today you cranes on full size motion attack with multiple rocket launches, no city of belgrade or civilians, including children, were killed. responding to this terrorist act, russian falls, instruct, decision making, sent his mother to facility use by the criminal key regime in the city of hockey. that is really your way and the product of the ukraine attacks on been cut out, but apparently in response to the mass of air to sort by moscow on friday. consider the largest either story since the start of the war to a wasting all day. today we have been hearing reports on the off the math of the russian strikes. i feel like he's good. okay. what's the in totals have more than a 120 of us cities and villages stuff. he said he was 139 people see what killed
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activities to these latest escalations some at the time when you create new struggling to secure more rest and funding for, for the military. it almost 2 years into the war turning through some of the other stories making headlines at this hour. presidents fit exchange, the katie has been bringing back to didn't come the official results. so 173 percent of the vote. the election was bond by irregularities. voting had to be extended by a day. several opposition candidates accused the government of fraud. queen margaret to the 2nd of denmark has announced a surprise application giving i give you a speech. you 83 year old mona will step down in january of to $52.00. he is on this fine. she'll be succeeded by her eldest son, crown prince. i confess you just as so here in, by the end, it's not yet even a ton of the year. and they've been the 1st hospitalizations from 5 works and emergency workers have been attacked with fine works in the past days. again,
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police out in force to try to prevent any repeat of violence which month last year is new year's celebrations. the boy in gaza has added detentions in the german capital. your alarm bells are ready ringing for gemini is emergency services. they feed the ton of, they see a good 10 not to be just as violent as last time. many firefighters and police were attacked with pyrotechnics. the government is concerned about that happening again . i'm worried that on yours if we could, once again experienced blind rage and sensors violence felon police are even appealing to the public not to make them the target. police don't attack us as we don't shoot at us with the pyrotechnics and fire crickets. while violence against the emergency services has been rising all year new year's eve, known as the vesta leaves them, especially exposed demons can legally by fi works for
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a few days at the end of each year. but some use the pyrotechnics to attack those who have that to help for me because you know, every attack on the person in uniforms. whether it's a firefighter, the police officer ambulance worker, isn't a tech on the stage. i thought we, i'm not just helping the fire department about the whole community that lynn is deploying an extra $2800.00 police offices on the streets this year and fireworks are banned in some areas of the city. the authorities are determined to prevent any repeats of seems like things. as a political correspondence, alex gast has more on what's likely to be a tense night here in the they all been uh, germans and put in is in general of them. they like to spend a lot so for money and fire crackers and empire techniques. and they spend lots of money busy again. so the pots you already, he is on going, you can, you can see,
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you can tell you, can, you can hear the fire crickets going off and about 200 meters from here, from where i'm spending. that's the big pots you're already going on with up to 65000 people participating at the brendan book gave. but all this comes on the very heavy security measures about 4000 pull. the police offices are deployed in the city and building a loan business, a 1000 more compared to the us t. and this is to prevent that. we see the violent scenes of new year's eve. the riots that we have seen lost in berlin, where, where people attacked to use power techniques to a tech police officer to attack the ambulance. and further measures include to prevent these students are happening again, include to banning off pyrotechnics and some zones of the lynn and also, i mean, we have just seen it in the report even of poverty, coal by the building police, so not to make them the targets again, so basically assigned for specific you ation is full of police officers and
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firefighters. i so police, out and about of the straits on my way into work as of today. is it too early to tell whether the extra security measures that having an effect well, i mean, even the head of the building police has just said 2 days ago, despite all these security measures, she does not believe that these measures will help to prevent all kinds of, of violence from, from emotion he involved in. so even the police expect that we will see violence scenes that we will see attack attacks against police officers. the question is just to what extent and if it will be less violence, so more violent then then in the last year and so far we have seen some individual cases that are already some $55.00 the symbol and they go detect and also kind of 8 now the building may have and he has just announced that to him and i quote to you that if necessary, 2 nights will be also
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a night of repression. so he really is determined to act in a, in a rough way against people who are misusing these pyrotechnics to a to, to a tech and to a tech police officer. but we will have to see how this unfolds tonight. so about so a couple of hours until midnight and updates it could be um, could become much much tasha for police and firefighters. alex, thanks for timing in and the type the both of us get home safely. thank you for watching dw news. finally, we wish you all happy new year as countries ringing in 2024 to by having lit up. as it's close struck midnight, the capital of the united arab emirates staging a spectacular display centered on the world's tallest building. the bullish on the phone, the there's plenty of all to come as you are a fan, the america has joined defining,
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soon. enjoy i made visible and thanks for watching and see you. next year the we said there about never getting up every weekend on d. w. i mean,
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i know that means.


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