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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the dw made for mines the, this is dw news live from to a live people around the world celebrate the new, fabulous from hong kong to karachi. and to right, welcome to don't us 2024 with 5 weeks music and a desk. show you some of them old memorable festivities this out also on the program pull starts on gaza and no new york pace initiative is now the height of a safe spot in the palestinian territory as israel's military and fleet,
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as planned for the long hold in the can find, you must know plus russia talking to friends, capital, and other cities, including hockey ghost as the bombardment is in retaliation for a deadly attack on belgrade. and rushed the . i'm anthony out, welcome to the program. across asia, europe and africa, people are celebrating the start of a new year with the americas soon to fall. the cities from oakland to do by have and on to london have lived up the night sky with pyrotechnics to welcome 2024. so many new uses more than just a potty. it's a celebration of hope for the future. the people across the world have been ushering in the stuff to the new. yeah.
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the tie can, but sol, buying costs arriving in 2024 with the firework display along the cities, riverfront and performances and events. the residence of karachi pakistan bid farewell to the old. yeah. one full of political upheaval. and i'm blogger, we're gay. margaret sand and we want a new year to be best for pakistan on the year 2023 was a year of crises. people have been very disturb. whatever happened this now in the past, and we wished the new year to be good for our country, particularly for young people, the top of it on the top of the cab side firework central by ordinary berlin is around the tvs house and across the
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city side, with the official extravaganza at the landmarks, brandon, but gates with policy go is share that hopes for the new. yeah, we hope things come down and ukraine and elsewhere. the people stay healthy and that we can finally move width and for each other again in harmony. as off, no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now. it's not good kind of call and go on like that. for every one of us, i wish not happiness and good health. i'm going type. the service in romans gathered in the h and cities vegas, public square. the perhaps adel popular to see in the new yes. industries,
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capital room of the absence sprains its pyrotechnic display with a monument from its false celebrating its hopes for the future to god's and now where there is no sign of any new yet peace initiative, and these ro is pressing ahead with its offensive prime minister benjamin netanyahu state as hostilities will continue for many months, is ralph new latrice says it, it's with boring, some troops from gaza, but it's not clear how many war against the masses putting more pressure on displaced palestinians trying to find a safe place to stay. at 10 story building is raised to the ground and it is rarely as strike on han eunice at tex, hair have intensified in the last week of the yeah. as israel sets it's sites on
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the south of the gaza strip. the rescue workers search for survivors of shuttling and elsewhere in the city. israel's, um, it has been pushing into con units as it tries to eliminate him off, which is widely considered a terrorist organization. the this video from the israel defense forces claims to show a ration against him off targets in hon. eunice. israel says it has stormed the headquarters of a mazda as intelligence wing in the city, farther south, on the border with egypt. at least a $100000.00 displays, palestinians have arrived in the desolate areas on the outskirts of rest in recent days. and the cause of the model of the whole of guys it has been destroyed. people can't celebrate the new year. don't model
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because our homes have been destroyed. i hope the world will end soon. hope we can survive and live with dignity. i hope we can return to our homes, go back to school. we return to everything that is familiar to us and the number here. now a little how to be was in the in house with autumn had to wait for even around the world is celebrating the new year, watching fireworks display for us, the fireworks and miss them. i know we have these rockets and explosions. 2024 is likely to bring more suffering from many thousands. with the un warning that lack of supplies have left nearly half of them at risk of famine. a piece in garza remains a distant height. right, sending out to some of the other stories making headlines. this l. u. s. navy says it has sunk several you have many who the rebel boats and the red sea killing. some crew us troops on helicopter, stopped the militants from boarding
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a merchant ship. these admitted contain fighters were killed and wounded consequences. rebel griff has been attacked in ships. they say, linked to each file. let. president felix g security has been re elected in the democratic republic of congo. the official results. so he 173 percent of the vote election was mad by regularities. voting had to be extended by a day and civil opposition. candidates accused. the government for we migrate to the 2nd of denmark is announced a surprise abdication during her new year speech. yeah, the 3 year old, i'm on a full step down in january after 52 years on the try news to the succeeded by her eldest son, frown. prince, you just are doing full on us. russia who's talking to the east in ukrainian city of hockey, stepping up, it's bombardment in the wake of its biggest airy list solved in this war. the kremlin says the strikes in retaliation for
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a ukrainian attack on the southern russian city of belgrade. more than 20 people were killed the aftermath of in a sort of car keys. you prince, the 2nd largest city, your cleaning officer and see russia military struck the city center 6 times the residential buildings, shots and the medical facility vir hit. the hotkeys palace, one of the cities. most cortes was badly damaged this attack guns of to the document of the russian border city of belk road on saturday. rush, just see if this was a ukrainian strike and that it get dozens of people in injured many others. the ukrainian government has not especially commented on the banquet or to a dock. moscow fees. it's lead to strikes on the card. keep why didn't do that
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using the felt good order attack. what we're going to do a little problem is that today you cranes on full size motion attack with multiple rocket launches, no city of belgrade or civilians, including children were killed. responding to this terrorist act, russian falls, instruct, decision making centers, ministry facilities used by the criminal key regime in the city of hockey. that is really your way and the product of the ukraine attacks on been cut out, but apparently in response to the mass of air, to sort by moscow on friday consider to pick the largest edith story since the start of the war to when you're wasting all day today, we have been hearing reports on the off the math of the russian strikes to ask you a, he's good. okay. what's the in totals more than a 120 of us cities and villages stuff. he said he was 39. people see what killed activities and these latest escalations come at the time when you create a new struggling to secure more question, funding for, for the military. it almost to us into the war now. well,
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people in the northern latitudes may be enjoying relative comfort during the winter, many in the southern hemisphere, feeling the effects of the global climate crisis in 10 say during the brazilian summer, reflects and navigate of extreme with the events. and the urgency of doing something about the resilience are used to sweltering temperatures as the ends. it is summer after all, but this is heat, waves began months earlier than usual. the systems miles of the people are fainting, the subway. people don't feel well, it's too hot, a heat that people aren't used to smoke some others. however, 2023 shot to global climate reco. it's a boy the world meet your logical organization says it's the hottest year on record . about $1.00 degrees celsius warmer than in pre industrial times.
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and optic sea ice has never been sent to. and as sea levels rise, so the greenhouse gas concentrations and that's the 1st told me that with this whole series of connected indicates is as low as those greenhouse gas concentrations continue to increase the energy in the climate system. the temperature of the us will keep on increasing greenhouse gases emitted by burning fossil fuels, making stream where the, such as flooding in somalia. but it's more common and more intense by to eco systems of breaking down as ice sheets melt, permafrost falls, and coral rates die. at the un crime it talks
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in due by well fleet is agreed for the 1st time to transition away from fossil fuels. it was hailed as a breakthrough and yet many activists say the deal doesn't go far enough because it fails to specify phasing out fossil fuels. the what's the missing is fine step is massively needed to support developing countries for transition away from fossil fuels. scientists, one that if countries don't tact, fast enough, more climate records will be broken. dates of the past 2 years, i've been doing this, we said very similar things every single year. and so when for us that trends, if we ask us concentrations going up and down the sphere, then we'll continue to see more hips. so brazilian space and even hot to 2024. now jim and johnson, the old, i felt as used his new use message to one of the difficult times a hit. but on
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a positive note here, just germans have fight them themselves. laugh schultz is new years. address is a message of optimism. despite 2 thirds of germans being dissatisfied with his leadership. and that's the easiest way if i'm you. remember where we stood one year ago, numerous experts had full cost and economic downturn of 345 percent. many said that prizes would keep on rising, fight in on those things turned out differently because we held back that economics down to we saved energy and we made timely preparations. we all did together in mind. some shots defense is government's handling of domestic issues such as providing tax relief for germans on low incomes. and he thinks those who have helped in the flooding that has caused widespread damage in some areas of germany. while the world outside is into an oil,
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schultz sees an answer to international conflicts in europe and in being prepared for whatever happens in next use race for the white house. the i'm point, we have friends in europe and across the globe. these are partners with whom i discussed on a daily basis, how we will guarantee ya, security in germany and europe. officer will rushes of war in the east of our continents is no safe, nor is the on the conflict in the middle east. the overhead will also bring presidential elections in the united states, which may have far reaching consequences, including for us here in europe, all feelings here and hope. and to those who are politically active in germany, he calls for mutual respect. it was nothing gets better if we just talk about with each other instead of to each other. our strength for science and our readiness. a compromise in the efforts we put in for one another. while last year as a dress was dominated by foreign affairs. this year, the chancellor is urging germans to have faced in themselves. that's all the
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news, but now up next, some cold competition, sports life with a look at dog, slave racing in the arctic state. you in for that for me and the team here. thanks for your company. and depending on where in the world you're watching, happy new year. the of these places in europe, a smashing step into a bold adventure. the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled ragging sites on youtube and also into the it shouldn't be this warm here. it's like.


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