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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin. people around the world celebrate the new year in new york revelers in times square bring in 2024 with the traditional ball drop at midnight, following rio de janeiro and other cities, fireworks light up the nice guy. we have highlights from some of the world's biggest and celebration of the coming up more strikes on garza and no new year piece initiative. there seems no hope of a ceasefire in the palestinian territory as israel's military leaders planned for
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the long haul. their campaign against the sierra kelly. welcome to the program and happy new year to people around the world are celebrating. the start of 2020 for new york city is one of the latest cities to follow suit with revelers packing times square to watch the traditional lighting of the ball to draw at midnight. earlier. fireworks lit up the night skies and cities from auckland to rio de janeiro and for many of the start of the new year as being accompanied by hopes for a better fortune. in 2024 people across the world have been not sharing in the style. so the new. yeah. as the klux chimed midnights and the you,
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a londoners watched the cities land smoke. ferus wheels sparkled. the cab side, fireworks sets off by ordinary berlin as around the tvs house and across the city side with the official extravaganza at the landmarks. brandon. but gates with paul to go is shed that hoops for the new. yeah, i that what we hope things come down and ukraine and elsewhere, the people stay healthy and that we can finally move width and for each other again in harmony. long as off. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now, it's not good to kinda call and go on like that. for every one of us, i wish not happiness and good health. i'm gonna type the ramp lives interests
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crammed into paris is main avenue, the shown. so these a for a best of you and the best a shot of the best if show the adoption sprained, its fire technic, display with a monument from its pulse. celebrating its hopes for the future. the mean time for many in the middle east, it was a very different passage into 20. 24 is rarely as marks the new year to the sound of air raid sirens after her mos militants fired rockets out of gaza and palestinian civilians in the narrow territory. so little hope for a better year. as israel's military side, it was planning for a long war to eradicate him off after a talk. tobar 7th terrorist attacks against israel.
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the stroke of midnight, a garage of rockets and flowers light up the sky. over garza, sirens activate thomas spires and new wave of rockets intercepted over to leave the new year brings no respite for both sides. palestinians displaced in the mo i see can see there is nothing left to celebrate. that sat the my tragedy aside me. most of the outside world does not feel it at all, but allow me to let them have their celebration and leave me to live in my tragedy . but many still hope their wishes for 2024 can somehow become reality. the dream of one day returning to their homes. and morning all they've lost that they've knew what i lost my son, my son in law,
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the most precious people. how will i received the new year out of washington? my wish was to return to visit their greet a little fritz free of the bodies under the rubble with them. this is my wish for 2024. a boy should. earlier in the day, as is really troops carried out more reeds and gaza is really military and now and some of its own plans for 2020 for israel said thousands of reservists will be allowed, a temporary return to civilian life. said a little, some of the reserve as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow significant relief for the economy will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. and the fighting will continue. and we will need that much is these adjustments are meant to ensure planning and preparation for the rest of $22450.00. it's not this limits of out a clear signal that israel is in this for the long haul.
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and i am now joined by the w, correspond atanya kramer, who is in jerusalem. tanya, we've heard that last fired several rockets at israel last night. bring us up to date. mean this is certainly a part of the reality here. the current reality that shortly around midnight, a barrage of rock hood service sites and gaza into southern israel, but also into to what's the major send to the major cities like a tel aviv. um, it just shows all the hosp, the list of all kits according to the is really military in recent weeks. it just shows that homos and other militant groups in gauze are still capable of launching a such of all kinds of tax. now 3 months into the war and israel's far right finance minister has called for palestinians to leave gaza and make way for israel is who could and i'm quoting him here,
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make the desert bloom is what he said. tell us a little bit more about that statement. and how it is being received of the well, this is part of the discussions about what a post of war garza would look like. and maybe haven't really heard from the government how they envision what will happen to cause of ones this war ends. but then we have fall, right, minister pitiless motor cheese finance minister, but he's also holds a portfolio and the defense ministry being responsible for the occupied of westbank . he's not part of the war cabinet, but he also is quite influential in a, the, a government, an important partner for a prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he said clearly that he wants to reset la garza and wants to push out as many garza residents as possible. of course, this adds to the fear that you've been hearing from many people in garza,
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but also other students in general that days ago to put as many post as many a residents from gaza out of a because the strip to reset and cause i know this is of course and with those precedent is ro, head supplements and gaza up until 2005 when it withdrew from god. so you need let's really off to that 2007, then how about us sees power in a god. so it continued to control the border, an empty air is controlling everything, mostly what went in and out of gaza. so of course, this adds to the discussion yet what will happen to post regardless of for now we heard from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, mainly that this will, will continue until the goal is reached to eliminate how most elsewhere in the region tanya, the u. s. navy says that it's sunk several. yeah, many who see rebel boats and the red sea killing some cru. how concerning is this development when we talk about regional contagion as well,
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this is just the latest incident uh, by the round that to see groups uh seizing or trying to seize commercial a. that's so stare commercials shipping. um that are in the red seas. now we've seen those attacks increasing in recent weeks during a this war, but adding to this as well is read is looking very much also what's happening at the northern border with a liberal knowing that has been a lot of cross border attacks and recent days, an escalation of that as well. so of course, this right overreach, you know, an escalation is still far from over. tanya kramer, interpersonal and thank you. harrison mother story is making headlines. taiwan is president site in gwen has said that relations with china must be decided by the will of the people she called in beijing to
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jointly seek a way to peacefully co exist ahead of an election this month. the statement comes after time as leaders, fusion paying repeated his claim. the quote, reunification with the island is inevitable. with a queen, margaret to the 2nd of denmark has announced her surprise application during a new year speech to see the 3 year old monarch will set down in january after 52 years on the throne. so she will be succeeded by her eldest son crowned prince. frederick florida. well, people in the northern latitudes may be enjoying relative comfort during the winter . many in the southern hemisphere are feeling the effects of the global climate crisis. intense heat during the brazilian summer reflects another year of extreme weather events. and the urgency of doing something about the resilience are used to sweltering temperatures as the ends. it is summer after all, but this is heat,
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waves began months earlier than usual. the systems miles of the people are fainting, the subway. people don't feel well, it's too hot, a heat that people aren't used to smoke some others. however, 2023 shot to global climate reco. it's probably the world meet your logical organization says it's the hottest year on record. about $1.00 degrees celsius warmer than in pre industrial times. and optic sea ice has never been center and the sea levels rise. so the greenhouse gas concentrations and that's the 1st only now with this whole series of connected indicators. as long as those greenhouse gas concentrations companies increase the energy in the climate system,
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the temperature, this will keep on increasing greenhouse gas is admitted by funding. fossil fuels making stream where the such as flooding in somalia. but it's more common and more intense. vital eco systems of breaking down as ice sheets melt. permafrost falls, and coral rates die. at the un crime it talks in due by well fleet is agreed for the 1st time to transition away from fossil fuels. it was held as a breakthrough and yet many activists say the deal doesn't go far enough because it fails to specify phasing out fossil fuels. a must be a missing is finance that is massively needed to support developing countries for transition away from fossil fuels. scientists, one that if countries don't tact,
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fast enough, more climate records will be broken. the over the past 2 years i've been doing this, we said very similar things every single year until we 1st that trends. if we ask us concentrations going up and down the sphere, then we'll continue to see it. so brazilian space and even hotter 2024. the german chancellor. all off schultz has used his new year's message to one of difficult times ahead. but on a positive note here, disturbance to have faith in themselves. laugh schultz is new years, address is a message of optimism, despite 2 thirds of germans being dissatisfied with his leadership. and that's the easiest way if i'm did you remember where we stood one year ago, numerous experts had full cost and economic down to enough 345 percent. many said
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that prizes would keep on rising pipe. this is on the things turned out differently because we held back that economics down to we saved energy and we made timely preparations. we all did together in mind. some shots defense is government's handling of domestic issues such as providing tax relief for germans on low incomes . and he thinks those who have helped in the flooding that has caused widespread damage in some areas of germany. while the world outside is into an oil sholtes season and so to international conflicts in europe, and in being prepared for whatever happens in next use race for the white house, the i'm point, we have friends in europe and across the globe. these are partners with whom i discussed on a daily basis, how we will guarantee ya, security in germany and europe after world rushes of war and the east of continents is no saver, nor is the on the conflict in the middle east. the overhead will also bring presidential elections in the united states,
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which may have far reaching consequences, including for us here in europe, of owns here and hope. and to those who are politically active in gemini, he calls for mutual respect. it would be nothing gets better if we just talk about with each other instead of to each other. our strength for science and our readiness to compromise in the efforts we put in for one another. while last year his address was dominated by far and it says this year the chancellor is urging germans to have faith in themselves. and we will have the full version of chancellor schultz, his new year's address coming up in just a few minutes. so do stay tuned. for that, earlier on sunday, counsellor schultz visited parts of northern germany which have been hit by severe flooding rivers that burst their banks caused damage to homes and left some roads and farm land underwater. more rain is forecast and the coming days with a show of solidarity from the german chancellor. thousands of emergency perse,
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mellon volunteers have been tackling flooding and lower saxony. left shields expresses his gratitude, the hip of talking to a beautiful citizens are also helping in a very concrete way, asking what they can do is sometimes just by making coffee or whatever. but that's important to us and it shows us there is a solid, there's a, you know, country and a willingness and distinct. they give them to her. people were forced to evacuate their homes. but some have since been able to return authorities or encouraging them to keep new year's celebrations. modest the kinds of success to do that. i don't seem to imagine this service is dealing with the floods and anything that and people for the problems of the day. but also keeps us in that situation stable. okay. that's why i would ask people to celebrate sensitively. been ringing and then you hear that's one. thousands. even indecent. yeah. fly out to the non just know yah, recluse,
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while welcoming the chancellor ty profile visit. the fire department remains focused on the job. is this how much money is always nice when pollution show interesting to regional? but for us, it's important to head the residents that these our primary goal. and so really we don't care whether that tends to our comes or not develop. that comes to come to the show says the government will do all it can to help the affected areas. a sports news for you now and british tennis player and rando kanu returns to action this week after an 8 month absence due to injury rather economy became an overnight sensation after winning the us open in 2021. but her fortunes have dwindled since then. now she's hoping for a fresh start in 2024. beginning with this week's s. b classic in oakland. when an already economy, when the us open in 2021, she was on top of that was age just
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18. she was transformed into an overnight style with invitations to gone to events in film previous. but expectation of the course didn't meet reality on it. runs of poor form, and the series of injuries followed, not to mention the revolving door of coaches. surgery on both hands and her income and rather kanu only plays 9 matches in 2023. now though she's back and raring to go. i feel reborn in a way. i feel fresh. i feel ready. i feel happy. i feel excited. so overall i feeling very positive and light, you know, i think that switches off to be a sofa and i felt maybe a bit more like wait till my shoulders. but now i feel like completely fresh, one in french economy whose biggest problems has been a struggle with consistency,
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especially on a coach that suit needs to think off to the initial getting the feel of matches. again, i think it's really import for me to just like approach that with the identity of like how i want to play tennis and know that anything else dictate that roger connie's 1st big target should be able to be the australian open rates of this month. but you get to ask you a likely need to go through qualifying fast. and with that now you're up to date here on the w news and it's good buy from me for now. and a very happy new year to all of you. we will leave you now with german 10, so all life shots is new year's address. the the, the mid thought on of the permit, but then he belonged to the vixen document. got it from the editor. logan pilot. so slack off lock coverage. that's alice. nothing you might certainly come back or
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will not fix for by bottles lent bit and then open when a bit lesion click from tom called styles cleveland stablish a president and got thrown up with them have sculpus of nothing put time till the end of the must of sophie light. so if you do, for these ones a vague, this one we got on the call on the bottom, see if the end of the session got into optim developing the, shouldn't this type of the, and results this up and on few, in front of behind the song binding soft the software on. so freedom night, nemea does to have multiple life vices yet don't land come now dodge. and that's the easiest way. if i'm yes done by fear from foot, send the truck to and will happen once field a x path. and then when next path and falls because our feet of affected in the prize of an in my by dust, i stopped is august. first home, i'll spend on constant on this is alaska,
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call it for 2. and this is all known as buying the best buy has introduced inventory around 4. this is unless they come by the own student in the us and will give them top idea in a good spot on the right side before because our problem, the other minds on the a come off with convince washed us must be out all for the website miss china, how about us keep want, let's get you can give bucks isn't finished yet and watch them click this and that's are going to be a few months. have them and i will pounds of to have it on. does that 1st on know, need happens over the phone with midnight and dodge dump and the other tend to be hard to see happens on bush, not just keep things to move. this got tough for they need to move to industry and we'll just listen to how these and talking with the bottom of the vix, this order for and i'm not what do you look at install state them, act ones that allow me to go to too long to offer sliced fun,
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that's of interest in the gets an automatic, if possible, and on the best of a bomb. and then dissolve it in a deep as are going to invest on commercial. include to, i'd like to try to once find the truck sliding into induction trauma him. i've age bits of i can, those will be in times and will be enough for the doubt from somebody should be about a history of them from computer ships on the back of the i just as for the mentor, going to slide the guys know what types of putting those proposals go from the to november. i missed, i'm fine. good. but just i look for the vin and licking them. i've been reading the owns that come about vice to lice the industry and of them coming to them. yeah. and is it caught? so i'm going to click on on demonstration plus the off of i time i didn't didn't talk often. so i'm thinking it was a long time. no, from hi logan. i'm fine. i bought an e mail on ebate. they might, induction, some familiarity. i will be in the garden style. and if you're configured for media
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that i'm online, i'm home. i've talked to him this, the, i mean it's from, from the oil tubes that speak to a few or does i'm the destroyer. i think a decent guy knocked us about impulses x. so not a whole may have to come to sort of like, and i guess there's one good we'll need to let's these include up, i think it was outside for the 2 of them for id ending the image for the duplicate . that was fine older. so by my god, i'm the one before you can do it. so for me to bring no, not the object in how such mice as the least misgiving talk. and that title me is disability. stuff even nice to me because in our concept even mid the mid thought out often, side, the diesel, get this thing of the view on philosophy from the on stock. yeah, i'm find in the whole pond when i'm in global pop now, but they make me stuck for talk the option of via and position. i didn't understand the whole part of the last stock. my phone still appears on your wendy. we're
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flossing, often. don't 100 see for them yet. it's feel hung up and the young dog and the dog and i know that admit us to come for the so that's in there. yeah. and mention this doesn't as long as this will be sufficient. so hope i get, i'm distract of that. i will provide them come to me, y'all have forget then will students creek in austin. i'm just coming in for the missed for by the 3. give us also, i'm does it so non austin ultimately. when didn't it was ashton, him comes in the presidential. so i'm, i'm move to him by them tonight. i can conduct venson. i'll feelings here and hope quotes for by nothing. i'm going to hold patient on your not even younger students will find the tape guy. i've never found this old patient as use as things kind of come fish couldn't do the also guns and the whole past best. i can put even 100 guns into onto enough by the end up. the phone is pretty tight. confining for stacked. that's the from the new forgotten fault. most the tide, the diesel,
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then some come. the google stock model often is the democratic. this is not going to side so long as you have a warranty. could follow him and he indulged on for a fire of wine because fulfilling the icy john bought us. at the end of the day i definetly submitted to him the gun mitsubishi in mid to in china. that's just on cost us. disclose the bidding, listing vehicle honda to cause when i'm fear, compliments of even fights of an issue of months. yeah. a lot to do, but to and then for gotten involved, one will not do she also had the physician survived good about how guns on it is because you want to been in wasting beak fulton yet democratic, mixed. mixed with best. uh and then what if i'm not in, i'm struggling with on stock my students onto that i dropped some compliments. designs that's true. and so being didn't time dodge runs the diesel tag on that. in
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fact, mission whole facades. i'm 5 and i think i'm a little coughing and the zip system because from on the vin diesel should be i'm just on mr. line and left on his donkey. i didn't follow him. and then from that for you, i have the on from this the, from the, of the mental students, nothing fee and 5, it didn't have phone on have on the mic gun. so i kept getting this whole fuss. i can have been done on the other for young adults even mississauga mississauga once knocked off the items they start to see you don't get a good ball and all of them not just put some far showing the most viewed items. vega, you pretty system can also be the per kid for the event. none can also be the you in the house to business then the on stuff climate and you're on skiing. so i just meant teasing with respect to getting them and possibly a kind august to have them for them to come and come to scouts by 1000 fields 16 and go to seattle, children's island of and munches. and those come skills that's height to and for
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these as 9 yards. flushed in on the leaps, differentiates from guns, some hats, line goods on this and feed for this for them, for us noise. got the
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hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. we investigate the phenomenon of process who use god. read on the gospel to manipulate and the next flight vulnerable people will look at a house from past as a findings key ways of an original himself. the 77 percent next on d,
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w a . the mountain is increasing every so many im gonna watching on line. so as far as the work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cause, every year you're exposed to over $1000000.00 ton. this is there. another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible make up your own mind. dw, made for mines is the most important to assess can be used across different geographies. the real challenge, it's tough, needs to be an incredibly scarce way. the heck us
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and transforming business is onto real media and lots, just green washing. what's now on the hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. you already know, this is the show dedicated to africa is youth. who are the majority on the continent? i am your host, eddie micah, julia. you can already go on your knees and say a prayer because we're going to talk about religion. religion can be a waiting for people to seek solutions. so find in that piece. when life hits them with so many challenges, but some preachers can exploit this.


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