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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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of the is it the, the, the news line from the main japan hit by make it quick. and so nami, the 1st waves hit the western coast where to tanami wanting remains. in fact, it follows a series of strong shocks and a warning that more time is unlikely. also on the program, people around the world bring in the new year, prep lives in new york times square. welcome 2024 with the traditional midnight full drop. we're diginero joins the other stages around the world and nighttime fireworks display the
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unfilled gal. welcome to the program. it's anatomy warning is any fact for parts of japan's west coast following the country's most powerful earthquake for more than 5 years. and the other side of the sea of japan, russia's far east coast north and south korea, also on elect some 20, strong as quick as the show of central depends western coast. but the most intense with the magnitude of 7.6. if the issue call a prefect, you authorizes a one to people along the coast to move to safety, building 30000 homes without power. and the japanese government says no irregularities have been detected nuclear power facilities. we can get more from gymnast. sonya laska, who joins us from tokyo. uh, welcome sonya. so bring us up to date, please. so yes,
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so we're getting more and more reports about the situation in the chicago and the neighboring priest pictures. and i mean, yeah, they're not making great a lot of buildings. i mean, lots is a relative number about the more and more reports about buildings of collapsing or having collapsed or looking like this. now basically, there also reports about people being trapped under the russell, about 6 of them are also some reports of the injuries. then after and fires smothering the close of which is not even for you yet attracts and the roads. landslide smart flights. the whole traffic to the region has been disrupted to industry comes in lines that have been canceled. planes have been cancelled. so i'm yeah, this, this is a big one even for even by to drop in east standards. right. so that's, so that's a quick what about this? so now, i mean, how dangerous is that likely to become the tsunami?
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good. the issue is that apparently one of the, the technical devices that they're using to measure the height of the tsunami broke down. so they could only measure it to up to a meter 20 centimeters spots. they are saying that's not normal. so it shouldn't, the line should remain slots. so they don't actually know how high the swami was in the end. and there's also the issue that it might actually travel back like once it reaches russia, and korea could travel back to japan and affected once more. and at this moment, also the ties hired. so the combination of high tide and so now me is obviously not a good one. so yeah, people need to stay on alerts and be very careful. okay, so obviously people will remember they got back in 2011 when japan was hit by magnitude 9 quake. and send me about hit base focusing the nuclear power plants, the coolest explosions of mountain 1000. 3, react has much changed since then. i would say that the awareness has changed.
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so the like today there was so many references already to the 2011. the us quake also the reporting has changed because the topic off of the nuclear power plants and how they are doing after an earthquake hasn't really behind the agenda in the past. but that has changed a lot. and also i think people have learned how to get to safety in a better way than in the past. for example, not to using the cars to maybe then end up getting stuck in traffic to withdraw the maybe go to, to higher up floors on in concrete building. so for example, right, so people have being entered off these lessons and hopefully, you know, it will get worse. and we've, we've mentioned that japan is particularly earthquake pro. does he feel like a, does it feel dangerous? i mean it's, it's funny because we're not really finding over the past couple of days. i've had the feeling, you know, we haven't had a bigger us quick and quite some time. and i felt that's
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a good year. even. i don't know. i felt on easy because we haven't had a big one in a while and it's, i mean, when you live here for a while, you kind of good uses but not really. and especially is like most of you lived through this, this 2011. i was cranky, we're always afraid that the big one is going to hips dependent again, and nobody really wants to experience that again. it was absolutely terrible and yeah, so all we can do, you know, is hope that you should call is not going to become a 2nd question. well, okay, thank you for that. so sonya blash got in tokyo paper on the well have been celebrating the start of the new year. most of the america's half an hour joined the rest of the world and ushering in 2024 as a passing winds down many people's thoughts attending to hopes for best of futures . in this coming year, of the huge crowds in new york's times square gathered to watch the famous illuminated bull dropping midnight's
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ringing in this dose of 2020 the, from the city to the beach. the sky line of rea diginero was list help with fireworks. many revellers honoring the traditional brazilian dress code of wearing whites to the occasion. invalid fireworks set to us by ordering rebellion is across the city. vied with the official extravaganza at the brandenburg games where a party goes, said the hoops for the new. yeah. no worries. we'll be in okay, we hope for things to come down and you crane and don't swear the people stay healthy and that we can find the live reason for each other again in harmony. romano. no
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more. is me. i'm not sure. i'm on the live as a loss. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now. it's no good kind of call and go on like that. for every one of us, i wish not happiness and good health. i'm even going type 2020 full was welcomed with public celebrations across the road. from sidney to bangkok, to london, which kicked off the new year with its biggest at the fireworks display. many in the middle east, so a very different a passage into 2024 is very loose. with the sound of air raid sirens after high mass medicine. so 5 rockets, active garza and palestinians in the narrow territory. so little hope for a best a year of israel's ministry said it was planning for
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a long war to eradicate thomas fleming. it's october 7th terrorist attacks. the stroke of midnight. roger rockets and flowers light up the sky over guys. the sirens activate, tomas spires and new wave of rock is intercepted over tell of the new year brings no respite for both sides. palestinians displaced in the mo i see. can see there is nothing left to celebrate . that sat the my tragedy aside. me. most of the outside world does not feel it at all, but allow me to let them have their celebration and leave me to live in my tragedy . but many still hope their wishes for 2024 can somehow become reality.
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the dream of one day returning to their homes. an morning all they've lost. the newport, i lost my son, my son in law, the most precious people. how will i receive the new year out of washington? my wish was to return to visit their great little britain for even the bodies under the rubble with them. this is my wish for 2024. a boy should. earlier in the day, as is really troops carried out more reeds and gaza is really military and now and some of its own plans for 2020 for israel said thousands of reservists will be allowed, a temporary return to civilian life, a set of legal, some of the reserve, as soldiers will return to their families and their jobs this week. this will allow a significant relief for the economy will allow them to gather strength ahead of the coming activities in the next year. and the fighting will continue. and we will need that much, is these adjustments are meant to ensure planning and preparation for the rest of
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2024. yes, it's not this limits of our clear signal that is real is in this for the long haul . let's pick up some of those points with from combat, which is a former you came military intelligence officer who nodded back just in strategic studies in your case portsmouth university. he joins us from officer. welcome back to dw front. at this point about the israel's warning, gaza covering the hold of 2024. if it does last that long, what are the likely consequences of for the region? good morning. feel happy new year. there is no doubt to tool that this. ready will type a scale of intensity will last throughout this year and probably 2 years afterwards . and this is something i think that's concerning the idea. there's really all me, very much not, not, not certainly them of course, also to think over the political level of days around the united states because
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there's no clear idea of what for the rest of the world for the rest of the conflict in ga. so we'll take the moment, we have no idea what the political track will be. and of course, to the minute treat perspective. the army wants total, the ideas, one to know that. so they could shape operations to lead up to it, what they called face full. so there's no side effects on the outside political level, it's very clear. there's a great deal of exasperation on the part of the us and specifically president by with nothing yahoo it with respect to getting some ounces on not so coming back to the point of a lot more, there's no doubt there will be a lot of will in ga, so it may well take is the nature of the will so far has made it almost certain that there will be some form of insurgency afterwards. question is, will the x rays have responsibility at the disability administration level?
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which way there's other issues and then of course, i hope this is an entirely separate possibly even more serious matter. what bill is ready to do about about has by the north east. right. minutes is upset. made statements concerning, but we're going to solve all our problems. what if that's the case and they want to do that militarily, that raises a whole new box of problems, right? put it mildly. okay. i'm so many things in that just just to pick up on one of the points that you made. the why are that these difficulties in guessing would from um, uh the israel's government, about how this will will have progress for the next year. why is it difficult for a married stick to america to get that information? i would suspect that that are all disputes in be, is way the government as to how this is going to be done. they, they run the pressure now from the army leadership. so ounces, what will i say? call that phase for look like a phase one or the initial assault style. the phase 2 is why were they not us
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fighting face face 3 that moving into what they say they are transitioning, windy down, intensive bass. cool is what happened was off to it's just a minute to say the date, the day off to of the bridges. and americans had this huge problem in iraq. which due to the campaign and these really military a very concerned, they don't make the same mistake. and clear the funny, very difficult to get answers from the government as to what the day after will and should look like. and of course, they need to plan for that. now. who knows what's going on inside these wake up with that are under pressure from the americans on various levels of the believe it's being applied. but that's the problem. and it's becoming a real problem, i think, within the the will fighting decision makers. meanwhile, what we have seen is israel withdrawing some of its reserves from the gaza strip. so what does that tell us strategically? okay, what that tells us is that these are these already thought moving from phase to
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which as i said, is a high intensity phase. and these are normal military to say normal, these are the terms used in lexi campaigns of this kind. so emitted from phase to the high intensity is he's already said they were into phase 3, which is, which is winding down into the more into the longer top. so the brigades that are coming out there are 5 brigades brigades, about $3000.00 people, depending on the thing, it's, it's a row. and there are 5 of them coming out. so it's a fraction of the, of the, of the force. it goes already diesel training brigades, so what they want to do is put those but over the other. so it can be put back into society and they may well be re deployed. and it's just the mechanisms by which the, all the folks that disco room on the likelihood is at some point they'll be replaced. will that be pushed back in all the or, or perhaps even re deployed. ok, so we'll go part of the cycle. and finally, the u. s. navy says it's some, several, yeah, many who the rebels rebel boats in the red sea, killing some of the crew. i'm briefly how come signing is this?
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when we talk about regional contagion, a smell that is mutual contained to succeed, the concerning, we're looking at bringing it right into a much right away to the will see if all the not just the us in iran and of course as well. okay. good deal. okay. and powers as well. britain all included. thank you for that to frank. i haven't any concise frank leverage. thank you. that's it. up to date have a good the the words people have to say yes to the that's why we listen. we close every weekend on d. w. cost about why does that? because like, now i'm leaving the new host to join
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us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. this is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in seattle by logically i'll probably be mendoza and the realization that it's taking my daughter to model. i do not find anybody. and i want to have a change and i'm not able. then what do i do? lose lose situation. i absolutely see that i am with champions and i have fun funny. and i also want to be a champion of the ones they shouldn't the site the i asked to go for exercising and i deleted it. if i weren't,
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i would be boo to advertise the the g i m $35.00. i'm a lawyer and i think living it as a single woman in just a did, this is nothing but challenges it's. it's very, unfortunately, the house in the middle of lived and made a life for themselves and worked so hard to be what they are and, and be chosen to see of their profession to be portrayed as some kind of not suitable spot in order to back the house and dislike the writing lots and lots to. i'm closer because my family has tried and they hard to find a park. no, a potential partner for me and i see that i'm not no. becky,
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a closer to finding anybody. joyce and the biological doctor to be now i'm a flight and it these specialist since last 10 years on was delivered more than 50027000 babies. and i love my profession. it's my impression. the ex leasing it says is the process which gives women reproductive freedom. and this is what is required because india is going to transition badge. you know, the men are thinking off going ahead and that could be a you know, you are really productive responsibility and your professional responsibility. both of them are equally important news
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easy which was been inc, is extracted, then flows in and stored for like a number of years for like 10 years, 2012 years, 15 years for like the time you know, person wants to conceive and you don't have a choice, we started giving injections these injections that even put it on this. the whole idea of giving these injections is to increase the size of the eggs. and once the, these eggs each is $18.00 to $20.00 and then we extract. so after the extracting them, we put them in the store like construction, then we put your to meet. this is the complete process, the
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the, what the decision she takes. she shouldn't be fully more debated for it. and by giving her those tasks, i wanted her to test, you know, this 1st. so i want her to be today and then the site one, she wants to noise mice or do with these, remember, i know this one, this is me. hi. do you know that excusing baby on the nose high? do and need them and bring to the minute one for the and get ready and please the by
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the the website. i know this is nice when i didn't do it every day, 3 times a day with one. yeah. i think i would do. i don't know. the brand is either an investor. he actually escapes me. yes sir. how are you my living on? do you know, i mean, was a police who do i have to find out who they most wanted to get our and, and maybe with the hyphen and i was talking to him to it was of course someone the level because you like, you know, they're not they don't speak, but it was kind of, i'm now you have to go and buy the formulation complete list. so make it in just 5 minutes. totally. let's see how it plays out. i really don't know, 5 minutes is enough time, but because it's a challenge. the
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i'm leaving the light from the norman denny. i will not have the money in the sense that i am wanting and spending on my own i have had living alone. i think that there is no price that you might be as gods might have good, nice and have children and having to do things just in the day to to just get you i do for the beach. it is not that it is easy. this life would be back your think if i was my that at this point of time, i would need extra set of hands. i would need to outsource
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a lot of things that i do on my own. so let me see what the of x. okay. so who yeah, i over it is according to your list bill. so you definitely your deal for the yeah, i saw there. so you guys stream, not just been on the 240 degree, just been industry warning and the most high level that has to be put in because you're bringing up a future generation of by the lazy shooting. maybe it might sound going to get or it but that a lazy sure no. having to kids of the so you may check history. yeah, that's a new i can give it a lazy should retire. i've been thinking is something i don't think i would be up for not, not a now, like maybe one kid the i like to see needs the, the sewing purpose. so i think the men being married in a convention and
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a sense in this country is to keep the pro jenny going and the family name going. brandon diety isn't, or if you're getting married and the one for miles to have truman, or why is the idea uncomfortable to people? because i am actually ensuring what you, what, what one think n as in indigo in the math. now is that your friend of mine, and we know each of those ends of alcohol. it is, she can give me a view that i may not be able to see a perspective which is do you know of not go to the lifeline or maybe you know, is a different view of the word of how people who look at this process. if i, you know, go to see the whole sauces of x, freezing is your dates, the eggs or if your, what do you new, keep it to you store it. some of that is it's, i'm not sure why i'm citing you for this kind of challenge is because a freezing has a lot of
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a prevention. so i want you to talk to your friend and try to defend on that. to process me. i'm just leaving new. i should have been on the official artificial guess say it's changing something in my or the news, but it's not that any more d, i'm and you were thinking of doing it and you for using it. so i'm going to will you please give me a date in may me, the process is verified before the which is mckay's is my eggs and i will be with them to, to become a model the i'm going to the news to get to test done right. first is the blood test that does anything related and homework test in the
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i've been trying to watch the decision. so i think the yes, i'm going to be positive and i'm hoping that it's a good time window to, to get the basic blood test which is required for an ex anything. and, and it just sounds like because, you know, i also want to know that vendor scientifically automatically, further, she's a fit candidate to even get involved in this process on not to for executing procedure because i know that much that it needs maintenance and it's a d i couldn't cause with this, and the last uh, i think of a defender makes that has been a relation the stage on this time has made us or day, like you said, you had already dispensable, at any point of time in that scenario, undergoing a process service which requires financial commitment, of course,
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is in the okay, and since then i was uh, having the lack of information about the procedure to technically find the biological do you know issues the financial commitment to resources. so there are a lot of dogs that go guy to fight in the challenges that i was put to. uh so yes, i mean gee, towards general getting it done but i am then 90 percent are one say a 100 percent may be under do more of the day more in the section on my part and more planning my i was as own mentor, touch each decision, 2nd, as adult. good in all. clear to the procedure. she has to decide and she has to be considering my
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age and my designs, i would want to have a decision as quick as possible. and so the dying sensitivity of it is one of the major factors here that i have to decide on quite quickly the i, i see it only with me now dan, and this is my realization after the 2 challenges that was put to the, for the journey that we mentioned the charge of their lives. we mentioned the jobs of very productive choices. the to the
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lady townsend's mission is to save trees. yes, luna. as an disrespectful name, she moves out with her team. when ever the tim the mafia strikes, they've almost put a stop to the tempest thieves. but now the environmental is, have an even bigger enemy. logo us. next on d, w. african styles where the weather unit sets women's luxury, handmade or sustainable pieces african designers do that. and then real 2nd designers are countering the international assessment. one of the world needs us, the world needs advocacy. give all these young designers a chance. because teachers on the wrong button give them a chance in 45 minutes on the w. jasmine with the 12
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or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide for every language level. reading jasmine has been since the bully, most of us or nature can be sacrificed just so every american has a test level or if you repeat in a bmw this consumption overburden to the planet, there's also not enough lithium rethink is needed or nature must be sacrifice for the global, not energy transition at all. that is, if you guys know who's paying the price and the global energy transition, lithium lining needs, we think king se people in argentina.


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