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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 5:00pm-5:15pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news line from by then imagine us, great in japan, check us ice to nami, warning lives just show along the western coast well wanting to spill and falls and no thoughts the site more time is unlikely also in the program. that's up in israel is offensive in gaza. come on to say the operation to roots have time. us millison is likely to last throughout i'm sure. ok,
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welcome to the program. so now me warning remains in force on japan's west coast, following the biggest uh, crate for 15 years. and so that's been downgraded from the highest level. but as far as you say, that the waves could still come at least one person's been before the dead. dozens of the great ship, the ship, japan's west coast, facing the issue call. what present to buildings have been destroyed and more than $30000.00 homes without power. but the government says nuclear energy plants have not been affected. army personnel have been dispatched to help the rescue operation . the customers inside this department store in each co of panic and try to take shelter as the trim is hit, the hundreds of people were evacuated from a subway station. the,
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as inside the ceilings started shaking. nearby residents were quoted, the effects of the quake from inside the home and large fires broke out. in some neighborhoods, the depends, mutual logical agency recorded multiple quakes of the western coast. one of them had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6. they then issued the highest to nami, warning possible. the service is the 1st major tsunami of the since the great that occurred in the pacific ocean on march, the 11th of 2011, outside with the success shima nuclear does off the still owed to clear and
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people's minds. the government says that so far still to clear and people's minds, the government says that so fun, none of the nearby need to have health thoughts of being affected. jealous, sonya laska in tokyo gave me the nicest. as you just mentioned in the reports that the dimension logical agency is issue the highest. now me warning. so thankfully they were able to downgrade that's 2 from the major warning to a regular oil speed. that is still a very big festival because of the 3 mutual warning is still in place. and people are advised to really stay away from the course and make sure they're safe. in the meantime, as we see it also from the reports of you up with you, information has come in on the 6th of the earthquake. and the pictures have been really dramatic. i mean, this is quite registered on the highest level of ground shaking, so to speak. on the japanese scale, and you can see cars drunk with people,
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wind and even the hosting constant trains. so these pictures are quite scary and some surprising that we've also seen reports now an antique has of a collapse buildings. most of the old buildings. people also being trapped under those buildings, all ceilings have come down. there are huge cracks in the streets and as the land slides. so i think once the data on tomorrow, the, the, the full extent will become clearer. and at the moment we're still um, is it still unclear? there's a huge fire in watching my city what the causes also if they are able to control it because it doesn't look like this at the moment. so yeah, the, so i'm not to worry about unfortunately. okay. and regarding this, so synonymy with that down grading. does that mean that the danger has passed and they say explicitly that it has not passed. so people are still advised to stay away on this time. it's really unclear,
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like how long the tsunami sweat will actually last because of the specifics of the area where the earthquake happens and, and it's synonymy happened. the sea is very shallow there, and that apparently means that the dangerous tanami is coming back or taking longer time is higher than in other areas. also, the tsunami could come back from close to the other countries. then you'd have to type coming in, and you're also, it's still 2 way too early to say that the danger has passed on japan, of course, uh, one of the wells, most of quite prone areas of how dangerous does it feel living? i mean it to some degree of cost we're used to as quakes here and the one that has the ceiling that's japan is very well prepared and is, you know, the buildings of follow certain standards and everything. but that changes a lot, depending on where you are and the deal is quite good. this time happens in a very rural area. was a lot of the old buildings, and these are the ones that are affected
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a lot at the moment. people are also advise to, to prepare, you know, to store coupling food and water and everything. make sure they have supplies and have a kind of emergency plan in place. um, but yeah, i mean the, the big quick in 2011 some time has passed and i think people have been getting their car down a bit. so they're having a lot of reminders today to people to not forget, well happen back then and 3, make sure that they keep themselves safe and then also the people around them. okay, so that's the only bhaskar in tokyo, of israel defense policies say the conflict with her mass, which many countries have designated a terrorist organization will probably continue throughout 2024. i'm going to say benjamin, that's in yahoo says he's country aims to control a gauze as border with egypt, attention and so on. it's bored with lab and on all sort of rising fueling face to face could become
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a 2nd front correspondent young for they've shelves in northern israel, close to the board with 11. i'm asked him how dangerous to is, is that the situation here in the body region is certainly very tens the hills that you can see behind me already part of level non. and people here say that's uh the, um, many features of the iranian backed as well. ah, me, lisa, in those hills. and so they also say that the rockets i text a so close that you usually even the hits you have a hits before you hear any ad rates alerts. so yes, a very tense situation. yeah. and so, you know, as since the beginning of the why they have been hostilities in the region bots of fighting has certainly increased in the past days here. and a lot of people fear that it's goods for the escalades. pregnant is done,
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it's on yahoo also said that's uh yeah, it is right. it could take things in its own hands if that is not more international pressure on level non and of course ice of the whole international community on this region because a lot of people see of it's a wider escalation of the conflict quits, have its origin exactly here in the border region, so definitely constantly on the flip shelves in northern israel. now, russian president vladimir fruits, insights his forces will intensify, strikes on ukraine and retaliation for an attack on the russian city of belgrade. russia launch 90 attack drones against your crime and the hours leading into new year's day caves, as it's at the fences destroyed. 87 of the trends present for a lot of them is that and so he gave a 20 minute new year's address after almost 2 years of war with russia. ukraine is a live ukraine fights you tried, exists he said, only presents the landscape also said that victory was not given,
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but had to be one fell on it did not mention problems and security continued the ministry aid from allies store. but i know a lot from what you guys most important down as a facing limited political room to maneuver. european union has failed to come up with a new aid package after hungry, vetoed a 50000000000 and a euro plan. and then the united states president 5 and once congress to approve the $61000000000.00. the nice, the key for that bill is still as republicans insist on more concessions before voting for it. so why all congressional republicans, a block, invest new and probably needed a military a package. last washington correspondent, janelle doable as well. essentially, this package has turned into a legislative bargaining chip here in washington. so republicans essentially held it up and congress, seeing that they won't pass new aid for ukraine unless they see uh, a deal for
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a tighter controls on the west mexico border for their part democrats. so signalled a willingness to negotiate on this in order to get ukraine a pass, but a couple of items on the republican wish list they simply deemed as simply to extreme, such as the pension of entire migrant families. so in the last days of congress for 2023, the 11th hour negotiations that yielded no results. lawmakers went home without a deal on the board or, or on the crane law makers return next week. and that is when negotiations will have to continue. right. and is there any points to these negotiations? is that something that would make of republicans change their minds? well, it depends on which republicans we're talking about. the senate. republicans do say that they support ukraine. house republicans have been voting against. so it depends on whether these motivations are really about the board or,
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or about an actual reluctance to help you create, if it's the latter, then it's kind of hard to see what would move republicans, house republicans have also been pointing to the stall, the counter offensive from that ukraine saying that that is a reason to curtail aid or on or attach conditions to the aid. the idea of being that american support doesn't appear to be going towards a ukrainian victory. but of course, without us support that you create in victory becomes even harder to achieve. so it's blocking a continue is does the president have any other way of keeping support and ukraine as well? a few options are being reviewed along the use of seized russian assets. so along with other g 7 nations, washington is looking into putting $300000000000.00 of c's russian central bank
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assets towards ukraine. now, there were initially a few concerns around this idea, one that it might provoke a retaliatory response from russia or send over a some signals to countries that hold their assets in dollars or at the federal reserve bank of new york for a sizable chunk of these assets are held, but support for this idea seems to be growing and abide and is all pushing up allies to come up with a strategy around this before february 24, which we know is the 2nd anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine. okay, thanks for your help. janelle durham alone, a washington people around the world have been celebrating this task of the new year across investor positing. wines down many i'll be for the best the you of the huge crowds in new york's times square gathered to watch the famous,
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illuminated full dropping of midnight's ringing in this dose of 2020 the, from the city to the beach. the sky line of rear diginero was list help with fireworks. many revelers honoring the traditional brazilian dress code of wearing whites to the occasion. invalid fireworks set to us by ordering rebellion is across the city. vied with the official extravaganza at the front of the games. the web party goes said the hoops for the new. yeah. no worries, we'll be in. okay. we hope for things to come down in ukraine and don't swear because the people stay healthy and that we can find the live reason for each other
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again in harmony. romano, no more is me. i'm not sure. i'm on the list as the last. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now. it's not good kind of call and go on like that for every one of us. i wish not happiness and good health. i'm going type. 2020 full was welcomed with public celebrations across the road. from sidney to bangkok, to london, which kicked off the new year with its biggest f, a fireworks display the presidential up today. small world news at the top of the hour. next on the dw especial program featuring the musicians of the danish radio symphony. restaurant of the day,
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right the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want


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