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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use life from both, and israel supreme court throws out a key gulf with legal reform against the benjamin netanyahu, whose changes caused the powers of judges. the popular measures sped massive nationwide protests. and those quite damages homes and leaves thousands without pallet in japan waves. so for me to hide back to the coastline authority scale back up to now be wanting to say more trend misaligned. like and the dispute of the
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funding ukraine's war against the russian invasion, vice president turn by wants to keep supplying keith with weapons. his republican opponents and congress say the focus should be on causing the legal immigration into america the i made visible and welcome. the way the supreme court has drunk down a significant section of the government's controversial judicial reforms. i mean is that benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes that limited the powers of john's as low as 100 government decision. uh, the plans were highly unpopular and brought to massive nationwide protests last year. the, let's go straight to jerusalem from all from journalists. somebody soco, people took to the straits for months against this reform. how surprising was the
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quotes decision? a lot of thinking in the public in general, people that have not being there focusing on these questions right now, since the war has kind of like overtaking everything. and the focus as being of course, on the and what's happening with the security and so forth. but the legal experts is they knew that this would be coming, and they expected this to, to come now at this time. and they in fact, they also saying that this is the outcome. it shows the supreme for a listen to the public and the public also gave the supreme court the kind of confidence to face it then, you know, and a, i believe levine, the justice minister in their age, in their efforts to reform the, uh, the judiciary in his room is quite interesting. um,
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what about the political reaction today then as well as expect a new code, the party power and is rose. they're very upset and they're saying that this is something that can not happen in the time of war. uh, this should be near unity uh the, the minister of justice. save yourself a. yeah. me with the attack, the supreme court again and linking it to the war. again, saying that this is not the time. and the, on the other hand, the benny guns, who is now in the bows, the most popular, the politician. he's saying that we should respect the supreme court in its decision. but he also said the good know winners and losers and the kind of an
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attempt to show the unity and to show that the important thing now, is the war in gaza? are there really no winners and losers for what? what, what's the main for that in yahoo and his government? well, this is a big blow to nothing. you know, a big blow a to his at them for this additional overall. and this attempt to weaken it, the just the saying is 0. and the, i mean on the, in the reality there's not going to be any change. because the, basically, the supreme court has said that nothing you know, cannot make these changes in the hours of filed not to do these changes during the war. so it's kind of like freezing the existing a situation, but politically it's yet the not the defeat at 2 in
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a time. yeah. but where does this may have his own corruption cases? ok, so of his is tried is ongoing. it has not the ended. if they would have been an attempt to remove the attorney general as so as to cancel his stride, this is something that experts have been talking about the possibility that anthony, i would, would try and do that. well, now the supreme court has made it very clear that the limits and this would have been an unreasonable disposition and that the government and the administrators. they have to act in the reason ability. and if not, the supreme court has its power to block them. you have a problem general as somebody so thank you very much for joining in there from
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jerusalem. 6 ways west village reserves. the conflict with us, which many countries designate a terrorist organization will probably continue throughout 2024. i mean this the benjamin netanyahu, a city as well aims to control guys as border with egypt. at the same time. tensions on its northern border with 11 on a rising fueling fee is of a 2nd front of the day. dw correspondent john phillip sholtes is involved and israel close to the border with lab and on. we asked him how tents the situation is . the situation to get into body region is certainly very tens. the hills that you can see behind me already part of level non and people here say that's uh the um, many features of the iranian backed as well. ah, me, lisa, in those hills. and so they also say that the rockets that takes us so close that you usually even the hits you have a hits before you hear any ad rates alerts. so yes,
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a very tense situation. yeah. and so, you know, as since the beginning of the why they have been hostilities in the region bots of fighting has certainly increased in the past days here. and a lot of people see that it's goods for the escalades prime minister and it's on yahoo also said that's uh yeah, it is right. it could take things in its own hands if that is not more international pressure on level non and of course ice of the whole international community on this region. because a lot of people see a that's a wider escalation of the conflict. cortez it's origin. exactly here. and the board to reach as down to the actual summer is where the lebanese border japan is bracing from or off. the shock softer a series of those quakes triggered the highest level to nami, warning. officials say the threat of a major tsunami has passed for now,
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but on the board travers could follow. at least 4 people have been killed. dozens of the quakes shocked depends west coast hitting the issue kind of a prefect. yet the strongest type of magnitude of 7.6, building 30000 homes were left without pallet, that the government says nuclear power plants would not affected the army. it was called in to help with rescue operations and nearly a 100000 people were ordered to evacuate customers inside this department store in each co uh panic and try to take shelter as the trim is hit, the hundreds of people were evacuated from a subway station the, as inside the ceiling started shaking. nearby residents were quoted,
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the effects of the quake from inside the home and large fires broke out to some neighborhoods. the japan's meet, you were logical agency recorded multiple quakes of the western coast. one of them had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6 to say then issue the highest to no me warning possible. so this is the major tsunami of the since the great to the could in the pacific ation. on march, the 11th 2011, outside with the success she, my nuclear does off the still to clear and people's minds. the government says that so fun, none of the nearby need to have health. lots of being affected by us. geosciences professor david rose free from the open university of milton keynes. how likely another big ghost quake is after
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a string of 50 quakes on monday. what's on the likely the, the 2nd the quite today was the biggest one, monday to 7.6. no way of as of a small uh, of a bit of a thought. see, but with more than i me to full on. not expect that. ok. you're on small, the magnitude box in 2011, the big of quite of the cost of ready to have a 2nd. so now let's look at the book of showing the power plant that you mentioned that was procedure to today's previously bought 927, quite small it off the shelves and bend department to not dates. so things could turn really nasty. it's very unlikely. it's very unusual about to happen, but the change was more of quite as not past. but it, it sounds like depends on top of things that at least at the moment, i mean, for dad of the so many years, quakes and such a strong one. what, what's japan doing, right?
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the more what japan is doing rocks is building buildings which are resilient, which does collapse very easily in and out of quite a jump. and these people know how to be hi videos. it showed up people inside the apartment. so it does not show them running outside as soon as you have quite struck. just stay inside gets under a table if you come and hang on and keep under cover in doors until the shaking is finished. if you run that side, you're liable to be hit on the head by something falling from above. so you stay inside until the shaken finishers jump. nice. people know to do that. i also would have hated the back you. i should warnings as it happens. i don't think i do that. so now i'm is really kind very far in the 12 a little bit. but there's some damage to some of the infrastructures, but they didn't overtop disabled and rushed through city streets, such as happened in 20117. not sitting on the desk to be said in japan as a known express, as he wrote. and he said, let's go on unless it's a really,
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really big job quite because all have said it's not likely. okay. and what else can others learn from japan? what about it? so the warning systems, for example, they, they seem to be straight ahead of us will be about pretty good when i stop, the bullet trains as soon as the but the had, the 1st thing about of quakes is that they the ways that the damage of the waves of trouble are on the surface by a ride off to the waves of trouble for the body of the no, there's not much difference in terms of rival when you so close to the at the center. but even a few seconds let's you said profit loss to read and tell the trains to stop. so things like that were done before the big ground shaking began. so that certainly helps, but just having a seismic building code and then forcing it. now the thing corrupt people look the other way when buildings are being built, it does cost more to making up. so they both ready professor for geosciences at the
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university. now to some of the other story it's making use or about the saw yet, mohammed is june, us has been sentenced to 6 months in jail. up to being convicted of violating bangladesh is labeled. it was granted fail. eunice is credited with lifting millions out of poverty through his micro finance back is supported say the conviction is politically motivated, bangladesh and the government has increased its crack down on the sand to hit next week. so the extra cost of always celebrating visa free travel to the european union of the being granted the entrance of the shang, inside. people of comfortable living on the citizens of west oakland, still needed a visa to enter. the russian president vladimir putin says his forces will intensify. strikes on ukraine in retaliation for an attack on the russian city of belgrade. russia launched 90 attack drugs against ukraine in the hours leading into used a keeps as it's
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a defense is destroyed. $87.00 of the ukraine president flooded mister lensky, gave it 20 minutes new year dress after almost 2 years. it was all with ukraine, with russia. ukraine is alive, you find fights, you kind exists. he said little of me because it was the land scale. so you said a big tree was not given, but had to be one great, did not mention problems in securing continued military aid from allies store, but in most of my life. so samuel events, most important allies are facing limited political room to maneuver. the european union has failed to come up with a new aid package of the hungry veto to 50000000000 your plant. and in the united states, president bite and wants congress to approve more than $61000000000.86 when the staff bill is sold, as republicans exist on more concessions before voting on it. let's go over to washington for now corresponding janelle, to belong to tell us more about the congressional hold up. why are republicans not willing to green light this you wouldn't badly needed aid package for you. ok,
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swell. essentially this package has turned into a loop just so they've bargaining ship here in washington. republicans have said they will not agree to more aid for ukraine until they see a deal on the west mexico border where migration has been searching no further parts. democrats have said they're willing to kind of deal with the republicans on the border in order to get to aid to keep past. but a lot of the items are on the republican wish list for the stadium to extreme. for example, the detention of entire migrant families. so if you recall in the last days of congress for 2023, there were 11th hour negotiations that yielded very few results. lawmakers went home without a deal on the board or, or on ukraine. they are, however, back next week, and negotiations will have to continue then. so what would it take to change for public goods box?
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it really depends on which republicans we're talking about. now, senate republicans do say that they still do support ukraine, while house republicans have been voting against more aid for ukraine. so it's really about whether the motivation is the border or whether they are actually reluctant to help ukraine. now if it's the, a border of deal could possibly be found, but if they are unwilling to help the crane, then it's hard to see what would move them. you also have a lot of republican voices highlighting the stalled counter offensive and ukraine using it as a reason to say about aid should be curtailed or that condition should be attached to the a. the idea being that american money doesn't appear to be going towards the ukrainian victory, but of course without us support, then ukrainian victory becomes even harder to achieve. so, you know, if the blocking continues,
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does the president have any other way to keep supporting you? well, they're looking at a few options. so one of them is perhaps using, sees the russian assets and putting it towards ukraine. so along with other g 7 countries, the u. s. is looking into whether it could take $300000000000.00 of c's russian central bank assets and held in western nations and put it towards up put towards helping ukraine. now, there were a few concern surrounding this idea initially, initially, one was that it might provoke a retaliatory response from vladimir putin. the other was that it might send very some signals to other countries who hold their assets and dollars for at the federal reserve bank. in new york, where a large part of these russian assets are being held. but support for the idea is growing at least here in washington. there are a few questions to be ironed out. can it directly cut those assets directly?
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finance the war effort to they have to be used for humanitarian aid or reconstruction. but in any case, sought biden's question the allies to come up with a strategy on this before february 24, which we know is the anniversary. the 2nd anniversary of russia's invasion of ukraine, janelle, to milan in washington dc with the analysis that thanks to the self proclaimed republic of nicole. no counter buck has ceased to exist. as of the 1st of january, the army and majority tower tree was located in azerbaijan, which never recognized the break away region and defeated its military and one day board last september. about a 100000 people fled in the south style of republics, lead to signed an agreement to dissolve nikoto car back in 2024. he recently announced that is not valid, but as the by john has absorbed the territory. nonetheless,
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the new era begins for this full most self styled republic of to decades of conflict. nicole know kyra back is now fully under the governance of as a base on the mountainous enclave and the south caucuses lies within us. and by john, it has long been internationally recognized as belonging to as a bygone but since 1991, much of it was governed by estimate communion separatists who claimed it was a defacto independent state that they cooled the republic about. so it took less than 24 hours for the crew to seize nicole and their cairo, back with the ministry offensive. on september 19th, 2023. the set protest lead to surrender and agree to a ceasefire, which was broken by russia. the takeover caused the majority of nicole and
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a camera backs. largest population of ethnic comedians to flee to the board is leaving that home is behind them and carrying as many possessions as possible. most of them and now living as refugees, with no immediate plans to return to the homes as a by you on the president in the live, says that they will have equal security and rights if they choose to return. but off to decades of violence, there is little trust among the armenians for promises from back to tensions between as a bygone and armenia. as nicole know, camera back date back over a century within the last the 2 years, they have full to what was over it. in the 1st war, which ended in 1994 the armenian side to control them to go into a car back and 7 of the districts off the short war in 2020 as
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a buyer's on to fax. those districts understood. if nicole know camera back with the help with turkish weaponry talk, he's president red chip type add one was quick to travel to as advise on following its recent victory last september to congratulate i live. so allies and descendants of the all medians protested the takeover in several countries. now going to cairo box is now part of as advice on the territory. it is largely devoid of people following the takeover. and as a by john's plans to the region is still unclear as the by john says it sees no obstacles to last in peace treaty with its neighbour, armenia. but this wouldn't be enough to dissolve the distrust and hatred, felts by the 10s of thousands of nicole and a cairo bucks, so medians to
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a still displaced from a place they called home. richard get a go see. and his head of the regional studies center of foreign policy think, thinking it was on a media, the self proclaimed republic of nicole know, cut her back is no more. what does that mean for the region? well, what it means unfortunately, is a balance nation or even vindication of the use of force. sadly, this was a very much in victory of authoritarian algebra. john were a struggling democracy and it was a capitulation under duress. after 9 months of blockade, the algebra johnny military, essentially succeeded in expelling over a $100000.00 art medium. from the government garble nearly all of the medium, population accounting for 80 percent of the regions for the population fled. and who's left? well,
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according to the united nations that's closer to 95 percent of the population force to flee with little more than what they could carry in their vehicles. the only ones that remain are the most vulnerable, the elderly being for the disabled. and unfortunately, the situation remains leak under oliver johnny victoria wright. only as a bizarre, the president has promised that the medians would have equal rights and security if they were to return. is this a possibility? well, i would say no in the short term for 2 reasons. one, essentially what we see is little faith in even less confidence in any promises from the on, from, or johnny's, especially after. and there was a war in 2020, and the military attack. more recently. the 2nd reason is there was little choice
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for the army involved in the car law. there is no desire, no attraction to live, underly family dynasty of what is the algebra, johnny government? well, what is a media is role in this as well. armenia, since the, the sea didn't, the war of 2020 has been pretty much restricted to a bystander in this latest escalation. however, our media is negotiating with the number johnny side over the terms of a bi lateral peace treaty. and arguing here is also positioned to help restore trade and transport links in the region. so our media as a much more stable and as a country endowed with a rare commodity of legitimacy, i think democratic, our media does have a significant role to play in this difficult post war period of stability and,
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and just the yes on i put this old bring pace, you mentioned a trade, it could to bring peace to the region. hopefully, yes, but given the record, i'm rather skeptical which i get what is what i'm trying. his was trying of the originals that he said, thank you very much for joining us here on dw. thank you. well, it was a lot to not celebrate in 2023. they wanted people around the world, they've been celebrating the start of the new year with enthusiasm. as the binding winds down though many a hoping for a betty of the huge crowds in new york's times square gathered to watch the famous illuminated bull. dropping midnight, the ringing in this dose of 2020 the,
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from the city to the beach. the sky line of rea diginero was list help with fireworks. many revellers honoring the traditional brazilian dress code of wearing whites for the occasion. invalid fireworks set to us by ordering rebellion is across the city. vied with the official extravaganza at the front of the games. where a party goes said the hoops for the new. yeah. no worries, we'll be in. okay. we hope for things to come down and you crane and don't swear the people stay healthy and that we can find the live reason for each other again in harmony. romano, no more is me. i'm not sure. i'm on the live as a loss. no, not truly. my hope is that the world will finally become more peaceful because the way things stand right now. it's not good to kinda call and go on like that. for every one of us,
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i wish not happiness and good health. i'm even going type 2020 full was welcomed with public celebrations across the road. from sidney to find congress to london, which kicked off the new year with its biggest at the fireworks display. a big style documentary series takes you to morocco and the old city of tens. yes, i've been puzzled and i'll be back next like
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the long mediterranean voyage comes to an end. the final destination. morocco for our shows, fellow presenter jeff bar abdul karim. the country of her ancestors both agreed that diversity is the regions true source of well the next on d,
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w. a mystery of this stone giant artworks that still captivate people today the thousands of years ago. the but why and what do you think review about the people who make the in 45 minutes on d w. the oh. what did you do to clean the tenant? she survived. oh sure it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin,
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the degenerates to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power, inspiring story about survival. a home i did go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the, the mediterranean was once a major crossroads at the heart of the ancient. today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common?


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