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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. israel's supreme court throws out a key government legal reform, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his changes curve the powers of judges. pennsburg mass of protests nationwide. authorities in japan are struggling to cope with a series of earthquakes that struck it's western coastline on new year's day damage . the buildings and roads are hindering rescue efforts in the worst areas. and authorities say that more tremors are likely the
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hello and welcome to our show. i'm speaking beardsley in berlin. these rarely supreme court has struck down a significant section of the government's controversial judicial reforms. prime minister benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes last year, which limited the powers of judges to overturn government decisions. the plans were highly unpopular and prompted massive nationwide protests the general assembly. so call in jerusalem has more on the political reaction to this rule. ready really cool, the party power it is road. they're very upset. and they're saying that this is something that can not happen in the time of war. this should have been a unit the uh, the, the minister of justice. save yourself and you have a blessed the hacked the supreme court again and linking it to the war.
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again, saying that this is not the time. and the, on the other hand, the penny guns who is now in the bows, the most popular, the politician. he's saying that we should respect the supreme court in its decision. but he also said that there are no winners and losers and the kind of an attempt to show the unity and to show that the important thing now is the war in gaza. journalists semi so called there in jerusalem was shifting to the war and gossip less than half of the hospitals in the territory are even partially functioning. and that's according to a recent assessment by the world health organization. here's a look at one efforts to get need of care and better since the gardens or french worship of egypt and coast. this worship is
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a safe harbor for gases wounded. here, children and app you tease, receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most in the, on place we. and instead of seeing the french trades as like family, they and they give us all the care we need and they're kind of see who gratitude is mixed with fears over the safety of loved ones. back home was object. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday in the news is not good in the hospitals and refugee camps, the dead bodies of men, women, and children. keep arriving psychological support is also given to those traumatized by the war samples to whom it is important for us and for them to know what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy in their suffering. the patients are transferred here from gases border with egypt. this
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ship is equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gaza, sparked by her mazda is october, 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational. now in safety, the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries. both physical and psychological . japan is bracing for further aftershocks after a series of earthquakes. rock the island nation on new years, day cooling, at least 6 people. what's feared that number could rise as authority say they're having difficulties reaching some of the hardest hit areas. dozens of earthquakes shipped of hands west coast hitting the issue, our preference or the strongest out of magnitude of $7.00 more than $30000.00 homes were left without power. but the government says nuclear power plants remained unaffected. of the army was called in to help with rescue operations and nearly 100000 people ordered ordered rather to evacuate customers inside this
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department store in each co of panic and try to take shelter as a trim and hit the hundreds of people who are evacuated from a subway station, the, as inside the ceilings started shaking. nearby residents recorded the effects of the quake from inside the home. and lodge fires broke out to some neighborhoods. the japans meet you were logical agency recorded multiple quakes of the western coast. one of them had a preliminary magnitude of 7.6. they
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then issued the highest to know me warning possible. the service is the 1st major tsunami of the since the great that occurred in the pacific ocean on march, the 11th 2011, outside with the success shima nuclear does off the still to clear and people's minds. the government says that so fun, none of the nearby need to have help on. so being affected earlier i spoke with journalist sonya of laska in tokyo about this situation. and she gave me this update. and yeah, it's been quite started to the new year. um, let's start with this. the tsunami sweat as such, um has as mainly costs, at least for now. um they've downgraded the wanting level. we've seen some damage and some harvest boats over overturn their costs and the water was a broken. um, but i think probably at the moment really the,
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the bigger issue is the quick, the intensity level is something that's to know to pinion seal, hasn't seen. and also the surrounding area hasn't seen. and there's been an area in the city of watching law that has burned to the ground over 50 buildings are gone. it's still burning the extent of the damage there is, is even clear at this point. and then the reason being concrete, building stats have fallen to the side, not just all the buildings. so at the moment, i think that the bigger worries, even the last quick however that before as these are still wanting to, to stay vigilance to not go close to the cost. so yeah, people really have to be careful, still wait for that. almost 100000 people have been evacuated from their homes. can we say when it will be safe for them to go back at this stage? i think it's really too early. there's also some disruption to the infrastructure
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in some places that are as low as electricity, the water is not running. and at the moment the, the rescue teams are trying to reach the areas. but there's lots of damage to roads . it's quite incredible. see the pictures with a huge cracks industries. landslide spotlights to some degree liquefaction to the ground. so all of this really hampers the rescue efforts and what it would make it also really difficult for people to return any time soon or do we have any sort of idea about the damage, the overall size of this? we often think back about think back to 2011 and focus shima. is this that kind of level, or is it too early to say? it's, i wouldn't say is the kind of level um, simply because at the moment the tsunami damage is much, much less intense than you know in 2011. however, the, the earthquakes damage is really quite bad. and at this stage, i would say it's,
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it's even too early to tell. i mean, the effective area is much smaller than back then. and japan is quite well prepared when it comes to, to, as quakes. but still, yeah it's, it's a much bigger area than usual, so to speak. so, so i, i think there's also quite some, some overwhelm. and so we really have to see, i'm still quite concerned about the area that has been burning, is still burning in watching my city and wondering how many people are fix it there . at the moment we know that 6 people at least have the items and doesn't have been injured in the whole affected area, but we're still waiting for further information. all right, that's journalist sonya block reporting from tokyo. thank you. let's go now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world. same sex marriage is now legal in estonia, couples had been able to register civil partnerships,
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but parliament passed a bill legalizing marriage last june. a stony is the 1st baltic state in former soviet republic to make the move. land locked ethiopia has signed a deal with somali lance, a gain access to the red sea. in exchange, ethiopia will become the 1st country to recognize the break away somali region as an independent country, somali lead seceded from somalia. more than 30 years ago. officials in mogadishu have condemned the new deal. thank you for me to. hi, once president citing when says relations with china must be decided by the will of the time when these people just caught them. badging to find a way to coexist peacefully can come to chinese leadership. aging ping has repeated his claim. the so called re unification with taiwan is inevitable. central means with 2 yoga, which means the original mickey mouse is no longer protected by copyright. anyone may now use the character without needing permission. 95 years ago,
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he started in steamboat willy, alongside his companions. minnie mouse, but disney retains the rights to more modern versions of the character the self proclaimed republic of the gore. no, kara, buck has ceased to exist. as of the 1st of january. the armenian majority territory was located, and azerbaijan, which never recognized the break away region, and defeated his military and a one day war. less september, about a 100000 people fled and the self styled republics meter signs and agreement to dissolve newborn oak or buck in 2024. he's recently backtracked on that decision, but also by john has absorbed the territory. nonetheless, a new era begins for this fullness, self styled republic of to decades of conflict. nicole nicola back is now fully under the governance of as a base on the mountainous enclave and the south caucuses lies within us. that by
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john, it has long been internationally recognized as belonging to as a bygone but since 1991, much of it was governed by estimate communion separatists who claimed it was a defacto independent state that they called the republic about. so it took less than 24 hours for the crew to seize nicole in their cairo, back with the ministry offensive on september 19th, 2023 to set protest, lee to surrender and agreed to a ceasefire, which was broken by russia. the takeover caused the majority of nicole and a camera backs, largest population of estimate comedians to flee to the boat, is leaving that home is behind them and carrying as many possessions as possible. most of them and now living as refugees, with no immediate plans to return to the homes as a by you on the president easy,
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i live says that they will have equal security and rights if they choose to return but off to decades of violence, there is little trust among the armenians for promises from back to tensions between as a bygone and armenia over nicole know camera back date back over a century. within the last the 2 years, they have full to what was over it. in the 1st war, which ended in 1994 the armenian side to control them to go into a car back and 7 of the districts off to a short war in 2020 as a buyer's on to fax those districts unassertive. nicole no carol, back with the help of tuckers weaponry, the keys president red chip type ad one was quick to travel to as advise on
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following its recent victory last september to congratulate live allies and descendants of the own means protested the takeover in several countries . now going to cairo box is now positive. as advice on the territory, it is largely devoid of people following the takeover. and does it by john's plans to the region is still unclear. as a by john says it sees no obstacles to it lost in peace treaty with its neighbour, armenia. but this wouldn't be enough to dissolve the distrust and hatred felt by the 10s of thousands of nickel and a kyra bucks. so medians to a still displaced from a place they cooled home. and finally, an australian woman says she has found the best excuse ever to be late for work. check this out. she woke up to find a 600 kilogram elephant c o blocking her car. now this particular seal is
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a celebrity in the southern state of pennsylvania, and this regularly spotted wondering down the beaches and roads around the whole barge. locals have named tim neal it. lucille pretty good to use. is it for me in the the domain news team you can find out more online dw news dot com and see if there's an invalid. it's a logic the, it shouldn't be this one here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and science? researchers explore an untouched place into the ice dw.


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