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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CET

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for what secrets lie behind these discovered benches in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage spelling, dw, world heritage. 360 now bad bad berlin for sticky notes. being home to germany's most famous and successful bands. and it's not just the locals and new comers writing music history and the german capital legends like david bowie, the passion, mood, and you to lead during some of their biggest tracts and albums and the formerly divided cities. many bands of drawn inspiration from the cities target with history
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. there are a heap of songs, either written of both berlin or made in the quarter to we want to find out why that is but it's been cut off. i live. it's like someone who walks into the bar with a scar and you think that person has really lived through loss. berlin has a story to tell. under a lot of songs about us, we need to claim the barrel in the city with heart and attitude. so that's oberlin, you can kind of in your face, we mean it's lovingly provide some a constraint for lynn as a control melting cost tenants that multi culturalism that is shake the city and so many different people, different cultures, different neighborhoods to know 2 things. look the same, know to think smell was stable and i think we bring a set settlements. wisconsin give us in panic. i am with plague from punk and rock
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to rappin tech. we find out why there are so many songs of bunk. berlin is the last past in the free thinking in the way the cities kind of moves is really relaxed. is oh, you are 5 iconic songs that were written in or about the german capital in the 1st time it happened, okay, very good. or i still have a suitcase in berlin by marlene, which is fine. but on the side, the chief released the song in 1955 after many years of living abroad in the united states is called
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capital. and it should have no hyman, acosta in berlin. is simply a love song to the city and pretty soon everyone was talking about it. it had real you when potentials look inside some level as it simply the owners just saying or prove it by now. but i myself have this loaning full button. ok. so i have to go back at least once a year, and that was done, but then isn't trying to say as to the classic of marlena, the tweak was born in berlin and then to new one. she started her career as a model and became a star playing lula and the blue angel. moving to hollywood in 1933, she became somewhat of a style icon, was openly bi, sexual and distance herself from nazi germany, the value of who caught somebody that tag us off that that is we're going to beat us. and that's what i say. you have the got phase and had to get the money and it needs to be so and i'm guessing being in the the other hand, i feel like somebody call me, they do one job. the best thing,
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these things least selectively to a visual condition, blowing of the fun cup, dispose of public youngest days. but some saw her as a traitor. the star hold a special police in the heart of berlin. dry queen gabby tupa gabby regularly during the long wait until pat to play the diva. parts of the repertoire is to solve a qualifying for the very beginning. but at that time, berlin was the european city to go to stomach. but there was also this feeling that it's impossible to really live in berlin, that you'd rather just have a suitcase their visit, occasionally look at the nice things. because let's face it time funny when it was live in berlin for a while. now as you can really, each want to some of the one kind of just of pressing the dry clean, regularly hosts walking 2 or 3 berlin following and marlena, the police footsteps from the house. she grew up in ensure in a bag to her grieve, and the so called artist cemetery shapes right
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off the the door checking them attacked, burdens pump, some of flats. how's it? some of marlene dietrich so they can see the vast collection includes over $3000.00 items of clothing, including dietrich's, original and legendary suitcases. with cars that does that you want? it said the cheat always travels with about 60 suitcases on the month with her initials. they were extremely heavy. wooden headquarters, fietta sent these on have cases from the fifties and sixties. and you can see where she's been by the hotels because the suitcase is actually still travel. they can be seen at various tech submissions size, and one of them was my dog isn't in the bathroom. every molina dietrich exhibit features some kind of luggage. it wouldn't be capex triggered. the 1st story is
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taking the stage once again. that's the turn linden. unless wellbeing out punish. to is directing a play about the film diva. the it's titled marlena in hollywood told us to hit soon to be molly. and i'm telling the story of homer lina always stay german state. prussian state of berlin or this hudson and our hearts stayed in the right place west. they say in berlin, died in the kind of bridge for germany to reintegrate into a community of shared values, funding them live because through the life of melana deatrice in the world, so that there was another germany besides nazi, i sent back in berlin gabby to keeps the legacy of the queer icon, a life with one of her most famous songs.
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the sign in z, z z by using long assisted eyes. on the the 2nd. so in our list is a smash hits composed and berlin. he lives by david bowie, the berlin in the late seventy's. it was a good city. david's while he was living in west berlin, where he wrote, arguably one of his best songs in the shadow of the berlin wall. he rose and hands on the plate in the central room for berlin's music. see the you, russell david boy, boy,
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his heroes is certainly the most unique song i know concerning. religious tana. it's relevant because he lived in berlin for some time. a uh, it was written here in bidding and the have taught the here. and how do you really help shape the music scene here? seeing here miss, we're not here, please offer me to pick, talk to him, guest on his phone and on to had a particular attitude, which is what berlin is, one about of a dozen to bring it to you to them from the musical history of the identity of a 60 start to put a few probably coming make located up until then building wasn't known as a musical city. so people building on the musical map zeros is as adults with a few arrows, is such an iconic berlin song song which on a pole on which it has such power. and yet it says we're a divided city, but we haven't previous time. i couldn't, couldn't clinics. i it gives me goosebumps every time. i think it's hard for me. think you the smiley guy, when david bowie arrived and burly, he was all ready, a superstar. he made the move in search of anonymity and to overcome his cocaine
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addiction. what we recorded the song in the legendary tons of studios, great holes in the summer of 1977. together with producer tony visconti and sand engineer. it was my who remembers the time funding the gun and i enjoyed working with him in studio and the sun was created in the studio tony visconti while we had us tony visconti and, and tony, i'm us who are both part of the production is to leave him alone for an hour to be and so the 2 of them went for a walk to know to the wall a line and fully engaged out and sold a couple walking along, holding each other types of. oh boy nissan. big 5. inside the but that's what inspired the lyrics thinking that's how it's p of here. if it isn't true. we lived here at home class 155 in the front of our district. and
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it really became a home for me during that time. that was a good place to be enjoyed because they seem to be such a lot happening in the time fans full to berlin to see the legendary hundreds of students to this day. to meet gifts guided tours of the rooms that are stick to music history, the crews loved to go in and others were inspired by the brokenness of the city of the special location of the studios to be called right by the wall. them all special place to record that some of them just you do still have as many as the original instrument to use and the recording of david bowie's album he lives fuels. heroes is a very special song for a lot of people because it radiates hope. all set definitely present in the song on my come so you can apply the today towards to a kronos crises of the we will be here also for one day of the song is also known from the film christiana, as based on the book of the same name the movie patrice
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a life of 13 year old christie on a test. a great day. the boyfriend who 1st tries had ruined after attending one of his concerts by 14, she is addicted to drugs and working as a sex worker the films entire 2nd tract is made of a boy. we choose, the musician even agreed to appear in the film. the custom that is coming to hood ornament. what i find so disturbing is how many people say they started using drugs because of the film or maybe the music and that's a good calm, but that's the opposite of what they really wanted to show. i just finished the stuff, it's don, sweet friends, or how about they wanted to show how dark and silent that life is. i can be cost
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them. do you have to use this? i mean, there's an overdose 100 by front door is 20 points looking for bypass. here it was help christiana, directed by you to cheap cult status. it also played a key role in attracting musicians from all over the world to berlin. the case in point youtube creek is over next legendary song, 1 november 1989. the fall of the portland roles for the people of nice, berlin and east germany. the dream of freedom was finally coming. true, families worked and united a whole country was overjoyed in october of 1990 youtube was a hands of studios working on their 7th awesome talk to him, baby. the album represented a major shift for the band. just like the major events taking place in the unified
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term, the come, everyone can agree to love, at least one song. you have at least one song that you think is great, and i think for a lot of people, that song is one of 2 babies. one of the finest moments in my opinion, and one is like that is somebody that's probably the best on the of the real crews. the bands have written a song like this was, i was experiencing berlin. the 1st video of one shot in the great hall and on the streets of portland, gives an idea of how strongly the band was influenced by the historic moment. that was the fall of the berlin wall, the glue, and make easier his other thoughts to an expression. youtube just found themselves in the situation. that was the new berlin, which still had very few rules. and most thing was the start of the tech. no one
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electronic music scene and acting baby turned out to be a very electronic automobile cuz of their own account. first, it took them almost 2 weeks to get something usable and megabyte. and that turned out to be one plus one. you 2 in drag. this performance of the band into a fair amount of trouble. the well intentioned, with proceeds from the song going to support each research. the gate community felt it fed into the stereotype that keith is exclusively disease of game in. the video by antoine corbin was not well received. it's been day of oppose. it seems that that's in yon i've been positive for over 10 years. i'll find out here from i've also lost friends to aids marked spot to type toilet. i like just bundle may be a totally quite ally and supporter, but it's just not one of those studies for disabled investment. so hard to think that's what bothered the gay community. and me to this day he got the question is how seriously are they being taken? if they, to some extent making
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a joke of themselves on the information is very about just if i place at least the 3rd and final video for the song with shots in the bar in new york and choose bono and i kind of dialogue with them. so it's now considered the official video of one and has around a $150000000.00 views on youtube. the one more compelling to actually still drops by now, dental, uniform papers here in the studios in the hall to just a few weeks and months ago when is that the connection is still there. you up cuz this is in 2009. during the 20th anniversary of the fall of the long youtube performed at the brandenburg gate and in 2017 volume on the edge, give us a price concert on the berlin subley on the youtube lane, of course. where else? the next on our list of berlin, psalms, the germans owned by
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a wheel berlin bind. because b by c, one was done with the song was released in 21 when berlin to become more unified and life in the capital, felt more casual during this time and live in young man, mostly from west berlin. once i got together to produce a whole new site, but there was a lot on dr. my dog. the stick to see because be by seed was i think the 1st moment in the history of music coming out of but later we just knew right away. this is going to be magic. this is going to be big because this isn't for me. yeah, that's the biggest big trip i think, so i'd be got a this, we're kind of wild and we think we're pretty hot off the car. colton. 2 boxes you think that's over come from the gt. then you don't get burned in human. had some
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kids, have they been in the home one of the 1st time? is time saw song, that's a monument to my city. see dick has be, gets a big thumbs up for me to come down from. yeah. the songs celebration fairly with. oh, that's rough inches. the video was directed by berlin bass. daniel, how do you know who has no show 10 videos for the band called out best the next to the songs i believe. so we have a song about berlin. we have these hit good looking guys. i thought i thought let's just walk around all these locations with the inside. and i definitely wanted to show some distinctive, barely, and areas and site side, and always be on the move. i'm a buyer's front of this home. so keep orders for the, the to me, that's the vibe of the song. and then dad home gave 11 men hit the time when the opa bound bridge to museum island. unimportant part of the video dancing together
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to the berlin back. right. i think i'll think about the walk in the office on the phone. i'm walk, you know, because you know my record to the book in front of me. she might have always found the bridge beautiful because it shows billions. waterways, spending up here blinking, i think berlin has more bridges in venice. this, that have to be and i think the movie, that's what we hung also do you find the cathedral and everything around there? simply beautiful in front of the, of the turn. the song white silvan was all about diversity, a plaintive dance homemaking hip hop, and scar a completely new sign. that was a sub, a student that definitely gave the band. the big break as an in the video was getting played, which was important back them. and that there was a video at all vistas that was kept the notation and introduced you to the band showed who they were at the band about forrester. the song was also great if it's still a crowd pleaser even when they play live. now,
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something of whether the for lose or other like shoes, seed, or among the more successful german life bands of all time, the concerts regularly sold their song tickets be one of their top hits. then we will not stop leap when you live in a city like this. you really feel of what's going on. that is a so not even the fun of mine. it's only natural that a song about the city can leap outs and cut you off guard. i don't mind buying steering car as it this is not, it's not so sunshine. it's a top city. he is always on this list. all the hottest on it's definitely getting tougher. see my how to know to our fit song or rather trend which is noun world why he does a berlin and some of the sky and signed by d. j. paul called when it was released in $28.00 events like the love parade and clubs like that. kind of a cheat burdens image as a party city. this is where paul called brent grew up and got involved in the c.
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now he is one that believes most successful duties and music producers civic. so it folks, many memories of summer sunshine, the outdoors. and i don't know who we all the truck is kind of, i guess, a clip track, but you know, kind of wrapped in a pop song or pop song about typically paul comp. brandon sky inside is most a well known as a 2nd tractor. the film version calling film, but the d. j in the berlin nightlight kind of shed. uh, what's the director dolling calling in the ninety's and the 2000 and this was the other 2 to life. it's right to life in the cities that was constantly in flux, that's an honor kick sitting in the office and start off on business just as a junior wards lives off this fibers. berlin city coming together is on the box and that's what i wanted to show this way. these type of bundle plays because of some
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of the film a not yet successful d g who uses a lot of drugs, sheets on his girlfriend and has a breakdown. paul was actually only meant to write the same track and advise the director the 5 years, and that was actually just the consultant. he wants to know how a guy like this lives, what he does all day. mostly. what does he do anything and oh, i thought he said you should pay him yourself. i must be called printers. gave you as an act or help the film games enter. now tional success. i'm getting a cold following as to the track sky incense, which only ended up in the film by chance. sky the send button is concerned, was not supposed to be in the film of my pock. i put in the got power cock brunner . give me a usb stick and done it with the trucks and it produced that we had talked about it when done. but it was one time we haven't talked about this before. who bought it, hadn't photos like this? i know, i listen to it, some thoughts. this is actually really interesting from less than se, then i said, why don't we do the bar 25?
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see what's going send the whole holes on the track or by post brother fits within the film, policies, a chris singing and dancing to the track and the legendary club bar $25.00. mission of ship them soon just as well. it's always bug me is that except for documentary and i've never not was seen on offensive tons seen in the field where people are just raving in a club for to take them coup. raven with that that was super important to us and some kind of fits and those aren't truly sets. we shouldn't real party. so there's 2 parties of the me to tell me are 25 clues and 2010, but it's the legacy lives on. today and actress village is located there, which is officially opened, does a cooperative in 2017. and no matter which generation is partying, drugs won't be disappearing from the burdens night, but any time soon, human light avoided explicitly. people want to experience streams of light. it was like that for me. and it's always going to be highly,
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sometimes you shouldn't approach a subject like that with a white and finger emmonds are good, but actually look at the reality and not just the negatives and each box might so what is the burden signed up today? is there one sign that defines the city? what does the music industry think? you know the name, steve bennett and represent so many things and it definitely stands for electronic music and tax notes. this'll also rock and roll pon rapid bully. anyone who wants to combine rules that tend to one genre, somebody conte kindness and what musical legacy will handle studio was leave behind the owner. $200.00 us to, to sort of one of the eclipse without hundreds of studios. i think berlin wouldn't have had the same impact on music history and i'm, was it, or even the music scene today had to there was
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a time when the city science was rough and edge musician and former bar or north coast fund expedient system. so in the seventy's and eighty's and we'll talk about it. yes, i was informed a lawyer on the sound of berlin was definitely dirty. there was sometimes crew, sometimes really funny when the lots and i think today it's good and much more towards commercial success, towards the sales for the asking the little punk spect. then we put out a record and didn't care about anything else. so i called as a vehicle in punk style, must be on the side, we didn't care if anybody bought us or not, of you and somebody at the office in our costa and on this. so what does the future hold? well, berlin still be a place where musicians can afford to live and express their creativity. 3 or 4 with the you for you and freedom. that basically anyone can do anything here . not slowly being lost desk because just finding a place to live,
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it's impossible to him kind. i'm in the mood. if in that, as i'm kind of on, you can come to the end thinking i want to build something up here. it can just as easily swallow you months. you can get low here. they've been all songs written about post, how lovely you can get in a big city like balances. i think that storytelling is a big part of it. sorry, telling this the old berlin where anything was possible, no matter how crazy, there's probably no more. what's an uber letting me instead the emerging somewhere else entirely? the new berlin is happening and elsewhere. east. what's right? because what happens there is there is a replication. berlin was initially after the 2nd level, and if they play that cods right, they will be able to create something very interesting. we're talking about some place like box, something like this, you know, really well the new berlin, b and ukraine. berlin continues to change the city of culture and music,
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and it remains exciting to see of here what's coming that starts on the field for today by and see you next time the
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a long to during voyage comes to an end. the final destination, morocco. for our shows, belo presenter just far abdul karim the country of our ancestors both agreed that diversity is the region's true source of well the in 30 minutes on d. w,
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the swimming marathon to combat water pollution in gonna event 2 days, protest of choice, swimming to the whole to river for 450 kilometers. company by scientists. will her demonstration be a successful one? a co op in 19 minutes on d w, the, it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice? explore and and test the into the ice
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january dw vacation as an applicant, do they have that when i, when i told me that they don't have violence. and we go say colson tissue today. because then they go to that who set up at love a new meal was work hard won the the and i think the the
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you watching the, the news coming to live from berlin. rescuers in japan are searching for survivors after a series of earthquakes on new year's day. damaged infrastructure is hindering efforts in the worst hit areas. also coming up on the show, an attacker stab south korea's opposition liter. former presidential candidate lead jane young is in hospital after being wounded in the neck. and israel's top court strikes down a key part of the night in yahoo.


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