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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the to the news coming to live from berlin. rescuers in japan are searching for survivors after a series of earthquakes on new year's day. damaged infrastructure is hindering efforts in the worst hidden areas. also coming up on the show, an attacker stab south korea's opposition liter, former presidential candidate lead jane young is in hospital after being wounded in
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the neck. and israel's top court strikes down a key part of the night in yahoo governments, controversial legal reforms, judges se efforts to curve their powers causing serious and unprecedented damage to democracy, the empire, richards and welcome japan, is bracing for more after shots following a series of earthquakes. on new year's day, authorities have now confirmed at least 30 people killed. and it's feared that that number could rise as rescue pro struggle to reach some of the hardest hit areas. thousands of tremors, shock japan's west coast hitting the issue call what prefecture is stronger. so the magnitude of $7.00 more than $30000.00 homes were left without power. but the governments,
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as nuclear power plants were not affected. as the army was called in to help with rescue operations. and nearly 100000 people were ordered to leave their homes. 5 fights is worked to extinguish the places in the centre of y, cima city in japan. so she called her region after series of, of quakes shook the coastal area. on monday, the authorities said thousands of stores and houses were damaged and the fires that followed the death toll is expected to rise as the troops and rescue teams reached west affected areas. japan's prime minister to me because she does set out what helicopter surveys have found so far. i do go to my haiti, i have received a report that you got that very large scale damage has been confirmed a cuz i think clothing numerous human casualties a car building collapses and fires. so what would they give us?
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all nice to 100000 people have to leave that homes and stay in shelters like this. jim. your palms may cheer logical agency one, but more strong shocks could hits in the coming days. the on a day when many japanese gather at shrines to all suppress. for the new year to quake measuring 7.6 magnitude struck in the afternoon. the thousands of smaller quakes followed with roads damaged and buildings destroyed. the more remote northern parts of issue cola are inaccessible and the prime minister cooled the efforts to rescue the survivors a battle against time. i spoke to sonya blush guide,
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journalist in tokyo and asked her if search and rescue teams have been able to reach some of those most effective areas us. and to be honest, it's even difficult to tell here because also the news outlets are not able to to go there and, and report because everything's blocks and we basically have to rely on helicopter images as well. so thankfully because of the, the cancellation of the tsunami warning now they can access the area from the sea because that was an issue and that's, and the only warning was still in place. so that is an option, but a lot of rows are damaged down numerous reports and images, offline, slide, smoking roads, even cars under those land slides. a lot of buildings are collapsed and then toppled over. only just an hour ago i saw images from the the why do you my city area that was up and really badly that is only been able to, to kind of a cruise only we're able to access that very recently. so i think because the,
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the scale of the last click is so big, you know, stretching over 6 pre switches. yeah, it's, it's really difficult to assess the, the full scope of this catastrophe yet, information still a trickling in. but at this point i can, can you already give us more of a sense of how of how badly affected japan has been and in which areas. how does that compare to last earthquakes that japan has experienced? i mean on the intensity scale is rep and use one. this was a level 7 the highest level. so the ground should really find in violently and people said they've never experienced something like this. and in this area before, i mean, compared to the worst, is also that we've seen in 2011. it's it's, it's still on a different scale thankfully, but thoughts of despite japan being used to as quakes and learn slides and natural disasters in general, this is really one of the bigger ones. and i think the coming days will probably
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show that as well. and what else can we expect in the coming days? uh, is there still a high risk of aftershocks or? yes, yes, yes. so the image for logical agency has been wanting. that's another level 7 as quick codes, hips the region. i mean this your number of as quick in the past 24 hours as has been very intense. there was so many warnings really every 10 minutes there was another warning, sends out to the mobile phones, which is really not something that even japan is used to. and thankfully, that the country has relatively good building standards. so even a quake of that size, you know, as you compared to other countries, does relatively little damage. a lot of old houses have collapse because the roots are really, really heavy. and that's an ongoing issue even. you know, now when the off the trucks continue. sonya, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. that is a journalist. sonya laska in tokyo. we do have some breaking news
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coming in from ukraine. russia has launched a new wave of missile strikes across the country. authorities are reporting casualties in the north eastern city of harkins and in cuba. the mayor of the capitals of gas pipelines have been damaged and power is out in some areas. we bring you more details on this story as they come in for now though, let's turn to south korea where opposition leader v j young has been stopped in the knack on a visit to the city of pusan. and we were speaking to a journalist when a man and the crowd lunged at him. the politician collapsed and people rushed to his aid. before he was taken to the hospital, the attacker was quickly arrested for the story, let's speak to jane. she's a journalist at already wrong news and joins us from sol. thank you very much for taking the time. could you tell us the latest that we know of lee at j. young's
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condition. a great clear less than an hour ago. at around $320.00 local time. the was transferred from present to sol national university hospital. he's excited to go through a quick surgery now. and the democratic party is made it clear that the general is conscience. emergency measures were taken within 45 minutes since he was started the deck. he was transferred to a nearby hospital into ports vehicles on 32 in a session. he was there with reporters after between the construction site of the new airport. he was quickly transferred, where emergency measures could be making, and it was there were dr. suspected damage had been made a huge amount. it's jennifer payne. and he said the wound wouldn't risk the opposition party leaders later. but as you know, this thing is the large span of the neck, that's or is that the main source of blood flow down from the head. so if left untreated for too long, it could cause serious brain damage for additional leading, which is exactly why he was transferred to the old national university hospital where he's undergoing surgery. there's still a precarious situation there. do we know anything about the attacker and already
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what is possible motives may have been exactly minutes ago. please identify that the doctor is a man in his sixties. he appeared to be a fan of the mill asking him for an autograph over the head, been reading. i'm e mail that he suddenly lunch for to some of the pretty liter and local news that we don't have reported that the web a used at the site was around the 18 centimeters long lease, also identified that he had bought the web it online, and they're still investigating what his exact motives were, and as we mentioned before, the police arrested the man at the scene in his notes, charging him with attempted murder. and just for our international viewers were not closely following politics. they are here tell us a little bit more about lee jaden young as a political figure he's, he's the leader of the main opposition party. but at what, what does he known for as well each email is known as the post neck and the candidate to the current president present a use on guard during the former presidential election. he was the running of
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candidate to who could be the president of south korea. he's also very popular for the figure here. he spent a lot of scandals at the moment, but most importantly he is the main opposition party leader, which is now why a lot of people are paying attention to how his parents are really shows how whole arise. public sentiment is when it comes to politic politicians and political parties here in south korea. thank you so much for that update. that is journalist ca understand joining us from sole being here. and israel supreme court has struck down a key element of the government's controversial, judicial reforms that had sparked massive protests and a slim majority. justice has ruled the amendment would have caused a serious and unprecedented damage to israel's democracy. last year, prime minister benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes which limited the powers of judges to overturn government decisions but speak to the de correspondent young philip schultz and jerusalem. a for more. so i
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remember, well, we covered these protests from his relays against these reforms for months. do you think the court's decision has come as a surprise? as according to is really media. a draft document had already been leaked some days ago. so it probably comes doesn't come as a complete surprise, but the prime minister and it's on the island. his government has certainly hoped that the court with not known such a decision during the on going a war against how much as you know, as you mentioned, that have been protests throughout the last year. and it has very much divided the, the society here. and so uh it was in the end, basically the terrorist attacks and the ongoing war against how much that have the sidelines these protests a little bit. so probably not a major surprise,
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but definitely a big political set. spike funded time you all into his government. yeah, tell us a little bit more about that. i'm just how much of a blow is this decision for netanyahu and his government as well, the big decision of the question i should say now is what will end the time? yeah, we'll do. we'll hit accept the court decision or will he continue with the reform if he continues, this might leads to a severe constitution, a crisis. as you know, the critics have said that it is also somehow a person to project for pregnant and spending time. now that you also tries to protect himself from colorado, from his own a corruption trial, and that has been also a prominent members of the current a work having that that have criticized the reform before. so this is also the big
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question now, how it will affect the work having that's one of the critics of a physician or physician lead uh and uh many guns has already right, reacted quite moderately. and he said that there are no winners or losers at the moment. just before i let you go, let's turn up briefly to israel's war and gaza is rose and now announced that will withdraw some troops and shift to more targeted attacks. what do you think this means exactly, for the war against moss. as it doesn't, it doesn't mean that the war will stop any time soon. the israeli military has already announced that the fighting will probably continue throughout the year. but at nights indicates a shift at the beginning of a low intensity phase of the war. as you know, this has been something that's in the united states and of
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a allies have been pushing for, for several months, especially after the heavy desk total and the military and crisis in gaza. but we also have to keep in mind that that still the threat of a regional escalation of the work. so this is probably also something that israel had in mind when they came up with those. so strategic shifts that we're talking about at the moment. thank you so much for that update. that's our correspondent, john phillip shots in jerusalem and taking a closer look at the war and gaza, according to recent assessments from the world health organization less than half of the hospitals in the territory or even partially functioning. and that is making outside help critical. here's a look now at one such effort to get needed care and medicine to guidance when a french worship of the objection coast. this worship is
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a safe harbor for gases wounded. here children an app to tease, receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most in the on place we. and instead of seeing the french trades as like family, they and they give us all the care we need and they're kind of see your gratitude is mixed with fears over the safety of loved ones, back home with object. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday and the news is not good in the hospitals in refugee camps, the dead bodies of men, women, and children keep arriving psychological support is also given to those traumatized by the war samples to prove that it's important for us and for them to know what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy and their suffering, the patients are transferred here from gases border with egypt. this ship is
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equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gaza, sparked by her mazda is october, 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational. now in safety, the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries, both physical and psychological. you're watching the news from berlin, a still to come on the show, exploring space. we look ahead to some of the most and vicious plans and do to get off the ground in 2020 for the. for now though, let's take a look at the self proclaimed for public on the corner of kara bucket has ceased to exist as of january. first, they are median majority territory was located and as or by john, which never recognized the breakaway region and defeated its military and a one day war. last september about a 100000 people flood and the sol solved. republics. leaders signed an agreement to dissolve new corner car box in 2024,
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but he's recently back tracked on that decision, and azerbaijan has absorbed the territories. nonetheless, a new era begins for this full, the self styled republic of to decades of conflict. nicole nicola back is now fully under the governance of as a base on the mountainous enclave and the south caucuses lies within us. advice on it has long been internationally recognized as belonging to as a bygone but since 1991, much of it was governed by estimate communion set protests. who claimed it was a defacto independent state that they cooled the republic about. so it took less than 24 hours for the crew to seize nicole in the cairo, back with the ministry offensive. on september 19th,
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2023. the set protest lead to surrender and agreed to a ceasefire, which was broken by russia. the takeover caused the majority of nicole and kyra backs, largest population of estimate comedians to flee to the boat, is leaving that home is behind them and carrying as many possessions as possible. most of them and now living as refugees, with no immediate plans to return to the homes as a by you on the president in the live, says that they will have equal security and rights if they choose to return. but off to decades of violence, there was little trust among the armenians for promises from back who tensions between as a bygone and armenia over nicole. no carol, back date back over century within the last 2 years, they have full to what was over it. fibers in the 1st world which ended in
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1994 the all mean inside to control them to go on a car back. and 7 other districts off the short war in 2020. as advise on to fax, those districts understood. if nicole know cairo back with the help of talk his weaponry talk, he's president red chip type add one was quick to travel to as advise on following its recent victory last september. to congratulate live well, allies, and descendants of the all medians, protested the takeover in several countries. now going to cairo by his now positive as advice on the territory, it is largely devoid of people following the takeover. and as a by john's plans to the region is still unclear as the by john says it sees no obstacles to at last in peace treaty with its neighbour,
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armenia. but this wouldn't be enough to dissolve the distrust and hatred felt by the 10s of thousands of new going to cairo bucks. so medians to is still displaced from a place they cool time. that's cause over to date of these moscow bureau chief, you river shadow. he's now based in the lobby and capital rica after the russian government band dw, from reporting in russia. you're a good to see you. the self proclaimed republic of the corner car box. now officially dissolve, but if it was significant of the former, separate his leader is now saying that this dissolution is not valid. why is he saying that and what are the consequences of such a statement? as i think of, as an alan spent will probably have no consequences. so, so because of the so called cease fire, which had been obviously broke by russia off to the show of one, the war is this is why it was actually the surrender. often a government quarterback, army, the army off no government quarterback, couldn't offer any resistance to the much strong arm. you'll find it by john,
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which by the way, it was supported by to give, as they had no choice, but to sit around and watch to the foremost that there are this to do now. is armine refugees from the garden court about how leading 0 new lives in our media. we don't know why is this separate to 3? the sat does that i suspect is that the pressure on him is great and the accusation is heavy. that he essentially gave, and i've gotten a quote about those guys that are by johnny's, perhaps that is the reason for this comment about it doesn't change the fact that armine on the garden, a car box no longer a physical excess. it was more about the refugees that had to flee to armenia. i understand that you've been there and met with some of them. i guess i wasn't our media at the end of november and i spoke to several refugees. and since then i've been in touch with them. they all, well not on the shocked by. they are for us to mass exit is but also completely disoriented and unsure of what is the future with the bring them um, also for menu of them. it was not the 1st exp escape,
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most of them always came back in previous times and continued to leaving the government. what about this time? however, at the feeling of having finally lost one's homeland was a very difficult home, is also culture roots and all the time of the graves. now, many people told me that they will never see any of this again, but that also economic aspect is the 120000 people can not find a new job overnight. armenia is not that region, industrial country, many in debt to armenian banks because of they build to their houses in a garden court of boxes. they have now don't know how to pay. this is all leads to a frustration and may have also motivated the separatist leader to take a step back and cancel the dissolution off of the origin. and you're just taking a step back to look at the bigger geo political situation. here with azerbaijan taking control of the area, does this look like the end of the conflict? and are there any real prospects for peace in the region as well as the
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disagreement has been prepared and sleep has been assigned by the end of the game. but this didn't happen as it to ne, buses had in december. they were to move towards a remote in the middle as my licensee relations and exchange prisoner. so example i but the both countries have to be protect and call. it wasn't their agent, at least officially, rasa is still considered. does it protect up our media, but to moscow and here long belong to a military alliance made up of soviet states, and they are still a russian peace. keep us stationed in armenia. russia has long been on the east side of hazard or by john no rod though, which in turn called the right close. it was dark. you from aust code. you political cooperation with not contra target seems more important than with our media. thank you so much for that. as a date of use bureau chief, your shadow, we very much appreciate it or 2023. it was one of the most exciting years for space exploration. and most more people were in space at the
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same time than ever before. the number of space torres and flights also took off india became the 4th country to successfully soft land on the moon. and that's just to name a few of the highlights. and the good news is 2024 a set to be just as exciting here as well as in store. one of the most highly anticipated events on the 2024 space calendar is the arguments to mission. in november, it's slated to send these for astronauts seeing here at a launch demonstration event on a 10 day lunar fly by. it will be the final test to mention before arguments $0.03 . humans back to the surface of the moon in 2025. for the 1st time and over half a century, the milestone program led by nasa involved 6 other space agencies including europe's east. it's also a stepping stone to bigger things. those are certainly a good lease on one side, of course,
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technology has advanced and we are exploring again a do you do us, that means we or we send us to an out. so outside our space station, i want to know a little bit. and the more news the obvious next stop are on the way to boss. so cindy is successful tundra on mission to the moon. south pole was just the 1st to an area where water has been detected. nasa is soil sample prospector. viper will head there next. and in may, china also plans to launch the chunk, a 6, a robotic exploration mission that like its predecessor, the chunk a 5 is designed to return samples of lunar soil and rock to earth. for the 1st time, from the moon's far side visits the other moons and the solar system like one that circles. mars are also on the agenda in 2024 and september japan. space agency jacks is heading to full bose with a mission that will seek to collect
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a few grams of material from the red planets. larger moon. the following month, we'll see the launch towards jupiter of nasa's europa clipper emission. it will try to pinpoint possible future landing sites on the jovian satellite surface and also gather data on its icy elder show and the ocean suspected beneath it. trips the asteroids are also planned for 2024 uses. hair emission will look at the 2 asteroids did the most and dime more photos. back in 2022 now says dark spacecraft intentionally slammed into dime more photos. that was a feasibility study into whether it's possible to deflect the course of near or as objects with the aid of to help her satellites. hero will examine the asteroid and nearby space and the aftermath of the dark collision. and have
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eyes is really a mission that focuses on the w safety. that means what, texting our planet for objects that might heat our plan. and this is what i have always do it because have a ease looking at the index which the nozzle without the mission had on this asteroid sun, to see how, how this was effect. it's the moon looms large for every space varying nation and 2024, but it's just one destination. and one of the most exciting years ever for space exploration. and then you have it that is our show and thank you so much for
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watching. the long mediterranean voyage comes to an end. the final destination, morocco for our shows, fellow presenter jeff bar abdul karim. the country of our ancestors both agreed
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that diversity is the regions true source of well the next on d, w a swimming marathon to combat water pollution in gonna event 2 days, protest of choice. swimming to the whole to river for 450 kilometers. company by scientists, will her demonstration be a successful one? a co advocate. in 60 minutes on dw the w. this is everything off, it is available to them and it has never been since the germans.
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