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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 10:00am-10:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin. ukraine under attack for poor is the right of retaliation missile strike your brains to largest cities with several people reported killed and thousands worked at. also on the show to day rescuers and japan, searching for survivors after a series of earthquakes on new year's day. officials say at least 48 people have been killed. an attack or south? south 3 is opposition leader. former presidential candidate, you jame young,
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isn't hospital after being wounded in the neck. and israel's top court struck down a key part of the netanyahu's government, controversial legal reforms, judges se efforts to curve their powers caused serious and unprecedented damage to democracy. the i'm clear, richardson welcome. we'll begin with breaking news from ukraine president will let them use the landscape, says 4 people have been killed as more than 90 wounded. after the latest wave of russian missile strikes. videos on the social media op telegram show, apartment buildings and the capital key severely damaged. in the attack, the city's mer says, one person has been killed there and a dozen people wounded. for a more people have been killed and strikes on ukraine's 2nd largest city. hardcase what i'm doing now, why do you have these court correspondence?
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sonya found the car in the ukrainian capital. sonya tell us what the latest is where you are, and you've with man, we will conducted the audiologist the morning to every to know it's really urging residents to get him to fences. and then for peter default to all, as we heard a loud series of booms and really old, shrieking, explosions, really liberating across the city. that was obviously the sound of a defenses. working that ukrainian air force has now said that russian launched 11 arrow ballistic. besides, at the ukranian company today as well as crews messiahs and then have been casualties. as you mentioned that there's a high rise building in the city that was badly damaged and caught fire. that was a big risky operation on the. we'd be able to get a 100 people evacuated, rebuilding of dozens of people injured and hospitalized. there are also reports of an attack on a civil infrastructure facility, guests bites that damage. several buildings in the, in the city have got filed a warehouse supermarket, even a tesla dealership,
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and other reports that these lead to strikes of also knocked out the water and power supply in some neighborhoods in the city. and as you said, that this is not just some keep this, we also saw strikes some damage in the se in caught, keep ukraine's, ukraine's a 2nd largest city. we've seen damage there to apartments and cause them also with every the loads in other areas like capstone and become nice and sonya, why have we seen such a spike and attacks and the recent days i went to these attacks, it will come a day off the russian president 14 said, you know, he would intensify. attacks against the queen. his comments, of course, came in a day when russia launched a record number of drones on you created territory on new years the that was a yesterday but, but you would either receive a kind of series of spikes and come to strikes in recent days. no, you create an official field have been seen for months. that's it. all she has been building up a lot from beside. still quite to uses when to be well, you know, you know, we're expecting must go to step up a tax meeting into the new jo ann
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a few days off of that because this is what they did last winter as well. and from the ukrainians perspective, i think they say this is the time but will shift to try and, you know, try to rise the way down to civilian population. but above, above all, they say it is an attempt to try and exhaust the defeat. ukraine's a defense systems of you create of course relies heavily on its western partners for advanced a defense systems, and particularly the us design patriot besides defense system and it needs that badly to protect its critical infrastructure. thank you so much for reporting. that is dw is sonia found a car in kiff and the magnitude 5 after shock has rattled western japan following a series of earthquakes on monday. authorities are now confirmed at least 48 people killed. that's fear that that number could still rise as rescue cruise struggle to reach some of the hardest hit areas. thousands of tremors struck japan's west coast, hitting the chicago of prefecture. more than $30000.00 homes were left without
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power. but the government says that nuclear power plants were not affected as the army was called in to help with the rescue operations, and nearly 100000 people were ordered to leave their homes. 5 fights is work to extinguish the places in the centre of y, cima. city in japan, so she called her region after series of, of quakes shook the coastal area. on monday, the authorities said thousands of stores and houses were damaged and the fires that followed the death toll is expected to rise as troops and rescue teams reached west affected areas. japan's prime minister to me because she does set out what helicopter surveys have found. so far i do go to my haiti, i have received records that you got that very large scale damage has been confirmed a cause i think clothing, numerous human casualties,
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a car building collapses and fires. so what would it give us? all nice to 100000 people had to leave that homes and stay in shelters like this. jim coupons meets your logical agent. see ones that more strong shocks could hits in the coming days, the on a day when many japanese gather at shrines to all suppress for the new year the quite measuring 7.6 magnitude struck in the afternoon. the thousands of smaller quakes followed with roads damaged and buildings destroyed. the more remote northern parts of issue cola are inaccessible and the prime minister cooled the efforts to rescue the survivors
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a battle against time. as a south korean opposition leader, age and young has been stopped in the neck on a visit to the city of whose on we were speaking to a journalist. when a man of the crowd lunged at him, the politician collapsed and people rushed to his aid. before he was taken to hospital, the attacker was quickly arrested a understand as a journalist had already run news. and so i spoke to her earlier about eden long's condition. he was transferred from present to sol national university hospital. and he's excited to go through a quick surgery now, and the democratic party has made it clear that he genuine is conscience. emergency measures were taken with a 45 minutes since he was started at the deck. he was transferred to a nearby hospital in the ports vehicles on 32 in a session. he was there with the porters. after between the construction side of the new airport, he was quickly transfer where emergency measures could be making. and it was,
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there were doctors inspect the damage had been made to india males. jennifer payne, and he said the wound wouldn't risk the opposition party leaders later. but as you know, this thing is the large span of the neck pastors as the main source of blood flowed down from the head. so it went on pretty for too long. it could cause serious brain damage for additional leading, which is exactly why who was transferred to the old national university hospital where he's undergoing surgery. there's still a precarious situation there. uh, do we know anything about the attacker and already what is possible motives may have been exactly minutes ago. please identify that the doctor is a man in his sixties. he appeared to be a fan of email, asking him for an autograph hole where they had been reading. i'm e mail that he suddenly loves for to sound the pretty liter and local news that we don't have reported that the web a used at the site was around the 18 centimeters long lease, also identified that he had bought the web it online, and they're still investigating what his exact motives for, and as he mentioned before, the police arrested the man at the scene. it is now charging him with attempted
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murder. and just for our international viewers were not closely following politics . they are here. tell us a little bit more about lee j young. as a political figure he's, he's the leader of the main opposition party, but at what, what is he known for? well, each email is known as the post neck and the candidate to the current president present. he is on guard during the former presidential election. he was the running of candidate to who could be the president of south korea. he's also very popular for the figure here. he spent for a lot of scandals at the moment, but most importantly he is the main opposition party leader, which is now why a lot of people are paying attention to how his territory really shows how full right public sentiment is when it comes to politic politicians. and political parties here in south korea. thank you so much for that update. that is journalist ca understand. joining us from sol. thank you. let's turn out to some of the other stories making news around the world. hong kong
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tycoon and activist jimmy lie has pleaded not guilty to all charges in his landmark trial, he's accused of endangering china is national security. why was arrested in 2020 during our government crackdown on dissidents a year after huge pro democracy protests and city. animals as half a 1000000 people crossed it's dangerous rain forest known as the daria gap last year, headed for the us mexico border. it is more than doubled. the number of my friends made their way through the fixed jungle in 2022. a spanish football or jenny out of most o is due to testify. and i'm a dread court over an unsolicited case from the former football association. chief luis, literally all this. the incident overshadowed spain's victory at the women's world cup final last summer. and smalley is government has condemned the field is deal with the break way region of smaller land, which would include recognizing it as an independent country in the future. land lock,
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ethiopia signed the agreement to gain access to the red sea. and israel supreme court has struck down a key element of the government's controversial judicial reforms that it's far from mass of protests and a slim majority justices rule. the amendment would have caused a serious and unprecedented damage to israel's democracy. last year, prime minister benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes despite months of mass protests. the measure is limited the powers of judges to overturn government decisions. here's the w correspondent, john phillip schultz and jerusalem with more on the court's decision, as according to its really media, a draft document had already been leaked some days ago. so it probably comes doesn't come as a complete surprise, but the prime minister and it's on the island. his government has certainly hoped that the court with not known such a decision during the on going a war against how much as you know, as you mentioned,
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they have been protests throughout the last year. and it has very much a divided to the society here. and so uh it was in the end, basically the terrorist attacks and the ongoing war against how much that's have 1st sidelines these protests a little bit. so probably not a major surprise, but definitely a big political set, spike funded time y'all. and his government has yontsa left shots there as well as offensive across because of strep continues with the show and reported around the refugee camp in the north. and also the city of rafa in the south central areas have also been targeted is really military drones have been circling the southern city of hon. eunice, how must appointed officials in nearly 22000 causes have been killed and the conflict so far. global calls pro lasting ceasefire, have gone unanswered from loss, is does a designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries?
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according to reason, assessments from the world health organization less than half of the hospitals in the territory or even partially functioning. and that is making outside help critical. here's a look at one such effort to get needed care and medicine to thousands on a french worship off the egyptian coast. as this worship is, a safe harbor for gaz is wounded. here children an app to tease, receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most in the on place. and the policy in the french treats us like family they, they give us all the care we need and they're kind of see who gratitude is mixed with fears over the safety of loved ones, back home with object. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday and the news is not good in the hospitals and refugee camps. the dead bodies of men, women,
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and children. keep arriving psychological support is also given to those traumatized by the war samples to whom it is important for us and for them to know what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy and just suffering. the effects to patients are transferred here from guys as border with egypt. this ship is equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gas spark, bye, have mazda is october, 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational, now and safety. the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries, both physical and psychological. to that, just before we go, a reminder of our top story that we're following for us this hour. ukrainian president, it will let him use the ones he's as poor people have been killed and more than 90 wounded in russian missile strikes on ukraine's 2 largest cities. the capital keys and the eastern city of harkins soleski has condemned what he calls russia as
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a campaign of terror. what is your needs at this hour coming up next? or documentary series close off, looks at pollution from illegals, synthetic drugs, agent for that. or if you want more news, you can head over to your website and c, w dot com. or are you sure. i'm clear. richardson in berlin. many thanks for watching the ukraine was like a stepping point. you know, 5 or 2 into that warranty wants to finish your studies. now you have a significant for me to train, you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move in such a base in life categories, something that is come in very, very sense. and yeah,


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