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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is the, the, the news life from 5 and the site invest and decided to tokyo sunday to ask for to passenger jet with maybe 400 people on both processed into a smaller aircraft. or during landing captures 5 to found airlines as everyone on board was safe evacuated, but there are conflicting reports about the fates of the crew. the other place, also on the program, defines presidents. the landscape says russia will pay for its latest missile strikes, which at least $4.00 were killed. more than 90. israel supreme court strikes down a key positive and that's and yahoo governments,
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controversial legal reforms. judges savvy attempts to come back. how was what caused serious and unprecedented damage to democracy? and this problem, if i look ahead to some of i 2024 as big elections to report from india on the growing power of social media to influence the folks as in the world's largest democracy. the, i feel good. welcome to the program. we begin with the breaking news from japan where a passenger plane is court file on the runway of tokyo sunday the airport. so these a live image is showing video at the scene. ok. the add ports at the moment. fire crews respond to a local media report say maybe $400.00 people were on board and 4 golf out safely off the landing v. i live there. it is great for to have collided with another play
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belong to japan's co. scott, and here's the moment the fire broke out, so you can save the japan airlines aircraft bursting into flames as it touch down. let me ask what's wrong with the schedule just as sonya blash got in tokyo, welcome sonya i'm so what vote can you tell us about the sequence of events? yes. looking at the pictures um the word miracle comes to mind um is really incredible. um, you know that so 30860000 presence is among the 8 children has devices. there were also 12 crew members and all of them called out just in time. the phase, as you mentioned off the other plane, the members of the other plane is to i'm clear, apparently the pilot escaped with injuries, but so they were for 5 more people on the plane. and it's still quite clear what's
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happened to them. it looks like uh, there was a lot of last names and that's why the explosion both so big. i beg your pardon i, i spoke as you were speaking. so the last thing you said it looked like what? sorry. it looked like that there was a lot of fuel on the plains and that's why the explosion was, was so big, lots of japanese media here thing. and what do we know about the 2nd, the airplane involved in this collision is apparently faced in the airport and it was supposed to travel to the north, west of japan, to bring groups to, to rescue people in the area affected by the us. quick. and that makes the whole thing even more and more tragic. and so we really need to wait for official confirmation from the authorities. what exactly happens with the 2nd place? okay, we've been, we've been seeing those pictures of
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a plane bursting into flames as it touched down emilia at quite horrific. and this, of course, in the country, beth is just seen as well as seeing more than its fair share of tragedy in the last few days. can you hear me? sonya ah sorry. yes. um yes it has to be. um. i mean the new you must know that the 1st 3 days of every year this is really the quietest time in japan. everybody's at home. this is like basically christmas in western countries. and so for this to happen and such a and such a usually really quiet time, a family time makes it even more and more dramatic. and it also means that a lot of infrastructure is not maybe as readily available, is usually because people are away in the case. and also there are a lot of people who are doing in areas in other areas. um,
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also in the notes parents and already as quick happens. so that makes the whole situation even more difficult and is your site. but the, the 2nd, the plane on the runway was that do to make deliveries tempted to actually go into rescue mission to the grades a yes. yeah. so the, the rest of us are going on. and now the fact that one of the biggest airports in japan is basically out of order for the time being because all of the wrong ways i know of lots of the traffic has stopped. and this is going to have for the rescue efforts even more in place that was supposed to land and kind of uh, being diverted to another relatively big off of airports in the area which is also near tokyo. okay. fact, your thoughts on this, on a black sca and talk to you regarding your present involved them is that excuse us for people have been killed and more
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than 90 wounded in the latest wave of russian missile strikes. several apartment buildings in the capital k. if was severely damaged her residential address of hockey, if you think the 2nd largest, i think will also have you credit at defense forces i. they shut down 72 of the 99 russian missiles escaped, multiple correspondent sonya and finally got a key for a welcome. sonya, what is the latest? that's what is the thing started really dramatically here in the category. keep a we were walking by area to the, to the oh, the odds of the morning. ok. and residents to get into centers. and then we heard a series of loud booms and explosions across the city. this last and for most 2 hours and all reassuring, from the head of the keys. keep reasons for military administration, who says a defensive, shocked out over 60 russian arrow ballistic and cruising besides the target to the capital, keith today, and that to you to possibly explains the wide spread damage we're seeing in the
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city today with you to beside. and dr. debris reading down on buildings and cause and uh, starting fires. uh, they've been casualties here to highlights building in particular pretty badly impacted. a fire started. there was a 100 people up in evacuated, dozens, hospitalized. were there also buildings and see that i've got fire warehouse supermarket, a car dealership that has also been extensive damage and the wider keep region to private homes and cars and no, but also hearing that these lead to strikes have knocked out the power supply. and what the supply and some of the neighborhoods, the energy industry says over 260000 residents now lift the doctor back to stay in the wider keep reaching. we do seem to have seen a spike in russian attacks recently. why is that? well these the, the attacks today come just to be off the russian president that'd be put in said he would intensify, strikes against the screen. his comments, of course, came to the wind russian launch a record number of june attacks on you creating 10 trees on new year's day. that
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was, that was yesterday and we've seen a kind of spike in, in strikes and come to strikes in recent days. you're creating a parties here, they've been saying that russia has been, you know, kind of, they've been wanting for months across, as a building up large and beside, still claimed to use this winter and they would, you know, bracing themselves, so a tax leading into the new york and a few days off that this is what russia did last year was with i'm sure, you know, official fuel to see the e b a is to kind of target the energy infrastructure with the con we're down to. so we didn't population. and above all the states and a 10 by most go to really kind of exhaust and defeat ukraine's. it defenses you create a false relies heavily on it's with some partners. for advanced a defense systems. in particular, the us design surface to a patriot decide defense system. this is, this is a system that you can needs to protect. it's critical infrastructure. and we've heard in the week of these, you know, religious wave of tax and you crave. we've heard officials here. oh call for you know, or the kind of wisdom partners to send them more in defense inside systems. and
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besides seeing, you know, they all badly needed in particular to protect towns and cities that are closer to the front lines and not as well defended as types of us. sonya, i think w correspondence. sonya found the car in key as a back to japan. now when i'm back mature, 5 after shock has shaken the west of the country following that series of earthquakes that on monday, in which they confirmed death, thomas, now at least 48, it's very about number, could rise as rescued christmas reach some of the hobby state areas dozens of tremors to show the country's west coast. they think they should call a prefecture and leaving more than 50000 homes without power. you always been called in to assist the rescue and nearly 100000 people ordered to leave the homes . the name and to fear. when the quake struck the now the off them off
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the series of powerful quakes, reaching $7.00 on the risk, the scale have left wide spread, damage and destruction. a world turned upside down. this aerial footage gives an idea of the devastation done to the coastal robes in chicago. and on the ground, the human cost of the quake lives in chaos. and homes destroyed the clean up might have begun. but for some, the devastation is too much to cope with. the house was like this off to the last as quick in 2007, we would need just rebuilt it. i don't think we can rebuild again. others are adjusting to being without basic facilities, with cues foaming to receive russians. drinking water in my
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household, powder is still running, but the problem is water even in areas where water is still running. so that being asked to save as much as possible when the scores of people have died and the disaster will start to use a dozens more weight rescue. while japan's cheat cabinet secretary added this screen warning that it was and tell you that yet, hopefully, maybe not some new to the people of japan. please be on that that, that may be earthquakes for about a week of an intensity scale of up to 7, to my know, to the people that live in areas where the quake was strong. please look out for evacuation information and take action accordingly. according to that view and equipment, i almost had given us off the shocks adding to the disruption on the
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new year. the no one wanted to stop this way. and take a look at a couple of other stories making headlines around the world who stuff in south korea where they all position the the lead jane young has been stopped in the next year and a visit to the city of was on my lunch that same as he was speaking to me for just missed at least been taken to hospital his injury, as i said, not should be life threatening. the suspect has been arrested and i'm calling tyco and pro democracy activist jimmy light has been lie, has pleaded not guilty tool charges. if he's longmont, the trial is accused of endangering a child is national security. this denied was arrested in 2020 june. the government cracked down on these events after huge pro democracy protests in the safety. that's always route where the supreme court has struck down a key element of the government's controversial, judicial reforms that had sparked massive protest. my $87.00 majority justice is
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a rule that the amendment would have caused serious and unprecedented damage to israel. democracy last year, prime minister benjamin netanyahu pushed through the changes despite months of mass protests. the measures limited the powers of judges to over time. government decisions is getting more from a correspondent, young philip shots in jerusalem. welcome john philip, why with these reforms? so politically divisive, because so many fear that these reforms quits, destroyed the basic elements of democracy in israel, and that they would give a way too much power to it, to the government. it's an assessment that the court has confirmed with its ruling about also many critics that say that this reform has somewhat been a personal project of 5 minutes, then it's on now to protect himself from his ongoing corruption trial. and we have
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to keep in mind that we are talking about a year of protests. so they, there were protests almost throughout the year of 2023. and they were only somewhat sidelines by the terrorist attacks and the war and, and guys at the moment. so what happens now is that this legislation has been struck down as well. the big question is, what were the time you all would do if he continues with the reform? this might leads to a severe constitutional crisis. and there's another big question in how far it could. this split the current work cabinets. because too prominent critics of the reform a parts of the work, kevin, that's and one of them, a physician leader benny guns has already been very moderate and his reactions. and he's that there are no winners or losers here. but some more extreme vices of the government. have criticized the court ruling and said this is dangerous,
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legal and quite time israel. but meanwhile, these are the ministry says it's investigating one of its own soldiers after the death of a detained palestinian. what can you tell us about that? from what be here. it's a and the boston alleged killing of a palestinian a by a and it's right. and the soldier that was supposed to guard then, according to the israeli military, we are talking about a terrace suspect at the end at one point. the sold uh guarding him, held threatened by him. but we don't have any details about the case yet. we just know that the is for any military police has started a form of investigation. okay. funds for that. so young phillip young from the shelves, dw corresponding interest as well as rouse, offensive across the gaza strip is continuing with shutting the forces around the
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refugee camp. in the north and also the city of ruffled in the south central areas have also been talking to drive the ministry. drugs have been the circling based stuff in the city of con eunice. i must appointed officials say more than 200 constants have been killed in the last 24 hours more than 22000 since the pump bomb it become an october global calls for our lasting safe i have gone unanswered. a mass is designated a terrorist organization and multiple countries according to a recent assessment by the world health organization less than half of the hospitals in the territory, or even partially functioning, about making an outside help. critical is a look at to a one such effort to get needed cat and medicine to thousands on a french warship of the egyptian coast. this worship is a safe harbor for gaz is wounded. here, children an app you tease,
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receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most any on place we and that sort of thing in the french tree just like family they, they give us all the care we need. it is kind of see who the issue. gratitude is next with fears over the safety of loved ones, back home with object. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday in the news is not good in the hospitals and refugee camps. the dead bodies of men, women, and children keep arriving psychological support is also given to those traumatized by the war samples to prove that it's important for us and for them to know what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy and their suffering the patients are transferred here from gases border with egypt. this ship is equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gas spark, bye,
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have mazda is october. 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational, now and safety. the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries. both physical and psychological . india is gearing up for a general election in spring versus will cast the ballots in april and may not prime minister in the range of motives that he can do. nationalist b j. p. policy is widely seen as the favorites is 9 years in power. have seen strong economic growth and, and increasingly assessed a foreign policy. and critics say is consolidated to lunch, power restricting the media. i'm the judiciary. i'm encouraging religious divisions . my opposition is the congress passing that by molly kaji and kosh is part of in line. so that's a struggle to united issues including unemployment, inflation and religious persecution. dw, i feel bad to explore as a growing factor in the election. that of social media to reach focus part is
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counting more and more on social media influences up in the deserts of western india. shut ones, but a social media. influenza is booked for the next few months. his conversations on mainly coming from the indian national congress spot the, the main office, 1040 to the ruling bgp. it was but the inspection for the why like conservation party, that 1st got him, started in the business on the off to picking up more than 400 cubs and follow was on his social media account. he realized he could make a living as an influence to see no charges, some 200 euros, but boast today. some one is producing videos a reuse from one of your congress spock the bellfield scheme. she is filming a group of women working in that employment program that guarantees we all need yours and the state of rotter's fund, a minimum of $150.00. these look,
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elections are coming up. the end of social media influencers. we have enough power that if we campaign for or against any one, it can have a massive impact. it's because influencers are connected with people and represent the grass roots. any president good, bad. in india as hard to reach hinterlands like this one, the people are coming on line foss. young and old watch reuse, and youtube clips the nights in case that we follow instagram implement. so that's like chavez, and he gives us really good information. we want to use on instagram and facebook rios and trust and use completely based on that. and then we also design talked about media, influence of culture, spread widely and remote regions as content as cost full. many people have shipped it to smartphones. quick, cheap and easy access to news and media for them. and that has become
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a major factor of a political parties because of yeah, of course we need routed waters. just keep the winning elections. i mean, like the congress, the routing bgp is also mobilized, but it's of the influence of campaigns, but at a much bigger scale at the party headquarters in delhi, these campaign workers have gathered to discuss the election strategies. the preparing the list of candidates could be campaigning for elections this year. please, the good wall is the head of the bgp social media unit. he has has more than 2 dozen influence of meetings across the country. route. i'm the do elections. we meet all these influences from all different design, the best part of what b, g, b, is that we don't really connect with the do to elections. we are connected 12, if needed, as traveling to, to beats. the training showed that there can use to meet some influences for
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quality assurance micro influence of related areas of the new game changer for the upcoming national elections. saves this analyst the water, the ins, lenses that matter. to by my good look, the work of influences were not seen as routinely politic. in some senses, what you'll see as the rising diet of higher what the engagement is. the result of these inputs us back in the village shown is busy promoting on of the communist bodies keen. in this one, we've been given smartphones with a small the top package included the trend is unmistakable. and someone's still like him becoming increasingly important to political parties as a side to shape the outcome. national elections to the see a whole lot report from i've always bothered, i feel bad to joins us now from down. the welcome i do,
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you indicated in your report that social media is becoming a significant source of political infer information in india. so it would be influenced as replacing journalist that i would say that he's replacing june list, but yes, they're becoming more important because they have white speck region, hinterlands of india to the political. but these have made social media and it's one of those as something new budget demit, medium information that helps them to disseminate information to the public. also, we have seen dozens of golf federal ministers of the ruling body giving infused youtube bows and social media incidents. so this one, they choose them because they have mass to read. and 2nd and more importantly, they can easily doorstep questions and a wide june, the 6 groups the, the issue is happening really as people have already made difficulty with this one
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. so, so i'll put a blindly trust in quality and put, put the news in those places. somehow they are replacing shows, which is a concern. okay, okay. but if, if that dodging the questions and i'm choosing that, that the outlets does not make it this information easier to spread use of this, this, this information is the biggest concern in danger, not only in the upcoming elections, but it's sorts of great types of democracy in india, so they are having enough evidence of investigative reports about how political bodies run the hate campaigns and drawing machinery. but that get often, it's sometimes they'll be mostly to pick them out. it was on the social media how to, to appease the will to us from majority community. so you'll see there are no checks and balances here. so it's actually like a lose can, um, anyone can come up and shoot anything out. dear. this going to have damage and the
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fact, especially during collections, right? versioning stats in april. so how do things stand at the moment as well? so feel if we see the domestic opinions, fools, they conform that. what is popularity remains intact. i do have some pull to suggest that it does increasing my silly in the last few years. and these days they're watching a gaming for a much bigger of the world. been for 2024. that means that increasing want yours and parliamentary seats, and you must hold recently the ruling fugitive body have swept elections in peace in the bel that'd states like trophies good with the upper this and right to stop. so what's happening, on the other hand, you have a portion, political bodies, they help the lies to defeat prime is money. but because a constant fighting and disagreement on states sharing its making actually difficult to put a solid fight. but we, what it means to be seen, you know,
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if they can manage to put a good campaign that can increase the chances of winning volts or more seats. we can see. but i also want to add, like your exports period, that the price of all the witnesses total. it's the for the interrupt. i agree, a religious lines, and they will be glad don't in democratic freedoms. okay, thank you for that. i don't, i don't hold back in debbie as well as trying it when a woman says she's found the best excuse ever to be late for work. she woke up to find the 600 killer elephant seal blocking car sales just to leverage the in the southern states of tash may not need to regularly spotted wandering down the beaches and roads around about locals have called him neil neil, the seal. this is one of our top story at this hour. the 400 people on board of japan. airlines probably have been safely evacuated after the aircraft, close the file on landing and took care send data and told that there are conflicting
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reports about the face of the crew, of a sort of coast conflict with which if people have football at the top of the hour of next on the w i. health show in good shape looks at all times the surface in the heating premises. i've got the
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