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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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is a video and audio production 5 d w. i hope video will tune in the is it the, the, the news line from the, by the flight bust into flame to tokyo, sunday, to apple. it's maybe 400 people on the 4th. get out safely after he crashes into a smaller aircraft, a jury language. 5 crew members of the smaller play a day, also on the program rescue as a western japan search for survivors. asterisk series of us quakes on new year's day. officials say at least 48 people have been, can you guys present savanski says that russia will pay for the latest marseilles
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strikes. at least 4 people are killed. they're moving 19 or was it in the attack spots? if i look ahead to some, i'll try to 24, was the big elections. we report from india on the growing power of social media to influence a protest in the world and largest democracy. the i'm from the welcome to the program. we begin in japan where i 5 people have been killed after 2 planes collided on the run by a tokyo sunday to apple. japan airlines passenger jets. it's a small co scott flying shortly after london. okay. across the court, 553 members on board, the coast guard played were killed amazingly over 317 people on board. the passenger and alignment was safely evacuation before it burst into flames.
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just as sonya blash got in tokyo till we through the sequence of events, this is a quarter to 6 this afternoon, this passenger planes from hawkeye to try to land or land in, in under the airport, which is one of the biggest airports in japan in the world and collided with the japanese coast guard plane. and unfortunately, it's been confirmed that 5 people on the plan that was supposed to travel to and you got to have to help people after the click there. we're actually killed in this incident. and at this moment we receiving reports of the people that were actually on the plane. they've been talking about the same but so much k all think you've recreation mean and still is that was the case it's. i mean it's even longer actually is that everybody made it out safely. there was 367 passengers on board among and 8 children and 12 crew members and they all managed to get out safely. so as we understand it at the moment this happened on the runway to planes collide the
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on the ground, the people are bound to ask, how does this happen on the runway? and i'm in a mountain. the apple yes, yes. i do. it's, can you just interviewed an expert about this issue for a pilot? and he suspects that there might have been a miscommunication possibly with the tower. because he said in previous incidents and similar incidents in other countries, for example, the weather was bad. that was for the pilots didn't have i'm good enough size, but this afternoon the weather in honey that was fine. there was no issue at all. and so it's really the question. did they see the plane when they landed? was there a time to react or wasn't there? whose fault was it? was there a lot of questions that people wanted answers for now? right. a double tragedy, of course, because these coast guard plane was on its way to assist after that they, they,
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us quite. oh yes, yeah, it's a, it's been a digit code 2 days, little japan during a time, which is usually the quietest in the country where everybody's taking it easy go into their home towns. but that fact in itself and i'll also hampers the rest the rescue mission because a lot of people are staying in places that they don't actually know. they don't know that they're the way around. i'm also rows of 2 blocks. and the problem is that just recently a period of appeals to, to kind of keep the roads free to, to rescue crews trying to, to come in. and there's a local airport and also which is also, unfortunately not accessible at this stage. and especially the roads issue. so a lot of work has to be done on those. thank you for that. sonya sonya laska in tokyo. meanwhile, people in western japan aust,
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still on edge as after strokes continued to drop the region. the death toll from a series of christ has risen to at least $48.00. rescue crews have been struggling to meet some of the hardest hit areas because of infrastructure damage. monday strongest quite jolted the issue. cala profecia triggering synonymy warnings along the island, nation's western coast. japan is pro to us grace, and this is the strongest seismic activity of the country is seen for more than 5 years. the movement of fear when the quake struck and now the oft them off. the series of powerful quakes, reaching $7.00 on the risk, the scale of left wide spread, damage and destruction. a world turned upside down. this ariel footage gives an idea of the devastation done to the coastal roads in chicago.
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and on the ground, the human cost of the quake lives in chaos. and homes destroyed the clean up might have begun. but for some the devastation is too much to cope with. a house was like this of to the last as quick in 2007, we need just rebuilt it. i don't think we can rebuild again. others are adjusting to being without basic facilities, with cues foaming to receive russians. drinking water in my household, powder is still running, but the problem is water even in areas where water is still running. so that being asked to save as much as possible, when i get them with your scores of people have died in the
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disaster, will start to use a dozens more weight rescue. while japan's cheap cabinet secretary added this grim warning that it wasn't until you but yet go green, let me know some and you will go to the people of japan to please be on that that that may be earthquakes for about a week of an intensity scale of up to 7, to my know, to the people that live in areas where the quake was strong. please look out for evacuation information and take action accordingly. quote that you and you, when the guy almost shrugging us off the shots adding to the disruption on the new year. the no one wanted to stop this way. a dr. ukraine when i present a lot of minutes, that landscape has promised that russia will pay after its latest misaligned attacks on ukrainian stacy's. at least 4 people were killed in nearly 100 wounded
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and ass strikes on the capital key on the east. and so they have hockey fades pod. moscow says one person has been killed and several injured and ukrainian attacks on the russian. stacy and region of belgrade rescue work, a search for survivors in a damaged building. the russian missiles caused extensive destruction to this neighborhood, and keys was outside the other side of the house. and it was flying like this red building and then hit and smoke started coming out around in and saw that the window windows the premium capital was the target of several russian strikes, which it mostly civilian areas. just a little so targeted the country,
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2nd largest city hall keys, injuring thousands and turning costs of residential neighborhoods into smoldering crates and cranes, president below de lensky contends via tax credits with western defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of russian missiles. so there were a more strikes by the in human russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings in hockey. sealants is under increasing pressure to show up military and financial support from western allies to help you crane continue to defend itself against the russian invasion of some respondents in key. sonya following the car, talk me through what happened or what is the thing started really dramatically here
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in the cafeteria. keys are we will, will, can my area to load. so the are the odds of the morning ocean residents to get into centers. and then we heard a series of loud booms and explosions across the cities. this lasted for almost 2 hours. and now we shouldering from the heads of the keys, keep regions military administration who says a defensive shutdown over 60 russian, it'll ballistic and cruising besides the targets of the capital, keith today, and that to you to possibly explains the wide spread damage we're seeing in the city today which it'll beside and dropping to be reading down on buildings and cause and starting fires. they've been casualties here to highlights building in particular pretty badly impacted. a fire started, there were a 100 people up in evacuated, dozens, hospitalized were there also building some city that up got fire warehouse supermarket, a car dealership that has also been extensive damage and the why the key reason to private homes and cars and no, but also hearing that these lead to strikes have knocked out the power supply and water supply and some of the neighborhoods. the energy industry says over 260000
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residents, a non list of adults would like to stay in the wider keep reaching. we do seem to have seen a spike in russian attacks recently. why is that to well, these, the, the attacks today come just to be off the russian president that'd be put in, said he would intensify, strikes against the screen. his comments, of course, came to the wind russian launch a record number of goon attacks on you creating 10 trees on new year's day. that was that was yesterday and we've seen a kind of spike in, in strikes and come to strikes in recent days. great. in the forty's here, they've been saying that russia has been, you know, kind of, they've been wanting for months across, as a building up larger beside, still claimed to use this winter and they would, you know, bracing themselves. so attacks leading into the new york and a few days after that, this is what russia did last year as well. i'm sure, you know, especially the fuel receive a really is to kind of target the energy infrastructure with the con we're down to . so we didn't population, and above all the states and
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a 10 by most go to really kind of exhaust and defeat ukraine's uh it defenses you create a false relies heavily on its width and partners, football and systems. in particular, the us design surface to a patriot decide defense system. this is, this is a system that the queen needs to protect its critical infrastructure. and we've heard in the week of these, you know, religious wave of tax and you crave. we've heard officials here. oh call for you know, or the kind of wisdom partners to send them more in defense besides systems. and besides seeing, you know, they all badly needed in particular to protect towns and cities that are closer to the front lines and not as well defended as high school that sonya, i think w correspondence. sonya finally caught in keith. let's take a look at some more headlines with around the world. now i will start in south korea, where i support as the opposition leader, the j new site. he's recovering an intensive care act being stopped in the next. he was attacked while speaking to be forces during your visit to the city of bruises
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on the analyst at the hospital. forces overpowered the suspect, who was taken into custody on come tycoon and pro democracy activist. it to me, lottie has pleaded not guilty to all charges in case the non mon trial is accused of endangering china is national security is to live was arrested in 2020 junior government crackdown dissidence again after huge pro democracy process in the city to thoughts as you kentucky survey have detained, 53 people accused of spying for israel is must side intelligence service. and we're rounded up in raising a through regions. the assembled public prosecutor's office. the 13 of the suspects remain at large as a israel, where the supreme court has struck down a key element of the government's controversial judicial reforms that sparked massive protests. an $87.00 majority of justice is ruby amendment would have caused serious and unprecedented damage to israel's democracy. nice to hear the prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu pushed through the shade just despite months of mass protest. measures limited the powers of judges to overturn government decisions. by corresponding to young infiniti shots introduced little told me more as according to its really media. a draft document had already been leaked some days ago. so it probably comes doesn't come as a complete surprise. but the prime minister and it's on the island. his government has certainly hoped that the court would not and known such a decision during the, on going a war against how much as you know, as you mentioned, that have been protests throughout the last year. and it has very much a divided to the society here. and so uh it was in the end basically the terrorist attacks and the ongoing war against time us that have the
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sidelines these protests a little bit. so probably not a major surprise, but definitely a big political sets by the time you all into his government officials. meanwhile, israel is continuing it's offensive across the gaza strip. a shudder has been reported around the refugee camp in the north, in the city of rafa in the south central avenue. simple, so being hate is really ministry. drones a been so i think the southern city of han eunice on us appointed officials say more than 200 constance have been killed in the last 24 hours a more than 22000. since a bump bump began in october, global calls for our last spring seized by have gone on heated seats designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. according to a recent assessment by the world health organization, less than half of costs as hospitals are even partially functioning,
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making outside help critical is it look at one such efforts to get can medical a medicine to people in the type of drink, a french warship off the egyptian coast, this worship is a safe harbor for gas is wounded. here children an app to tease, receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most in the on place. we and that sort of thing in the french street just like family they, they give us all the care we need and they're kind of see who gratitude is mixed with fears over the safety of loved ones, back home or sergeant. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday in the news is not good in the hospitals and refugee camps, the dead bodies of men, women, and children. keep arriving psychological support is also given to those traumatized by the war samples to whom it is important for us and for them to know
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what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy and their suffering. the patients are transferred here from gases border with egypt. this ship is equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gaza spark by how mass is october. 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational. now in safety, the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries, both physical and psychological to india, which is gearing up for a general election that begins in april and continues until the end of may prime minister there. and rep moses and do nationalist page a. coffee is widely seen as the favorite is 9 years in power, same strong economic growth. i'm increasingly a such a foreign policy. the critics say he's consolidated too much power, restricted the media and the judiciary, and encourage religious divisions. made up position is the congress policy led by
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molly katya and kosh as part of an alliance. that's a struggle to unite on issues, including unemployment, inflation and religious persecution. utilities, either by to explore the growing significance of social media in the selection. those policies depends increasingly on social media influence as to reach about this in the deserts of western india showing but a social media influence is booked for the next few months. his commissions, on mainly coming from the indian national congress, spotty, the main office, 1042, the ruling bgp it was, but the inspection foot wide like conservation party. that 1st got him, started in the business on the off to picking up more than $400.00 tubs. and follow was on his social media account. he realized he could make a living as an influence to see no charges, some 200 euros, but boast today that one is producing videos reels from what you're going to
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spot. the bellfield scheme. she is filming a group of women working in an employment program that guarantees we all need yours . and the state of vermont is fund a minimum of $150.00 d 's book for now on the elections are coming up and the social media influence we have enough power that if we campaign for or against any one, it can have a massive impact. it's because influencers are connected with people and represent the grass roots he present, got bad in india as hard to reach hinterlands like this one. the people are coming on line foss, young and old of water use, and youtube clips the nights and case studies, we follow instagram, implement. so that's like chavez. and he gives us really good information. we want to use on instagram and facebook rios and trust and use completely based on that.
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and then we also design talked about media, influence of culture, spread widely and remote regions as content as cost full. many people have shipped it to smartphones. sweep cheap and easy access to news and media for them. and that has become a major political parties because of the reading routed waters is due to winning elections. i mean like the congress, the routing bgp is also mobilized, but it's of the influence of campaigns. but at a much bigger scale at the party headquarters in delhi, these campaign workers have gathered to discuss the election strategies. the prep creating a list of candidates could be campaigning for elections this year. we need that good while is the head of the bgp social media unit. he has has more than 2000 an influence of meetings across the country. and we do elections. we meet all these
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influences from all differences, and the best part of the jeep is that we don't really connect with them during elections. we are connected 12, if needed, is traveling to city, trying to ensure that there can use to meet some influences for quality assurance micro influence of rural areas of the new game changer for the upcoming national elections. saves this analyst the water, the ins, lenses that matter to by my good look, the work of influences were not seen as routinely politic. in some senses, what you'll see as the rising tide of high award to engagement is the result of these inputs us back in the village shown is busy promoting on of the communist party scheme. in this one, we went on, given smartphones with a small package included the trend is unmistakable
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in someone so like him are becoming increasingly important. political thought, these as the side to shape the outcome national elections this year. let's pick this up with a group that who's that found the director of in to that freedom foundation. that's a digital rights advocacy group. it joins us from new delhi, welcome to dw, would you say the influences are replacing a john lists now in rural pods of india? uh, irritate. uh the, uh, the uh there is a deal. smartphone ownership in india is uh, considerably high you live in city. so for instance, i am from valium, they're about to point 6, internet connections above us, and so the recorded population buried and not only in the, in the us, but even in albany area. most of the news, most of the information that it says is received from the internet. i'm in fire as well to use of dominated to the 1st is one sample messaging. and the 2nd is you do
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given the load cheap data access states. so yes, to the extent journalism is being replaced by digital media and that can be done. it is a way even just the influence of media in sort of what i mean. right. and is there any sort of june 2 of impartiality on these guys and women, or can they just do what they like for 200 years upon? so uh why is that? uh, somebody relations which i have a list specifically with regard to a specific sector. so for instance, if you're offering uh, creating advice on the stall gets your employee benefit from that. that's because the financial markets legally, to prove it says, well, if you're trying to sell a product, you have to disclose that you have received payment and you're placing the product . and i produced the view without being able to do a bunch of such scandal, regulations, largely absent from the elections because the election commission over there
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only lives candidates who can best elections, does not even been regulated. wanted to go about these on influenza. so i think there's a lot of legal vacuum which exists here, right. do this any changes in that the obvious to it provides us by themselves. again, again, creating all kinds of fix patiently lice, not it is uh, which made an impression of, of being a journalist. i found the events in the local community. so for instance, your story, you were saying that the main point to where it says we started a very small geographies and very small segments of population which may be a group of occupations. so in order for them to come to this information, which is better funded, why the organized reading, in fact, it's already happening. right. and so do people expect these political influence as
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a to be impartial or do they just look at them as like, well, he's with this side and she's with that side. so we know where they're coming from . and that's what we choose to listen to. the problem is that the influenza is not only barely political. the matter is the influenza is quite often seen as a person was let's say, what, ok, or vote at country. on the 5th, it may be funny, some form of the, from the only become a leading much more active in terms of the last month in terms of a family. the particular wanted to come by the, the time will be in this and what were right before the election. so there's been a mess of johns that there. what is it suffices behind it is going to be on a bus in the past and influence. and that's the problem. people associated the audience in a way people, it's a person to person,
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the connection between the audience and when so, which is more than what we're doing this, what that level of excuse me, we shouldn't be maya, in fact is more fascinating. thank you for talking to sort of at to ipod gupta from the internet freedom foundation. take a look at a couple more stories from around the world. now somalia has condemned if you, if his deal with a break by region of some of the line to reach it includes recognizing it as an independent country loc save here. if you're signed the agreement to gain access to the web, say, government in mogadishu has we called it some fast enough from either side of both sides of defendants? territory? i mean legal means with ours is in the eastern. in denise, you have evacuated, maybe 2000 people in the amount of that what toby following it 2nd direction in less than 2 weeks. the night is volcanic activity is viewed ashe around neighboring and is, officials have asked people to start at least 4 kilometers away to undermine of our
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top story. at this hour. the only 400 people on board of japan, airlines pilot have been site for your back. you ready to pass record fire online thing. a tokyo sunday. the airport 5 crew members on a smaller plan to collide with. what can i set you up to date some more world news of the top of the the the
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lady townsend's mission is to save trees. yes, luna. as disrespectful name, she moves out with her team was able to attend the mafia strikes it almost put
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a stop to the tempest thieves. but now the environmental is, have an even bigger enemy logo on the next. on dw, the toxic waste from amphetamine, illegal drug labs produce vast amounts of chemical waste every year. usually dumping it in nature on the filter. and under estimated danger for humans and wildlife. pollution from elicited drugs, flows up. in 45 minutes on d, w. the systems can be used to cuz different geographies. the real china itself has needs
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to be an incredibly scarce way. what the heck us and transforming business is onset real media. and let's just greenwashing what's now on the i believe most of us or nature can be sacrificed just so every american has a tesla or if you're a p and a bmw, this consumption overburden to the planet. there's also not enough lithium rethink as needed. are nature must be sacrificed for the global north energy transition at the old address. you gotta know who's paying the price and the global energy transition. missy, a mining needs recent king se people in argentina, the.


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