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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm CET

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but the, this is the, the, the news line from the in a pipe burst into flames that tokyo sunday to add for me, 400 people on board get out safely after it crashes into a smaller aircraft. during landing 5 crew members of a smaller plight, a day also on the program rescue us in western japan and search for survivors. asterisk, theories of, of quakes on new year's day official site least 55 people. i think the trends presence of landscape says russia will pay for its lasers to miss all strikes. at least 5 people have been killed in any 100 fluids. it in the attack and
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it's positive. i look ahead to some of the 2024th big elections. we report from india and the growing power of social media to influence focuses in the world's largest democracy, the time. feel well, welcome to the program. we begin in japan, my 5 people have been killed after 2 planes collided on the run by a tokyo sunday. the airport, japan airlines of passenger jack is a smaller coast guard playing shortly after landing both a crew of both aircraft, a quote on file 5 crew members on board. the coast guard playing, killed all 379 people on board. the passenger airliners most likely evacuated before it burst into flames. i spoke with julia bray, he's made as next person john,
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this based in cambridge and the guy asked him the how an accident live. this was possible to 5 is del software. great. crucial. i was devastated the guys quake, and so the i have to refer to low to the airport in quest through the had many extra flights coming in emergency flights of sort of i remember terry. and i said, going out to the canadian silly why they asked quite often. and so that a lot of extra activity, all of this, the only reason required to be careful, i need to add 4. so what we are trying to find out is why the coastal jobs across the dock straight was it seems to be on the runway. we need to know whether i have permission to be on the roadway. and also we need to know what was happening to the japan airlines air boss, a 350 and 900 series. because some people say that they think that they,
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those will collapse or didn't, didn't gaze before that sleep came down. so it by the right, just flu, the cross off the runway, i'm practice with really we need to know why that, that shape most of the best way should still be able to talk to you right most of the runway. right. lots of questions. and i appreciate your expertise and we'll just make the fund that we are speculating at this point of what you expect doing more good use this. one person actually made it out alive from the smaller coast. got a place where 5 others a parish that sort of seems like a miracle. yes, uh well the, uh, i'm not sure they pay i. you have razor news that i bought. i understand the others to get out of that across the streets out is uh well we do have
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the app through unless you have laser insulation on that. now several reasons why this occurred is half because we don't the load it on hold as we go to consider being titled transfiguration. all that cigarette across adequacy wasn't expected to have a phrase as adult across that 5 because we do have, these are the right to worry about. so it might have been kind additional supplies to take to the right side. and that's what we understand the coast called a plane was on its way. uh, should it be on its way to the quaker. so i see a 350 basically is normally a safer craft, a c, i a 350 is a super back across the, the, the there that was i had which is a 900 series. is something that about should be proud of. it has
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a very good safety record. it has to rolls royce or w, b 75, guess engines. and that's why was delivered you in november 2021 says most of all day across by the way across that it has the the, it really isn't very, very confusing. but what is gonna happen because this is a devastating crash or you're going to see follow the visuals at the far umbrella in time. fuselage ad. so everything right, top, bought space still managed to load the uh, the inflatable slides from one side, the across the, another 2 or the other size, the cost. but they buy these to get everybody out within 90 seconds, as i understand it using to, to die, to do the copying through rate. it has to be commanded folders, which is
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a very good display of professionalism. and so the inquiry now it looks at both aircraft, it looks at what was being said by air traffic control. just took us through what is a compass is or what it costs immediately. and then special investigation that has started. uh, because uh the uh boss switched from other side to the fraud. so the french, uh, uh, a guy. those are to be involved with frontier. see i, i will be involved because i feel so they thought it'd be okay for as us define, move in both and in fact, so a lot of other people to actually have this take the time to back off. well, obviously want to be so along with. busy the competitive manufacturers. so the 1st thing is to find out what actually happened. so they will be looking at older communications between the 2, across the traffic control. they will be looking at all the,
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all those parameters. everything is the 1st thing about sample that you want a snapshot of activities within the airport forever to so that will then go into those data bases. they will also recover a whole the day free from the crash sites that will be taken to a secure location, a big route or they will then re evaluate or they will try to reconstruct the cross as it is. i will both act dos cuz it's due at the house on both sides. uh they will try workouts where the father started about because now we have had, i'm concerned before that that those we'll. busy the 9 be get how it was actually working properly. i had my father in gauge for being minded for the job, but he did make it nice. and that's why the policy of the, sorry, they define airways face of beer off the runway and possibly collide into the red
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cross. so while we thought about the side, there is water across all the rod ways. why a secretary should be able to say broadway? is that the situation? or are we saying something that it has to be slightly? well, so we say probably a try. let's say we need to understand all these things, right? why was it that we need to have the instructions terribly important to find out. thank you so much for talking us through that julian bright ideas and experts and janice, thank you. thank 2 people in weston, japan are still on the edges. aftershocks continued to hit the region. that's all from a series of ass, griggs that has risen to at least 55 rescue crews have been struggling to reach some of the hardest hit add is due to infrastructure damage, mondays, strongest as quite jolted ishikawa prefab jet triggering so now me warnings along
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the line and nations west and coast. japan is pro to us quakes, and this is the strongest seismic activity. the country has seen the mold in 5 years. the moment of thea, when the quake struck the now the off them off. the series of powerful quakes reaching $7.00 on the risk, the scale have left wide spread, damage and destruction. a weld turned upside down. this aerial footage gives an idea of the devastation done to the coastal robes in chicago. and on the ground, the human cost of the quake lives in chaos. and homes destroyed the clean up might have begun. but for some the devastation is too much to cope
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with. the house was like this of to the last as quick in 2007 we would need just rebuilt it. i don't think we can rebuild again. others are adjusting to being without basic facilities, with cues foaming to receive russians. drinking water in my household, powder is still running, but the problem is water even in areas where water is still running. so that being asked to save as much as possible when the scores of people have died and the disaster will start to use a dozens more weight rescue. while japan's cheap cabinet secretary added this screen warning that it wasn't too. but yet, hopefully, maybe not some, and you will go to the people of japan, please be on that that, that may be earthquakes for about a week of an intensity scale of up to 7,
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to my know, to the people that live in areas whether quake was strong, please look out for evacuation information and take action accordingly, according to that view and you can, the guy on will shrugging us off the shots adding to the disruption on the new year. the no one wanted to stop this way. a bunch of russians. invasion of you trade in moscow says at least one person has been killed and several office injured dan, ukrainian attacks on the russian states and region of belgrade and strides. come after your tribes present, brought them is that, as he said, russia would pay for it slightly. smith saw the tax on ukrainian cities, at least 5 people were killed in any $100.00 wounded and no strikes on. keep on the eastern city of hockey. risky where i could search for survivors in a damaged building. the russian missiles
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caused extensive destruction to this neighborhood in keys. it was outside the other side of the house and it was flying like this red building and then and have hit and smoke started coming out around in and sold at the window windows. the premium capital was the target of several russian strikes, which is mostly civilian areas. russia also targeted the country, 2nd largest city hockey, injuring dozens, and turning parts of residential neighborhoods into smouldering craters. cranes, president lensky, condemned via tax. he credited western defense systems for intercepting and
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destroying the vast majority of russian missile miles. so there were more strikes by the inhuman russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bindings in harkey. zalinski is under increasing pressure to show up military and financial support from west and allies to help you crane continue to defend itself against the russian invasion. a correspondence on you found the costs of this update from selling me on scale. one of keeps worst districts. so this block of flats behind being keys was destroyed in a rocket attack this morning. now there's a big create issue with that truck. it probably landed on the impact of the bloss disclosed extensive damage to the building, a told her to see more than a 100 people have been evacuated. you. many people are seriously wounded and have been hospitalized. but we managed to speak to some residents audio in
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a block of flats for the don't a that's what not as badly impacted, and residents feel after shock. some of them told us they woke up this morning to the window shattering because blowing off sunset fires are broken out and that apartments. and this is just one of the buildings that is in fact to be and keith of to it brush or targeted ukrainian capital with dozens of misled strikes. sonya found, we go, that's just some of the other stores that making years around the world well stocked in south korea. wes supports as of opposition, need a lead jane. you say he's recovering in intensive care after being stopped in the next. he was attacked while speaking to reporters during your visit to the city of booth and left at the hospital, supposed to have a part of the suspect he was taken into custody. hong kong tycoon and pro democracy activist jimmy lie has pleaded not guilty to all charges in his land. my trial is accused of endangering china is national security. it's a lie was arrested in 2020,
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during the government crack down on the decisions a year after a huge pro democracy protest in the city without using to save a few times. $33.00 people accused of spying for israel, small side, a intelligent service that we're wrong, does nothing rides in 8 regions. they stumbled public prosecutor's office. at 13 of a suspects remain a lodge. this is alice. continuing. it's offensive. i get across the gaza strip shavings. been reported around the refugee camp in the north. the city of rafa in the south central areas of also being head is really ministry. drones have been staffing the southern city of han, eunice. i'm as appointed officials say more than 200 people have been killed in the last 24 hours more than 22000 since the bump on the big guns in october global calls for the lasting si, fi have gone undefeated. micies designated to a terrorist organization by multiple countries and according to the reason, just ask men from the world health organization. few isn't half of guys, us,
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hospitals are even partially functioning. the heat outside health crucial is a look at one such as to get cat and medicine to people in the territory. i french worship of the injection coast. this worship is a safe harbor for gas is wounded. here children, an app you tease, receive life saving treatment. the french vessel is fitted with operating rooms, scanners and laboratories, services accessible for most in the, on place we. and as far as in the french trades as like family they, they give us all the care we need and they're kind of see who gratitude is mixed with fears over the safety of loved ones, back home with object. then i spoke to my family on the phone yesterday and the news is not good in the hospitals and refugee camps. the dead bodies of men, women, and children. keep arriving psychological support is also given to those
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traumatized by the war samples to whom it is important for us and for them to know what can be achieved through our counseling and to show them empathy in their suffering. the patients are transferred here from gases border with egypt. this ship is equipped with 40 beds and 80 medical staff. israel's bombardment of gaza, sparked by her mazda is october, 7 terror attacks has left. most hospitals, not operational. now in safety, the patients face a new reality coming to terms with their injuries, both physical and psychological. so we'll headlines them around. the walls was stopped in south africa, the photographer peach, and michael bonnie, who documented the racial impressions and violence of the countries upon type air. as di was $91.00 is award winning photography made him a target to be a part of government which imprisoned him. several times with arches in eastern indonesia, evaluating any 2000 people in the amount that were toby following. its 2nd
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interruption in less than 2 weeks later, as the volcanic activity has this viewed ash around neighboring areas. officials that asked people to stay at least 4 kilometers away. this india is to get enough for a general action that starts in april and continues until the end of may, a prime minister, the red drum modi's, hindu nationalist, b j. c. coffee is widely seen. the favorite is 9 years in power have strong economic growth. i'm. i'm increasingly assertive foreign policy, but critics say he's consolidating too much power, restricted the media and the to district encourage religious religious divisions. not position is the congress policy led by malik who origin a couch is part of an alliance. that's a struggle to united some issues including unemployment, inflation and religious persecution. use either bass explores, the growing significance of social media in the selection. as part is depend
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increasingly on social media influence as to reach events is in the deserts of western india shuttle. and dave, social media, influenza is booked for the next few months. his commissions, on mainly coming from the indian national congress, spotty, the main office, 1042, the rolling bgp. it was but the inspection foot wide like conservation party. that 1st got him started in the business and the off to picking up more than $400.00 comes and follows on his social media account. he realized he could make a living as an influence, a scene of charges some 200 euros, but boast today that one is producing videos reels from one to your congress spot the bellfield scheme. she is filming a group of women working in an employment program that guarantees we only chose and the state of writers fund a minimum of $150.00
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d 's book. elections are coming up and the social media influence we have enough power that if we campaign for or against any one, it can have a massive impact. it's because influencers are connected with people and represent the grass roots. you present good, bad. in india as hard to reach hinterlands like this one, people are coming on line fost young and told of water use. and youtube clips then nights in case that we follow instagram implement. so that's like chavez and he gives us really good information. we want to use on instagram and facebook rios and trust the news completely based on that. we also design talked about media, influence of culture, spread widely and remote regions as content as cost full. many people have shipped it to smartphones. quick, cheap and easy access to news and media for them. and that has become
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a major political parties because of the reading routed waters is due to winning elections. i mean, like the congress, the routing pgp is also mobilized, but it's of the influence of campaigns. but at a much bigger scale at the party headquarters in delhi, these campaign workers have gathered to discuss the election strategies. the prep creating a list of candidates could be campaigning for elections this year. we need to go to wal is the head of the bgp social media unit, or she has has more than 2 dozen influence of meetings across the country. route. i'm the do elections. we meet all these influences from all different ages and the best part of what b, g, b, is that we don't only connect with the do to elections. we are connected 12, if needed, as traveling to sit beats. the training showed that there can use to meet some influences for quality assurance micro influence, a ruler,
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areas of the new give changes for the upcoming national elections. saves this analyst walker the in front of the matter to buy my get look good. what good influences were not seen as routinely political in some senses, what you're seeing as the rising diet of higher what the engagement is. the result of these influences back in the village shown is busy promoting front of the congress body scheme. in this one, we've been given smartphones with a small the top package included. the trend is unmistakable. influence. those like him are becoming increasingly important, political bobbies as they decide to shape the outcome national elections. this is a group to is the director of the intimate freedom foundation digital rights
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advocacy group. i asked him whether influences are replacing gen this in rural positive india as the repeat uh, the uh, the uh, the deal smartphone ownership in india is uh, considerably higher. you live in city, so for instance, i am from bailey and the 2.6 internet connections bub us. and so that according population they are not only in the us but even in albany areas. most of the news, most of the information that it says is received from the internet, i mean, far as well. thank you so so many until the 1st is one sample messaging. and the 2nd is you do given the load cheap data access state. so yes, do not extend. journalism is being replaced by digital media and that can be journalism. why even just the influence of media in sort of it, i mean, right. and is there any sort of guarantee of impartiality on these guys and women, or can they just do what they like for 200 euros and pump so
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why is that? uh somebody relations which i have a list specifically with regard to a specific sector. so for instance, if you're offering uh reading advice on the stall gets, you're probably better from that. that's because the financial markets, likely to prove it said, well, if you're trying to sell a product, you have to disclose that you have receipts payment and you're placing the product and i produce the down the interview without being worried about. so scandal, regulations are largely absent from the collections because the leg single mission, nobody there only lives candidates who can best selections does not even been regulated. wanted to go about these on influenza. so i think there's a lot of legal vacuum which exists here, right. do this any changes in that as well as the obvious uh, uh,
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its rides this by themselves again. uh again created all kinds of fix the page. slice not it is uh, which made the impression of, of being a journalist. i found the events in the local community, so for instance, your story, you were saying that the main point is where it says we started to very small geographies and very small segments of population which may be a group of alter patients. so the missing information, which is where the funded white organized reading, in fact, it's all gonna be happening. right. and so do people expect these political influence as a to be impartial or do they just look at them as like, well, he's with this side and she's with that side. so we know where they're coming from . and that's what we choose to listen to. the problem is that the influenza is not only barely bullied because that is the influenza is quite often seen as
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a person who's let's say what, ok, all go to that country. on the 5th, it may be fun and need some form of the from the only become a lead. you much more active in terms of the last month in terms of the family. the particular one is a good body. the time will be in action. what were right before the election, so the messa johns, that the, what is it suffice is a higher degree is going to be on a bus and the passion influence, and that's the problem. people associated the audience in a way people, it's a person to person, the connection between the audience and when so, which is more than what we're doing this. what that level of, excuse me, we should be maya, in fact is more fascinating. in fact, if you're talking to say that the ipod gupta from the internet, freedom foundation, i just don't remember. i remind you about top story of this island and the $400.00 people on board of japan add ons,
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punitive insight for you vast blankets after the court file online. think i took care? it's amazing. have 5 treatment this on board. i small to play and it colliders with is all further, she will have more well news at the top of the hour until next, the
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swimming nearest to combat and water pollution in gonna this event 2 days, protest of choice, swimming to the river for 450 kilometers company by scientists. will her demonstration be a successful one? the, a toe after next on d w. it's time for vision,
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race for sustainability. but also for horsepower. the, it's time for the mobile revolution. in 60 minutes on d, w, the someone else to see the highlights of selected for you, you every week, a new a box, subscribe, now dw, so on fix, all we in fact, every day the world crashes really world wide web feel free to leave
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a timeline because we can take the different w to call the world, unpack all your info is and all the input w stores now onto the it also says and it just the q t is an issue from the cab to cairo, means live with alternate 50 on those who are connected to the greed leave with frequent blackouts. welcome to a new edition of equal africa. i am some drug of homes that are coming to from complex right to and you're going to know leslie, a big hello to my colleague key. hi, chris.


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