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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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of the this is the, the we news line from berlin and explosion and 11 on killed a top come off official. so every one of the founders of the most military wing was killed in the black and variable 11. a state media says and is really drone, was responsible, also coming up a plane verse into flames at tokyo sunday the airport. nearly 400 people on board get out safely, offered crashes into a smaller aircraft during landing 5 crew members of the smaller plane or dead. and ukraine's president zaleski says, russia will pay for his latest missile strikes. at least 5 people are killed.
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nearly $100.00 wounded in the a time the on the come for lunch while come to the program and explosion in baby which has killed sally ivory, a top official of the palestinian mountain group from us, which is considered a tear organization by the us. the you and many other countries living on state run news agency said the blast killed 4 people in the southern suburb of a route and was carried out by and is rarely drone. the suburb is considered a strong hold of lebanon's has blown militant group, is rarely officials declined to comment, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu had threatened to kill every, even before the october 7th last turbotax. let's get more on this from our correspondence,
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abbas alika sally and very rude of us. what more can you tell us about the strike a hi. yeah. nicole is the situation required to come to get to pick him? no. the last hour or so and battle to the battle, it's a cellphone. stuff over. so a lot of the hedge and will be of the quote and i'll be, i'll start attacking cam. mr. aloud already. so not really one over the top, as you say is one of the top. i'm not sticky, those he became and if he been talking to the by the ons, by somebody in the wrong. and as the officials say to your guy, 6 or 7 have been killed and include things that already uh, i had by myself, the exclusion ios about maybe 5 can do it this far from this area. and i have this explosion and very clear on the bid with not quite to and, and it's done by the situation become more critic on maybe the next hour. so the more critically the nicholas before we talk about possible reactions there in level
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not. can you tell us how big a finger slowly a re was in the ranks of him off. i guess the other one is one of the top of my mouse leaders. he became a police. it'd be the one, the number of police, beautiful, sincere, 2010. and here to, to him back you to him, back to, to, to at made with citizens 2017 and he was outside of edwards. and he is the following door. as you said, the founder of a, some group of some group is the, the military wink of, of how much. and he's, and by the way, a one of them, a few persons who could meet the house. and that's what i love the leader of his beloved and lately, since i 2000 since uh, october, the 7th uh after that, how much attack on the side borders. so what is the reaction from authorities and 11 on to the is really strange. so close to various exec,
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exactly at the action came by ebony. so what i'm going to start on this time, you've got to, he said he condemned at the beginning of the attack of a s id is like these on the mr. louder. what did he say that attack aims to throw the been on to for the into the and it's about a time us what he said, he thought eh, can this, this attack and throw that out there only be not into the new face. over confrontation with is i the, you know, the situation the been on here is very careful. and the officials say many times they don't want to involved in this war between homeless and it's about 8. and we don't know what happened the next hours. are there fears of an escalation that attacks like these may become more frequent and spark and wider conflict as possible? because say there is a something called here to live in on the rules of engagement. and sunday,
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we have talking about the, the confrontation of the conflict between hooked with the of the conflict between have as a story and between hezbollah and the, somebody since 2006. now that is a for the step. no, the more complicated conflict could be escalate more the next, maybe hours or maybe days because and now we are talking about targeting a place, a building and how much official in a law here. it's a, it's a strong quote of his will, and it's in north, in the south already been on. we have something about the place inside battle with the south office suppers, all failed. so we don't know what's that action or because when i would become the next hours and the people here already worry about the situation. and we can see that it's very a c or a by the tv. it's almost everybody's doing charles fatty for think every minutes about the situation and the hoping that the so it's the situation with north begin
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may escalates more on the farther and the next hour, or maybe the next days shortly. thank you so much. you're welcome. thank you. and japan, 5 people have been killed off for 2 players, collided on the runway and tokyo sunday. the airport of japan airlines passenger jet hit a smaller coast guard plains. shortly after landing, both aircraft caught fire 5 crew members on board. the coast guard playing were killed, all 379 people on board. the passenger airliner were safely evacuated before it to burst into flames. earlier i spoke with julie and brand aviation expert in journalists based in cambridge in the u. k. and i asked him how something went this could happen at one of the world's biggest airports. yeah, so you might, well, because uh, my understanding is that possibly the small rec, realize i haven't been bashed right. well, actually, all the same runway as the in coming to find airways about
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a free 5900 seems about the the final lines uh, pick up is a fairly un croft. and so he would have rides with way to like. and so we need to establish wide slash boss was putting all this way behind. so the breakdown would be good in case our high speed instead of tons on the, on the small red. but the shape wasn't working. but this is just speculation. this will come out in the investigation. i went to close is already a stock is a vision expert internal as julian bray talking to us earlier. we'll take a look now and some of the other stories making news around the world today. supporters, a south korean opposition leader lead jameel is recovering and intensive care after being stabbed in the neck. he was attacked while speaking to reporters during a visit to the city of bizarre and in the air left at the hospital. supporters
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overpowered the suspect, who was taken into custody. turkish authorities saying they have detained. 33 people accused of spying in for israel. small side intelligence service. they were rounded up and raised in 8 regents the assembled public prosecutor's office. at 13 other suspects remain at large to russia's war on ukraine. now in moscow says at least one person has been killed and several others injured and ukrainian attacks on the russian city and region of belgrade. the strikes come after you cranes, president bullard, where zalinski about russia would pay for it. slave dismiss all attacks on ukrainian cities. at least 5 people were killed and nearly a 100 wounded. and those air strikes on the eastern city of car keys and the capital keys. the rescue workers search for survivors in a damaged building. the russian missiles
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caused extensive destruction to this neighborhood, and keys was outside the other side of the house. and it was flying like this red building and then hit and smoke started coming out around in and saw that there were no windows in the system. the premium capital was the target of several russian strikes, which mostly civilian areas. just a little so targeted the country, 2nd largest city hockey, injuring dozens, and turning parts of residential neighborhoods into smouldering craters, cranes, president lensky contacting via tax credits with western defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of russian missiles. so
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there were a more strikes by the inhuman russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types . at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings and hockey sealants is under increasing pressure to show up military and financial support from west and allies to help you crane continue to defend itself against the russian invasion. so wally, i has condemned a deal, reach between ethiopia and the break away region of somali land in the adis adverb . i recognize the somali land as an independent country, landlocked ethiopia, signed the agreement to gain access to the red sea, the government. and we're going to issue has, we're called is and basset, or from ethiopia, somalia says the deal is a violation of international law and is pledging to defend its territory by any legal means with the name of the month the most mcbride. and as a strategic advisor with san research, a think tank based and i, roby,
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kenya. welcome to the w for in. can you tell us more about this agreement between a few of you and small island? but at this stage, there isn't a great deal to say uh, what we've seen is a, a summary of the memorandum of understanding. and what it says is that essentially that co peer will obtain access to the red sea to a place that will serve as a base for ethiopian maritime or naval assets. and may also provide some commercial access for as an outlet for you. here we'll get to the see in exchange for that, e c o, peer would be prepared to offer diplomatic recognition to somebody that but much of this is not yet official. we turn it in statements and the small and government. we've heard parts of the, the m o u, the agreement from the okay government. that by the way also includes potentially
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share any choking outlines for the some of the laptops already. but we haven't yet seen the full text, and there's some time remaining before fully implementation of the agreement would come into effect. what's in that memorandum that you have seen at this point? do you think it's so worrying to somalia? that it will recall it's ongoing to few of you. oh no question. it's worry um for a number of reasons. one is that easy, okay. has reached an agreement with the government of somali band, which has been functioning as an independent policy for the last 30 odd years since 1991 and has been aspiring to independent statehood. this would seem to be the 1st time that a foreign government is ready to recognize my land as an independent state. now somalia doesn't exercise effective control over most of its territory. so although it claims to really cool sovereignty, this is clearly a threat to that sovereignty into somalia. as tara,
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tara barto integrity of the same time, small, they can't really practically do very much about it. so it's a, it is concern to more issue. i'm the, some of the government is using all of the diplomatic conger decal instruments at its disposal. it's launched a counter offensive, diplomatically to prevent this from happening. but practically, it's not clear with somebody, it could do. okay. what does this mean for regional security and stability, or what could it meet in the short term? probably not very much. what we're seeing is a, a lot of posturing and rhetoric from ethiopia, or from somebody lined into somalia, from ethiopia. we haven't yet heard much in the way of response. so some of the land has been fairly stable and secure. it patrols over 800 kilometers of the gulf of a red sea card or whether is part of the problem with, with who the attacks on shipping and where we've seen piracy more than 12 rounds
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and talks of failed. and this is probably why some of them just seeking you lateral recognition. so i think the solution, diplomatic to the would be for the 2 parties to come together to charge a serious political but those black friday. and i wrote, we thank you so much for that. thank you. and that's awesome. the news for now, see you at the top of the next hour. the name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it's loud as you guys would have being nosy bay, like good everyone to king out the award winning called called the called back.


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