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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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of the, this is the, the we news long from berlin. an explosion in lebanon kills a top, come off the official, a mazda sell every one of the founders of its military wing was killed in the blast in bay. lebanese think media says in israel, the drone was responsible, also coming up a plane worst sense of flames at tokyo sunday the airport. nearly $400.00 people on board get out and safely after it crashes into a smaller aircraft. during landing 5 crew members of the smaller plane or get
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a new brains presidents of landscapes as russia will pay for its late dismissal strength. at least 5 people are killed at nearly a 100 wounded india. talk the link to our viewers watching us on p. b, as in the united states and all of you joining from around the world. welcome to the program. it's good to have you. an explosion in very rude has killed so late a read. the 2nd highest ranking, political leader of hamas, lived on state run news agencies as the blast was in, is really drones strike which killed 6 people. and the southern suburb of bay root suburb is considered a strong hold of lebanon's has blonde militant group. 2 of the others killed were reportedly leaders of hamas is armed wing is really officials have declined to comment more on this from our corresponding to
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a boss. alco shalley in very rude, abbas a how big a figure was slowly a re within him a to you know, he was one of the most important leaders and how most totally those of him as he is a founder of a sound brigades. he became a member of, he became a member of the, the ability to view of how mass 2010 and he is one of them managing go to manage yours and how my strategy. and he is so one of the house that i noticed by the way, and how much so he turned back to be able to 2017. and he is, by the way. he is one of the few persons could meet the needs of his belie how center. so how must claims to other important members of the group were killed as well. what can you tell us about them? yeah, they are the 2. 0, well,
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some the gates go to so one of them called the send me, if indeed of what i mean it on. the 2nd one is, as a apple, a model, or they will be killed by a, by the says to bike and the, the bodies of who shows mentioned us type it say, or the case that it gets it that is somebody's responsible or dislike. how have they beyond that, the lebanese authorities reacted to destroy in their capital. so you know its, um they are um the, the main reaction came from that by administering studies potty, he, you know, he's and he said that at 7 o'clock decided that the killing of it's a lot of a lot already on these guys with him. it's an attack at the aims to throw the been on for the to the is that i the how much war into a new phase of the confrontation with this. right. you know, the situation and,
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and leaving out is quite a to give it to come out and communicated to the they were, they were, you know, it said they were looking kind of focusing glenn, last month's says the word and because they try that focus on the south border and the we don't know what's what happened and especially that to especially that's tomorrow they would be speech. allstate test on us. a lot of that office will. uh, we don't know what he would say now and we have to be very clear. israel is not claimed responsibility for the strongest, but having heard all that you just laid out how big or fears and 11 on of a wider conflict. the fears it so you know, since month not only to day but now where maybe they yeah they, they, they, you know, they the fuse. is that the, the explanation, what are the going on? and we don't know what's what happened before we were talking about the targeting
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both sides on the board, the south border awfully been on the slightly a mandatory and has been a lot today. we are talking about targeting in the hedge, it'll be in the ends of the hedge. it'll be in the back in english means that the cell phone a sub us of a male. it, so it's invaded with the darkening blaze of building inside bellwood, especially that the, you know, that has enough of all the, he has days. as his zip of this, i already could walk, major and fatality ation, by his beloved how's bloody that has the most of my life sites and many times before has votes to strike back against any uh, eh, targeting of the but a seeing as of the shows and beta was told i live in on, and so we don't know what's, we'll let it be. here's an option under x, you know, as well. we know that his bullet has more than 100000 well trained to fight doors.
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and the more than 150000, and most of these aisles so on and dark is, and we don't know what's what happened. 10 times in lebanon. that was a bus alpha shalley. thank you. you're welcome. thank you. a short while ago, i suppose on zach of sin like he's a senior director of the counter extremism project of n g o and international policy group. i asked him to tell us more about him aust, deputy leader slowly. every the really seeing if the getting the movement. he was there right from the beginning. he radicalized already and 85, and he was starting hebron and then joined him. us right from the outset in the organization was founded in 1988 co founding. the cause, i'm brigades from that time, of course, it's also a personal relationship between him and i have seen a lot the current leader off. i'm us engagement and the mastermind behind the if it's up to about 7 attacks. he was in multiple years in his way,
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the jails released in 2010 electrically as part of the collapse charlotte deal, although i must, the night this and then left a israel. busy for syria, i got thrown out of syria because of the civil war in 2012 went to dicky, got thrown out of techie in 2015 and to cutoffs. got thrown up out of got time, 2017, and is what has been in bay road as the clause. i have mazda and bass with that to is paula and one of the key. yay. zone individuals of i'm as to the, it's not me for 5 to go be around is also videos of him being in a meeting with you may need to bring lead to ali from an a. so really a key, very experienced. organize that and lead to off that how possible could, is killing a weekend home us to a certain extent, it does obviously, how much is a collective leadership? so there's more than one individual that leads the organization bought. and there is a limited amount of operators, especially daryl bridges,
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with this amount of experience that the amount of international relations and that amount of insights into how much finances outside the guy the strip then ordering. so in a way, and of course it will be can on us. but of course it's nothing like a silver bullet that would now really how bad the organizations ability in, in guys i to, you know, fight as well. so there really was living in lebanon, and how strong is how mazda is presence in the country. how much is presence in the country really is a function of its relationship with his buying iran. that's where the connection is happening. i could literally, he was killed in a meeting between is part of the policy and his lemme job and uh, how much uh, in bay with a couple of hours ago. so anyway, it is more of a representation rather than an operational area for him. us. now israel has not claimed responsibility. is there anyone else that you are aware of who would be
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interested in moving all the way out of the fixture? i mean, clearly israel bill is, of course, the country and the government most likely direct on this. as in the past, unless they absolutely forced to, they not going to admit to exit the additional killings outside off the policy, the entire doors. but i don't see anyone that has the same likelihood, then israel to alpha, go back to that. and now with, with this having happened, reactions are, are coming in. do you think that fears of a widening of this conflict in the region are justified? or what, of course, in this 10 situation, anything is of course a bit of the risk i, i've see that's almost really politicians are already doing some damage control in my greg if to senior advisor donate. now said very clearly,
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he doesn't know who we did it, but whoever did it this was not an attack against the state of live and on. that has been a snow, but very steady heating up. all the he's, one of us, the tax is really the day of the week, the more records going into the northern israel. so it is of course, at the end situation. but as the prime minister needed. yeah. was that the november is right and is going to hand down all of the significant amounts to be this wherever they are. and so it seems very much which is the 1st time they actually made, put on that from the senior director of counter extremism. the counter extremism project times backups and the thank you for your assessment to japan. now we're 5. people haven't confirmed dead after a runaway collision between 2 planes and tokyo is hernida airport. a passenger airline are carrying hundreds of people struck a smaller coast guard playing while landing, leading them to both catch fire. everyone on the passenger plane was safely evacuated, but only the pilot escaped from the coast guard playing
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a lie. treatment succeed. i'd take care of him need a quote, this is the moment the passenger at cost best into flames. after colliding with the coast guard playing on the runway for $379.00 passengers and crew, a boat, the logic plain weather evacuated. those in this motorcraft, but unfortunately not so lucky. the coast guard flight was on its way to deliver release. so that was affected by the as quite the hit to the other side of the item on new year's day. japan's prime minister off at these words, for those who lost their lives so equal the so clean is all these people had carried out their jobs with a strong sense of duty and responsibility for the disaster stricken areas and victims. you joins this. this is a very unfortunate incident and i would like to offer my sincere condolences while
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expressing my respect and gratitude for their sense of duty control will see unless they shortage the shocked by someone inside the passenger play as it filled up with smoke x. but say it's amount to the everyone on the line or managed to escape to safety. in an evacuation audio, you want all the cx, it's open, we want all of the sliced to deploying mobility you want, if we want to get down the slides rapidly, it appears to me that tool was not used in the event collection. so that's a, that's even more remarkable. at least $75.00 trips were deployed to extinguish the plays which spend the playing down to just it's fuselage. the chain of events that led to the accident and not yet known japanese or so it does say an investigation is underway to russia's war on ukraine. now law scouts has at least one person has been killed and several others injured and ukrainian attacks on the russian city and region of belgrade. the strikes come after you cranes,
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president followed him as a landscape about russia would pay for it, slay dismissal, and tax on ukrainian cities. those air strikes hip, a capital t, and the eastern city of harkey, killing at least 5 people and wounding nearly a 100. the aftermath of an attack on the southern me on school district of keith, rushing missiles caused extensive destruction to the neighborhood to hello. sure. so i'm not sure if you can afford it, but the store and left residents struggling to come to terms with it from which i saw it was that was that was terrifying. there were bits of window frames in glass everywhere people were crawling and crying, watching it was still dark and we could see a fire burning somewhere outside with, nor show it to avoid this level with. so there's a put
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a lot. i'm very scared and shocks for you and you because i never thought this would happen to us. i have always been an optimist of the and i can't find my cat either. sorry, via cranny and capital was the target of several russian strikes, which mostly hit civilian areas. dresser also targeted the country, 2nd largest city, hockey, engineering dozens and turning parts. a residential neighborhoods into small during craters. ukraine's president, for that to me, is a landscape condemn the attacks, a credited western air defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of russian missiles. so there were more strikes by the in human russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings in
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hockey. the landscape is under mounting pressure to shore at military and financial support from western allies to help ukraine continue to defend itself against the russian invasion. and i can now welcome loraina moran from the war studies department at kings college and london. marine are good to see you again. attacks in both ukraine and the russian region of belgrade have intensified in recent days . is this escalation likely to continue even further? a good evening. nicole. well, the problem is that russia claims that it's a response to, for any and attacks and bells are up 1st. we had an ukranian attack on cry me out on the, on the know what your costs a worship. and so every single time russia claims that it's responds to ukrainian attacks, that being said, if there aren't any more attacks on bells or other course creatures or on the crime, your proper, i've seen pressure will resort to the use of massive fire power. and obviously now
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it's also operating much more liberally, was it's fighter, it aircraft over the skies a few pre most got a signal that it has the capacity for a long war, but a long or isn't necessarily a successful one is a. so where does rushes military capability stand right now? well, in terms of the learn more in economic terms, russia is doing pretty well despite the sanction. so unfortunately for ukraine, the russian defense industry is booming. therefore, it's not to be expected that russia will run out of, i'm munition, any time soon. that being said, what russia will need is meant power and so it will remain to be seen of russia mobilizes after the elections and for ukraine. obviously it will also mean west or western support will arrive in time for ukraine to hold out. so this was a context of wells,
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the one side this russian will and the other side is western will not the creating and will. yeah, let's talk about support to using these recent attacks will lead to the and blocking of military a packages that are installed in the us congress and the european union as well. it click push the european union and the united states to unblock the packages. the problem here is that the package currently under consideration, the advice of europe in the union, is much less then initial agreed upon in the united states and said to be the last package for ukraine. so even if you creating receives this aid, the question is, will it continue receiving the aid after that? and how long this aid will last ukraine in us of words? ukraine will also need munitions to ukraine will need more weapons and from what it looks like. so u k has decided to send um air defense missiles to ukraine, but it's not everything that you create needs. and the question is,
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can the west support the exact needs for ukraine in order to, to our last russia as military analysts, marina moran, always the pleasure of speaking to you. thank you so much. thank you for having me . far right. parties have been gaining ground in many western countries, including france. maureen looked at it as steadily expanding her party's motor support base with appeals to defend what she calls french national identity, but in a country with a long history of colonization and emigration. what does identity actually mean? you know, we use lisa lewis reports from here. the, this, the, i to apply highlights a dramatic f as a in fonts escalated new history of the cracking down on uprisings in paris and french truth and g area in the late 19th century fonts, extradited and surgeons to its territory. new kind of dania in the south pacific
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theater director. i believe i had set staff please friendship and rearranged, defend, says, relating such large needful course in parts of the country's history is crucial to getting to the bottom of french identity and office own a hi coltish at the store. and i'm telling the story is helps repair collective memory. i think we suffer from the true moves of the parts of our history, which we have forgotten to hold onto the process. i'm interested in french, but i also need to own my personal history. as a son of immigrants, i am proud of this legacy and of the culture i have inherited. yeah, the mil nestled also just to shield the one method task which i'm that's the countries fall right policy. you have some little on us tonight. it does not take the sacks, it's a french identity into account. it's 2022 presidential election manifesto included a proposal that would mean by national, like the direct us itself could be banned from jobs in the civil service. the party
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is back on the competing trade for this year's european elections. again, pledging to defend what they see. its french identity is where they found that i'll defend the original affronts its identity on board as people into the policy you did not reply to our requests for an interview, but is the vision of identity to simplistic. a recent study by fonts is national institute for statistics, found that at least a 3rd of french people have foreign origins. that figure is likely to go up further in future years. at a recent conference in paris, research has discussed how frances history has been marked by immigration and colonization. and how many and fronds, especially the fall, right? it here to an outdated definition of french identity. so let me on this narrative of what being french means stems from the 19th century and has not been updated
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since it does not take into account other aspects such as our history of slavery, colonization or migration. and it doesn't include people of color such as many french living and overseas territories. this definition of being french does not correspond to reality blows, some new hard. yeah, fiesta, direct us if soft things the country needs a new, more inclusive narrative of identity. and that cultural initiatives like this one can play an important role in creating its levels. center prompts as our country could overlook, what we to construct it together on the website and participate in defining its identity without denying road, but not a shared identity is so much richer, as includes parts of each one of us and stuff is already working on his next play, and the hope that he might bridge some of the riffs that the far right is trying to
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deepen. to go my, the law as a journalist for the french newspaper. eliza goes and joins me now to bolt. how divisive our identity politics in france at the moment? well, they've always been so, but in the options, the more now since the integration, the last been passed with the votes of the high, some of them on us or not. and what you, when they stories really that's there, there is a sofa would play the whole semester and which means that the french citizens have more, right then for and citizens. so people always find origins and that's new. and that's always been a to do until now. among this, the responses, and that's why the device, so we're going to said i called it a bit. i did a decode victory. and now what rest you see it's, it's devising but at the same time. and you can see as divisive because many departments like countries refuse to apply some of their measures within the same time,
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more than 70 percent of the french people support the low and even more long and my call simpletons are the terms of this debates being sent by the far right? yeah, mostly i would say, and i mean, that's why the from us and i've said there was a political victory, ideological victory. and my call himself said is a defeat for the some of the not as you know, but at the same time, he did really say if we want them not to take over the, our, or the ideas and, and the french, but at the coast. and we need to combat the problem and stuff to feed them. so that's really that set the agenda and, and it happens everywhere. i mean, in all the countries in europe, like in the teddy or in germany where i have stays also affecting the difficult attend yet. and to what extent is the center taking cues from the far right though to, to gain back, voters support. well, and it is, but also as you,
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as you see from the pause, the percentage of the society has moved towards the right. but, but obviously the old political body is moving in that direction and taking over main political ideas of the far right. starting with integration, but not on integration, but starting with integration. now the far right side and their, their influence, of course, on the political spectrum in the rest of the political realm in france. how big of a consensus? is there a be involving nature of what it means to be french? what, what french identity is? yeah. it's, it's a difficult question. um, you know, just defining the national identity is difficult for every country. what is french? i mean, is it by gay? it's always, it's of, you know, belonging to a country was done in buffy on the one hand and not for you on the other or child about you. and what i said, what do you have to do? was you are paul, you can identity has with us, but that's
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a very complex question and i don't think anyone will find a very come on ground on that. what has been historically important, i think, for defining identity has been the language but fronts has always stressed that the french language is a, some sort of a segment for the society and not like, perhaps in the united states. well, no, it's going to move to come to light control as in is a, is b and, and also, um, one aspect and it's difficult perhaps more now, is that the idea that the stayed there with the biggest 2nd we could replace it and that the religion has nothing to do in the political arena and also in schooling. so any public and building and this has created tensions within the body is the less boxes for instance, have had this tension of june. second, always i'm on the one hand and therefore to integrate more people. and the writing
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policies is i've always played with the idea of play fellows, and that's, you know, like the flush or not it was coming up on us and i later we pushed forward. but never when that's us to take it into the money for us to and now it does become all the consensus. what does it mean for, for the french democracy, that a 3rd of the population is been somehow not considered to be a quote unquote and being quotes. they are not properly friends because they are a foreign origin. yeah, i guess that's the main risk when you go into that sort of political fields is stigmatizing people. and you, you never know when and how if we back for you, but you, you can be pretty sure at some stage it will like it did last june in the suburbs when we had this violent protest. and that's the main issue, i think. but on the other hand, you know, you can say everything is offend you in the french political, you know,
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integration and we have by national administer as we have. we have the and the former education minister. how does barnes coming from synagogue at the same time? we can see unemployment rate in the sub along, and i know it is far higher than you know, other parts of the population. that's too long. thank you so much. thank you. stay with us. now. after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day the,
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the toxic waste from amphetamine, illegal drug labs produce vast amounts of chemical waste every year. usually dumping it in nature on the filter. and under estimated danger for humans and wildlife pollution from elicited drugs, flows up in 45 minutes on d w. the
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do you know which should be see, industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates, which is good. concrete, transforming business to live is on to figure out what the real new div but just queen, blushing the watch. now, the, so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from line in your parent. i just want to pursue what sets my salon fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky,
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irresponsible, unreasonable, all stuff. i want my son to become a doctor to in the canal. it's time to to and then when generations clash, january 14th on dw, the, the landing is the most dangerous part of any flights out of all. admittedly, only very few plane crashes close to have happened during the final descent and touch down. and that sense what happened today and tokyo sunday the airport was when it comes to accidents and civil aviation? well within the room, a statistic probability. but the fact that all passengers and crew escaped this fireball alive defied all odds. after crashing with the smaller coast guard machine, the air bus a 350 caught fire and hurled down the runway and go.


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