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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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but the, this is the, the we news line from berlin, an explosion and lebanon kills a top, come off, the official says, sell every one of the founders of its military wing was killed in the blast. and bay rooms, lebanese sate media says and is really drawn, was responsible, also coming on a plane verse into planes. and tokyo was how may the airport, nearly 400 people on board get out safely after and crashes into a smaller aircraft. during landing 5 crew members of the smaller plane are dead. the
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uncle for at least welcome to the program and explosion and be rude, has killed sally. i really the 2nd highest ranking, political leader of homeless living on state run news agencies says the blast was and is really drones drank which killed 6 people in the southern suburb of bay root suburbs is considered a strong hold of lebanon's hezbollah militant group. 2 of the others killed 4 reportedly. leaders of her mind armed when a month is of course considered a terrorist organization by the u. s. the you and other countries is really officials have declined to come. we use a bus, our sally and barrow to told us more about sell every you know, he was more than one of the most important leaders and how most totally those of him as he is a founder of a sound brigades. he became a member of,
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he became a member of the, the ability to view of him as 2010 and he is one of them managing go to manage yours and how my strategy. and he is one of the house that i noticed by the way and how much. so he turned back to be able to 2017 . and he is, by the way. he is one of the few persons could meet the needs of his beloved as soon as the last claims to other important members of the group were killed as well. what can you tell us about them? yeah, they are to to oh well some the gates go to so one of them called the send me up in the of what i meet on the 2nd one is as a apple a model or they were being kills by. yeah. by the says dike and the, the bodies of who shows mentioned this type it say,
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or the cutting site gets to that is somebody's responsible or dislike? how have they beyond that, the lebanese authorities reacted to destroy in their capital. so you know, its, um, they are and then the main reaction came from that by minnes douglas w. scotty. he, you know, he's and he said that at 7 o'clock decided that the killing of it's a lot of a lot already on these guys with him. it's an attack at the aims to draw will even further to the it's a variety how much more into a new phase of the confrontation. so with this like, you know, the situation and, and leaving out of square to give it to come out and communicate it to the they were, they were, you know, it said they were looking for costing glenn. last month's says the word and because
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they try that to focus on the south border and the we don't know what's what happened and especially that to so we should be that's tomorrow they would be speech. allstate testing us a lot of that off as well. and we don't know what he would say right now, and we have to be very clear. israel is not claimed responsibility for the strongest. but having heard all that you just laid out how big or fears 11 on of a wider conflict the fears it. so, you know, since month, not only to day, but now where maybe they yeah they, they, they, you know, they are the fuses that the, the explanation, what are the gone gone and we don't know what's what happened before we were talking about the targeting both sides on the board, the south border awfully been on the slightly mandatory and has been a lot today. we are talking about targeting in an of by a general be a means of the hedge. it'll be in on a break in english means the, the south on
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a sub us of a male. it, so it's invaded with the darkening to place a building inside bellwood, especially that the, you know, that has the most of all a, he has days as his death of this, i already could improve ok major to retaliation by his beloved. here's what i need to have, and that's what i like i said it many times before, has votes to strike back against any uh eh, targeting of uh, but his team has also shows and available with tony live and on. and the, we don't know what's, we'll let it be. here's an option other channels as well. we know that as well as more than 100000 well trained to fight doors. and the more than 150000 and some muscle new style. so on and off hits, and we don't know what's what happened. 10 times in lebanon. that was a bus alpha shalley. thank you. you're welcome. thank you. meanwhile,
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israel is pressing on with this defensive and goes on more air strikes and showing has been reported in the southern city of con units. the palestinian and red crescent said israel bombed its headquarters in the city, killing 5 people, and the humanitarian situation of the territory. continues to deteriorate, the new ones as a quarter of residence now faced starvation w's while i'm not allowed to file this report from casa. we but my highs and lost her husband and daughter in industry. the bombing on a home in northern gaza, which she had little time to grieve her loss. she has to take care of all the 3 children. well, he but now lives in milwaukee refugee camp in southern garza. the last april husband mean she has also lost her source of income. wasn't up until the end of the nomic situation here is very bad. and i don't know
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how to feed my children. i don't know how to provide them with winter clothes and shoes. you know, we haven't many needs. we still don't have clean water, there's no water in this place. i have to go outside. i'm a widow and i have to go out and get water, whatever we need and anything to do with money on. bread is a staple food for her family. she needs to go in her room and breaks the bread in an open shed stove. for he and many other women in the gaza strip. economic hardship is not the only problem. the unsanitary conditions and the camps are also making life difficult business worse and by a severe shortage of female hygiene products and birth control pills. the, the longest time for some time now sanitary pads have been out of stock in the market
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for, for them for, for we face many problems we use are pieces of clothing instead of sanitary pads. and we have infections and skin problems war but the we have to buy baby diapers which are available. but the price has gone up exponentially. ballasa thought about a vein and the demand continues to rise that have enough to follow up with. so we are facing a shortage of sanitary pads, and now we're struggling dramatically. we're beginning to see diseases of the reproductive system and allergens some symptoms we've never seen before, but the show was only a trickle of age arriving in gaza. there is little hope the situation will improve why he hopes that the war and soon she and her children can return to their home. and japan, 5 people have been confirmed dead after 2 planes collided out of tokyo airport. a
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passenger, airliner carrying hundreds of people struck a smaller coast guard playing while landing, leaving them to both catch fire. everyone on the passenger plane was safely evacuated, but only the pilot escaped from the coast guard playing a life. a dramatic scenes a take care is indeed accurate. this is the moment to passenger at cost best into flames of to colliding with the coast guard, playing on the runway. full 379 passengers and crew, a boat, the lodge, a place where the evacuated that those in this motorcraft, but unfortunately not so lucky the coast guard flight has on its way to deliver release. so that was affected by the as quite the hit to the other side of the items on new year's day depends prime minister off of these words. for those who lost their lives. equal to show green go. these are the people had carried out
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their jobs with a strong sense of duty and responsibility for the disaster stricken areas and victims. this, this is a very unfortunate incident and i would like to offer my sincere condolences while expressing my respect and gratitude for their sense of duty control will see unless they shortage the shot by someone inside the passenger play. as it filled up with smoke, one passenger said he felt lucky to be alive. i can only say it was a miracle. we could have guide if we'd evacuated any later. i want to know why this happened. also, i don't want to go on planes anymore. experts say it's amount to everyone on the line or managed to escape to safety. in any evacuation audio, you want all of the exits open. we want all of the sliced to deploying mobility.
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you want everyone to get down the slides rapidly. it appears to me that tool was not used to move collection, so that's a, that's even more remarkable. at least $75.00 trucks are deployed to extinguish the blaze. which bend planned down to just its use allies. the chain of events that led to the accident and not yet known japanese. also it to say an investigation is underway. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world today. harvard university president, claudine gay has resigned them of the allegations of plagiarism and criticism over her testimony at a congressional hearing. last month. she was under pressure to step down after refusing to say unequivocally that calls on campus for the genocide of jews. would violate university policy, always gotten it right. supporters. a south korean opposition leader lead jameel is recovering intensive care of her being stabbed in the neck. he was attacked while
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speaking to reporters during a visit to the city of boys on an air lifted to hospital. supporters overpowered the suspect, who was taken into custody. turkish authorities saying they have detained. 33 people accused of spying, for israel's most unintelligent service. they were rounded up in raves and 8 regions. the assembled public prosecutor's office, said 13 other suspects remain at large, up to russia's war on ukraine. now, moscow says at least one person has been killed and several others injured and ukrainian attacks on the russian city in region of belgrade. the strikes come after ukraine's president bowed. russia would pay for its latest monsalud tax on ukraine cities. those airstrikes hit the capital keys, and the eastern city of car keeps killing at least 5 people. and booming nearly a 100. the aftermath of an attack on the southern me on ski
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district of keys rushing missiles caused extensive destruction to the neighborhood. which i'm not sure, so i'm not sure if you can afford it, but the strong and left residents struggling to come to terms with it from which our services i observed. it was horrifying. there were bits of window frames and glass everywhere. people were crawling and crying partridge with you, it was still dark and we could see a fire burning somewhere outside with more show a hoodie to avoid this level with. so there's a put a lock. i'm very scared in shock because i never thought this would happen to us. have always been an optimist. and i can't find my cat either. sorry, via cranny and capital was the target of several russian strikes,
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which mostly hit civilian areas. the dresser also targeted the country, 2nd largest city car, key engineering dozens, and turning parts of residential neighborhoods into small during craters. ukraine's president, for that to me, is a landscape, condemn the attacks, the accredited western air defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of russian missiles. so there were a more strikes by the in human russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down, almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings and hockey landscape is under mounting pressure to assure military and financial support from western allies to help ukraine continue to defend itself against the russian invasion. and before we go, here's a quick reminder, over top story today and explosion and by root has scaled so late every,
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the 2nd highest ranking, political leader of how much 2 liters of a mazda is armed wing were also killed. 11, a state media to say the blast was in, is really drowned, striking face. you know, for this we've close up looking as a toxic waste generated find producing instead of names and the threat opposes to the public. i'm the called fairly, thanks for your company. can use yeah, we are all set we are watching close to the to bring you the story behind the news we own about on volume information for free might say due to names done the .


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