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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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well, did you, what do you need the, this is the w use line from berlin. an explosion 11 on kills a top. com us official. i'm us says sally, a re, one of the founders of it's made a tree wing was killed in the last and they route 70 stage media says, and his rating drone was responsible, also coming up a plane versus into flames. that tokyo sunday, the airport nearly $400.00 people on board to get at it safely after it crashes into a smaller aircraft. during landing, 5 crew members of the smaller plane are dead. and ukraine's president to landscape
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says russia will pay for it's right is to miss all strikes. at least 5 people are killed, engineering, $100.00 wounded india tax, the populace. sonya yes, welcome to the program and explosion. and they root has killed sally. i re read. that's the 2nd ties to ranking political liter of how much 11 on state run the news agency. it says blast was and is really drones strike which killed 6 people in a southern suburb of a root. the silver is considered a strong hold of lebanon's, has bala militant group, 2 of the others killed were reportedly leaders of hamas is armed with is randy officials have declined to comment the use of us alco shelly in a route told is more of a solid array and you know,
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he was more than one of the most important leaders and how most totally those of him as he is a founder of us. um, but a gauge. he became a member of, he became a member of the, the for the to view of him as 2000 and, and the he is one of them managing go to manage yours and how much do i have to g. and so one of the houses that i noticed by the way and how much so he turned back to be able to 2017. and he is, by the way, he is one of the few persons could meet the leader of his beloved has sent us a little earlier. we also talked to somebody sako, who's following the story for us from tennessee. he told us what the reaction in israel has been to the bay root strike. well, 1st of all, the problem is good binge. i mean, and if any of the order and the ministers of the sick i've been to know to give
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any statements about this strike and never done this, a need to know who is the member of that include the party. and he's also a member of the foreign and the security committee inside the can. it said it's a committee that is exposed to a top secrets and so forth on the 7th of october. and now it has come back to it's a reputation of being a for the kids target. and kim and the individual in the, in the crowd is a city seen in the exact way in japan size. people have been confirmed that after 2 planes collided at a tokyo airport, a passenger airliner carrying hundreds of people struck a smaller coast guard playing while landing, leading them to both catch fire. everyone on the passenger plane was safely evacuated, but only the pilot escaped from the coast guard, playing
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a live stream and succeed. i'd take care. so need a quote, this is the moment the passenger aircraft best into flames of to colliding with the coast guard, playing on the runway boat, 379 passengers and crew, a boat, the lodge, a place where the evacuated that those in the smaller craft but unfortunately, not so lucky, the coast guard flight was on its way to deliver release. so that was affected by the as quite the hit to the other side of the items on new year's day depends prime minister off of these words. so those who lost their lives to equal the show green go. these are people had carried out their jobs with a strong sense of duty and responsibility for the disaster stricken areas and victims enjoying this, this is a very unfortunate incident. and i would like to offer my sincere condolences while
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expressing my respect and gratitude for their sense of duty control will see unless they shortage the shot by someone inside the passenger play. and as it filled up with smoke, one passenger said he felt lucky to be alive. i can only say it was a miracle. we could have died if we'd evacuated any later. i want to know why this happened. and also, i don't want to go on planes anymore. experts say it's or not to everyone on the line or managed to escape to safety. in any evacuation audio, you want all the cx, it's open, we want all of the sliced to deploying mobility. you won't actually want to get down the slides rapidly. it's appears to me, the tool was not used to move our collation. so that's a, that's even more remarkable. at least $75.00 trucks were deployed to extinguish the
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blaze, which then the planned down to just its use allies, the chain of events that led to the accident and not yet known japanese. also, it does say an investigation is underway. earlier i spoke to aviation expert and journalist julian bray in cambridge, he explained to me have something like this could have happened at one of the world's busiest airport. that is the big question that everybody needs to be investigating right now. it's quite clear that the japan lines uh uh they had the right to run way so they have the full they should be any of the aircraft or that. think the runaway there's yeah, that should be it all the taxi way. waiting for permission to go on the runway. so this will be one of the items of the investigation to find out how it is possible that these smaller dash 8 wait
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a bit on to the depth of these kind of. so for mobs was that i had this done the small reg for is that you feel with the release supplied. so there's great systems and that is probably why, oh, the one test was able to escape from that take read. because uh, the interior of the x box would be so we packed it is in boxes, right. and things like that. the snow. luckily the air bus, which was at but quickly engulfed in flames and managed to uh, not have anyone lose their life because that all the passengers and crew got out safely. what tell us, how do you think they manage to do it so quickly? yes uh now there is an international target called 90 seconds 92 seconds to back to raise their off of this size. this is why it's
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amazing because bulk of the uh, shoots for use that. so they managed to get insurance on both sides. the cost, i mean minded to get them out. now normally people stop the natural thing is to take off their luggage and the bank so comfortable for you. of that also the issue then go back to the disadvantage seems to be very good indeed. and i really have to prevent which having through the 5 full of stuff because they have to solve a let's go back to ation. they did it within the i 2 seconds. and of course everybody goes out. everybody was say, uh, they might have been a few minor injuries. the point is wireless. like while the big file was on file its dudley and sally, i would say they're safe as long as the internal haven't was pressurized designs. but did i also know to solve laser video so,
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so there's later videos of the pilot bodies to and the ag pause with those instead of waiting. so the same right to push back along the way you solve the escape shoes and that is very, very clever. so it sounds like it's a pretty impressive thing that well trained crew, but the science of things. and briefly, if you could maybe a 50, which is the aircraft that we've been talking about is one of the newest designs flying today. and that play a part in ensuring that this didn't turn into a bigger tragedy. why certainly yes it's uh, i need to probably not solve a problem 5 a which is a very light the cerio, but it is very strong fun. but show that the integrity of the size of the intel, the pressure of habit, i stayed long at all for people to escape. what was the soon as you open the door,
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you break the break, the seal, right? pressure and then uh your at the, the last the of the fire and everything else. but by that time they to get you go out and that's going to be good. it certainly joyce. thank you, julie, and thanks for your insights, aviation expert and journalist, judy and bright, joining us from cambridge let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. in the united states, donald trump has appealed against a ruling removing him from the presidential primary policy in the state of maine. last week, the former president was banned from running by mains top election officials over his role in the january 6th assault on the us capital. harvard university president, claudine gay has resigned to mid allegations of plagiarism and criticism over her testimony at a congressional hearing. last month. she was under pressure to step down after refusing to say, unequivocal,
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difficult that calls on campus for the genocide of choose not would violate university policy. the free exchange, the turkish authorities say they've detained. 33 people accused of spying for israel's most side intelligence service. they were right in that open range in 8 regents the assemble public prosecutor's office said. 13 other suspects remain at large or large needs in eastern indonesia have evacuated. nearly 2000 people near named lee will toby following its 2nd direction in less than 2 weeks. the latest of all kind of activity has spewed ash around neighboring areas. officials of asking people to stay at least 4 kilometers away to russia's war on ukraine. now, moscow says at least one person has been killed and several others injured in ukrainian attacks on the russian city and region of belgrade. the strikes come after you cries, president fibers, russia would pay for its latest to miss on
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a tax on ukrainian savings. those airstrikes hit the capital keys on the eastern city of hockey, killing at least 5 people, and wounding nearly 100. the aftermath of an attack on the southern me on school district of keys. rushing missiles caused extensive destruction to the neighborhood. hello, sure. so i'm not sure if you can afford it, but the strong and left residents struggling to come to terms with it from which our services observed. it was horrifying. there were bits of window frames and glass everywhere. people were crawling and crying parties could you, it was still dark and we could see a fire burning somewhere outside with nor sure who to avoid this level with the law . i'm very scared in shock because i never thought this would happen to us. have
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always been an optimist. and i can't find my cat either. sorry, via cranny and capital was the target of several russian strikes, which mostly hit civilian areas. russia also targeted the country, 2nd largest cities, keep injuring dozens and turning parts of residential neighborhoods into small during craters. ukraine's president, for that to me, is a landscape, condemn the attacks, the accredited western air defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of russian missiles. so there were a more strikes by the in human russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings and hockey landscape is under mounting pressure
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to assure military and financial support from western allies to help ukraine continue to defend itself against the russian invasion in europe. today to of next, our documentary program looked such just how much influence the super rich acts actually exert. that's after a short break. and don't forget just plenty more news and information on our website, dw, dot com for me, and the team here take care of the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining and welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that, it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good, everyone to kings. check out the award winning called com. no hold back.


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