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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from the, the killing of a top pa, mazda official spots, is the war and gaza could spread. liberties state media say, and is riley drones strike, kills think groups deputy political leaders as well as not confront whether it is a behind the attack on the desk. told from this craig, in japan behind the attack on the desk told from this craig, in japan climb so at least 60 to thousands of people are still believe to be trapped on the collapse buildings following with quake and west of japan. on monday,
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the investigation into the collision as to cure add ports, aviation safety experts from japan products, and b, u. k. will examine whether extra control negligence that to the last president to fill out the residents can says russia has $5500.00 miss selves and drones and new crane over the last 3 days. and these 5 people have been killed that nearly a 100 wounded india. the, i'm good, how about is welcome to the program, and we begin in lebanon, where the killing of the top, how mazda official in bay root is rising. fish for the israel, gaza will, could spread the minutes in groups deputy political lead us, sorry, i really on 6 others were killed in a strike on an apartment building 11 in state run news agency said the attack was
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carried out by israel. these where the government has stopped the source of confirming it was behind the strike of the optimist of a deadly strike in the house of lebanon, killing one of the most is most seeing if he gets in the suburbs of bay roots. eye witnesses described tearing a drone before the blast. the sound comes to us. at about $530.00, we heard the sound of an explosion. then another explosion followed by the last a few seconds later on, there was lots of smoke on the explosion, shook our office upon on tennessee. you saw a re, was deputy to mazda, is political. leda is smell, honey, a, and a found a of the groups military wing. the old cassandra gates, a mazda is designated as a terrorist group by the us, and a you, among others. and a very was on
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a us terrorist list. he had spend years in his riley prisons at the time it is desiree was leaving, and 11 on as a mazda is t liaison with the lebanese militant group has blah to re ulcer headed off to mazda. his presence in the occupied westbank and his hometown was ramallah, i suppose is the stage to riley in response to news of his death. so this is not the end. the if they killed one of the leaders more leaders anymore, the police scene and we'll take the flag. i'm going to continue the the, the fighting against basic impatience of israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories, but his riley officials had previously vowed to hunt down from oscillators where ever they are. then 11 on the striking bay rouge is seen as
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a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called it an attempt to pull his country into israel's wall with moss fulton, has blah, and israel has been exchanging new daily fire along the lebanese is riley bordeaux since the war began. the striking deep and lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his beloved that would say the wall spread far out across the east rails northern border because one it's trying to create. i'm a joyce, be now from jerusalem to israel has not yet officially confirmed or denied the killing of other re uh, but has that been any reactions from these really side but that's by to is very officials didn't to officially acknowledge or deny the coming of set off of her jewelry, there was just some politicians commenting on this. it's not really
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a surprise. i'm at the same time we understand, you know, is what it has said from october 7th that they will actually go after the homeless leadership. not just in garza where we have for mostly do y'all here, single on, but also uh, hunting down uh, the leadership uh abroad. and one of them was a slough, a jewelry. uh no, it's been has also a long list or history of a targeted assassinations. but they have not officially confirmed the involvement. so what we heard from the is really military. the is read, the spokes person said listening last night. he also didn't confirm it, but he said then now ready for all scenarios. that's the me, it's been a very high state of readiness. there's also talk about you how this will impact actually the hostage talks uh with, from us there still over about a 129. host is very hostages in
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a gauze and to accept the media to begin with the top. but in general, i think is what it is right now, bracing for some kind of response potentially from hezbollah. and we are also hearing here on is where the radio that it has deployed additional defense system, the, our window towards the northern border. now how much of a blow is based on what it is, right? it's described as a significant, a blow to him. us again, it didn't really come as a surprise, so off ability had been on israel's wanted list, if indeed there were involved in his killing. now how much data is meant, honey, and who's also abroad? quoted terrorism. they also said that it wouldn't defeat him. us. um, so he was seen as one of the founders of the some brigades, the military ring of pharmacy also was said to have
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a good relations with iranian adidas. there were some pictures and photos of him circling on the on social circulating on social media and also, um, he was the one overseeing operations in the occupied westbank where he came from. uh, so we also saw some coaches there last night in the occupied westbank as well as there's a general strike in wake of his coming. now if it turns out tanya, that these rail is indeed behind this attack, does that mean that the israel hom oswell could actually spread beyond? because well, i think all i so now on the reaction of has blah and living on this killing happened. and one of the strong holes in a south of the root and the have heard has velocity to send us
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relo saying, uh uh, earlier uh that you know, any attempt to any assistant nation in any of any lead us groups in, under the new starter woods and this is a harsh reaction, has been, i said, in his statement, also that this would not go unpunished. that it's a serious assault on they've been known under dangerous development. they would have to make a decision or they have to also take into consideration the domestic situation and living on what they want to drag depend on into will be over the road. and the report. there has been a lot of cost for the firing between other been known and is rather in recent reek that has increased indeed. but also of course, um the credibility if they will actually follow up on the red lines. but we also heard from the news prime minister and the jeep mccarthy saying that live in and
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should not be dropped into the war between uh israel. i'm from us in garza so i think everybody's waiting now to see what's kind of responsive, whether there will be a response will happen here in the coming hours or days of correspondence on the exam of the reporting from jerusalem. thank you, tony. to the head of the world health organization is condemned. an attack on the palestinian red crescent building in garza where despised people had been shout drain. tetra is gabrielle. was described the strikes on the hospital as unconscionable. it comes as the humanitarian situation in the territory continues to worse than the un says, a call to a residence. now face starvation, w, as momma, a colored 5. this report from casa we but my husband lost her husband and daughter in industry. the bombing on a home in northern gaza,
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which you had little time to grieve her loss. she has to take care of all the 3 children. well, he but now lives in milwaukee refugee camp in southern garza. the last several husband mean she has also lost her source of income. wasn't up until the end of the nomic situation here is very bad and i don't know how to feed my children. i don't know how to provide them with winter clothes and shoes. you know, we haven't many needs we still don't have clean water, there's no water in this place. i have to go outside a lot of. i'm a widow and i have to go out and get water, whatever we need and anything to do with money on bread is a staple food for her family. she needs to go in her room and breaks the bread in an open shed stove for he and many of the women in the gaza strip. economic hardship is not the only problem the unsanitary conditions and the camps
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are also making life difficult business worse and by a severe shortage of female hygiene products and birth control pills the, the longest time for some time now sanitary pads have been out of stock in the market for well, for the office we face many problems we use are pieces of clothing instead of sanitary pads. and we have infections and skin problems. one button on this. we have to buy baby diapers which are available, but the price has gone up exponentially. ballasa thought about a vein and the demand continues to rise that have enough to follow up with. so we are facing a shortage of sanitary pads and, and now we're struggling dramatically. we're beginning to see diseases of the reproductive system and allergens some symptoms. we've never seen before,
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but the show was only a trickle of age arriving in gaza. there is little hope the situation will improve why he hopes that the war and soon she and her children can return to their home. at 7, look now at some of the other stories i'm making news around the world. in the us, donald trump has appealed against the ruling, removing him from the presidential primary ballad in the state of maine. last week, the former president was banned from running by main stop election officials over his role in the january 6th sold on the us capital city. the president of harvard university, claudine gay, has resigned. she was on the 5 full alleged plagiarism onto a testimony at a congressional hearing last month. guy had refused to say clearly that calls on campus for the genocide of jews would violate university policy. thousands of
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doctors in england tastic on the 6th day will come demanding best of pay. it will be the longest strike in the history of the state from national health service and comes off the top of the government broke down or emergency services in central and northern parts of germany are trying to contain the flooding of rivers and volta ways. following the heavy rains, the help of if i'm as a breast, it's bangs at several points, whether experts predict continue drain until the end of the week. to japan. now we have prime minister for me. you can see the says, the country has reached a critical point as rescue as race to find survivors of the powerful as quick that struck on new year's day. the disco has no reason to 60 to thousands of people believe to still be trapped on the collapse buildings. heavy rain is full cost in the you should come up for effect to where the quite kits and that is prompted is
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of land slides with good hands and rescue efforts and calls for the damage kick me and most of is a specialist on disaster response and reconstruction and i talked to him about the focus of the rescue teams 3 days after the quick. well right now there's definitely titles to do able to find survivors underneath of those buildings, you know, still 3 days. so i mean it's medicaid, so you're gonna find people even after week 2 weeks, 3 weeks. so they're not going to give up till the at the everybody's i, you know, i did find from this earthquake, especially now that the customer that's also been you for the rain has been in heavy rain, has been been full cost for the region that how will that the how to put rescue efforts say, no, that's actually is no good at all. i mean that the, for the 2 reasons, one is the, at the, those claps buildings you know, you know,
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with construction or concrete construction. having that the moisture rank coming into that that become actually on the stabilize more. so that's actually of the once huge issue. second, the is the lead. so the manual line slide happened after the earthquake and which actually the distorted middle roads. and that's actually humphrey at the all the, the trucks to have a foot and awards to be able to get into the defects of the area. so that's actually a big deal. so yeah, this upcoming, the forecast rain and storm that we, we can have some, some issues there. now what do you reckon is japan out of the danger zone with regard to this quake? or can we expect even bigger quakes in the following days? sure, i mean there's always a possibility you know, the, a 2009 to like rely it tell you earthquake the you know 1st or is good the smaller one. and so it kind of will actually kill the 300 people,
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2011. the christ church earthquake in new zealand, the 2nd earthquake and the march was actually smaller, but it was absent as a closer to the popular so center which chewed up actually more people. well the most of the people actually done the 1st was. so it's definitely the, there is a 100 percent, probably the of the aftershocks we just saw exactly how big and a point is, but it's gonna keep coming full probably next, 6 months a year. you know, it's pretty active out there. now, japan is a quick pro nation. can we say that the country has developed expertise to avoid high dest told and destruction? i mean, 62 is tragic, but it's still for such a large quake is not that much. is it as well? that is true. i mean uh uh it is definitely 97.5 is that large earthquake, you know, in a turkey or off kick in the building well last year, which showed almost uh, 50000 people. and, but those are bidding types of different. japan is uh most of housing them they.
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ready have a wood, so tend to actually be able to take the perfect loading. one is collapse you seeing here is an order housing construction. that's an issue and also order concrete construction and can build the prior tonight midnight, the eighty's. uh, those actually really dentist buildings there in japan, also the in a place like a california or what's right, keep the much throughout the war and actually so yeah that's, that's definitely issue. but the, if it's a country is prepare for this kind of an event, would, would it be japan, actually, you know, after all, japan, you know, we go through every 5 years, every 5 years. so this major measure of that happens and we get into the recalls, are some mode, you know, good mammal did have an nose in japan. thank you very much for sharing your eyes expertise with us. thanks so much. we stay in japan because safety officials have begun the investigation into the cause of
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tuesday's collision between 2 planes. a tokyo's honie, the airport a passenger plane carrying nearly 400 people, struck a smaller co. scott plant during an emergency landing. enquire. we will be assisted by a vision investigate just from, from where the crashed ad boss deadline it was made. and from the u. k, with the appliance rolls royce engines were manufactured. the crew of the japan lines, passenger planes, safety evacuated, everyone on board despite the aircraft being engulfed in flames, but only the pilot escaped life from the coast got claim a dramatic scenes. uptake. yes, indeed. accurate. this is the moment the passenger at cost best into flames. after colliding with the coast guard playing on the runway boat, $379.00 passengers and crew, a boat, the lodge, a place where the evacuated that those in the smaller craft. but unfortunately not
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so lucky. the coast guard flight was on its way to deliver release, so that was affected by the as quite the hit to the other side of the items on new year's day depends prime minister off of these woods for those who lost their lives . equal to show green, all these people had carried out their jobs with a strong sense of duty and responsibility for the disaster stricken areas and victims doing this. this is a very unfortunate incident, and i would like to offer my sincere condolences while expressing my respect and gratitude for their sense of duty control will see unless they shortage the shot by someone inside the passenger play. and as it filled up with smoke, one passenger said he felt lucky to be alive. i can only say it was a miracle. we could have guide if we'd evacuated any later.
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i want to know why this happened. also, i don't want to go on planes anymore. experts say it's amount to everyone on the line or managed to escape to safety. in any evacuation audio, you want all of the exits open, we want all of the sliced to deploying mobility. you want everyone to get down the slides rapidly. it's appears to me that tool was not used to move collection. so that's a, that's even more remarkable. at least $75.00 trucks were deployed to extinguish the blaze, which then the planned down to just it's utilize the chain of events that led to the accident and not yet known. until ross is more on ukraine. now, moscow says at least one person has been killed and several others injured and ukrainian attacks on the russian city and region of the road. the strikes come off, the ukraine's prison vowed russia would pay for its latest miss of the tax on
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ukrainian cities. those strikes hit the capital keys, empty eastern city of caucus killing at least 5 people and wounding nearly a 100. the aftermath of an attack on the southern me on school district of keith. rushing missiles caused extensive destruction to the neighborhood. i'm not sure, so i'm not sure if you can afford it, but the store and left a residence, struggling to come to terms with it from which i services i observed it was horrifying. there were bits of window frames and glass everywhere. people were crawling and crying partridge with you, it was still dark and we could see a fire burning somewhere outside with nor show her eligible boarding this level with. so there's a put a lock and very scared and shocks for you and you because i never thought this
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would happen to us have always been an optimist of the the cranium. capital was the target of several russian strikes, which mostly hit civilian areas. russia also targeted the country, 2nd largest city khaki, injuring dozens, and turning parts a residential neighborhoods into small during craters. ukraine's president, for that to me, is a landscape condemn the attacks a credited western air defense systems for intercepting and destroying the vast majority of rushing missiles. so there were more strikes by the in human russians with almost $100.00 rockets of various types. at least 70 rockets were shot down. almost 60 of them shot down in the key barrier. there were severe bombings in hockey. the landscape is under mounting pressure to shore at military and financial support from western allies to help ukraine continue to defend itself against the russian invasion. to w correspondence. sonya fall,
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the cow was at the scenes of the various attacks in cuba on tuesday and also about the situation in view currently and capital today to with the how do we had a bunch come a night in keene here, the way ensuring that they were overnight a russian attacks in khaki, but here in keys, you know, there is a rescue operation still continuing in a below freezing temperature has now a day off to what officials say it was most sustained attack. the captain faced with a defensive shooting down 60 russian besides, yesterday. now i was in one of the most effective districts. so to me on school district, which we saw in your reports. and there was scenes of really kind of a to a destruction that would cause completely gutted shots of loss and pieces of debris from furniture kind of blown out to the apartments that were water pumps that were destroyed there. so the area around that building was, you know, had pools of water in that i spoke to residents who were incomplete shock at, you know, losing the homes. i so many of them would suitcases,
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trying to figure out where to spend the night yesterday. and, and it's not yet clear, you know, what exactly the issue was called the thing in these attacks of keys yesterday that are reports of 2 facilities in an industrial zone, north of keep the floor hits. but otherwise, you know, all of this, all of these seemed to be so they didn't talk. it's now why are we seeing such a spike in a tax and recent tax? when did i, there's been a really kind of an escalating cycle of tit for tat atrial assaults by both sides. we heard this morning from inefficient in belgrade. the russians the border to the banquet on seeing the defences they had shut down. you're creating an aerial targets we ukraine has not come into them that the sold. but you know, unless the whole us see that this shows the ukraine's, you know, increasing ukrainians like show you queens and has capacity to produce domestic weapons. but also it's increasing ready? those to bring the wall closer home to moscow. and as far as these massive brushes of bombardments of, of, uh, you know,
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ukraine go with the people here who see this could be the beginning of the, another russian area and campaign against critical infrastructure. and the attacks of keys yesterday, the reports of disruptions to want to and follow supply in certain areas. gas, pipes, damage, you know, you're creating officials for months. i've been seeing that, you know, russia is building up a stock by a multi position besides that, who was planning to use a when the, when with the golf course to palm do create in cities and a repeat of it's, you know, mom being campaigned last year i'm the emails that the see seems to be, you know, to really we couldn't, you create and what all i'm trying diminish. it's industrial and military capacities. the doctors sonya phonic of the reporting from key if thank you very much on after all, the death and destruction, the piece of good news, so changed because of the decades of poaching pushed them to near extinction, mountain gorillas. in rwanda, i'm making the come back the prime, it's one of the world's most endangered species. in 2008,
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it was estimated that the fuel then 700 mountain gorillas left in the wild. 10 years later, the number doubled, the population has been growing steadily since then, and the poaching patrols helped to cover this drive in the rain forest habitats bought the teams to look after them, say they still need constant protection from poaching. disease. assume and conflict in the region of the watching dw, in you'll see as a reminder of our top story, an explosion and by root has killed ruby. the 2nd highest ranking, political leader of how months to lead is almost we also 70 states media. say that last was an eas, riley, drones stripe and in japan rescue is a racing to find survivors of the powerful earthquake. it's stuck in the country
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a new year's day. the desk told us now risen to 62000 people. i believe to still be trucks on the collapse. that's it from me and the new scene for now savage. it's will have a world news update for you at the top of the gantt office in berlin for me and the news t x. the
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a toxic waste from an instead of me. illegal drug labs produce a vast amounts of chemical waste every year. usually dumping it in nature on the filter. and under estimated danger for humans and wildlife pollution from elicited drugs. flows of next on d,
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industrial nations no longer need, and the lightest textile waste gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in the global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube the we joined the debts, police on the trail of drug mafia against the back of i think we're on to something on producing synthetic drugs. not only requires a lot of chemicals, it also produces tons of highly toxic waste, which usually ends up in the environment. the homes in children here, driven by greed, the cartels often pressure residents into cooperating. and.


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