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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, you want to do to the news coming to live from berlin, to explosions, hit a symmetry in iran, state, and media say at least 70 people were killed in thousands wounded during a memorial service for senior general assassinated by the us in 2020. was coming up on the show, the killing of a top come off the official and they route to sparks. here's the war and gaza will spread lebanese state media sand. his railey drones right, killed the group deputy political leader and the death toll from earthquakes in japan. claims to at least $64.00 rest of our race against time to find survivors with thousands of people believe to still be trapped under collapse buildings
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the pirates. and welcome to the show. if we have some breaking news from iran where state media say at least 70 people have been killed into explosions, you're the grave of it runs top commander across them solely mani. several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blast and the south eastern city of caroline warners had gathered at a ceremony to mark for years. and so the money was killed and a us drunk striking a rock. earlier i spoke with a rush as easy a historian at clemson university, has written a biography of silly money and here's what he told us to. and then the blast happened initially. um, as the official recording cameras may or said that it might have been a explosion of a gas canisters effect,
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some froze your account's been pumped as the initial claim that no one has been injured. but i quickly changed all said deputy governor general of turn him on the province where the attack, the blast occurred said that this was a terrorist attack, although he used a curious for munition, because he said, we don't know the reason, but it was a terrorist attack and also the correspondence for testing news agencies just this paid a state agency affiliated b, b, b i o g c is melisha. that sort of mine who was a part of this correspondence for this agency has said that the number of the weekends unfortunately, can be more than 60 people. that actually, although you said sort of can be and didn't confirm. so i know what a higher done deputy governor general of the province of care mont has yet really commented on this any ron and would have to wait for that to confirm that it was indeed a terrorist attack of any sorts or, or an, or an explosion i mean,
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it wouldn't be clear why. i mean, the, of course that within many reasons that 2 targets. and so the money is an memorial . yeah. tell us more about that and him as a figure what, what would the possible significance of an attack would be at the anniversary of his death? the money was get killed 4 years ago to the se, uh, as ordered by that president trump, at the time us conducted to the strikes and you know, he's kidding, has all eyes as always. so the anniversary of the kidding on january tears has always been named for 10 and occasion. so the money was the head of a very grand quarters and it has the 11 on who is in yemen, homeless and palace in his love to hide in any am saying by this sign um of the syrian government and together they, they conduct what they called an access of resistance um, which we sure the did before send and sort of had many enemies. and of course,
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many high leaders of, of these groups have been assassinated before it many times as sometimes by us sometimes by his route. and also meet the ranking and sort of general as have been killed. but this seems to be the type of course that be not only be the very high civilian and casualty, but it's not clear. and it's not clear if any sort of hired, i think, or me thinking i or just the general was targeted or to. it's not nothing like that as an important i think you would have been reported probably already had it happen . um, so it's not clear why, you know, sort of any outside sports. we like to try to get that memorial in between, you know, or new civilians would be attending in cameron and symmetry. so this adds more to this sort of mysterious i mention of this. and then, you know, we basically don't know anything further. i the more rush, thank you so much for helping pain to fuller picture here. that's a rush that's easy with clemson university. to this blast and a wrong calmer with rising fears, and the israel gauze of war could spread after the killing of
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a top. the mazda official in an explosion 11 on the militant groups deputy political leaders, tyler irene and 6 others were killed in the strike on an apartment building and b route 11 on state run news agencies had the attack was carried out by israel is really government for its part has stopped short of confirming it was behind the strike. the often asked of a deadly strike in the heart of lebanon. one of how mazda is most senior, if it goes, was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of a root cellar, re, was deputy, to have masses, politically, to it smells. honda ya and the founder of the groups minute to wing the all cars, some brigades, a mazda, is designated as a terrorist group by the us on to you, among others. and gallery was on a us terrorist list. he had spent years in his reading the prisons, at the time of his death, ruby was living in lebanon as have must,
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his key liaison with the lebanese militant group has blah i'll re also headed up how must his presence in the occupied westbank and his hometown with ramallah palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following the news of his death. a young resolved. i know for your in today we're on strike discharge of the book on probably because yesterday a hero and lead to a lot of rudy was mounted in a year. he is a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian cause. i need no more such how do i sleep? uh, new israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not call internal preparations outside of israel and the palestinian territories bought his rarely officials had previously vowed to hunt down how mosley does,
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whatever they are, no more quick for lebanon. the striking baby to scene is a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called it an attempt to pull his country into israel's will with him, us as has blah, and israel had been exchanging near daily fire longer. lebanese is riley buddha. since the ball began this strike, the pin lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from hezbollah. that would see the will spread full out across israel's nose. and buddha israel has neither confirmed nor denied that it is behind this attack. as earlier to do you have these correspond antonio cramer and jerusalem and asked her why we haven't seen a clearer statement regarding as well as the alleged involvement. well, that's right. i mean these ro is ready. officials have a need, as you said, you know, i to confirm that israel would be involved in the clinic of the soul of rudy and
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has been very tight lipped about what happened in b route. but the media here are reporting that also. um, um the many of the cabinet members and also members of the can instead of the is really problem and have been told no to publicly took about. there were a couple of them who made some commons basically congratulating the security services. uh for a successful operation, but there has been no official confirmation on that. and there's some speculation that this also should have no to further inflamed the tensions. but of course it comes off to, you know, the political leadership is also the military leadership here. they have set a time and time again that they would go off to the homeless leadership, not just uh, in garza of to yeah, yes. and while the most of the day and goals are but also those that are living
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abroad after the october 7 terror attacks and how concerned are as really citizens that, that this could lead to an even worse security situation for them. well i think there is a lot of concern. uh um, uh, quinn of what, what would be the re a what will be the reaction of most but also of his below. uh, this happened uh, what is considered a strong hold of his below uh, in uh, southern b route and his statement uh by the hispanic uh, a group. i said that they would not let that go unpunished. uh, the quoting it to serious, sold on, uh, living on. but at the moment it seems to be a bit of a waiting time because we don't know how such a response would look like. hospitalized certainly also to look um uh is in a dilemma because they also have to consider the domestic situation in liberal non
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meals or to do you live. a nice prime minister saying that live on him should not be dragged into the war between israel and homos. and gaza, but of course this comes on the back to of, of heights and tensions between israel and his beloved. i'm at the is what it's northern border be seen in the past. couple of weeks has been a lot of cross for the find a lot of rockets coming in also uh is road and also a talking in the south of live. i've been living on, but it has been somewhat contained. but in the past couple of days and weeks that had been a sense that there would be, could be an escalation at the same time with concerns is varies as well is what would happen to potential negotiations. a between in direct negotiations between is around and time us through the media to cut to when it comes to the hostages to it's really hostages that are still being held in garza. this will be now much more
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hard to to get them free. tanya, thank you so much for that update. it's tanya kramer in jerusalem. they can bring you up to speed now, but some of the world news headlines that of the world health organization has condemned an attack on a palestinian red crescent building and cause a were displaced. people had been sheltering to address, give raise us. describe the strikes in the hospital as unconscionable. 5 people, including a baby were reported, kills in the us. donald trump has appealed a ruling. removing him from the presidential primary ballot in the state of maine. last week, the former president was banned from running by means top election official over his role in the january 6th assault on the west capital. thousands of doctors in england have begun a 6 day walk out, demanding better pay. it'll be the longest strike in the history of the state, run national health service and comes after talked with the government broke down
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and emergency services in central and northern parts of germany are trying to contain the funding of rivers and waterways. following heavy rains, the head of a river has burst its banks at several points. the weather experts project continue rain until the end of the week to and japan safety officials have begun an investigation into the cause of tuesday's collision between 2 planes. a tokyo was handed to airports, a passenger plane carrying nearly 400 people, struck a smaller coast guard. plain inquiry will be assisted by evasion investigators from france, where the craft air boss was made and the u. k. were the plains rolls royce engines were manufactured also in japan, prime minister from you because she says the country has reached a critical point as rest of as a racing to find survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day . and the dozens of after shocks that followed the death toll now has risen to 64
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people and there are fears that heavy rains predicted by forecast was, could hamper the rescue work. quakes triggered fires, houses tend to rustle roads, destroyed the off the mouth of japan's powerful new year's day of quake, which with significant of the sharks. full cost is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before and after the quake hit . now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost, land slides and heavy rain could have put that rack thoughts, japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency. this is using the secret a by you and you. it's being 40 hours since the quite the scifi channel. it's a race against time to rescue victims, we must like and we are at a crucial stage. can steve us,
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he is doubling the number of military personnel and the pulling more rescue dogs to assist. thousands of those who have survived the quake and now without attic tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation sends a special to with stories of the real deal. but we didn't go pick them up. my house is flattened, you content to it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others and taking coverage in each of the people. that's the situation now they'll go through with schools of people that have many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding. correspondent james tater is following that story for us on japan's west coast. and he gave us this update slow here and kind of as our this is a city that's
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a bit further south from the west in parts it, um, regions that were mentioned in that report that a certain kind of our we've seen damage to rosie, seen some damage to housing, but it's really not on the scale that it has impacted those regions on the northern part of the know, surfing in seo services. cities like what seem a and susie, this is where the most judge and rescue operations are going to be ongoing. this evening, despite the was sitting conditions but really across this region across as west and part of japan. this feels like a region that's on edge right from landing the add ports and come out. so a little bit further south, you saw really a can continuous stream of japanese self defense forces. how do you cops is moving north to try and continue those rescue efforts throughout the day moving around this region. we've also had consistent fire, and so there was to fight to the regions as i mentioned, but northern parts of north it will continue to the rest of your operation throughout the night. but with, you know, the concerns that,
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that will be more off the shelves in the coming days. the region very remains. i'm concerned about what's, what lies ahead. in addition to concerns of aftershocks, what are the other main challenges the rescue teams are facing right now? slow the biggest challenge really is time. we now paul stopped for sea island locks and the main quake struck this part of japan . and often people talk about this 40 hour window where the, the likelihood of finding survivors trumps on the rubble is much higher. we've now costs up this afternoon and then you start on top of that these worsening conditions that i mentioned going into this evening. the weather is really cold. you might be able to hear it as rain behind me. the rain we understand is even worse, the getting those worst effects and regions. and so the concern is really that especially there might be land slides this evening. that was the next good thing
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that even a little bit of rain this evening could cause major line flights in that region and make ready difficult the rest of your operations even more challenging. and what about the survivors of these earthquakes? we know that initially some 100000 people were told to evacuate their homes, have at least some of them now been able to return home. but we understand the majority of those 100000 people that were initially evacuated, have been able to leave if actuation senses. that's because they were initially evacuated because this unami warnings which are issues in the media off the mouth of the quake. um, although those unami warnings have now been lifted, the bigger question really is, what homes are these people going to be able to return to? we've had reports from the mayor of suzy, regarding the northern parts of notes or peninsula saying that some 90 percent of homes in the city have been destroyed. so again, they have been able to leave these to back to ration census, but the situation out better is really, really challenging. and you know,
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even the civil live is that going to face a long road back to reality following this outbreak. james, thank you so much. for reporting, let's state of these correspondent james tater, in kind of our to later this year, some 450000000 european citizens will be eligible to vote in elections to the european union parliament. with populace parties gaining ground and many new member states. they're also fears that are right wing surge could threaten the unity of the block. the ukraine conflict and the legal migration or issue is likely to dominate the elections. seat of these brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena has this outlook. a restless war, relentlessly waging on and ukraine. refugees since migraines, desperately trying to reach the european continent. a presidential election in the united states, the could. and with donald trump, back in the white house. only a few of the many challenges the you will face in 2024. it's important that we have
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a strong european union, especially in this new world where we have some conflicts. we need to speak with one voice all over europe. citizens are telling us that they want you to be more co easy to a more social bureau. i mean the climate crisis is the biggest challenge we're facing. we are here in the european parliament where lawmakers are bracing themselves for a 2 motors here. they're all directly elected by you citizens and in 2024, those citizens had to the poles to the side on the future. makeup of this parliament, issues such as migration and a green transition are expected to dominate to the competing with many he feeling that europe's fluoride populist could make gains in the election. we know that extreme right doesn't want to get into the climate, the green transition, but as well so that we see coming the backlash and women's rights of minority rights and human rights in general. and that is something that i find to be very,
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very scary. i think that will, that will also be the big battle. it's about the liberal democracies west as a talk for c, a and populism. the death and shy away from battles whether over its budget or there's a little slow in member countries. recently hung we'd be towed to the blocks long term financial aid for ukraine will 2024 see europe. so you need to wait. and when it comes to supporting kids, not at all says thing thing k u, i coped kierkegaard, he believes that accept 4 hungry you members will stay united. i think the realization among the political leadership. but also if you look holding, i think people in europe and understand that this is actually an ex, essentially important fight for europe, that supporting ukraine's fight for survival could get more difficult without an ally in the white house. should donald trump return s u. s. president, he already threatened to quit the western military alliance nato in the past,
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and now pledges to strike a deal with russia. a prospect that has spread sold to europe. i think europe has to take more responsibility for it for itself. we cannot continue to a free ride is probably not the right word, but at least ultimately rely on and american security guarantees. european politicians are getting ready for a year full of challenges, challenges they hope the you can overcome and maybe even stronger than before. so plenty to impact their i'm joined now by young to shower and international affairs expert from the razor group who specializes in political risk research and consulting a welcome young. when we're looking at some of the most depressing issues facing the you in the year to come support for ukraine, obviously jumps to mind how united is the you on it support as well. the
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us, still surprisingly united actually, and it has been from the outset when this war broke out in february of last year that you was pretty much united. but from the beginning of the, until today that has helped with the exception of the is the obama, is now standing in the way of another being a package to ukraine. but you can see from the other 26, you repeat member states that they're absolutely determined to get the money to ukraine, that are looking for other tools for other instruments and the you instrument bucks to get that money to your credit. it will eventually go to ukraine. so you can see the determination that that comes from the fact that most europeans actually do believe that ukraine security has a lot to do with their own security. and that sense is still prevailing and very strongly mama, you remember states. now another trend worth paying attention to is that far right parties are gaining in popularity across europe. but when we're looking ahead to the european union parliament elections coming up, how,
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how could this friend affect results? well, i mean, it's quite clear that in the, in the next routine problem. and you know, after june of, of, of, of this year, the number of members of the matter with your phone talk to this party especially right plus will be much larger. but what we will not see is a populace majority in the european parliament. the center still holds essentially in the european parliament with a central center. that's the right parties which have found the defect to run coalition into your apartment for quite some time. still retaining a majority, that's what the numbers and defense tell us what states. but of course, it will be a much harsh a problem and that will be a hospital. it will be much more divided and much of that center, right? kind of agenda will actually treatment to the mainstream that will be one impact of much, much more members from the, you know, political, a french entering into the problem and off of the joint elections. and in addition
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to having some of the politics and policies of these groups creep into the main stream, do you think it's likely that we would see, for example, far right groups represented at, at higher levels in, in european politics than we have previously seen before. i think in terms of the top drops that's there in the unlikely top jobs in the sense that the commission president, the council president of the, the high representative perform and security defense policy. those jobs are still off limits for the far right. what we will very likely see is a small number attached to a 3 commission as members of the european commission coming into the new commission as it will fall in november of this. yeah, probably from it's really very, very likely from slovakia and perhaps a few other companies, maybe even the netherlands, that's not entirely certain yet. um, so there will be representation that are fairly high level at the top level, yet that still off limits to the populace in new york. but thank you so much for sharing your insights with us today. that is a young push out with the racial group. now after decades of
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poaching pushed them to near extinction, mountain gorillas and rolanda are making a comeback. the permits were one of the world's most endangered species. in 2008, it was estimated that there were fewer than 700 mountain gorillas left in the wilds . but there's good news, 10 years later, at that number it has doubles and the population has been growing steadily since anti poaching patrols that help the girl as 5 in their reinforce top attached. but the teams who look after them are warning if they do still need constant protection from poaching disease. and also schuman conflicts in the region. they're just gorgeous. or now we do have reminders of our top stories just
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before we go around and state media say at least a 100 people have been killed and, and thousands more injured into explosions. there's a grave of runs top commander custom. so emani, several people were also reported wounded in a sam p. that's all of the blasts in the south eastern city of claremont. the killing of a top come off. the official and bear brute on tuesday is raising fears of the israel gauze of war. could spread lebanese state media, say the blast was an, has really grown strikes full to israel has stopped short of confirming that it was behind the strikes and rescuers in japan, or racing to find survivors of powerful earthquakes that struck on new year's day. and it's many aftershocks. the death toll has now risen to $64.00 people and dozens more are believed to be trapped under collapse buildings. and it is your news update at this hour coming up next is made in germany taking
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a look at whimsical innovations that protects our environment featured for that. or if you want more news analysis is always there on our website, d, w dot com. or you can check out more video content on our youtube channel. i'm clear, richard, sending or letting. thank you so much for watching. the the,
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