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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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the, the, to watch and you know, the names coming to live from berlin to explosions, hitler cemetery and iran state media saying more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general who was assassinated by the us in 2020 also coming up on the show, the killing of a top come off official in the route sparks fears of the warren gauze with could spread lebanese state media se, and his railey drones fried, killed the groups deputy political leader, and the death toll from earthquakes. in japan, climes to at least $65.00, rescuers or racing against time to find survivors with thousands of people believed to still be trapped under collapse building the
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. i'm clear, richards, and welcome. begin with some news from iran where same media say more than a 100 people have been killed in 2 explosions. here. the grave of a runs at top commander custom. so the money and several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blasts in the south eastern city of carmen. mourners had gathered at a ceremony to mark for years and so the money was killed in the us drone strike and your rock. so i leased my toilet and the job is the founder and director of the think tank center for middle east and global order with no group yet claiming responsibility for the attack. i asked him for possible and, and most likely options. i think what is 1st important to note that is that within minutes of your running state media have identified those bindings
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as having a terrorist, you know, being a terrorist attack, which is also quite an interesting itself to be able to identify that within such a short notice and um, so basically at this point we can not know who is you know, behind this attack, but it's very clear that your why and state media is very much reporting about this incident. and, you know, pull changes as being a, you know, carried out slightly. ron's entities probably either or the united states. but as we've seen in the past and also into for decade history of the summer republic when it comes to those terrorist attacks. and there's a lot of uncertain to whether it has been carried out by outside for 3rd or inside forces. so it is, you know, very difficult to say. but at this point, it is very clear at how the kind of propaganda is being spawn by the sound of the
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public. and what is the significance, or is there significance of this happening on the anniversary of the us killing of cost them. so the money, this is exactly where the origin wants to portray that you know how to runs outside, and these are targeting to people who weren't warning. so the money but, so the truth of the matter is that solely minus popularity is not as strong as a regime aims to portray it. and we've seen that, you know, there's been a lot of anger towards, you know, the, so the money even after his death. so, um, i think it's, um, it's, it's an attempt within the domestic situation that is very difficult. the running machine seems to be strong from the outside, but it showed a closer at it, so it is much more vulnerable. there was a lot of problems with a lot of concerns when it comes to the double elections that are due on march.
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first, the elections for the parliament and for the assembly of experts who should be actually uh, you know, selecting the next, the pre leader. and there is also some kind of delusion with the wrong supreme leader. i mean, just very recently a claim to have a, you know, direct conversation with god. so i think there is a lot of, you know, the context and zooming out is here is important and here, and also the iranian, uh, you know, state has suffered important blows for instance, the targeting of us, of a senior. um or do you see command or in uh, syria a by these rarely so at this point uh, when it comes to the incident in the cab clermont and it is not uh, you know, one cannot say uh for sure what has been happening, but the context is very important here and of course looking at events in the region and, and what's been happening in gaza and then just in bare root. now do you think that there's a possibility that this attack is, is connected to israel's war and gaza?
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it's well, um, i think it is. this is quite unlikely if you look at is where the operations inside you run over the last few years. you see a different patter. you see basically the pattern that israel aims to target the infrastructure from the regime uh, from the military or a nuclear infrastructure. is that the some republic and uh, we also, uh, you know, uh, predicated upon the realization and he's wells analyses rest military circles. there was a white gulf that there was a white gulf between state and society in the wrong. so it's very unlikely that at this point in time i was in the context of the war and gaza is wrong with decides to execute such an operation that has been targeting also a civilians knowing and knowing that this would be counter productive because it is not so aiming to, you know, to propel your volumes to,
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to become against the israel. thank you so much for your insights. there. that is ali, i told it and shot the founder and director of the think tank, the center for middle east and global order. we really appreciate your time today. the last time around come on a mid rising. fear is that the israel gauze of war could spread after the killing of a top of mazda official and an explosion in loving on the militant groups deputy political leaders to larry and 6 others were killed in the strike on an apartment building, and they route 11 on state run news agencies of the attack was carried out by israel. he's really government for his part has stopped short of confirming that it was behind the strike. the aftermath of a deadly strike in the heart of 11 on to one of how masses most senior figures was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of ben root. so how to rudy was deputy thomas's political leader smiled honey and a founder of the groups military wing that caught some brigades. how much is
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designated as a terror grew by the u. s. and e u. among others. an auditory was on a u. s. terrorist list he had spend years and is really prisons. at the time of his death, i do, and he was living and loving on as how mazda is keeley is in, with the lebanese militant group has a bola, rudy also headed up how much his presence and occupied westbank and his hometown was ramallah, palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following news of his desk. a young resolved. i know who you're in. uh today we all in this strike discharge and because yesterday the hero and lita sally, rudy was small to talk about how to do my own. and it's been a year, one of them is always a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian test. and that i need to do, i mean,
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so israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories. but as really officials have previously vowed tongue down from us leaders where ever they are for 11 on the strike on be route as seen as a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister, called in an attempt to pull his country into israel's war with him, us has a law, and israel had been exchanging your daily fire along the lebanese is rarely border since the war began to strike deep and lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his ball. uh that would see the war spread out across israel's northern border. i spoke to andreas creek and middle east risk analyst and associate professor at kings college london. i asked him how big of a blow for a mouse over his death will be as it gets out there. i think we should be very
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careful in terms of accrediting one single individual with a hop, a sort of position where they play in outsized role in, in a, in a wider network over not as ation. he was certainly important symbolically because he always the crates of the fighting of, of, of how most certainly must have been one way or the other involved in knowledgeable of what happened on the 7th of october, what was going to happen on the 7th of october. he wasn't liaison between homeless and has belong there, but i also liaison between homeless and iran, which is an important link between for these race um that they're trying to uh, is this a promo is it's never just one individual. so if you take the individual out, you might be most likely replaced by another individual and it never had actually, and this sort of impacts. i mean, none of the s as a nation contains the israel has conducted across the region of i had an, a massive impact on the organizations that they were trying to. we could,
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let's take a quick look at the consequences of his death. i, you mentioned has the line of its course not just a mouse, his reaction to this killing here on the strike killed every in a has the last stronghold in southern they root. do you expect that we would see retaliation from hezbollah to his desk? or yes, uh they will certainly have to be responds because as well as under pressure they have to show that the parents, regina is still a hell they need to show that they mean business at the same time has below, has been very cautious in terms of how they respond to is really aggression. and i've also been very careful not to get sucked into that more directly in gaza. so, and so far this one has been below the threshold of war. so basically, you know, with their penitent and we've seen these types of type responses, every response that has been made has been very measured. and israel has been fairly measured as well in terms of responding to he has bullet attacks as well. so this one is an escalation, it's an escalation because it's not the thinking it was killed,
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but it's someone who was under the protection of his but who enjoyed the hospitality of hezbollah was killed in deep inside the territories. a great violation also of lebanese sovereignty, which has but i will have to respond to the questions just how will end up with a response because as well or for many years has kind of iran as well have kind of delay their responses to the sort of attacks, which means they do respond, that doesn't necessarily mean they're respond immediately. the question is, how do they respond? because i don't think has boss they'll, you know, the has the appetite for a major escalation is these are, these are playing with while it seems that somebody is, or might have an appetite to bring the waters blah as follow. now we'll have to find a measured approach to this, but i think the response will be one that come with delay, but will be one that will be fall was then what we seen sofa coming from lab and on, as in his drawing that will be much deeper inside of these really territories, it will be one that potentially could be a major terrorist attack within israel or against is really soft targets those
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outside of as well. but they will have to be responds if has but wants to maintain his credibility. well, thank you so much for joining us on data view news with your expertise that is, and today's a key got a king's college linda penny. thanks a. so let's take a look now at some other world news headlines. south korean police have rated the residents and office of a man accused of stopping opposition leader in the j young and the neck on tuesday . lee is hospitalized in an intensive care unit. the attack occurred at the proposed side of a new airport in the southeastern city. of course, on thousands of doctors in england have been a 6 day walk out, demanding better pay. it'll be the longest strike in the history of the state run national health service. and it comes after talks with the government broke down. flooding has emerged, parts of southern and central england and wales after storm. hank brought heavy rain to those regions. electric power outages, transport disruptions and property damage. some $10000.00 homes are without power.
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winds up to a 150 kilometers per hour were reported on the eye of rights. in japan, officials investigating a collision at tokyo. sunday, the airports, a transcript of communication between traffic control shows that only the larger passenger plane was cleared to use the runway, where a smaller coast guard plain was preparing for. take off the passenger plane, carrying nearly 400 people hit the coast guard, playing on landing, killing all 5 crew members. the passengers and crew of the larger jet were safely evacuated. i think we being assisted by evolution investigators from france where the craft air boss was made and the u. k. where the plains rolls royce engines were manufactured, japan foreign minister from you know, cuz she also says the country has reached a critical point as rescuers are racing to find survivors of a powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day and dozens of aftershocks that followed. the death toll hasn't arisen to 65 and there are fears,
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but heavy rains pro predicted by forecasters could hamper the rescue work is quite triggered. fires, houses tend to rustle roads, destroyed the optima of japan's powerful new year's day. a quake which with significant of the shocks full cost, is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before the end of the the quake hit. now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost land slides and heavy rain could have put the rapids. japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency is this, you know, i say could i by you and you, it's being 40 hours since the quite the side shuttle. it's a race against time to rescue victims. we must like and we are at
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a crucial stage crunch davis. he is doubling the number of military personnel and deploying more rescue dogs to assist thousands of those who have survived the quake a now without attic, tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation sends ispa shelter with stories of that road deal. drop it down to my house is flattened yukon to enter it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others, something coverage in each of the people. that's the situation now. don't go through with schools of people dads and many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding. we've dw correspondent james tater following the story for us on japan's west coast. he gave us this update. it will well pause the 48 hour mark now since stopped as quake struck west in japan. a lot
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of course is discussed about about 40 hour window where the likelihood of finding some 5 is, is much higher. the inclement weather this evening in western japan, cold temperatures and pretty heavy rain is making those rescue efforts, especially in the notes so peninsula. i'm a bit further north and where i am in kind of our even more challenging throughout the day. this is a region that's really felt on edge right from the beginning of the day when they arrive to the original apple. we saw japanese self defense force heavy called to is in a continuous stream really flying north up to that west impacted region and throughout the region as we've been moving around it today. we've heard continuous sirens from imagine c response vehicles. as we understand the 100000 people that were initially evacuated from the places and not in that northern notes, that notes so peninsula have since been able to leave evacuation senses. but really
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the bigger question now is where they go as we understand the damage and some of these towns is really quite tight. so the mayor of caesar city again in that northern northern peninsula said some 90 percent of homes were destroyed in that quaking. so yes, we can see these people who initially had to evacuate, being able to move evacuation senses, but the road to recovery seems like it will still be a long one. to have these james tater reporting there from japan. now some 450000000 european citizens will be eligible to vote in elections to be your opinion parliament later this year with populace parties a gaming ground in many you member states. there are fears that are right wing surge could threaten the unity of the block in the ukraine. conflict and illegal migration are issues likely to dominate the elections. to have these brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena has this outlook. rush us will relentlessly
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waiting on a new queen. refugees since migrants desperately trying to reach the european continent. a presidential election in the united states that could and with donald trump, back in the white house, only a few of the many challenges the you will face in 2024. it's important that we have a strong european union, especially in this new world where we have conflicts. we need to speak with one voice, all over europe. citizens are telling us that they want you to be more co easy, but more social you are. i mean, the climate crisis is the biggest challenge we're facing. we are here in the european parliament where lawmakers are bracing themselves for a 2 motors here. they're all directly elected by you citizens. and in 2024, those citizens had to the poles to the side on the future. makeup of this parliament, issues such as migration and a green transition are expected to dominate the campaign. with many,
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he feeling that europe's fluoride populist could make gains in the election. we know that extreme right doesn't want to get into the climate, the green transition, but as well so that we see kind of backlash and women's rights and minority rights and human rights in general. and that is something that i find to be very, very scary. i think that will, that will also be the big battle. it's about liberal democracies versus a talk for c, a and populism. the death and shy away from battles whether over its budget or there's a little slow in member countries. recently hung, we'd be towed the blocks long term financial aid for ukraine. will 2024 see europe . so you need to wait. and when it comes to supporting kids, not at all says thing thing. k. yeah, cope, character guard. he believes that accept 4 hungry you members will stay united and i think the realization among the political leadership. but also if you look at pony, i think people in european to understand that this is actually an ex,
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essentially important fight for your supporting ukraine's fight for survival. could get more difficult without an ally in the white house. should donald trump return as you, as president, he already threatened to quit the western military alliance nato in the past, and now pledges to strike a deal with russia. a prospect that has spread sold to europe. i think europe has to take more responsibility for it for itself. we cannot continue to a free ride is probably not the right word, but at least ultimately rely on and american security guarantees. european politicians are getting ready for a year full of challenges, challenges they hope the you can overcome, and it's may be even stronger than before. and when we talk about the most pressing issues for the use support for ukraine, obviously comes to mind. i spoke to you on tasha and international affairs expert
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from the razor group and ask them how united the you is on support for ukraine as well. the us, still surprisingly united actually, and it has been from the outset when this war broke out in february of last year. the you was pretty much united, but from the beginning and until today that has helped with the exception of who's the obama is now standing in the way of another being a package to ukraine. but you can see from the other 26, you repeat member states that they're absolutely determined to get the money to ukraine. then are looking for other tools for other instruments in the u, a instrument bucks to get that money to your credit, and will eventually go to ukraine. so you can see the determination that that comes from the fact that most europeans actually do believe that ukraine security has a lot to do with their own security. and that sense is still prevailing and very strongly mama, you remember states. now another trend worth paying attention to is that far right parties are gaining in popularity across europe. but when we're looking at head to
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the european union parliament elections coming up, how, how could this friend affect results? well, i mean it's quite clear that in the, in the next 2 routine palm and you know, after june of, of, of, of this year the number of members of the same amount of your phone pops you. this party especially with us will be much larger. but we will not see as a populous majority in the european parliament. the center still holds essentially in the european parliament with the central center that's on the right policies which have found the defect to run coalition, to european problem and for quite some time, still retaining a majority. that's what the numbers and defense tell us slips dates, but of course it will be a much harsher problem and that will be a hospital. it will be much more divided. and much of that center, right? kind of agenda will actually treatment to the mainstream that will be one impact of much, much more members from that, you know, political,
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a french entering into the problem and off of the june elections. and in addition to having some of the politics and policies of these groups creep into the main stream, do you think it's likely that we would see, for example, far right groups represented at higher levels in, in european politics than we had previously seen before. i think in terms of the top drops that's there now like the top jobs in the sense of the commission president, the council president of the, the high representative perform and security defense policy. those jobs are still off limits for the far right of what we will very likely see is a small number attached to a 3 commission us members of the european commission coming into the you commission as it will fall in november of this. yeah, probably from it's really very, very likely from slovakia, perhaps a few other companies, maybe even the netherlands, that's not entirely certain yet. um, so there will be representation that are fairly high level, but at the top level, yet that still off limits to the populace in new york. but thank you so much for
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sharing your insights with us today. that is a young push out with the racial group to now artists often try to reach new depths with their work. but one belgium comic strip has taken that literally with a unique underwater display. belgium's comic strip scene as world famous home to characters ranging from 1010 to the sparse. and now there's a new way to fully immerse yourself and the culture. google's flip as an ad tanks might not be the usual gets up the gallery goes. but at this brussel swimming center, the outs works us 30 meters below the surface. this one of a kind exhibition can only be viewed by plunging into one of the world's deepest pools. if you just die, it's kind of similar every time it's similar. so changing yours it's, it's always a kind of closer down below. as soon as kind of you just truly spelled in comic strips and follow the defences of a beloved belgian character. most visitors are experience divers,
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but new bees wishing to fit that type into the scene can also become less than to enjoy the artworks the exhibit finishes of the poolside with comic strip style logo winch and says adventure on solid ground. quite then, some guy, a pool on its own. ben us had the brain way to team up with design is to in the pandemic. to create a unique experience. speaching, a typically belgian craft. we don't have the whole and we don't have the chocolate . so the company is brussels is often described as the comic book capital of the world. and even on dry land, belgium buildings pay almost to the artful. with comic strips and cartoons cheering up the rainy sidewalks across the city and attracting tourists. even in the belgian winter, back in the woods at the swimming pool, the novelty is going to and well, a sabbath. it's
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a per been very relax and let's just say that each die income. i do one way. so at the end of the month, i will do have the, the, the, the complete to come make. yeah. and it's even helping some trying new things and meet new people. i've been terrified as the wall for all my life. i've never learned to swim. so when i retired, i friends encouraged me to come a dive and i tried to i know enough with him, especially when they get older. social contact is good. to those who prefer to stay dry. they can still count 2 clips from a saw just before we go, let's remind you of our top story. it's around in st media say at least a 100 people have been killed and thousands more injured in cuba explosions. you're the grave of a ron's top commander costs and so the money several people were also wounded in a stampede that followed the blast in the southeastern city of paris.
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update at this hour. i'm clare richardson in berlin for me in the whole team here working behind the scenes. thank you so much for watching the
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india course featured in fishermen are taking care of these marine animals or reducing dangers along with east coast during the hatching season of health. the baby turtles safely reached the ocean eco india.
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on d w. a long mediterranean voyage comes to an end. the final destination, morocco for our shows, fellow presenter just far abdul karim. the country of our ancestors both agreed that diversity is the region true source of well the in 60 minutes on d, w. the is the systems can be used to christopher geographies. the real china itself needs to be an incredibly scarce way and transforming business as onset.
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real media and lots, just green washing. what's now on the, we often forget that this planet does not belong just to us. it is also shared by magnificent creatures and the planets belongs to them as much as adults to hello and welcome. i'm sorry because the evaluation annual watching equal in depth on why these creatures have had a bus the largest the live, but also try the non natural environment. we have made their lives leaving him. and this episode is all about those people who are trying to change.


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