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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news long from berlin to explosions have a crowd of anniversary events in iran. save media, say more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general assassinated by the us in 2020, also coming up the killing of a top her mazda official inmate. ruth sparks fears that the war and gaza could spread lebanese state media saying is really drones dry, killed the groups deputy political leader and the death toll from earthquakes in japan klein's to at least 65 rescuers race against the time to find survivors with dozens of people believed to still be dropped under collapse building and
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agencies war and a more than one 3rd of all as good faith, extreme food and security. this winter. almost half of them are children, the village walk into the program. we begin with the developing story from ron, were state media say more than a 100 people have been killed into explosions near the grave of a ron's top commander cost them slowly money. several people are also reported wounded in a stem, pete that followed the blast, and the sub, a southeastern city of clermont warners had gathered for a ceremony to mark for years and solely money was killed. and the us droned, strike in iraq to speak now. design and may vanya is a professor of international politics at lancaster university, who researches around and middle east politics. good to have you on the w. no,
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no group. as you had claimed responsibility, what do you think is the most likely option here? well, it's really difficult to speculate at this point given how precarious the entire middle east this is easy to, to less maybe 4 or 5 different groups. because after all around is, is in a bit of a precarious position with a lot of, of rivals, a lot of enemies. and there's a lot of groups that would want to commit such heinous up against these lumnick republic. but it's, it's also, i think, too early to try and speculate because speculating could pull fuel onto the fire of any we sing, leaks for or some precarious middle east, with conflict and gaza blasts and beta roots know blast and iran. it's really quite a sensitive moment. iran, quickly it came out saying this was a terrorist attack coming from iran enemies. why do you think the regime came up
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with this very swift explanation before very much was even known at all is what it needs to demonstrate that it has some semblance of control. some semblance of for the run key officials were very quick to walk, to kill like that, that this was back to being business as usual, that it was back to being a very safe and secure environment. but in order to do that, it needed to demonstrate that that was suspect, that was probable groups on the narrative of, of a terrorist attack, perpetrates by x. then one of these is one that we've seen used by the assignment for public countless times over the years. and then they used by many of the states who have enjoyed brutal file into tax. and we know, as i said previously, that are our number of groups that have expressed anger, frustration and violent condemnation against iran in the past. so that list of
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possible suspects, that list of groups that might be held responsible for this is quite long. mm. disagree. clear and just to give our viewers a sense of what we're talking about here, who are those groups? so there's 2 different types of groups. i guess there's the, the states groups and narrow the all vs. it's israel and the united states. after all, it was united states but assess and that would cost them some money 4 years ago. so that the main, so the of vs external state threats. and then there's lots of other groups that either have roots in iran and they've expressed anger at the socio economic frustrations or the treatments of those groups themselves, or groups that are sort of in the periphery. so we're talking the likes of a slight mix states and various of shoes, office lumnick states or disenfranchised, but new she groups, for example. so again, there's a large number of groups that have being deeply affected by the politics and the
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philosophy of the assignment, republic of a run leading to widespread and go frustration that has often abrupt it in file. and so for the past few decades, do you think there could be any link here to the conflict in causal as well? that's the easy narrative to make concepts. there were allegations this around was in some way behind the how much terrorist attacks. and that was those quickly crushed by is really in us officials, but the narrative remains. and if that is the case, then it would be easy to see this as some form of retaliation. we know that israel has committed these types of attacks in iran, but typically these have been against the regime officials, scientists, or military officials typically linked to the, the nuclear program, not usually against civilians. so there is a precedent here,
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but what i think is really important to remember as, as of yet, there was no evidence linking around it to what happened on october the 7th. and these ratings have been very clear about that. and the americans have been clear about it, but yet the historical links, the historical entity on a mazda, etc. that has, that has been evidence so very clearly evident and relations, or indeed the rivalry between his royal and iran makes it very easy to tell us story and for people to believe it was time and move on professor of international politics at lancaster university. thank you so much for your assessment. thank you . meanwhile, fears are rising, the, the israel gaza war could spread after the killing of a top come off official in an explosion and 11 on the deputy political leader of the militant group, which is widely considered a tear organization. and 6 other people were killed in the strike on an apartment
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building in bay route 11 on state run news agencies said the attack was carried out by israel. these really government has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement of the strike. the aftermath of a deadly strike in the heart of 11 on to one of how masses most senior figures was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of been root. so how to rudy, was deputy thomas's political leader smiled honey and a founder of the group's military wing that caught some brigades from us as designated as a tear group by the u. s. and e u, among others. and i really was on a u. s. terrorist list yet spend years and is really prisons. at the time of his death, i don't, he was living and loving on as how mazda is keeley is in, with the lebanese militant group, has bola hardwood. he also headed up how much his presence and occupied westbank
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and his hometown was remo. palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following use of his desk, a young resolved. i know who you're in. uh today we all in this strike discharge. and because yesterday the hero and lita sally, are rudy, were small to talk about how to do my own. they get finished in a year. one of them is always a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian test. and that number such how do i sleep? israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories. but as really officials have previously about ton down from us leaders where ever they are for 11 on the strike on the route as seen as a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister,
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called in an attempt to pull his country into israel's war with him, us has a law, and israel had been exchanging your daily fire along the lebanese is rarely border since the war began. the striking deep in lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his ball. that would see the war spread out across israel's northern border. for more on those are natural environmental east analysts shiny rosanna, sounding good to have you back with us. now i live in on has belong melissa, which is allied with him, us and backed by iran, has found that this killing will not go unpunished. house on us. we're all on the head of his lot is talking right now as we speak. what do you make of hezbollah as reaction to all of this so far? well, the attack yesterday was actually an attempt to test the bond between $100.00 and some us. we know, for example,
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that the attack on october 7th was not coordinated between homeless and his bi line . you are on their backers. so in a way, israel though it's not, it's not officially confirming that it's denying it's, it's a, you know, but isabel was trying to test and found. and so what we see now is that the response of the did the fact that israel was saying, we know that his model would respond very harshly if we had done anything directly to his bottle connected to took his bottle on the beneath targets. but now we are attacking him off and we feel that this is going to be somebody gets his block and somehow contain the response to the last 24 hours of showing us that in that aspect . so far, the correct, we've seen very little, you know, there's been back and forth along the border as we've seen the almost every day for the last 9 days. so nothing new on that front, not nothing stream, no breaking of the the rules so of conduct between these 2 sides today. so, so far we've seen a very calm response. we will see something as follows, and always speaking over 40 minutes, thought it even reaching this topic. so obviously the, the, a spa smaller,
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they want to make them send the message. we're not hysteric about this. we're taking the time to choose when and how to, to respond pretensions are high and fears are that this might lead to a widening of the conflict. right? would you say that those fears from what you can assess right now or justifies? well, yesterday was a big, big fear of that, that it was coming exactly the timing that the durable ford carrier, the american carrier. there was a parking in the medi rainy and was actually leaving the region after almost 90 days. so obviously, if the americans assessed the it's safe to leave, maybe it's a good sign. if that was happening, that decision was taken before this assassination. still we did not see making you turn up. we feel again so, so far we see the response is by comes what model it has buys, very cautious with bringing damage to be route to loving it out for the cause of palestine, palestinians, and hum us. and so there will be a response. i think there's no doubt about it, but the grand escalation,
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we're expected, maybe this immediately. that's not happening. not yet. at least. what effect do you think over risk killing could have on the war in gaza and also the negotiations to get the hostages. so this is the most, you know, this is a direct attack and one of the most of the leading operative must consider as a to organization by many countries around the world. and so they do not find themselves bound to any specific rules of conduct. they will choose how in when to respond, but we see them quite weak and their response so far because then limited in gaza, they're under strong, you know, a oppression by these really military in the west bank is really, really there has been very hardly pushing down and pressing on that, so they have very little room for maneuver for response there. when it comes to the right you have to do this is the only key. this is what they say. they immediately stop and talks about the police. and they say they will not resume, that's anytime soon. israel tried points to the effect of caught tara did not officially withdraw from the talks under hostages, as a good sign of maybe this to hope to save something there. and also the fact that
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a ruby, the man who was assassinated was considered to be one of the hawkish a sound of voices in him. i was hoping that maybe he's been, will, will, will allow some more flexibility within how most rings in the long run. israel has neither confirmed nor denied any involvement in all of this buttons. benjamin netanyahu and the head of the most sod has said time, and again, they will hunt down the people who are responsible for october 7th, no matter where they are. so why then, are we not seeing a clear statement by israel on what we saw yesterday? you know, it's always this us, you know, back and forth, or you gentle game of deterrence. and, you know, as early as, as, according to many reports being very active in damascus and in other parts of syria and lebanon, sometimes also on uranium grounds. of course, nothing of that has ever confirmed, because israel is not, you know, because then it's a direct attack on that, on another southern country here at the root is the capital of lebanon. so they don't want to be clearly announcing we've been back bold and making that in the
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making that also specifically again because of the very tense and move it, they're trying to manipulate here between from us and their back as no smaller. they actually like keeping it vague. this is a policy is really sticking to for many, many years for century hundreds of years. several. uh, so when we talk about, for example, he's really not admitting to the day that they have a nuclear attack, a nuclear weapons, new computing, something they will clearly seize as you know, and israel has israel still refusing to that it's part of the policy to sustain some more of its defense, they feel and deterrence by keeping it fake tony resign is always good speaking to you. thank you so much for single. you're welcome. and a quick look down at some of the other stories making is around the world today. south korean police have read of the residents in the office of a man accused of stabbing opposition leader lead jameel in the neck on tuesday, lee is hospitalized and then intensive care unit. the attack occurred at the
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proposed signed avenue airport in the southeastern city of who's on flooding has emerged, parts of southern and central england and wales after a storm hang broad, heavy rain to those regions. it led to power outages, transport disruptions and property damage. some $10000.00 homes were without power wins of up to a 150 kilometers per hour were recorded on the island right. and japan officials investigating a collision of tokyo's. anita airports say a transcript of communication between traffic control shows that only a larger passenger plan was cleared to use the runway where a smaller coast guard plane was preparing for. take off the passenger plane, carrying nearly 400 people hit the coast guard, playing on land and killing all 5 crew members. the passengers and crew of the larger jet were safely evacuated. inquiries being assisted by evasion investigators from france where the crashed air bus was made and the u. k. where the plains rolls
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royce engines were manufactured. and just to be clear, the pilot did make it out alive. japan's prime minister familiar because she says the country has reached a critical point as rescuers race to find survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day. and the dozens of aftershocks that followed the death till now has risen to $65.00. and there are fears that heavy range predicted by forecasters could hamper the rescue work. quake triggered fires, houses tend to rustle roads, destroyed the optima of japan's powerful new year's day of quake, which with significant of the sharks full cost, is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before the end of the the quake hit now is rescue
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a search for survivors full of cost land slides and heavy rain could have put the rapids, japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency. this is using the secret a by you and you, it's being faulty hours since the quite the scifi channel. it's a race against time to rescue victims. we must like, and we are at a crucial stage. we can stay there. he is doubling the number of military personnel and the pulling more rescue dogs to assist thousands of those who have survived the quake. and now without attic tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation sends a special to, with stories of the real deal. but the copies of my house is flats and you call them to enter it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others and taking coverage in each of the people. that's
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the situation now, they'll go through with schools of people dads and many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding agencies or warning of acute hunger enough. dennis down this winter new figures show that nearly 16000000 people more than a 3rd of the population will face extreme fluid and security. heading into 2024. almost half of those affected children ask guns don't have enough to eat. that has been clear for a long time, but the crisis is deepening. as 2020 full begins, agencies have a green view of the year to come. they estimate that more than one 3rd of the countries 40000000 people may experience the cute food and security before spring half of them, a children to hundreds dangerous for everyone. but children, especially in sufficient calories,
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result in physical and mental development issues that cause knock on effects later in life. a range of problems have converge to cause the hunger crisis the result in less work in the winter. well, food and energy prices rise global economic conditions of squeezed relief groups. sanctions on the taliban have also made it hard. is that those groups to work in the country and provide aid? if aid is being used as a tool to pressure us, then the as long as the m or it has its own values, which it will safe guard at any cost. that scans has made big sacrifices in the past to protect our values. they will endure the cutting of 8 to those values include some of the harshest treatment of women in the world. women lodge, do you have to stay home and con, work that makes it even harder for families to make ends meet and beat them? it's been 2 months since i was able to buy milk for my b b. i give her a green tea,
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you know, feeding water and i give her medicine, which makes her sleep from one morning to another. because if she wakes up and ask for food, i have nothing to give him. i've got his don presents a challenge to the international community which wants to stop the tell about of power without stopping the population of much needed food. let's bring in lots, you know, that she was a spokesperson for the world. food program was a wrench. thank you. so much for making time to come on dw, how serious would you assess the situation in afghanistan today as well? like i always said, you also look for 2020 falls, really gray, more than one 3rd of adkins need food assistance. and basically, every province in the country using crisis levels of food into george, you know, even worse. i mean, we have to say the numbers have improved a bit in 2023 actually off a large scale and sustained, unitary, and food assistance following best to the near collapse of the economy. after the
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tele bond take over, we actually were able to pull millions back from the brink. but also last year we saw huge funding crisis and we had to come millions from our system. and actually millions of people rely on w w. p. systems to survive the day. and that's why we basically go into 2020 fall with an empty tank. yeah. you were forced to cut your caseload by 66 percent less may. what does that mean in practical terms for the people on the ground? i mean, that is now work constance. it basically leave a significant number of outcomes out of any, any help to get food for their families and actually women. what about the brand of these cuts? one and 5 house halls,
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then we actually went all the sold right with us. and so they were most affected. and especially now during winter time, this is, is a terrible situation because many people in ask on this condo and it's also been struck by as the weights and the west. and also, you know, the 4th return from parties con, um, we are fighting on so many for once on so many, military and friends and our resources are depleted and people are suffering at the same time. and we are the only ones who could help the situation, but we are running out of offer services as well. and that's the situation in, in your opinion. and in the, in the case of dennis on specifically what is the biggest preventable factor in driving of hunger? is it the fact that women are being shawn from, from working and from participating in social life? the economy is down. there is no recovery inside food
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prices, so still high people survive. on the bat minimum, they have exhausted all responses to re bagging on the streets. that's what, that's what my colleagues telling me in their child, mary, is to get money. and we want to prevent people from slipping more into hung up. we have to sustain this desperately need an international assistance because we actually need to look beyond politics and see that people are suffering. and i mean, actually they have been suffering for the kids now. so is there not a sense of urgency? how can the international community be made aware of the dire situation in afghanistan? then i think the, the national committee as well. but, you know, there's also stars and don't have frontier. i mean, we have so many crisis all around the world. we have guns that we in, so don as a regional crisis and also you know, front of all the budgets also depleted. but i mean, again, this is also about,
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you know, humanity. we cannot abandon the people, enough guy in this town who's, who has been suffering so much. and um we kind of basically we, we kind of left age, go and need to keep up this level of systems because we were actually we were able to pull back people from the brent in 20232022. and we have to do this again, probably the best are in your staff in afghanistan, observing efforts by the tyler bond to address this hunger crisis. i don't is, i mean, i'm not aware of the socialist system of wives for an effort by the defacto authorities to address this 100 crisis. but again, i wish it not made this about politics. it's about the people we count about on the people of us kind of town. and i think the and i hope the international communities
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supports us in our efforts to actually mitigate the suffering of counsel as mounting the end of the world food program. thank you. so much thank you. after decades of poaching, push them to near extinction, mountain gorillas in rwanda are making a come back. the primates were one of the world's most endangered species in 2008. it was estimated that there were fewer than $700.00 mountain gorillas left in the world. 10 years later, the number doubled, the population has been growing steadily since then, anti approaching patrols, help the gorillas thrive in their reign, forest habitat. the teams will look after them, say they still need constant protection from poaching disease and human conflict and the region, or you're watching dw news before we go here is a quick reminder of our top stories today. or rain in state media say at least
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a 100 people have been killed and dozens more injured into explosions near the grave of ron's top commander custom. so the money, several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blast in the southeastern city of per month. the killing of a top, a mazda official in bay roots on tuesday, is raising fears that be israel. god, the war could spread liberties the media say the last was in is really drawn. strength is real. stop short of confirming it was behind the striking rescuers in japan raised define survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day. death till now has risen to 64. dozens of people are believed to still be trapped under collapse. building up to date, we have documentary coming out next, taking us on
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a mediterranean journey to morocco. stick around for that, and we will be back with more headlines from around the world. the top of the next hour, the the
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long mediterranean voyage comes to an end. the final destination, morocco for ours shows, fellow presenter just far abdul karim. the country of our ancestors both agreed that diversity is the region true source of well the next. on d w, they do good deeds, but only on their own times. rich patrons give away man to foot,
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education or culture. they determine what the money is used for. is this a new kind of system? the power of the super rich tom 1000000 is exit insurance. in 45 minutes on d w the . so you didn't think and feel the same way you expect. and one different thing from line in your parent. i just want to pursue what steps nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, unreasonable stuff and the sizes i want my son to the doctor to in the
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clouds. it's time to to and then when generations class starts january 14th on dw, the, the mediterranean was once a major crossroads as a part of the ancient today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common? journalist xena las rog and joe far abdul karim, travel the coast of the mediterranean, in search of answers. you see yourself as a to me in june and responsibilities.


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