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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the state of the news line from berlin to explosions have a crowd of anniversary events in iran, state media say more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general assassinated by the us. in 2020. also coming up the killing of a top per month, official in very rude sparks fears the war and all that good spread lebanese, the media is saying is really drones, right? killed the groups deputy political leader, the
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article fairly welcome to the program. iran supreme leader has bound to carry out a harsh response after twin explosions in the country self killed over a 100 people. there's been no claim of responsibility yet for the blasts which happened near the grave. a former top commander cost them solely money. several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blasts in the south eastern city of clermont warners had gathered for a ceremony to mark for years and solely money was killed. in the us drone striking a rock, the eu has condemned the explosions as an act of terror and called for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. the u. s. has denied having any part and said it had no reason to believe israel did either. it is too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that
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number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. so i'm a bon, is a professor of international politics at lancaster university, and research has around and middle eastern politics with no group yet claiming responsibility for the attack. i asked him what the most likely options were here. but it's really difficult to speculate at this point given how precarious the entire middle east this is easy to, to less maybe 4 or 5 different groups. because after all around is, is in a bit of a precarious position with a lot of, of rivals, a lot of enemies. and there's a lot of groups that would want to commit such heinous up against these lumnick republic. but it's, it's also, i think, too early to try and speculate because speculating could pull fuel onto the fire of
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an increasing leak frost and precarious middle east, with conflict and gaza blasts and beta roots no blast and are on. it's really quite a sensitive moment. iran, quickly, it came out saying this was a terrorist attack coming from iran enemies. why do you think the regime came up with this very swift explanation before very much was even known at all what it needs to demonstrate that it has some semblance of control. some semblance of for the run key officials were very quick to want to kill like that, that this was back to being business as usual, that it was back to being a very safe and secure environment. but in order to do that, it needed to demonstrate that that was suspect, that was probable groups on the narrative of, of a terrorist attack perpetrated by x. then one of these is one that we've seen used by this lemon complex countless times over the years. and then they used by many of
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the states who enjoyed brutal file into tax. and we know, as i said previously, that are our number of groups that have expressed anger, frustration and violent condemnation against iran in the past. so that list of possible suspects, that list of groups that might be held responsible for this is quite long, disagree. clear. and just to give our viewers a sense of what we're talking about here, who are those groups? so there's 2 different types of groups. i guess there's the, the states groups and narrow the old vs. it's israel and the united states. after all, it was united states the sauce and it would cost them sort of money 4 years ago. so that the main sort of of vs external state threats. and then there's lots of other groups that either have roots in iran and of expressed anger at the socio economic frustrations or the treatments of those groups themselves or groups that are sort
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of in the periphery. so we're talking the likes of a slight mix states and various of shoes, office lumnick states or disenfranchised, but new she groups, for example. so again, there's a large number of groups that have been deeply affected by the politics and the philosophy of the assignment, republic of a run leading to widespread and go to frustration that has often a ruptured in file. and so for the past few decades, that was, simon may have been talking to us earlier. well, meanwhile, fears are rising that the israel gaza war could spread to after the killing of a top him off official. in an explosion in lebanon, the deputy political leader of the militant group, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries, was killed in the strike on an apartment building in a route 6 other people also died. 11 on state run news agencies that the attack was
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carried out by israel. now is really government has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement. the aftermath of a deadly strike in the heart of 11 on to one of how masses most senior figures was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of been root. so how to rudy was deputy thomas's political leader smiled honey and a founder of the groups military wing that caught some brigades from us as designated as a tear group by the u. s. and e. u. among others. an auditory was on a u. s. terrorist list he had spend years and is really prisons at the time of his death duty was living and loving on as how mazda is keeley is in, with the lebanese militant group, has a, bola, hardy, also headed up how much his presence and occupied westbank. and his hometown was
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remo, palestinians in the west bank held a general strike following use of his desk. the resolved, i know for you're in uh today we all need to like discharge. and because yesterday the hero and lita sally, rudy was small to talk about how to do my own in a year was always a good son of palestine who sacrificed himself for the palestinian test that i need to do. i leave. israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not comment on operations outside of israel and the palestinian territories. but as rarely officials have previously vowed tongue down from us leaders where ever they are. for 11 on the strike on be route as seen as a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called in an attempt to
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pull his country into israel's war with hamis hezbollah, and israel had been exchanging your daily fire along the lebanese as really border since the war began. the striking deep in lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from his bola that would see the war spread out across israel's northern border. warren, this i'm now joined by our middle east alice johnny. rosanna is shining. good to have you here again. so we just heard there hezbollah has vowed retaliation for this strike on the lebanese capital against a hamas leader. we just heard how send us roll out ahead of his blood talk. what did he say about on an hour and 20 minutes and he didn't say anything concrete about that response. and it was mostly about building the case for the excess of resistance the way they see it. know it gets to us and against israel, talking about it success throughout the years and how they've managed, for example,
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to get the, the policy and topic back on the table. and he, you know, we were, you know, this was a speech. it was set up for the calibration of customs with him in his murder. so he was really important and what's important to him to bill that yvonne and as the best that the head of this operation of the excess of resistance. but then at the same time, also sending a message about the individual um actions of each one of those partners and access is doing. so a lot of talk, the tries to tell the palestinians we are there with you in spirit where there are and would you in mind, however, no concrete actions that are being promised or threatened by the strong has about to be taken as a response to re or in kind of ordination with the policy and gaza israel up front . so mostly a lot of solidarity, a lot of talk, but nothing concrete. we see for now from the smaller he is expected to talk again on friday. so far we've seen the response along the border, very calm, very mo, nothing that is different than the back and forth of fire exchanges have been
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seeing for the last name for there are affairs that this might lead to an even greater escalation, dragging in other countries would 11 on would it has will. uh would ron's be even interested in that kind of scenario. it seems like not, you know, that was, i think, how much is hope and wishes when they, when they started this the attack when a wage, the attack on october 7th, hoping that they will see other partners invest access, join them primarily his boss. but also you run also the west bank and so on. this has not happened. and we've seen also one of the deterring factors with the american gerald ford carrier that was brought into the mediterranean sea to help protect the north of the border of israel to help israel with its efforts. this is something on this role as mocking. another part of his, of his speech was talking about is really turn is the be turns collapsing and how we cannot even survive without american support. how it's basically all a scam, or a sham and, and, and showing it as we can a single this alliance. this american is really alliance. for now, the carrier is still up. plan to be is on its way out of the mediterranean, the,
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our talks that these readers might ask it to do a u turn and come back. but as long as we're still saying it in the direction out, i think those leadership so for now, it doesn't seem like there is any negotiations going back and forth. and this is a main concern for many is really is and therefore for these really leadership as well. trying rosanna, thank you so much. you're welcome. so let's take a look now some of the other stories making news around the world today. russia and ukraine, i've exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war, and the biggest release is russia's full scale invasion, started ukrainian authorities say $230.00 ukrainian soldiers returned home and rushed. as defense ministry says $248.00 russian service men were freed. the united arab emirates broker, the 1st exchange in almost 5 months officials in japan investigating a collision at tokyo sunday. the airports and traffic control transcript shows that only the larger passenger plane was clear to use the runway. the smaller coast
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guard plain was preparing for. take off the passenger plane, carrying nearly 400 people hit the coast guards, plain landing, killing 5, crew members. only the pilots arrived japan's prime minister for me because she says the country has reached a critical point as rescuers raised to find survivors of the powerful earthquake that struck on new year's day. and the dozens of after shocks that followed the death till now has arisen to $73.00. and there are fearless that heavy rains predicted by forecasters could hamper the rescue work. quake triggered fires. houses tend to rumble. roads destroyed the off the mouth of japan's powerful new year's day, a quake which with significant of the sharks full cost is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before and after the quake hit
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. now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost, land slides and heavy rain could have put the rapids. japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency. thank to this is using a, has a good a by you and you. it's being faulty hours since the quite a side channel. it's a race against time. to rescue victims, we must like, and we are at a crucial stage can steals. he is doubling the number of military personnel and the pulling more rescue dogs to assist. thousands of those who have survived the quake, and now without attic, tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation settings ispa shelter with stories of that road deal. drop it down to my house is flattened. you content to it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others and encouraging each other people. that's the
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situation now. don't go there with schools of people dads and many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding and that you're up to date. the news will be back at the top of the next hour. hope to see you, then thank you for your company. the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parents. do i just want to pursue what steps my saw on fire or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible,
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unreasonable stuff. i want my son to become a doctor.


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