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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  January 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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the car was installed. all right, so not because the, the after a mazda attacked israel on october, the 7th last year. israel wow, to wipe out the group. and its leaders is claimed to have killed thousands of fighters in gaza since it's sent troops into the territory. but is keeping quiet about the death of a high mos leader in lebanon on tuesday. slavery died in a suspected drone strike, and by root, he's the highest ranking member of hum us killed since the war started. i'm also mediately blamed israel. the lebanese hezbollah movement has also bound retaliation tensions. 1 rising and so or fears of a wider conflict in the middle east. on nicole fairly, in berlin,
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and this is the day the most odd to day like, 50 years ago is committed to settling accounts with murderers. rated southern israel on october, 7th of appeal is just the killing of shifts. dollar does not mean an end to the palestinian cause. it will live as long as there are hundreds, like he wasn't liaison between homeless and has belonged there. what else? and he is on between homeless and iran. we will get our hands on them wherever they are. also coming up agencies or warning of acute hunger in afghanistan, this winter, new figures show that nearly 16000000 people more than a 3rd of the entire population will face extreme food and security. it's been
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2 months since i was able to buy milk for my b b. i give her a green tea, you know, feeding butter. and i give her medicine, which makes her sleep from one morning to another. because if she wakes up and ask for food, i have nothing to get the welcome to the cell. the middle east is a powder keg after the killing of a top of mos official in bay root. the strike against the militant group 11 on is raising fears that the war between a moss and israel can spread throughout the region on tuesday. so they are re how mosse deputy political leader and 6 others died. and a strike on an apartment building and a b route, suburbs, lebanese officials and how mos blame the attack on israel. and while the chief of israel's most odd intelligence service bound on wednesday to hunt down every home us member involved in the october 7th attack,
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these really government won't confirm or deny it was beyond the strike. the off the mass of a deadly striking, the hearts of lebanon. one of how mazda is most senior, if it goes, was killed by an explosion in this apartment building in the suburbs of a route. so i'll re, was deputy, to have masses, politically to it smells kind of yeah. and the found of the groups minute to wing the all cars, some brigades, how mazda is designated as a terrorist, great by the us on to you. among others. and gallery was only us terrorist list. he had spent years in his reading the prisons. at the time of his death, ruby was living in lebanon as have must. his key liaison with the lebanese militant group has blah i'll re also headed up how must his presence in the occupied westbank and his hometown with ramallah palestinians in the
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west bank held a general strike following the news of his death, a young resolved. i know for your in today we're on strike, discharge of them and probably because yesterday the hero and lead to reading books . a lot of rudy was mounted in a year. but he is a good son of palestine. god who sacrificed himself for the palestinian cause. any number such how do i, how do you pronounce leave new to israel has not claimed responsibility for the strike. officials generally do not call internal preparations outside of israel and the palestinian territories bought his rarely officials had previously about to hunt down how mosley does, whatever they off. no more quick for lebanon destroy icon bayview to scene is a violation of its territory. the lebanese prime minister called it an attempt to pull his country into israel's will with him, us has him all the whole thing that has blah and israel had been exchanging near
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daily fire, longer. lebanese is rarely buddha, since the ball began. this strikes deepened, lebanese territory has raised concerns of a major retaliation from hezbollah. that would see the will spread full out across israel is moving buddha was bringing daniel diamond. he's a senior fellow at the center of strategic and international studies, and the professor at georgetown university had good to see you. good to have you on the day now. israel has neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in a res killing. but there widely believed to be behind the strike. how would it fit into their strategy in this war? so israel has long gone after linkages between a mouse and outside sponsors, whether it's a ron or his bottle. so this pre date's october 2nd. but of course, after the october, some of the tax israel is redoubling or for much more its efforts to destroy all of
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my leadership. and particularly important for you as well. it is just blowing the connections outside guys of that to meet the group so strong will do much to we can hold on so so any individual can be replaced. but part of what is, what i was trying to do is do a sustain series of attacks that make it hard for mosse to regenerate. it's entirely or should. it's a bill, it's a difference between one boss needing an organization and an entire leadership resigned. israel's hope is to put enough pressure on the group that it's leadership collapse. and there are fears of this leading to the conflict spiraling further out of control and spilling over into, into 11 on the why would israel target salary or even at the danger of the conflict escalating even further as a result. so israel has calculated that this is, if you will, within the acceptable boundaries of this conflict with his ball and these
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organizations hit by line, this route have gone back and forth over the years and actually pretty carefully defined where and attack is that score a desk latoya where it is not, and because you all believe that this individual is important enough and searching for link that it's worth the risk and escalation. also, it probably believes that this will not cause a major escalation. what is it now that you you mention that as well a leader hasn't as well that talked today about retaliation, but in very vague terms, how confident do you think is israel that the palestinian issue won't be a make or break topic for this? yeah, access not only including of course it has let 11 on, but also there backers and iran. and so there's been such a back and forth since october 7th, which is by law in particular that this is an organization that is where i was hit, or miss jones over 100 has been
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a member since october 7th. so during the palestinians who is not a member of the group, even though he's close to is by law, is probably not going to put this group over the edge and will continue to see that very definitely back and forth. but the limited back that washington had a $5000000.00 bounty on array at the same time. the buying and ministration is of course, king to prevent regional escalation. what is the view in washington of this killing? so i can't speak for the binding ministration, but this has some of the united states as long saw as very dangerous. if someone who makes terrace groups farmer capable and i suspect the leaf you t or shy the washington overs hm. at, let's turn to the war in gaza. where does israel's campaign to destroy him? i stand right now. so israel has made fairly steady progress in its effort against them off, but huge cost guys, of course, is incredibly,
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an incredible state of destruction. i'm around 22000. i tell sidney and dax, many of them civilians including children. and so israel has heard from lots of military organization and heard his leadership. but it has a long way to go and the price has been very me. you were just in israel and you've talked to many players there and i'd like to know how far you think the is really establishment is prepared to try. especially american patients when it comes to persecuting a war that is claiming so many civilian casualties among palestinians. so israel for its own political reason for those strategic reasons, it's very committed to destroying the mouse and pre mastered that yahoo was talking about this war lasting many more months as having military leaders. but there was heavy pressure on israel from the buying investigation. and they recognize the importance of american diplomatic support, the necessity of american military support. and so we're already seeing some stats
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to reduce the scale and the scope of complet. and i think they'll be further measures to limit the war further measures to increase measuring support for gaza. so i think we're likely to see the will continue, but at a more pace in the coming months. me to what extent a drawing from your experience now having been in post october 7, israel, israel strategy and guys are motivated by the need to rebuild the face in their security forces. so that's a big challenge for israel is ensuring that its own people trust their government to protect them. and part of that is very visibly destroying a mouse, which is we exceptionally the task, but it's very much, well shaping. it's rarely spread. and are they in a position to do all of that so as well can do this,
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but certainly not all of it will decrease sustain military campaign for many months, which are unlikely to be able to do due to the pressure and its own limits. armstrong as well as trying to juggle much of competing priorities and it's just that it's probably to hit them off hardwood and sewage, but it's not going to be able to destroy it. mm hm. so what is the best case scenario then for, for israel and how long a campaign are we? are we looking at here then? because the state of goal is to destroy us in my view, the best case scenario for as well as a week or a mouse with them all bleeding, regional or with his by law, while minimizing or reducing the incredible damage to that we'll see in civilian society in gaza, israel has a chance of succeeding at the it's more limited goals, but it requires recognizing that it won't be able to destroy him off completely. um, but also um, this is going to be
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a sustained campaign. and that even if this rel reduced war and i'll still be lots of rates and gosh, i will still be a fascination now. come us leaders. so when we talk about or, or pieces to my view, it's not going to be one or the other. but rather the level of conflict between israel and tomas that we're likely to see and the alignment of georgetown university. thank you so much for all those insights. thank you. and high tension is in the middle east, or ron supreme leader has bound to carry out a harsh responds after twin explosions in the country. south killed over a 100 people around was quick to label the incident a terrorist attack. but there's been no claim of responsibility yet for the blasts near the grave of former top commander across them slowly money. several people were also reported wounded in a stampede that followed the blast in the southeastern city of clermont warners had gathered for
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a ceremony to mark for years and solely money was killed in the us. drones drank in a rock or so to at least until a new job, the founder and director of the thing tank center for middle eastern global order and asked him in the glass, could be linked to the war between israel and thomas. this is quite unlikely if you look at is where the operations inside you run over the last few years. you see a different patter. you see basically the pattern that israel aims to target the infrastructure from the regime uh from the military or a nuclear infrastructure. is that the some republic and uh, also uh, you know, predicated upon the realization and he's relative policies are a small interest circles. there was a light golf that there was a white gulf between state and society around. so it's very unlikely that at this point in time i was in the context of the war and goes up, is wrong with decides to execute such an operation that has been targeting also
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a civilians knowing and knowing that this would be counter productive because it is not aiming to, you know, to propel iranians to, to become against these real tough guidance on now we're $8000000.00 children have started the year facing crisis levels of hunger agencies or warning that more than a 3rd of the population will face extreme food and security. this winter, the hunger crisis adds to the hardship of as guns already reeling from drought earthquakes and economic troubles. and those willing to offer relief increasingly lack the resources to do so. in 2023, i've kind of done faced 3 consecutive cuts in food assistance. a scans don't have enough to eat. that's has been clear for a long time. but the crisis is deepening. as 2020 full begins, agencies have
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a green view of the year to come. they estimate the more than one 3rd of the countries 40000000 people may experience the cute food and security before spring half of them. a children hundreds dangerous for everyone. but children, especially in sufficient calories, result in physical and mental development issues that cause knock on effects later in life. a range of problems of converge to cause the hunger crisis that result in less work in the winter. well, food and energy prices rise global economic conditions of squeezed relief groups. sanctions on the taliban have also made it hard. is that those groups to work in the country and provide aid? if aid is being used as a tool to pressure us, then the atlantic em or it has its own values, which it will safeguard. at any cost, afghans have made big sacrifices in the past to protect our values. they will, in,
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during the cutting of 8 to those values include some of the harshest treatment of women in the world. women lodge, do you have to stay home and con, work that makes it even harder for families to make ends meet and feed them? i guess it's been 2 months since i was able to buy milk for my b b. i give her a green tea, you know, feeding water. and i give her medicine, which makes her sleep from one morning to another. because if she wakes up and ask for food, i have nothing to give him. i've got his down presents a challenge to the international community which wants to stop the total amount of power without stopping the population of much needed food as a spring and lodging that and she was a spokesperson for the world food program. mr. wrench, thank you so much for making time to come on dw, how serious would you assess the situation in afghanistan? today, when i kindly said yellow color for 202430 grand,
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more than one 3rd of adkins need food assistance. and basically, every province in the country using crisis levels of food into charge, you know, even worse. i mean, we have to say the numbers have improved a bit in 2023 actually off a large scale and sustained unitary and food assistance following best to the near collapse of the economy after the telephone take over. we actually were able to pull millions back from the brink, but also last year we saw huge funding crisis and we had to come millions from our system. and actually millions of people rely on w w. p. systems to survive the day. and that's why we basically go into 2020 fall with an empty tank. yeah. you're forced to cut your case load by 66 percent last may. what does that mean in practical terms for the people on the ground? i mean,
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that is now work constance. it basically leave a significant number of outcomes out of any, any help to get food for their families and actually women, but bear the brunt of these cuts one in 5 house halls. then we actually saw women all the sold right with us. and so they were most affected, and especially now during winter time, this is, is a terrible situation because many people in ask on this condo has also been struck by as the weights in the west. and also, you know, the false return from parties con, um, we are fighting on so many for once on so many humanitarian friends. and our resources are depleted and people are suffering at the same time. and we are the only ones who could help the situation. but we are running out of offer services as well. and that's the situation in, in your opinion. and in the,
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in the case of dennis on specifically what is the biggest preventable factor in driving a hunger? is it the fact that women are being shawn from, from working and from participating in social life or, or economy is down, there is no recovery inside full price. and so still high people survive. on the bat minimum, they have exhausted all responses to re bagging on the streets and what that's what my colleagues telling me never child memory is, is to get money. and we want to prevent people from slipping more into hung up. we have to sustain this desperately need an international assistance because we actually need to look beyond politics and see that people are suffering. and i mean, actually death and suffering for the kids now. is there not a sense of urgency? how can the international community be made aware of the dire situation in
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afghanistan? then national comanche is a way of bucks. you know, there's also stars and don't have front teeth. i mean, we have so many crisis all around the world. we have guys that we in so don as a regional crisis and also you know, front of all the budgets also depleted. but i mean, again, this is also about, you know, humanity. we cannot abandon the people in afghanistan who's, who has been suffering so much. and we kind of basically we, we kind of let age go and need to keep up this level of assistance because we were actually we were able to pull back people from the brent in 20232022. and we have to do this again. probably the best are in your staff in afghanistan, observing efforts by the tyler bond to address this hunger crisis. i don't is,
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i mean, i'm not aware of the socialist system of wives for an effort by the defect authorized to use um to address this 100 crisis. but again, i wish it not made this about politics. it's about the people without a ban on the people of that kind of town. and i think the and i hope the international communities supports us in our efforts to actually mitigate the suffering of cause as mounting the end of the world food program. thank you. so much thank you. the presidential election in the united states is only 11 months away, but that's not the only vote or keeping an eye on this year. here on d w because here in europe some 450000000 people will be eligible to vote for a new european union parliament with populace parties gaining ground and many members
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dave, there are fears that are right wing surge could threaten the unity of the block, our brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena has a look ahead. a restless war, relentlessly waging on and ukraine. refugees since migraines, desperately trying to reach the european continent. a presidential election in the united states, the could. and with donald trump, back in the white house, only a few of the many challenges the you will face in 2024. it's important that we have a strong european union, especially in this new world where we have some conflicts. we need to speak with one voice all over europe. citizens are telling us that they want you to be more co easy for more social bureau. i mean the climate crisis is the biggest challenge we're facing. we are here in the european parliament where lawmakers are bracing themselves for a 2 motors here. they're all directly elected by you citizens and in 2024 those
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citizens had to the poles to the side on the future. makeup of this parliament. issues such as migration and a green transition are expected to dominate the competing with many he feeling that europe's far right calculus could make gains in the election. we know that extreme right doesn't want to get into the climate, the green transition, but as well so that we see coming the backlash and women's rights of minority rights and human rights in general. and that is something that i find very, very scary. i think that will, that will also be the big battle. it's about the liberal democracies versus a talk for c a and populism. the death and shy away from battles whether over its budget or there's a little slow in member countries. recently hung we'd be towed the blocks long term financial aid for ukraine will 2024 see europe. so you need to wait. and when it comes to supporting kids, not at all says thing thing k u, i coped kierkegaard,
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he believes that accept 4 hungry you members will stay united. and i think the realization among the political leadership, but also if you're a little bit pony, i think people in the european to understand that this is actually an ex, essentially important fight for your but supporting ukraine's fight for survival could get more difficult without an ally in the white house, should donald trump return as you, as president, he already threatened to quit the western military alliance nato in the past, and now pledges to strike a deal with russia. a prospect that has spread sold to europe. i think europe has to take more responsibility for it for itself. we cannot continue to a free ride is payment of the right word, but at least ultimately rely on and american security care. european politicians are getting ready for a year full of challenges, challenges they hope the you can overcome,
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and it's may be even stronger than before. and finally, many of us have been taking stock at the start of the new year. well, to date, staff at london zoo were busy taking their annual sense is required under rules in britain. managers saying they expected to count some 14000 animals including some endangered species. the final tallies are uploaded into a database that is shared with dues around the world as part of reading program to as our time, but makes or to stay informed, stay engaged and stay in touch. you can fall our team on social media apps and w news and myself. nicole underscore toilet. if it is the latest headlines you're looking for, there is always our website that's dw. com, but for now the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending parts
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of your day with us by the
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princess for a day dawning one gown after the others smiled. useful and alt month are celebrating their wedding in morocco. reminiscences of a $1001.00 nights. the ceremony follows strict schedule. that revolves omen just entirely. around 15 minutes. d. w. 12 candidates, the 30 meters above ground. challenges 70 push them
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so you don't think and see you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents do. i just want to pursue what that's my thought desired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is nonsense. i want my son to become a dr. joe in the clubs. it's time to, to get in your generation with a sleep. asked and then when generations flash starts january 14th on dw, of this kind of fun. it feels like therapy, the,
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the we news i'm from berlin to explosions, have crowded anniversary events in iran, state media say more than a 100 people have been killed and dozens wounded during a memorial service for a senior general is estimated by the us and 2020 also coming up the killing of a top, her last official invite route, sparse fears. the war and gaza could spread lebanese, the media saying is really drone strike killed the group's deputy political leader . and the death toll from earthquakes in japan climes to at least 73 press gear as a race against time to find survivors with dozens of people believe to still be trapped under collapse building.


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