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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 2:00am-2:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw, use live from berlin to explosions, hit a crowd is anniversary event in iran. stage media say at least $95.00 people have been killed and dozens, wednesday during a memorial service for a senior general assassinated, finding us in 2020 beginning of a top. com us official and by root sparks fears of war in gaza could spread avenue, state media, se and is ready. drones tried, kills the groups deputies the
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unpopular solely as welcome to the program around supreme leader has 5 to carry out a harsh response after twin explosions. in the country south killed at least 95 people. the blasts happened near the grave of former top come under costume, so they money. mourners had gathered for a ceremony to mark 4 years since he was killed in a u. s. strong strike. there's been no claim of responsibility yet for the explosions. the aftermath of a blast that shook the city of care mont and ever on south for leasing, shrapnel, and to the screaming crowd. local media captured the moment people started running as they heard the 1st explosion go off. another glass nearby followed some minutes later. the thousands were attending the ceremony honoring the prominent iranian general custom, fully money killed in the us, drake,
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in 2020. the us says it has no role in this attack, and that is real, didn't either. it's too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulate and say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. it's believed to be the deadly use attack in iran. in over 40 years. there were reports of a stampede that injured several people. as we tried to run away, the un responded with calls for accountability. the secretary general strongly comes to be attacked today on a memorial ceremony and carmen city and the stomach republic over on which reportedly killed more than $100.00 people, an injured many more. the secretary general costs for those responsible to be held
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accountable. 3 human to ron, has labeled the explosions as a terrorist attack. while iran, supreme leader, i told the human a vowed to retaliate promising a harsh response. while the united states has denied any involvement and earlier i asked alex about tank iran expert at the middle east institute in washington dc who could have carried i've the blasts, the ball to be honest, is too early to point the finger at any one group. what we have seen so far, uh, in terms of the reading announcements, we've had the re minister of interior making the claim that the us and his role were involved. but then a, this is sort of almost generic. it's almost a knee jerk reaction that you often hear from senior leaders without providing the
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evidence. as i said, it's a political statement, not reflecting any kind of serious investigation. one thing i do note of is that i least harmony to supreme leader in his statement, reacting to the bombings did not point the finger i the united states israel or anybody else for that matter. and i think that is probably a reflection of the fact that the ringing authorities right now, a do not know who's behind it and be they don't know what their next step ought to be. all right, alix, but they didn't say the writing and government did a call it a terror attack and they did vive to respond harshly. so what form might that response take that to? well, i mean, obviously we need to know who, who live would have been behind it. it really quite would shape it arrives next steps. i mean, if it's, you know, if it's external entity likes the israel, that requires
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a different sort of calculations on the part of the turn around and say, a domestic of opponents of the receipt book. these 2 bombings did they happen to the province of care mon, which is relatively in the southeast of the country, not far from the range and border with pakistan and the province. a village of stock, which is next to care mon problems is a region known for militancy for organized crime. and at times even minutes and you had as soon as you add to regime operative just 2 weeks ago or 11, your rainy the officers were killed by jo hodges group. so there are actually the entities inside of the runs borders that could have been behind it. but again, i want to go back to what i said. it's really early. iran has a long list of domestic opponents and external opponents. it could be domestic, it could be external, it could be a combination of both. it, we have to wait and see. alright, despite what you're saying there, and this, these attacks did happen at a memorial for cast them. so they might need who was assassinated by the us 4 years
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ago. so do you think there is much significance in where the attacks took place to? oh, absolutely, uh, but you know, uh awesome. so it money as you point out what the size and they did buy a truck and ministration 4 years ago. but you have many enemies. he had an amazing side of iranian enemies in the region, including, as we've discussed so far, the state of israel and i, me off of silly money, a country does. so the money about to eradicate from the face of the map. so yes, there's a symbolism here, no doubt about it. but i think it's too early a tip to sort of make the conclusion because of what's happening in gaza and the timing. this is somehow linked to your winds, bigger regional planned costs. and so the money was the architect, i'll be around forward defense is supplying weapons and training to groups like how much is balance. so what it might very well be that they are connected, but it could also be a case of opportunities and by the rainy and opposition group in this case,
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most likely to jihad is that operating, the se, that have decades long track record of targeting uranium officials again, want to bore you, but we just don't know right off to be able to conclusions yet. thanks her insights . alex alex with tanka from the middle east institute in washington dc. thank you. has paula on the israel have continued to exchange rocket fire a day after the killing of a hum us leader in the lebanese capital as bullet plains, israel for the attack, although it has remained unclaimed. israel generally refrains from commenting on strikes in other countries, but officials have previously said they would target hamas leaders wherever they are of the waving the most flag protesters in ramallah voice. the supports in tango this evening in the occupied westbank was the home town of cell a ring, a high ranking from us official was killed in
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a striking bay route on tuesday. well, natalie got in. defies his crazy hysterical event. newly and preventative is israel field and that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat. oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah, no they. so now they've got mean and decided la sala, rory was deputy, to have mazda is leda is male, hon. yeah, and the group's kaylee a's on we've has the law in lebanon since a res, assassination in the suburbs of bay root israel. and has the law has continued to fire at each other across the border an almost daily occurrence since eas, rails will we, tomas, began the lebanese political party and militant group is backed by ron, and considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and some sunni arab countries,
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israel has no officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route, but live in a securities also said it was caused by an israeli drawing. has blah has vowed to retaliate calling it a serious assault on 11 on the fact that while i get the enemy, he thinks of waging a wall and 11 and say, well, we will fight without restoring tools without leaves, without leaving eyes. then without restrictions. yes. really knows what i mean. he's rouse main ally, the us who said it was nursing homes before the blasting beverage. washington has now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want to see it wide beyond israel and i'm awesome. again, we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that has the law has so far refrained from escalating beyond board. a skirmish is with these rules. but this attack in the house of lebanon has raised fees of an all
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out war. and these riley army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario or somebody sako is following the story for us from jerusalem on earlier. we asked him if he believes that could lead to a larger war swell. definitely that danger exists, but i think it's still early to tell at this stage whether this is something that is human and whether this is something that's going to happen. i think it will also a depends on the international. busy community it but i think we should also it listed as to what the some of the summer from the saying is, is speech that they may be rude because they're hearing say that again i, they say we resell the a and then he said that the following this every time the ation is red when
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waging war, then it has, then it has been the wage and open war again is really news, long range besides etc. that means he doesn't see this yet as a wage of a war against a against the been on. so that means that we still have to see how is their own would respond to a feasible retaliation with where there is what would accept some kind of a retaliation. so we, we have very dynamic that we still have to examine so far. what you've seen here on the ground, it between the up and on and a and is around is more of the same. there was exchange of fire throughout the day . but this is like more of the say we haven't seen it kind of like going into a, a different the phase. yes. somebody saw colder. let's take a look now with some of the other stories making use around the world. right. donald trump has asked the us supreme court to intervene over ruling,
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finding him from the primary pilot in the state of colorado. in december, the state supreme court disqualified trump as a presidential candidate over his will roll in the january 6. the sold on the us comp roads destroyed the optima of japan's powerful new year's day of quake, which with significant of the sharks full cost is still ongoing. these dramatic satellite images show the devastation before the end of the the quake hit . now is rescue a search for survivors full of cost, land slides and heavy rain could have put the rapids, japan's prime minister underlying the sense of urgency. thank you. this is using the secret a by you and you. it's being 40 hours since the quite the scifi channel. it's a race against time. to rescue victims, we must like and we are at
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a crucial stage can steals. he is doubling the number of military personnel and the pulling more rescue dogs to assist. thousands of those who have survived the quake, and now without attic tricity and water. some have made that way to evacuation sends a special to, with stories of the real deal. but the copies of my house is flats and you call them to enter it. so i'm here with my wife sleeping together in a huddle while talking to others, something coverage in each of the people. that's the situation now. don't go through with schools of people that have many fed trapped under collapsed housing. this is a natural disaster that is still unfolding. finally, scandinavia is no stranger to freezing temperatures in winter, but right now it's extremely frigid. there. parts of northern sweden recorded their coldest nights so far as this century and minus 43 degrees celsius. it's so cold,
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a public transportation has been suspended in parts of the country and a neighboring finland. it's uh, also bitterly cold. the extreme temperatures are expected to last the next several days in europe today. thanks for watching. take care the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in that's look at current use events, analyzed by experts and critical thinking is weekdays on d w. the .


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