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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the doubling news line from funding questions to swell over who is behind wednesday's blasts in iran. dozens of people were killed in 2 explosions as a memorial event for a top general. no one is claims responsibility. also on the program has blogs lead to assess his medicine group will not be silent. task the killing of a massive deputy link that's in by route 70 state made. he said, yes, he was talking to advice is writing, drove an exam in the prospect of a 2nd at the trump presidency surveys give him a strong chance of return to the white house. so what would that mean for the rest
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of the world? and heavy rains, bring more floods to germany, was levels rise dramatically and parts of the country is cruise rise to protect residential areas. the . i'm feel good. you're welcome to the program around supreme leader has promised i harsh responds following to explosions in the country south in which dozens of people were killed. the blasts happens near the grave of top general custom sold them on a more and is a guided for a ceremony marketing for years since his assassination by the united states and a drug strike the us as denied carrying our best attack and says it's a see no evidence of is really involvement of the aftermath of a blast that shook the city of care. mont and ever on south for leasing, shrapnel and to the screaming crowd. local media captured the moment people
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started running as they heard the 1st explosion go off. another glass nearby followed some minutes later. thousands were attending the ceremony, honoring the prominent iranian general custom solely many killed in the us, drake, in 2020. the us says it has no role in this attack, and that is real, didn't either. it's too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulating, say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in its explosion. it's believed to be the deadliest attack in iran in over 40 years. there were reports of a stampede that injured several people. as the tried to run away. the un
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responded with calls for accountability. the secretary general strongly comes the attack today on a memorial ceremony and carmen city and the stomach republic over on which reportedly killed more than $100.00 people, an injured many more. the secretary general costs for those responsible to be held accountable. 3 human to ron has labeled the explosions as a terrorist attack. while iran, supreme leader, i told the human a vowed to retaliate promising a harsh response. sarah bassett, band a is mary curie fellow at the giga institute for mid least studies, incumbent advisors have to speculate about who could be behind this attack. thank you. i'm. it's very hard because we don't have sufficient information, but there's a lot of speculation that it's could top in. so staged by the receive. and i'm not
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saying that this is accurate or not, i'm just putting it out the that's amongst all the speculations, including israel or other, is let me strive to close groups in the region. because remember, city of clermont is a relative bit closer to the east and borders. i'll be ron. and some of these are the colors groups that have faced and i found this on pakistan are active and influential carriers in this region. it's a city where there is a lot of drug trafficking, goes through that city to reach the other side of the country and on to be transmitted through the country. so there are a number of a possible, a, you know, players to have been involved in this. and what is interesting is that's what i observed on social media. and this is a relatively and accurate measure for understanding of public opinion in any
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country. but the observed but nevertheless it's, it's interesting to mention that is thoughts and no to the people inside of a radiance inside some outside the ron are rolling power levels between this incident on the down and got the ukraine. your passenger jets that's happened 4 years ago. exactly, a few days off the kitchen golf course on sunday, monday, and claiming that this could have been possibly some sort of so stage attack on the people by the state in order to mobilize to create the riley around the flag effect inside the run. because the public inside the run is a pros, riley since october, the 7th. so it's, it's hard to, to, to exactly point out who quickly the possible um, committee are here, but the, these are the, the a so not areas that are being discussed at the moment. right, so it's not wealth of suspects, not necessarily political, perhaps criminal, perhaps cell stage as,
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as we speculated what full age iran's response staff are likely to take. um, you know, the iran has had a very yes involvement since several years since i would argue, since the occupation of iraq in 2003, when you were on started to get involved in forming 5 years proxy groups across the region in iraq and syria and lebanon, and more recently, in yemen, remember, who sees are being boxed by iran, receiving support, military equipment and training, and so on and so forth. and i do a logic indoctrination from iran. i'm are now threatening a waterway which is a the passage for a, this 12 percent of global trade in the red sea. so you won't have hundreds, highly dated for a very long time. your own has had a long standing strategy and the vision for that region around is working towards
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a so called new world order in which the us and its allies are very much undermined on the power are declining. so there are various forms of retaliation. and i think the, the most obvious and immediate one is to continue putting pressure on the us and it's allies, specifically, it is right in the region bought through proxies. ok, thank you for that cetera, by somebody from the giga institute of milly studies. thank you. or anita of 11 on based has blah munition has promised retaliation over the killing of a how much top official and by route on wednesday has blah blinds is around for the attack. although there has been, no claimant for responsibility is around generally doesn't comment on strikes and other countries. but officials have previously said they would target how much lead is, whatever they are. a mazda is classified as a terrorist group by multiple countries. waiving the most flag
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protesters in ramallah voice, the supports in tango this evening and the occupied west bank was the hometown of cell. a ruling high rankings from us official was killed in a striking bay route on tuesday. well, natalie got into this is crazy. hysterical event new need the preventative is israel field and that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat. oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah. and that they so now they've got mean and decided law. a sallow re was deputy to him. mazda is lita is smell honey, a and the groups kaylee. a's on weed has the law in lebanon since irene assassination in the suburbs of bay root israel. and has the law has continued to fire at each other across the border and almost daily occurrence since israel's war
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we, tomas began the lebanese political party and military group is backed by ron and considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and some sunni arab countries israel has no officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route, but levon a security sol so said it was caused by an israeli, drying, has blah has vowed to retaliate, calling it a serious assault on lab. and on the fact that while i get the enemy, he thinks of waging a war and 11 and, and they then say, well, we will fight without restoring tools without leaves, without really my eyes. then without restrictions. yes. right. awesome. knows what i mean of israel's main ally, the us who said it was not informed before the blasting. they were said, washington is now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want to see it. why beyond israel and am awesome again,
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we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that. has the law has certified refrained from escalating beyond board of skirmishes with these ro. but these to attack in the hoss of lebanon has raised fees of an all out war. and these railey army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario or aspect correspondents. tanya cramer in jerusalem, whether israel and has blah and 11 on our engine closer to a full scale war. while those sized is say, at least that they're prepared for any scenario, is really military on this year. believe that they don't want to go for full on or just yet, but of course this is speculation and anything can happen at this point. be part of the it's going to lead to hudson this relo saying that the killing of how much you
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just tell of a do. they should not go unpunished. he also said that in his speech they will fight is wrote, will extend the war uh to live in non re heard uh from the is rarely side uh the chief of stuff hurts. yeah. libby was touring the northern border yesterday. he was saying that the military's and the very high state of readiness, but he also stressed that the focus right now is uh on. uh, i'm us. so we seen, of course, since october 7, uh many cross border tex detentions has been rising constantly around the blue, the so called blue line between a israel and the southern part of living on also this morning to spin error rate simon's in north and uh, is well, but uh of, of course we also understand that at the moment diplomatic efforts underway, their reports that uh, do you a special invoice as holstein who has been the go in between,
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between liberal non and israel is expected to be in the region and trying again to mediate between the been known and israel. and we have israel's decision this week to withdraw some of its troops from a gaza. does that mean it's 5 against how much has now shifted to targeting? how much that come on just outside the region? well i don't think it has completely shifted in that way of is run has said since october 7th that they will go up to the home, us leadership wherever they are, including uh, in the countries or including of those at that abroad. of course the main focus is to find the mostly to in gaza. yeah, he has seen, well, what is what has said that they will read through some of the reserve is from
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a garza that has been citing no incumbent or other functions in the past 3 months. they will be going for, for the tween that will be able to go home. they're also economic demand. domestic considerations going back into the workforce. there will be a bit of a shift. but again, uh uh for to be a hearing for military officials. the focus is on the fight in gaza on hum us and this will continue for many months. but also of course uh we are hearing that the preparations uh at the northern border in full force. you should not forget that the northern border is liberal, known that there are many, many, uh, is there any residents that has been evacuated from the, from the places from locations in the northern border also for the last couple of months. and this is a situation that is not sustainable uh for, for is relatively long term. okay, thank you for that time you have time. yeah. crime in jerusalem. it will take
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a brief look at some old stories making headlines around the world in wisconsin, argentina where the labor appeals court is dealt. president have a me like his 1st duty shall set back a cold suspended changes to naples that form parts of a new precedence. sweeping economic reforms, argentina's main trade unions of challenge the changes claiming the eroded basic worker protection, such as the right to strike on parental leave. go to the united states has started to an seo called direct quotes containing the names of people, links to convicted, sex traffic, of jeffrey epstein. the identities of more than 150 people mentioned in a lawsuit brought by one of his most prominent accused, has been kept sealed for years. a routing last month funds, no legal justification for them to be kept private. donald trump has asked for us to pre him go to review a ruling binding him from the primary pallets in the state of colorado. in december,
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the state supreme court disqualified him as the presidential candidacy of his role in the january 6th. so on the us capital unless the us presidential campaign gathers pace, a survey shows the republic in the front and on a potentially type lice with democratic incumbent joe by them. without in mind, governments around the world of preparing for a potential 2nd, trump presidency. the w is in his poll results when it comes to foreign policy, one decision from may take is to cuts, ties with nato. during his 1st 4 years in office. he threatened many times to do just but would you leave us? if we don't pay our bills now, they hated buy it. sure. i said, yeah, i would have to consider if you got to pay the us is currently the largest contributor to the airlines financially and militarily, to its absence,
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but significantly became made. it was the ability to respond to the threats and put potentially leads to greater instability and then security for all new member states. welcome back. us assistance to ukraine could also be on the chopping block from pacific time to commit to continued military support. essentially will simply solve the conflict in 24 hours as president. he might cut a video to end the war with russian president vladimir putin along moscow to maintain control over crimea and other russian occupied areas. a few print republicans in congress was sent behind from cost states for you, stated goal to recover all the territories. looks pretty general assembly. another target for the drums funding cuts could be the united nations. many experts agree that donald trump staunch isolationist could attempt such a move. and he'd like to use the same argument as he did with nato. and as
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a do as contribute to small the past share compared to other countries. meanwhile, the drums approach to china, arguably, america's biggest rival, will likely be a mix of regression. and me ration. yes, threatens to implement new terrace and trade restrictions on visions which could disrupt global markets because he has frequently praise chinese president. she's remaining for being a brilliant guy, strong like granite is strong. i know very well president, she of china. and he's there. you know, he's a fierce, he's a fierce person, he runs 1400000000 people with an iron hand. he happens to be very smart person. on the domestic front. donald trump is not a big how he wants to govern. he said this off to the fox news host asked him if he plans to abuse power or c. retribution is re elected. he says, you're not going to be a dictator or you. i said no, no,
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no other than day one with clothes in the border. and with drilling drilling, drilling after that, i'm not into that. so i'm creating small impulse rhetoric, implants like those to all the immigration echoes that of fascist liter auto. fitness, i think the real numbers 1516000000 people into our country when they do that, we get a lot of work to do that poisoning the blood of our country, that's what they've done. collection day is done nearly a year away, but the expectation is that the results will be determined by a small margin and that raises another concern is donald trump, who is, is he in does die hard supposes may not accept the loss and would be experienced on january 6 in 2021 may have been the start of a new era of political dysfunction in the united states. let's look at this with bars forman. he's professor of politics and director of the politics section of bond to college above and welcome to the w. i'm. we'll start with mr. trump's
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increasing the harsh rhetoric. who is it aimed at these base? all the undecideds, he'll need to beat joe biden. it's all very much just based. i mean this is, this is pretty extreme rhetoric. we just heard the comment that has been like him to the, to the rhetoric, especially as meters, which is certainly it is. he's also talked about his political opponents as berman, uh, there's clearly a recommendation in his rhetoric. so you could say, well, maybe this is just rhetoric, but i think it's important to point out that there are historical parallels for this one. i think what it's also showing is that it's a, it's a symptom that she really depends on being re elected, given all the court of filed filing systems that exist against them. so this is, this is a pretty extreme situation. so why appeal to the people he's already got robbed the people, but he needs to give them the predictions of us if it is trump by it and that that
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the margin will be so close. yeah, i think that's a great point. i mean, will this really get him the 270 volts? so he needs to actually eclipse the presidential election. i'm not so sure. but i guess i don't know how far reaching this the strategy is. i guess one of the assumptions is that by him is not doing very well in the pulse. actually he's that she has the lowest popularity ratings of any president since 1945 at this point. um, so i, i'm assuming that she's just bedding on mobilizing more people than the biting will . so it's more about losing them than him extra winning as may be. this could also be a strategy, a to mobilize people for the case that he doesn't with and tries to. uh, well take other means of the election to become the president. right. i don't foreign policy i but with, with fee not allowed in the report that, that he seems to be all about american isolationism of why. but
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i don't think there's such a thing as a trump the tree. we haven't really seen that in his 1st administration. mostly his foreign policy agenda was about securing his own position as home as so whatever will suit his own standing is what he will do. another mess, i think we have seen a major shift in the last couple of years, also under biting to be perfectly honest. where you from international institutions that has been a tendency towards the nationalization. and also isolation is also a trend away from free trade. and um, yeah, this is a bigger movements that i think is trying to appeal to those 1st thing we've had enough of globalization that has not helped us ad. so we need to protect our own citizens. we from upsides economic forces. and as far as related to that, we can talk about the ukraine, we've heard the full and the present skepticism about supporting caves. and these
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promises to end the war with russia quickly. is that a vote when a in the us, it's the american public, a tide of us support for your crime. i mean, there has been a fatigue of wars more generally speaking, since the rock and the status of the war, the early 21st century. and i think this has carried on into the other campaigns of buying was a quite result in the support of the ukraine. and so we're also g o p leaders at the time, but from economy and others who traveled to ukraine. but i think there was a general fatigue and i think it, yes, it drives with the overall fatigue with the globalization times american investments abroad. so i think we are seeing the us turning in on itself of not realizing those that's making america great. again, we're making america great. the 1st place that was tied after the after the 2nd blood work towards investments in global public goods like security at the financial order and so on. so there is a big reversal here,
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the pricing. thank you for that professor barza for money from a bond college about it. thank you. and i search upon with thousands of rescue work as a continuing the search for survivors of the possible quakes that show the country on new year's day. but hoping to find as many people as possible within the 3 day survival when that's that ends in a few hours. if there's a death told has risen to $78.00 and the fee is that expected heavy rains, good company, or the rescue with a tens of thousands of people in the chicago. i present you a still without the power overall. so we have 2 weeks of heavy rain. many communities have in germany are struggling with rising floodwaters and bus river banks, the state of lowest sacks and these been hit hardest with more heavy rain full cost for the coming days. dykes and protective barriers are being built to hold back the floods. but such supplies of sun bags. sydney run out. the w visited the city of
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oldenburg, where residence of bracing for evacuation a hair in all the other sex any the incessant today in his clothes, water levels, and the rivers in the canals devised domestically. the soil is southern and come to build any mobile to entire streets are in danger of being flooded. as many as 800 residents will have to leave the homes if the emergency services can't get the water levels under control. well mendez's, but it's not the moment. there are no plans to evacuate the area you can move, but the population has already been wanting to touch on my full grant volunteers drive to contain the bullshit by building dykes. it's a vice against time. the longer the front door to push is up against the southern dikes, the great to the risks that they will break. watson all lower section a has nearly run out to sand bags,
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and other german states are having to help out securing kilometers of dikes. a son bags takes time so well because of resorting to a different method you have on his computer aid workers are building a mobile type system. the, the red panels are put together to form barrels on the stick and then filled with water. both of them which gives the necessary stability this dominates ultimately, it could mean immobile dyke. i'm up to 2 kilometers long. i kind of dark to go made of plastic tunnels intended to contain the large volume of water when it comes to the possibility of evacuations. locals, the main, cautiously optimistic, revised processing now and so to of course, this is a serious situation with data. nevertheless, with all the efforts it's being made here over the past few days, we must not forget that these are preventative measures because this house is now protected against the attractive type page which could of course, happen the aid workers a coordinated by the situation sent and alden, book,
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emergency services, a working together with members of germany's armed forces and a to organizations and an emergency that can mobilize as many as 900 help as long as i'm on the situation is still tense because we don't know how much more rain will come in the next few days, but overall we have a situation well under control and that moment meets you've all to just say that as much as 60 millimeters of rain per square meter could full in the coming days. which means that it's still solved too early to give the old plan quite yet. finally, to scan them a very, which is no stranger to freezing winter temperatures. but the current conditions are extreme evil for the pots of northern suede and have recorded that cold this night. this century minus 43 degrees celsius. so call that some parts of the country have even suspended public transport for safety reasons. neighboring
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finland's, also suffering extreme temperatures. and expect it to last for the next a few days. as i said, you're up to date, i'll have more world news at the top of the our tim sebastian has conflicts. the next interviewing aren't david miller, us, and be least experts and us state department negotiate for the
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he is a monster of a confrontation. this is role at a veteran of babel combat. assuming you were going to apply the undisputed champion tough political to try to frighten people. so it's a fight. everybody understands that except you enter the conflict zone and join him sebastian as a whole, the powerful to account. this is a big fan. you whichever way you like to spin conflict the next day they do good deeds,
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but only on their own turn. rich patrons give away me to foot h. okay. the whole culture bus. they determine what the money is used for. is this a new kind of system? the power of the super rich tom 1000000 is excess insurance. in 45 minutes on d, w, the fast fashion as an environmental nightmare. a clothing graveyard, an image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and the lightest textile waste
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gets stranded here. all about the final stuff in a global fashion industry. fast fashion. watch now on youtube the 2 months. and so the guys of war america is still insisting as well is killing too many palestinians for the administration is also on the pressure itself. this time from an unprecedented number of its own officials and members of the democratic party. a and yet this devices support for the war. aaron, david miller is a former senior official at the state department because the timing is good for the president. if this were playing out in october of 2024, i think it would have a very significant impact on what promises to be
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very close election.


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