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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news my from by the question swell of a who is behind wednesdays blasts in iraq. at least $84.00 people were killed in 2 explosions of the memorial events for tom general. no one was claimed responsibility also on the program has prolonged latest as his medicine to group will not be silence after the killing of a mazda, as deputy, later and by roots 70 state media suggest he was targeted by i'm is writing drugs. it's really tough. a 1000000 people from lots of america left at home for the us last year. the jetta can involve disease violence. i'm just tired of this jungle
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crossing the definitely meet some of them in the i feel good. welcome to the program around supreme leader has promised a hoss response following to explosions in the country south. the death toll has not been revised to at least 80 full blast happen to have the grades of top general custom. so remind me one as a gather bad for a set of money marketing full year since his assassination of the united states. and a drug strikes us as denied counting on this attack, as, as it has seen. the evidence of is really involvement as the aftermath of a blast that shook the city of care, mont and ever on south for leasing, shrapnel, and to the screaming crowd. local media capture the moment people started running
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as they heard the 1st explosion go off. another glass nearby followed some minutes later, thousands were attending the ceremony, honoring the prominent iranian general custom solely many killed in the us, drake, in 2020. the us says it has no role in this attack. and that israel didn't either. it's too early, at least for us to be able to say what might have caused it. but i do want to address some of the irresponsible claims that i have seen circulating, say that number one, the united states was not involved in any way. and any suggestion to the contrary is ridiculous. and number 2, we have no reason to believe that israel was involved in this explosion. it's believed to be the lease attack in iran in over 40 years. there were reports of a stampede that injured several people. as the tried to run away. the un
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responded with calls for accountability. the secretary general strongly comes via talk today on a memorial ceremony and carmen city and the stomach republic over on which reportedly killed more than 100 people and injured many more. the secretary general costs for those responsible to be held accountable. 3 human to ron has labeled the explosions as a terrorist attack. while iran supreme leader had told the human a valid to retaliate, promising a harsh response. alex for tanka is um, a ron aspects out the middle east institute in washington. we invited him to speculate somebody who might have done this. the ball to be honest, is too early to point the finger at any one group. what we have seen so far uh,
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in terms of the range and announcements. we've had the re minutes of interior making the claim to the us and his real were involved. but they made this a sort of almost generic. it's almost a knee jerk reaction that you often hear from senior leaders without providing the evidence. as i said, it's a political statement, not reflecting any kind of serious investigation. one thing i do note of is that i least dominated supreme leader in his statement. reacting to the bombings did not point the finger i the united states israel or anybody else for that matter. and i think that is probably a reflection of the fact that the ringing authorities right now. a do not know who's behind it and be they don't know what their next step ought to be. but these 2 bombings did happen to the province of care mon, which is relatively in the south east of the country, not far from the range and border with pakistan and the province. a village of stock, which is next to come on. providence is a region known for militancy for organized crime,
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and at times even minutes and you had as soon as you add to regime operative just 2 weeks ago or 11, your rainy the officers were killed by joe hodges group. so there are actually the entities inside of the runs borders that could have been behind it. but again, i want to go back to what i said. it's really early. iran has a long list of domestic opponents and external opponents. it could be domestic, it could be external, it could be a combination of both. if we have to wait and see statics for tank up from the middle east institute in washington, the leader of 11 on based has blah munition has promised retaliation of the killing of i am asked top official in by route on wednesday as blah blames is relatively a tackle that there has been no claimant for responsibility. israel generally doesn't comment on strikes in other countries, but officials have previously said they would target time of leaders, whatever they are. a master is classified as a terrace group on multiple countries. waiving the most flag
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protest is in ramallah voice. the supports in tango this evening and the occupied westbank was a certain town of cell, a ruling high ranking. most official was killed in a striking by roots on tuesday. well, natalie got into the cause is crazy. hysterical event new need. the preventative is israel field and that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat. oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah, i'm that i so 90 got mean and decided la, a sallow rory was deputy to him. mazda is leda is male, hon. yeah. and the group's kaylee. a's on with has the law in lebanon since a raise assassination in the suburbs of a root israel, and has the law, has continued to fire at each other across the border, an almost daily occurrence since israel's war with him off began the
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lebanese political party and militant group is backed by ron and considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and some sunni arab countries. israel has no officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route, but levon a security so also said it was caused by an israeli drawing, has blah, has vowed to retaliate, calling it a serious assault on lab. and on the fact that while i get the enemy because of waging a war and 11 and, and they then say, well, we will fight without restoring tools without leaves, without really my eyes. and without restrictions a yes. right. awesome. knows what i mean. he's rouse main ally, the us who said it was nursing homes before the blasting. they were washington is now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want to see it. why beyond israel? and i'm awesome. again,
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we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that has the law has certified refrained from escalating beyond. for discussions with these rel, but based attack in the house of lebanon has raised fees of an all out war. and these railey army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario or the thousands of rescue workers in japan. continuing the search for survivors of the possible earthquakes that struck on new year's day, hoping to find as many people as possible within the 3 day survival window that m as in a few hours. if it's all desktops has risen to $78.00 and that fee is expected heavy rains, good home for the rescue work. tens of thousands of people in the area of chicago, a still without power overall. so after weeks of heavy rain, many communities have in germany are struggling with rising flood waters and bus the river banks,
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the state of low sacks and has been hit hard this with more heavy rain full costs for the coming days. dykes and protective barriers are being built to hold back the flood waters but supplies of sandbags of nearly run out. the scandinavian is no stranger to freezing winter temperatures, but the current conditions are extreme even for this region. fonts of northern sweden that'd be quoted back cold is night. the century minus 43 degrees celsius. so call that some parts of the country, a suspended public transport for safety reasons. they bring finland is also suffering. the extreme temperatures are expected to last for the next few days is a quick look at some headlines from around the world as well. so that's in the us where the closest and sealed court records containing the names of people. i think it's 2 conflicted sex traffic. a jeffrey epstein the identities of more than 150 people mentioned in the law suit by one of his most prominent accuses. i've been
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kept sealed for years. a ruling last month found no legal justification to keep them private. donald trump has asked for us supreme court to review a ruling binding him from the primary ballot in the state of colorado. in december, the state supreme court disqualified him as the presidential candidates of his role in the january 6 assault on the us capital. argentine as labor appeals court says delta present have a me like is 1st judicial said back, the court suspended changes to labor laws at full, impossible for new presents. we think economic reforms, countries, main trade union had challenge the changes, claiming they wrote, the basic worker protections, such as the right to strike on parental leave. el salvador has the most a monument commemorating a peace deal between the government and rebels at the end of the country civil war . in 1992 as after president and i became a colby's scope, just acetic
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a horrible and said the glorified those who killed salvatore. and people rec, what number of people are headed to from south america towards the us border last year, facing disease and violence along the way. and a parent lis jungle crossing. it takes days to walk through the diary and gap, $100.00 columbus as of jungle, between columbia and panama. many of those making the trip of children who sometimes lose that parents along the way. an estimated 500000 people fleeing violence in poverty and the homelands made the crossing in 2023. they w spoke with some of them. this is by how to quito panama. the 1st community where migrants arrive after walking for about a week through the jungle of the diarrhea and got hundreds of people arrived here every day. the villagers pick them up and can news
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not any left her home and venezuela with her husband 3 children. and in lots they spent some time in peru before deciding to make the track north towards the usa. the trip to the jungle was brutal. she says they saw the terrible things going on. yeah, they told us that we would find the canoes, assessing, pointing somebody they'd like to fund the know we had 2 full days in the jungle coming out. and then on the way we saw the dead and bloated bodies of people and of animals. a persona in china after signing in with panama immigration authorities, many come to the make shift health center. most suffer from severe dehydration, bruises and gastro intestinal elements. knowing these husband has stones in his foot, and her daughters have rashes and fungal infections. her baby has also lost weight, but follow any. the fear and threats she encountered were the worst.
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they told us we had to pay a $100.00 or they would take her children down. they had when we said we didn't have any money. they said they were going to keep us the right one of the children . okay, well you will have your, i don't, i don't mean a lot of the most of the people here tell us that on the columbia, inside their gods, who take them through the jungle. the guides were also carry backpacks and provide medicine. they charged $350.00 for some, it's a price worth paying. the ok, let's close this one. i said, all the costs are sometimes quite high. they provided us with security all the way to the border of them from the columbia, and border inter panama, mounted after the military barracks is where we had problems. we were assaulted in . we'll see the bellows, the canoes, leaving baffled takito. navigate for hours to the next migration reception station
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. their agents check their bags to confiscate dangerous objects and weapons, the conditions in the camp or better thanks to the increased presence of international organizations. although some say serious issues remain a i know we have problems with the food is going bad and there are children who are sick animal. this tend is a place for children to feel safe to play and receive psychological care to overcome the trauma of the trip. more and more children are arriving alone is the new year. one year is more than tripled. we moved from 3000 unaccompanied to a set price of children have already passed through here. it's a question of you survival. when the moms with that can no longer rules, they know planning coming out of mas as awful as conditions are. these people are
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the lucky ones to survived the dangers of the dairy and got a to set you up. today's, i'll have more of the top of the hour of next on the w doc. film looks at the power of the super beach is good. the, the, the, the, the is, it is simple is how in key more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base in life. but of cardboard. that's the, that's one of the find out about the baby story info migraines.


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