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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news lie from ballot b as not make state. tara group says it's carried out. wednesday is bombing that killed schools in the wrong molded 18 people died in to bump bloss at a memorial event for a top general, who himself was killed in the us. drunk struck for he is also coming up. come off the deputy leader is buried in lebanon. thousands to attend the funeral officer. they are really who is believes to have been killed by his right. instruct tasks, the grinding moore of attrition, and you've trained for months there's been little change on the front line as
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a ukrainian counter offensive stoles against target and russian forces. we find out why expos calling the situation a transparent battle the i'm a guy that is welcome to the program as we begin with a breaking news, the so called as logic state as claimed responsibility for an attack on a ceremony in iran that killed more than 80 people, the terrible group that made the announcement on the messaging app telegram it sets to if its members were responsible for twin exposure commemorations off the top come on the custom. so the money who was assassinated by a us drone in 2020. these were the deadliest of taxes and the islamic republics history style. bear on come all that is professor of government,
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as the georgetown university kata joins us now from doha professor is on the state . have claim for responsibility for this attack. what's your assessment of how credible that claim is? it's very incredible, even before the claim was made of the attacks that old the har hallmarks of a, something that would be carried out by this nomic state. we saw almost identical attacks in the wrong in 2017, at the most of the, of the whole meaning, the founder of this, i'll make it public. and this is uh, the modus operandi. so it's a, it's a very incredible the claim. now iran supreme data, i'll tell the id from and they said the attack as will face a quote, hash response. so he did not name any possible targets. what phone could that cost response take in the past, what we've seen is
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a wrong attack. uh, as long as it stays bases in the rack and in syria, they know where those bases are. and so what we're likely to see is a response in the coming days from a wrong. i think it's important to also know that the running and government is under tremendous pressure by elements within the government itself to do some sort of a response. so it won't be too long before we see a i'm a run in measure. and now there has been some speculation that israel may have been behind that attack income on the rainy and back test. blood group in lebanon has been engaged in low level fighting with israel since october 7th. how great is the risk that will escalate of these areas would very much like for you want to be involved in one way or another involved in the war so that the americans
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would get involved in turn. and that would be some sort of a military engagement between the wrong and the united states. so far, however, iran has been quite reluctant to go that route. and despite is really killing of iranian revolutionary guards general in syria. and despite the pronouncements from tat wrong of a, of a possible escalation, we see that in action indeed, iran has so far tried to actually de escalate the ongoing genocide in gauze and trying to prevent an escalation of the war. so i don't think this would involve iranian action against is a, in the coming days. i mean there was some talk at the beginning of the conference ought to be october 7th,
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a turbo tax that iran might have been involved. so in college, those attacks and it, how far is iran and both in this you think uh, do you mean the attack uh, on october 7th, uh, mazda is attack on you. uh. yeah, us intelligence says come on. so iran wasn't involved and was actually surprised by all accounts via type who was carried out of it sort of secrecy by how most military wins that even him off political commanders based here in doha. we're not aware of it. and the ronnie is we're not aware of it. i think there is a natural tendency on all of our parts to under estimate to resolve a moss. and we've seen that, you know, logistically, in other times it was quite difficult for you wrong to be involved or anyone else
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for that matter. and how most uh was the one uh who solely. i know how boss military command is not even political commanders were the ones that carried out the october 7th attack. thank you very much. me on come rob of this professor of government at georgetown university kata. thank you. thank you. the mona is in the bay. roads have held the funeral home of the deputy leader who was killed in an explosion on tuesday and saw that a roommate was considered a key figure in the group that carried out the deadliest terror attacks. and israel's history, on october 7th, he was it's deputy political leader and a co founder office military wing, ruby and 2 other homeless members were laid to rest in the lebanese capital. 11 ends militant has blood group, land, israel for the assassination. although there has been no claim of responsibility is rarely officials have so previously said they would target how mosley does wherever
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they are. waiving the most flag protest is in ramallah voice. the support entangled this evening and the occupied westbank was a certain town of cell, a ruling high ranking from us official was killed in a striking bay route on tuesday. well, natalie got into the cause is crazy. hysterical event. newly preventative is israel field and that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat. oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah. and that way, so 90 got mean and decided that a sallow rory was deputy to him. mazda is leda is male, hon. yeah, and the group's kaylee a's on we've has the law in lebanon since a raise assassination in the suburbs of a root israel and has the law has continued to fire at each other across the border,
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an almost daily occurrence since israel's war we, tomas began the lebanese political party and militant group is backed by ron and considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and some sunni arab countries. israel has not officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route, but less than a securities also said it was caused by an israeli drawing, has blah, has vowed to retaliate, calling it a serious assault on lab. and on the fact that while i get the enemy, he thinks of waging a war and 11 and, and they then say, well, we will fight without restoring tools without leaves, without really my eyes. and without restrictions a yes. right. awesome. knows what i mean. he's rouse main ally, the us who said it was nursing homes before the blasting. they were washington is now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want
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to see it. why beyond israel? and i'm awesome. again, we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that has the law has so far refrained from escalating beyond board. a skirmish is with these ro, but this attack in the hoss of lebanon has raised fees of an all out war. and these riley army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario. let's dig a little bit deeper with shiny. uh there was honest with me in the studio here. um, at least out of this tiny, this strike, it was against the deputy how mosley, the but it wasn't, it has blood dominated neighborhood in, in lebanon that so for the has been no major retaliation from, from, has blog. what do you make of that? well, just to show you that the complexity of the, the, the dynamics when we talk about alliances, you know, we talk about how much is lions 11 and that has all the forces that is with iran.
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but then this iran has bala she up proxy. uh, it's not the wrecked line when it comes to how much that is a sweep of offshoot. they are committed to the fight for the palestinian cause, but they're not. they're well aware of the fact that bringing in lebanon into the 5, which to israel says, is, israel does not differentiate from a smaller from level under that aspect. when it's attacks from lab and on the way it's going to, it's threatening, it's going to attack again against the root so far. has the furnace drama for his butler to be attacking israel fiercely. 4 mos cause this is a test so they're put into are they, how far are they going to go with this alliance? and we're seeing so far that the best that is real has taken probably is dresses taken in going for every assuming that his bottle will be a sort of a moderate or, or can contain his or its response. both sides can contain the response with that escalation. so far it seems to be seemed to be
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a safe bet we need to keep in mind. this is just so far, i'm sure his bottle will, will find more ways to show its responsiveness. but just to show, you know, putting pressure into this alliance that we know already was kind of touched under under pressure because there was no coordination about and, and pre knowledge of his by about the attack. by how much we know that by now very interested in your, the power dynamics in, in, in all this. now, this we is israel has this draw on. some of its troops from gaza. is the top of a launch. a shift in strategy could be c increasingly see how mosley this being targeted outside of gaza and less sort of conventional for in gulf? well, it is really apartments. i said it himself, the head of them aside repeated that again. they see all of how much has anybody involved in the october 2nd attack as, as person that is deemed to be, you know, on their target list. it's nothing new in that aspect, but it is true that it's much more of
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a tangible achievement for israel to get than anything that we're seeing now in gaza in the last 90 days. exactly. today we've seen israel trying, striving for meaningful strategic achievements in gaza. and it's not capable to break actually, how much has control over the territory, not yet. so aiming at the heads of come us in a way, makes it a bit easier to break this somewhat vague goal of eradicating him off as a rule work or, you know, getting rid of how much that goes. putting the, the goal exactly at the heads of homeless and chasing them wherever they are. that's a bit easier to sell and maybe to achieve. i know you said 90 days ago a today and to ninety's early cabinet. we'll be talking about how they were going to deal with the gaza strip off to the war and to ministers of the government have called full pallets daniels to leave gaza and that raise fears of a forced expulsion. is that the road the government is expected to go for really? well, 1st of all it's, it's, it's quite striking. it took, at least for
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a government 90 days because how do you start a, an operation without knowing your end goal? you know, part of the pressure for this discussion is coming from the military saying we need to know where we're heading. and so finally it's happening. the talks about exposure, you know, of palestinians. that's always some sort of a wet dream of the white. it was the extreme right and israel and now they're being more and unabashedly allowed with this with this aspiration, of course, that the american supporters of israel are against that, of course, the international communities against that. it's also partially the core of the problem between israel and the palestinians. what happens to the refugees? what happened to all those palestinians that are still a few days for so many years? partially because the world does not want to help israel solve the policy and problem in a way, by getting rid of the refugees sort of saying refugees, all of pasting is they need to be finding their solution within part of the greatest solution for the israeli, palestinian conflict so that these talks are probably not realistic, nothing else that he does not support that. what does he support?
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that's the big problem as well, has said mostly what he does not want to see and also, and it's finding it's very difficult to view and what it is wanting to see. and also the day after they don't want to see the past. and yes, already they even not, they even knew revised reform to one that the americans are trying to concord they don't want to see is really settlements being rebuilt. their. they don't want to keep the military there for too long. what do they want? they're very limited in their options. there are some talk about in the local clans, local families that will try to take over many experts say it's not a very realistic chance of, of, of, of fulfilling the goals for israel to bring safety into that part of, of, of the world. and you have to be seen, garza is not a problem going away so. so that seems to be for sure. i'm at least unless johnny was honest, i think you only got or and the war in how you cry and continues . russia's military began. they hear by launching some of his most intense strikes
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on you finance. it is since its invasion, nearly 2 years ago. the price president for the landscape says his country has been hit by hundreds of sauce in recent days. russia for it's paul to choose his key for, for shutting the boldest city of belgrade, killing at least $25.00 civilians. despite the intensified hostilities of the site, the valley, any movement on the front line, our next report looks at why some say the war has reached stem light. these are images from the telegram channel, a few cranes, 3rd, a salt brigade. they show a slow and brutal war between russia and ukraine, high and casualties, and slow and movement, but the, the front line and you cranes east has hardly budged. some military analysts say the current stalemate is ultimately to russians. advantage. russian forces are dug in behind. a fortress of tanks traps, mine fields and other obstacles. the red on the map marks russian
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positions along the front. satellite images indicate that russian troops are reinforcing these areas. more than $8000000.00 land mines are estimated to be buried there. the ukranian army has not been able to find a way through, and they are dependent on supplies of western munitions. these have been slow and coming. ukrainian soldiers have to rush 155 millimeters shells accumulation in their defense. that's just the limit. the, i'd be sure. lemme is the ukraine only you have it gets what it needs to. 10 in a symmetrical situation into a symmetrical one, but, but to little to actually drawing the russians to enter into negotiations with the sequence it gets when people have to try some problems with it. another winter of war is settling in over ukraine, like the last one. its cities and infrastructure are under air attack. american made f sixteens are on their way. but you,
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for any and pilots still need training. ukraine hopes they can challenge russian fighters in the sky. on the ground, ukraine's air defense is in better shape. s a. m p p units from france iris t from germany patriot from the u. s. anti aircraft tanks, such as the german leopard, can fend off drone attacks. both sides are making extensive use of these on crude aerial vehicles limited and if you see now that each side knows what the other is doing because of the use, especially get many of the strains if we have what many have referred to as the future. so called transpired in battlefield, that's is what happens on the battlefield. each site immediately has some idea of what's happening for ukraine to take the offensive. it will need more weapons from its western partners. otherwise, rushes, numerical superiority has
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a good chance of simply waiting out the stalemate. glass for more analysis on this, that's across the case and bringing the above the table. it's got, she's an expert and hybrid wolf and who runs a military consultancy and has advice, ukrainian government. now you have described your expertise as russian hybrid threats before we get into the details. can we brush up on the terminology? what does hybrid wolf in town? and thank you so much, 1st of all to for having me here today. um, when we speak about uh, hybrid square for we speak about the whole complex of interference including this information and cyber attacks, attacks, economical interference, political corruption and other means. so a lot of the main of these non military threats that ukraine is facing country
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of course, we still face the very different best uh, cyber attacks. um, but i would say that these information is the major threats for our population. if we are not speaking about military means, because russia is trying to do more, no lies our society to make us basically to surrender distress, fatigue not only within our society, but also within um, our partners, our elyse across the world. it can you give us an example of what most most co is doing to disseminate misinformation and how this may be a risk getting you credit the national security or were you since any ukraine? uh, we have a lot of different masters but where people exchange information for instance, vibrant telegram and telegram is absolutely not secure, were messenger. it's very easy to get there. and it's very easy to run different
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different telegram charts or groups where people take news from. and unfortunately in ukraine, telegram is the 1st source of information for our people. and this telecom trots of telecom channels. there are anonymous there. the telecom doesn't have any uh, secure defenders, any community standards. so basically anyone can run them. and there are a lot of these information there. on the viper, there is a different type of interference, for instance, just one simple example. ukrainians get there in different charts, for instance, people who lost their loved ones, those who were killed or those who were maced on the battlefield. and the people get together and it's very easy to interest rate, those vibrant trusts. and i,
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so i participated in some of these charts and they saw that some unknown features were trying to provoke people to go and protest. 7 to go against authority outweigh against the government, for instance, to go and block the routes where western weapons coming on. so there are a lot of different types of how russian, this information machine can interfere ukrainian society and do more a license to make people think that we are losing or to make people think that our government is not protecting us. so of course, as you say, the ukrainian government is, is also engaging in these tactics and does it, does it what you said? because it's about controlling the narrative of this bull. who would you would say, uh, would you say is most skillful in controlling this narrative, russell ukraine. i would say that the ukraine, ukraine,
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ukrainian government controls the narrative simply because we understand where the crap is coming from. we feel it every day. just the last, you know, 5 days rest, so long more than 500 me cycles and 10 trunks on us. so it's uh, uh, easier for us to understand where it's russian does information when we know when we feel physically the threat. but in other countries. uh, in the, in the societies of our elyse. sometimes it's not that easy because there are a lot of different narratives that brussel sprouts, for instance, narratives about you bring in correction or you creating on the refugees. all these, all these narratives make people feel that the world last too long,
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and it's time to end it. and some people initiate some piece plans or some peace negotiations. reach for us is not an option for now because we still have solid and suppression troops and now with terra 3. and the main precondition for the peace talks would be getting out russian troops. russian forces from a territory, the hybrid wolf accidentally was simple. scott, thank you very much for sharing your expertise with us. thank you. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. us and asked why it just killed a high ranking tomato of an iran backed group and backed up an unnamed washington official said to us forces carried off the strikes us as being a retaliation against more than a 100 recent attacks on its basis in iraq and syria to around support of malicious have stepped up such stripe since the israel hospital because that might work
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for just 5 minutes services. so next as a general election is likely to take place. the 2nd topic of this year is conservative party is for behind to the polls with, with the opposition labor party, whether hey, high inflation and a cost of living crisis are likely to dominate election. continues. us quote has on sealed coal direct quotes containing the names of people linked to the convicted sex traffic of jeffrey epstein, the identities of more than a 150 people mentioned a lawsuit brought by one of epstein's most prominent accuses, often kept sealed for years. a routing last month found no legal justification to keep them under wraps. japan has reinforced rescue crews working to find survivors of the devastating new year's day of quakes. the confirmed that's told has no reason to 80 full with at least 79 more on accounted for. rescue is still
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struggling to reach some of the westgate areas. missing out, survivors. rescue dogs and military personnel are racing against the clock to find anyone a life under the rubber. these desperate attempts are made even more difficult by continuing after shocks destroyed roads and the remote location of the worst hit areas. in a final push depends prime minister has doubled the number of rescue workers in the area. okay, again, but the situation in the affected area is very challenging. as we go from the perspective of saving lives, we're making all efforts to rescue and then to provide live, saving a to, to as many people as possible a fall, the crucial 72 hour period following the disaster elapses this evening. and as i said, my volunteers handed that free suited to the people whose homes were destroyed in
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the queen size. and so we're left with our electricity or water isn't. i didn't, i know that there's no running water for the toilet and we can't wash our hands. there are babies in the back, you ration center. and my biggest worry is that they'll get infected with covert or influenza. and that illness will spread using over some have returned home in the hopes of receiving use of but missing relatives. only to find their entire neighborhoods raised to the ground. even when they after shock stopped and the dust settles. the reality here is that tens of thousands of people will be less homeless and will type vital services as the region starts the long and painful rebuilding. you're watching dw, and use us as a reminder of on top story does not make states has claimed responsibility for
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explosions that killed thousands in southern a wrong. on wednesday, the boss went off during a memorial event for an assessment as a general around supreme leader has promised a wistful and that said from the evidence team, for now there will be an update at the top of the alex, you have office and building the
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the new will tell you, we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to you for the, for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d, w and religious communities refuses to be swept up,
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vomiting in the house of america is preserved as centuries old. like during the spring uh, the young people face a ton of exploration and decision making. will they embrace the heritage to step into the modern lives, to be honest, in 45 minutes on the w, the red $16.00 times to greece is bravo. that has to spend life from 500 to 600. currently, more people than ever on the move worldwide in such a fashion like you know, it's a very difficult journey and one's 3 is very hard. they beat
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you everything, audio stuff, find out about some on storage, in so migrant reliable news to migrate wherever they may be the best as data i was in use africa coming up on a program as a new year begins. let's recap. some highlights from the concept from a uh united jerry asked if you don't want speech in 2000 the we've selected the best of all 3 of its stories from dw use africa. we have found the confidence lead us on the voice of is of those who are struggling to make ends meet. stay tuned for all that and much more coming up point dw news after the
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