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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from valid viewsonic state. terra group says it's carried out wednesdays, bombings, but killed schools in iraq. more than 18 people died in to bump los a memo or event for the top general, who himself was killed in the us. drone stripe for he is also coming up. a mazda 2 leader is buried and 11000 to attend the funeral of sally ivory who is believed to have been killed. fine. is there any drones front as cruise in japan,
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race against time to rest 2 victims of the new year's day of quakes that helps a fading for the thousands of people listed as missing, and survivors already phase shortages of food. and the, i'm good. how those as well come to the program, the so called atlantic states has claimed responsibility for an attack on a ceremony in iran that killed more than 80 people. the terrible group made the announcement on the messaging service telegram. it said to if its members were responsible for 20 explosions as coming variations of top come on because sam, so the money was assassinated by us drone in 2020. these were the deadliest attacks in the islamic republics history a that's bringing the idea of thought on the job. he's a political scientist with
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a think tank center for middle east and globe load up in a barrel. and now it's not many states have crime for responsibility for the attack . what's your assessment of how credible that claim is? well, this is a very good question. i mean, it could well be that these nomic states dodge has been behind this terror attack given most of the kind of confessional conflicts which pitts at the summit states. an extreme is sonya organization against the sonic republic, which is a c, a, a entity. so in this particular concept said, would of course, pur, uh, make perfect sense. but then again, another possibilities that he saw me the stage is claiming that it has been behind discharge. i talked to portray its strengths. um, but the beats, uh, as it may um, there is a given the past experience is also uh, you know,
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we had other tower attacks that were attributed to the states. but the truth of the matter is that there was very little likelihood that we will have some 30 to about the perpetrators of this attack. because um, um, there will be no due process. uh, i believe in identifying the culprits total of the identify the conference around supreme deed i until i already heard the name of set the attack us will face a quote hoff response. though he didn't point to any possible suspect, bought kind of risk problems. uh, could he mean, as well as the summit public has the plants the same thing 4 years ago after it, the us strong killing of a general sort of money that the us will face to face. i quote hot revenge, but we didn't see it. so it's absolutely unclear what the sound republic
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uh will do because also these attacks are happening in the context of you know, um, difficulties for the reason inside and outside of its borders. so it could well instruments and all these attacks to further secure, at times the domestic arena with double election on the horizon on march 1st for the parliament. and the assembly of experts was going to select the next supreme leader for which to regime knows that they're going to be uh, probably a very low volta try it out. so, um, this may be uh, you know, the connection domestically an extremity the solve it public has been dealt some importance blows very recently with the killing of not to on the ability and beta root, but also a week of the a, of a top r g c commander in syria probably by the hands of v 0. so in any case,
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ever might be the perpetrates of this attack. i'm quite sure. and if you look at the wrong in the state narrative that the some of the public is surely going to instruments as long as it's for its own purposes. now that it has been some speculation that israel may have been behind the attack and come on the uh, randy and backed hezbollah group and lebanon has been engaged in low level fighting with these route since october 7th. how great do you think is the risk that it will escalate? a well, according to the iranian state narrative, um, uh, this nomic states uh, has been, uh, actually invented by use while in the united states. so, um, uh, all of this, it's very well with the kind of you wrong, i mean, narrative a, but it is a very unlikely that these are what has been the perpetrator. but because of those, the pattern of these really attacks in your run have been a whole different one is, well, it has been
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a targeting regime military and nuclear infrastructure is and has been showing away from not uh, you know, uh, not very clearly targeting those infrastructures. and so such a terrace subtract that has been, you know, seen a witness with victims. again, no casualties of civilians will only be counter productive for israel. so i think, you know, is what it is very unlikely to be a to have been behind this particular a talk. you thank you very much. ali pothole a job that thank you. manas and very rude. have held a funeral for how my step you to you later who was killed in an explosion on the tuesday. sorry ivory was considered a key figure in the group that carried out the deadly as tara at the time in israel's history. on october 7th, last year he was, it's deputy political leader of the co founder of i'm us military ring,
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a movie and 2 other homeless members would like to rest into lebanese capital. lebanon's militant, has blood group claims israel for that assassination, although that has been no claim. the for sponsibility is right, is there any officials have though previously said they would target how mosley those, wherever they are of the waving the must flag protesters in ramallah voice. the support entangle this evening in the occupied westbank with a certain town of cell, a ring, a high ranking from us official was killed in a striking bay route on tuesday. well, natalie got into the cause is crazy, hysterical event new need. the preventative is israel field and that he and is experiencing a kind of defeat. oh no, i'm in the mail. it knows full well. yeah, there's no victory for it. yeah, no they so 90 got mean and decided la sala,
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rory was deputy to him off is lita is smell honey a and the groups kaylee a's on with has the law in lebanon since a res assassination in the suburbs of bay root israel and has the law has continued to fire at each other across the border an almost daily occurrence since eas, rails will we, tomas, began the lebanese political party and militant group is backed by ron and considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and some sunni arab countries. israel has knows, officially claimed responsibility for the strike on a route 11 a security so also said it was caused by an israeli drawing, has blah, has vowed to retaliate, calling it a serious assault on 11 on the fact that while i get the enemy, he thinks of way to 11 and say, well, we will fight without restoring tool without leaves,
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without leaving eyes. then without restrictions. yes, well knows what i mean. he's rouse main ally, the us who said it was nursing homes before the blasting beverage said washington is now urging restraint to tape the wall contained just want to before. we don't want to see it. why beyond israel and am awesome again, we're going to keep working with partners in the region to prevent that from that has the law has so far refrained from escalating beyond board. a skirmish is with these ro, but this attack in the hoss of lebanon has raised fees of an all out war. and these riley army says it's on high alert and ready for any scenario. that's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. and as strike has killed a high ranking, come on the oven, the wrong backed group in black dot. and i'm named washington. the official said us
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forces carried out the strike. the us has been retaliating against more than a 100 recent attacks on its basis in iraq and syria. initial groups, backed by iran, have stepped up such strikes since the israel hospital began. my which is prime minister richardson act says a general election is likely to take place. the 2nd half of this year is conservative. quality is falling behind in the polls, which the with the opposition labor party well ahead. high inflation and the cost of living prices are likely to dominate election or us cold has on sealed cold threat quotes containing the names of people linked to the convicted sex traffic of jeffrey epstein. the identities of more than a 150 people mentioned in a lawsuit brought by one of epstein as most prominent accuses, have been kept sealed for years. a ruling last month found no from no legal
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justification to keep them private, was in the us a man as a text, the judge and the nevada quote, as she was about to sentence him to jail for attempted battery. the 30 year old gloves to cross, the judges bench before cold stuff. restless going to the floor. he now faces new felony charges and japan. thousands of rescue workers still searching for survivors of the devastating new year's day. oh it's quakes. the quake is killed at least 84 people and in just over 300 more, authorities say 179 people are still on, accounted for. while rescue is struggling to reach some of the areas. it's the heart of the city of g month, new. the episode is one of the worst effected areas. dw correspondent james tried to send us this update from that with hardly outside would seem a municipal hospital. this is one of the hospitals where
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a number of survivors from the credit company for today, and this is the worst affected city in the notes i peninsula where this quake struck on new year's day. the majority of tests have been reported in the city um, shortly after we arrived at this hospital, we spoke to the manager of the hospital. he consented to us that a number of survivors from the subspace had been brought to the hospital today. some of them had unfortunately passed away and he was describing in pretty hiring detail actually the types of procedures that these patients have to undergo when they arrive at the hospital. some of these people have been crushed under their own homes for, for 3 days. now, some people having to have both legs amputated and other pretty, pretty hiring procedures. this night. we've not pause to 72, our mocks and see us quake. and it becomes increasingly difficult from this point on to find survivors. access to this region remains very difficult. we spend 7
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hours trying to get his today encountered a number of ministry emergency vehicles on the way. some of these vehicles are actually given special dispensations passed through some roads. and actually what ended up happening was that we would encounter those same vehicles further on, along the road on the way through which email indicating that regardless of what route these emergency vehicles try to take, that they still end up encountering obstacles. the reason that they're encountering these obstacles is because they're been in numerous land slides, enormous cracks of rupture, many of the roads that lead to the cities. and that's why it remains really difficult to get any type of assistance to these regions. again, when we arrived in which eva, we went to one of the, the main supermarkets. and one of the work is assets that they were having to continue to russian goods for the city. the cities residence because supplies
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remain so low as denmark screen market. right. so it has made have final public appearance before stepping down on january 14th. the 83 year old wrote wrote through copenhagen in a carriage from the residence to parliament. she would hold a traditional new year's gathering with offices from the forces and other high ranking officials. she made the surprise announcement of her application during the new year's eve speech sighting health issues 52 years on the throne. mad you are the longest serving living monarch, she will be succeeded by eldest son from prince for are you watching? dw news is a reminder of our top stories. the so called atlantic states has claimed responsibility for explosions that kills and thousands of people in southern iran on wednesday. around supreme lita has promised 8th osh response. manas in bay roots of how the funeral for how ma steps you to leader who was killed in an explosion on tuesday, solid,
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a ruby co follow the groups military. we and that's it from me on tuesday for now i would have an update for you at the top of the hour. don't go away. don't talk. film is off next with a look at the lives of the homage to cling to a centuries old livestock in the us. god help us in building the learn shannon with the world winning offer is available language learning gem and has been sent to
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