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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from ballot designing state terra group says it's carried out . wednesday's bombings that killed schools any wrong will that 80 people died and to bump bloss at the memorial event for a 12 the general who himself was killed in the us drone stripe, 4 years ago. also coming up, the russians, new weapon and it's war on ukraine. the white house says most cow has begun using north korean ballistic missiles as it intensifies as a complaint against pete and cruise in japan race to rescue victims of the new year's day of clicks. and survivors, phase shortages of food and hold the
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god of as well come to the program. the so called is logic. state has claimed responsibility for an attack on a sermon in iran that kills more than 80 people that tell a group night. the announcement on the messaging app tab it crap. it said to if its members were responsible for 20 explosions at commemorations top command, the custom selling money to himself was assassinated by the us drone in $20.00. 20 . all. if it's all on the job as a political scientist with the think tank center for middle east and global old i austin, how credible is landing states claim of responsibilities appears to well, this is a very good question. i mean, it could well be that these nomic state josh has been behind this tara attack,
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given the most of the kind of confessional conflicts which paid. so the summit states an extreme is sonya organization against the sonic republic, which is a she, a entity. so in this particular concepts, it would of course, make perfect sense. but then again, another possibility is that he saw me the stage is claiming that it has been behind discharge. so i talked to portray it's strengths um, but the beads as it may um there is a given the past experience as also, you know, we had other tower attacks that were attributed to the saw me states. and the truth of the matter is that there was very little likelihood that we will have some 30 to about the perpetrators of this attack. because um, um, there will be no due process, i believe in identifying the culprits. talked about the identify the conference
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around supreme diets, a lot of time in a upset. the attack us will face a quote, haas response though he didn't point to any possible suspect, but kind of risk problems. uh, could he mean, as well as the summit public has placed the same thing 40 years ago after it the us strong killing of a general sort of money that the us will face to face. um, i quote hot revenge. uh but we didn't see it. so it's absolutely unclear what the sound republic uh will do. uh, because also a visa attacks are happening in the context of you know, um, difficulties for the region inside and outside of its borders. so it could well instruments and always these attacks to further secure, at times the domestic arena with double election on the horizon on march 1st for
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the parliament. and the assembly of experts was going to select the next supreme leader for which jersey knows that they're going to be uh, probably a very low voter turnout. so, um, this may be uh, you know, the connection domestically and externally the, some of the public has been dell of some importance lows, very recently with the killing. uh, not the only uh movie and baby boots, but also a week of the, uh, uh, of a top r g c commander in syria, a probably by the hands of these ro. so in any case, whoever might be the perpetrator of this attack, i'm quite sure. and if you look at the run in that state narrative that the some of the public is surely going to instruments lies. it's for its own purposes. now that it has been some speculation that israel may have been behind the attack income on be randy and backed,
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has blood group and lebanon has been engaged in low level fighting with these rel, since october 7th. how great do you think is the risk that it will escalate? as well as, according to the iranian state narrative um, uh, the sonic states uh, has been uh, actually invented by usable in the united states. so, um, uh, all of this, it's very well with the kind of your, uh, i mean, narrative. uh, but it is a very unlikely that these rather have been to pub to try to. but because of those, the pattern of these rarely attacks in your run have been a whole different one is really has been a targeting regime military and nuclear infrastructure is and has been showing away from not uh, you know, uh, not very clearly targeting those infrastructures and so such a terrace subtract that has been, you know, seen a witness with victims, again,
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no casualties and much civilians will only be kind of productive for israel. so i think, you know, is what it is very unlikely to be a to have been behind this particular a talk. you thank you very much ali. that's all i knew that. thank you. one is in the bay. roads has held a funeral for home, also steps you to lead up who was killed in an explosion on tuesday. sorry, i really was considered a key figure in the group that carried out the deadliest terror attacks in israel's history. on october 7th, i really and 2 other homeless members were laid to rest and the liberties capital, evidence, minutes, and has blood group claims. israel full, the assess the nation is well, has not claimed the attack, but has previously said it would target how most leaders, wherever they are in russia, it has been ramping up it's act companion against ukraine recently launching some
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of its biggest strikes since the beginning of its invasion, the white house now says russia has a new weapon. north korean ballistic missiles or information indicates that the democratic people's republic of korea recently provided russia with ballistic missile launchers and several ballistic missiles. on the 30th of december, 2023 russian forces launched, at least one of these north korean ballistic missiles into ukraine. dismissal appears to have landed in the open field in his aperture region. and on january 2nd, russia launched multiple north korean ballistic missiles into ukraine, including as part of his overnight aerial attack. we're still assessing the impacts of these additional missiles as opposed to marine, i'm a wrong defense analyst with kings college london. my off to what role the north korean ballistic missiles have played and rushes escalating attacks on the okay. well, um, obviously for russia, it makes a lot of sense to buy north screen ballistic missiles because it constrains since
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the arsenals with russia already has. and it might be faster and cheaper to procure ballistic missiles from north korea and then making them domestically. and specifically, with this new wave of strikes that we're seeing for russia, it makes a lot of sense to get missiles from elsewhere so that it doesn't have to expand its own missiles. and obviously, there, there are also speculations that russia might be soon getting some from a ryan as well. yes. maybe the white house also said that russia is preparing to do uh, just that. uh, is that a further escalation? what, what do you make of that? as well, i think for ukraine obviously is this is bad news. i mean we've seen the north korean ammunition as early as june. 23 actually ukrainian non forces claimed to have seized the russian stocks of north korean ammunition artillery munition for
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grad launchers. however, now this is a step further regarding short range, ballistic missiles from a ram getting ballistic missiles from north korea. it's not, it doesn't just mean that russia will be able to continue it strikes on ukraine. it also means that north korea and iran are benefiting from this financially. they are currently on the sanctions. and this way they can run up their military production was it, which is disconcerting for international security in general. now, currently and as we've been here left, right, the center, the, the goal seems locked in a stalemate. will these weapons this additional supply of weapons that, that russia opened up? will that make a difference? well, it could push as a countries to provide more air defenses to ukraine because this is what frustrates trying to do, essentially, to deplete up to destroy ukrainian air defenses in order to gain air superiority.
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the problem is that, um, both the us and the european union failing to agree on the specific numbers that they will be providing to ukraine and, and that's a problem is also the global supply chain and the able ability of those and munitions needed by that ukrainian armed forces, so even if money is provided, that material might not be there. so regardless of the decisions, we shall see how it will unfolds and what the west will be able to provide to create. and what will be willing to provide to you for you are in up there on the from london kings college. thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me the time now to have a look and some of the other stories making headlines the us has confirmed it carried out and as strike any rock which killed a high ranking colanda off an iran back to the us has been retaliating against recent attacks on it spaces, a new rock and syria, initial group supported by iran,
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have stepped up such as thoughts since the israel, how mosque will be got several people have been injured in a school shooting in the us state of iowa. law enforcement officials have not yet confirmed the number of the victims or with any of them. what killed local authorities say. the suspect died from a self inflicted gunshot in the u. s. a. mine has attacked a jobs in the nevada course as she was about to sentence him to jail for attempted battery. the 30 year old, long as the across the judges bench before called stuff relative to the ground. the now faces new color charges thousands of rescue workers in japan are still searching for survivors of the devastating new year's day of quake. the quakers killed at least 84 people and inches over 300 more. authorities
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say 179 people are still on, accounted for. while rescue is a structure to reach some of the areas. hits the hottest, the city of what g, my near the i present is one of the was affected areas. the w corresponded. james tried to sent us this update earlier from that with hardly outside would seem a municipal hospital. this is one of the hospitals where a number of survivors from the credit company pro today, this is the worst effected city in the notes i peninsula where this quake struck on new year's day. the majority of tests have been reported in the city um, shortly after we arrive to this hospital, we spoke to the manager of the hospital. he consented to us that a number of survivors from this last week had been brought to the hospital today. some of them had unfortunately passed away and he was describing in pretty hiring detail actually the types of procedures that these patients have to undergo when
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they arrive at the hospital. some of these people have been crushed under their own homes for, for 3 days. now, some people having to have both legs amputated and other pretty, pretty hiring procedures. this night. we've not pause for 72 hour mark since the quake, and it becomes increasingly difficult from this point on to find survivors. access to this region remains very difficult. we spend 7 hours trying to get his today encountered a number of military emergency vehicles on the way. some of these vehicles are actually given special dispensations passed through some roads. and actually what ended up happening was that we would encounter those same vehicles further on, along the road on the way through which email indicating that regardless of what route these emergency vehicles try to take, that they still end up encountering obstacles. the reason that they're encountering these obstacles is because they're been in numerous land slides,
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enormous cracks of rupture, many of the roads that lead to the cities. and that's why it remains really difficult to get any type of assistance to these regions. again, when we arrived in which eva, we went to one of the, the main supermarkets and one of the work is assets that they were having to continue to russian goods for the city. the cities residence because supplies remain so low. the 10 sites have been 40 and a half and i have a really cool story for the, for you more than 3000000 to is some brave sub 0 temperatures to visit an icy paradise. and the chinese city of hard been over the long, new years weekends. that's a new re code for the ice and snow weld as a new, a winter festival featuring illuminate supplies and stopped. visitors can enjoy all things snowy winter sports, no, seem to tease and performances on ice. chinese state media reported that 250000
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cubic meters of eyes were used for this semester. and that's it from me and the news team for now. thank you very much for it shouldn't be this warm here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice explore an untouched place into the ice. january dw, the at the end.


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