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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, your watching, the, the, we can use live from those in the islamic stay. terry group said he'd carried out deadly bombings this week. and you, ron, more than i see people were killed into bloss side of memorial for a top general. who is himself, was killed in the us, try and strike for use. the good also coming up with these rel, announces a new phase in the war in gaza and not it's forces will take a more targeted approach is rival. so it says palestinians will be in charge when the fighting is always on the box that they will be no role for him on the
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on jared raid, welcome to the program. the so called is lot mix died say is eat carried out and attack that killed mold in icey, people in iran, the tower group said it's name is way behind to bomb block. sad us. there are many in the se in city of come on, memorizing the days of a top or rainy and combined. revolutionary got a general cost in solar money was assassinated by a us drawn in 2020 the attack and during wednesdays. memorial march, the full anniversary off. he's killing on police to welcome to assign, but now he's a professor at the international studies at indiana university with a special focus on iran. welcome to your the is lennox dice? tara group has claimed wednesday's bombings. how credible do you think this is what appears to be credible? it appears to be to fit the patterns of their previous attacks in a wrong that happened in 2022 in 2017 before that as well. um,
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so it has all the hallmarks of the secretary and attacked good prices has carried out before and the fact that they chose the anniversary, the 4th and 4th year anniversary of cost them solely moneys. assassination, really, i think, underlines they're kind of a similar pattern of attacks that they've carried out around the same commemorative moments in iran as well. okay, so you're saying this attack face patton's, the previous i s attacks. how strong is i as in the ron, and why is the group active been or it's a very good question. um, if it is an affiliate that has previously carried out these attacks in your ron, the group called for us on which is based out of afghanistan or operates out of afghanistan mostly. and then it's very, a shadowy group that's the running 6. ready the forces i've had difficulties west
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to have some success containing them here and there. but it's a very question as to why iran continues to be so wonderful to this. a very small terraced organization that it knows it has designs around especially these moments . and it especially big the question as to how and why so much. ready the attention is focused on the dissidents inside it. wrong are people who are political issues from within iranian society when there are clear national security threats lurking about that the government time and again fails to prevent giving things difficulties that use that your ron has in containing i s a. iran is saying that it's going to that the attack is, will face the hoss reaction the, the supreme leader said these, what kind of reaction do you expect even the difficulties you just outlined? it is difficult to know in the past the running revolutionary guards have launched
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operations where they have killed, right? these they've claimed to have killed leaders of ice. this k. ready as a hor, us on group in as honda sign, or they have taken action against other chapters of isis operating out of iraq and syria. but it's the scale of those. a punishment is a, has varied from attack to attack and usually time happens on a timeline that it's not immediately after the attacks have taken place. so given that so much there is going on in the region right now where iran has its work cut out when it comes to groups that it supports against israel, for instance, in, in lab and on and in syria and elsewhere. it, it really is unclear when you're on good a project power to really push back and attack the act if it is isis k in enough,
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get assigned or wherever else they masterminded this attack. been really great to get your insights and your expertise professor who assigned bernard from indiana university assign. thank you so much. thank you very much. i. it was the deputy lita of how moss has been very dean by ruth sally or rory was killed in a drawing attack in the lebanese capital on choose day. funeral positions were processions were held for a robbery and 2 other homeless members living on militant, his blood group claims. israel for the assassination. israel has not claimed the attack, but says he will target how mosley does wherever they are. well, he's roused. defense ministers is 8 forces will soon begin a new phase in the war with hamas, which is considered a terrorist organization by multiple countries after months of bombing, israel is to adopt a more targeted approach in the north of the territory. it will still pursue how much leaders in the south,
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where most guidance of slate is roused. defense minutes to also say is that after the war palestinians will be in will be in charge of gaza about that. they will be no role for homeless. the us to the secretary of state antony blinking, just beginning a week long diplomatic to of the region. and we can talk more about that with dw correspondent benjamin all virus group. i in washington, benjamin. hi to what tell us what does add to me blink and hope to achieve with these treat? it's a high stake trip that antony blinking is doing is for us to the middle east since the october 7th attack. you will visit a many of the u. s. s. allies in the region. he will be in turkey, greece, jordan, katara, united arab emirates. so your radio, of course is rowe and the westbank and also egypt. but was interesting. he and also it considering where you were just talking about that he will not be in lab and on . and it's theory. exactly where is riley officials are saying that the window of
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opportunity is closing to talk to them right now. and they're all fears. of course that, that they use us as a nation off the high, a bigger senior figure off come us and levin and will also abroad, and the conflicts failed many issues on the agenda. that's what the spokes person of the state department also said earlier today, one of them will be how can we get more humanitarian a to, to gaza? closer will talk about the situation of the hostages and the big question. also what will happen on the day after so we can expect that it to be a part of the talks with several of the official said he's meeting is the same tom here in washington. we have the pressure that is increasing also and it by is several members of congress also by the public to attach real red lines as the you, as a saying that there are some discrepancies between the united states and israel. right now, benjamin he talked about the day off. he's rouse, defense minister has said that after the war,
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palestinians will be in charge of gaza, the how much will not be the u. s. as they've got to, we're going to hear anything from antony blinking about causes future to the stress that gaza is policy and will remain policy new with had several signals and several statements from is riley ministers. only recently the state department released the statement criticizing a what c a is riley ministers is sat also calling for a police to needs to be expelled from gaza. this statement of the state department of red that it was inflammatory and irresponsible statements. so it will definitely be something that we'll talk about that he will talk about with is rarely officials, but also it with a policing insufficient that he will meet in the west back. yeah. speaking of that, you just said that the blinking will also go to the west bank to talk to the palestinian authority. once he's message they going to be committed much
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more that boss, the president of the, of the policy. and you know, 30 in the west bank in november he, they spoke about at tax and advice settlers in the west bank and also their commitment it via the us that will definitely have tough talk. that's what is the spokesperson of the state departments that many of those talks will not be easy. there's increa increasing criticism on the u. s. not only that, the biden administration is bypassing congress to keep sending weapons to israel also is a veto that the us use in the united nations security council twice to veto resolutions on c spires in gaza. so there will be a lot of talks and that will be held now in this the 4th trip. hi state. of course, a trip for anthony blinking in the region where it will meet as several count of ponds to talk about how to get h to gauze and also to prevent something that's many of fearing that this might broaden the conflict to the country. so either act as individual washington
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correspondent benjamin alvarez group. did they have benjamin? thank you. so let's go to a round up now of some of the we'll use headlines. whitehouse national security spokesman, john could, it'd be, says russia has begun firing north korean ballistic missiles into crime. us intelligence officials, safety on young has supplied north korea with me. 1000 launches we would deliver a seen later, alexander lucas sanker aside, and use old granting himself immunity. for life from criminal prosecution, the legislation also makes it impossible for opposition latest living and exiled to run in future presidential elections. nutrition code has held me a absolute power in bella. ruth, for almost 30 years. risky work is in japan and searching for any most of 5 is on the earth quakes on new year's day. more than i see people i can same date with around 190. others on accounted for emergency crews are struggling to reach some of
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the worst seed areas. in the us, a man has attacked a judge in the nevada court as she was about to send since didn't seem to jail for attempted battery. the sushi role lunged across the judges bench before court. stop the rest of him to the floor to now faces new felony charges. the german chancello life solves, has visited flooded areas, the northern germany rising, rising fond waters. main dikes are at risk of collapse. one village is baffling, the waters with the help of specialists, sand from fronts, flat porters as far as d, i can see at this small village of tube and in germany, smoke rising waters have been collecting from nearly 2 weeks for us, something to get into house this time you have or to speak to the sales may dyke to protect, to home how's the rest this book is, but it was really depressing. a bunch of you 1st there was the danger of flood
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waters from behind. now because of the ground water, we also have a threat from the other side. you think it can't be real, what's going on on, or you just try to use humor to deal with it, to walk out so cold. outside the house lodge, palms are working constantly. day and night. gemini has mobilized volunteers from civil protection services, but it's a race against the clock. and the water displays, we are protecting the village with our pumping capacities. we have 2 high capacity pumping modules here. um, each of these pumps can come 5000 liters per minute and retry to bring the water away from the houses so that the small channel which is now a big lake, re notarize more so that the village and um, the people in the house is not get too much flooding. the whole village is involved . neighbors are sharing palms. but there is
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a common fear. if the dyke are on to and breaks, most of the houses will be flooded. the problem is the water is standing here much too long for this dikes. it's for short term, but it's now nearly 2 weeks. um we have special people who will um, check uh the strong this off the dykes and um if they get weak or if they are small holes, we try to um, fix them. and um, to support the dyke that it would still stay in strong millions of some bags have been distributed in the flat areas to protect settlements and ducks. help is even coming from friends. friend, civil security workers traveled 1200 kilometers from the south of paris to control the situation. it's part of the use corporation system for disaster response. one of them is due to be energy, broad experience,
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and some special materials to the flooded area at all pool noon was i don't want to study. we will build a barrier which you can see here and come boss because barry will be filled with water and will be one meter high. due to the idea is to build a mobile geico, which will be 650 meters long to prevent the water behind us on the from flooding. the village has to just put it up the value of the day to and is relying on the team of experts doing everything they can to save it. but it's heavily dependent on the weather forecast to which is finally predicting a couple of dried days after weeks of rain. or is there a mind to now without tom story, the so called islamics, dietary groups is eat carry dot explosions that killed thousands of people in solving you. ron, at the memorial 2 and assess the night of the senior combined. iran supreme leader has promised haas response after short,
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short to break business. beyond is off next debt going. the world in progress as tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w cost cost. are you ready to get a little more extreme these places in europe of smashing over just.


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