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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 9:00am-9:30am CET

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the, the, the, the, the news live from button in israel's defense minister lies active vision for a post. how mosque gaza strip? you'll have, god says palestinians will be in charge after her mast is defeated. and he says that would be know is really specialist in the territory also on the program rescue crews in japan and keep up the search for some 5 of the devastating new year's day of quite the chances of finding people alive off bite goals in germany, struggles with days of flooding that could get was this flood virus threatened to collapse? know that your shipment's in space of cold snap temperatures as low as minus 40 degree celsius and heavy snow in life. the menu is too expensive.
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the fuel gaol, welcome to the program. israel's defense minister has outlined a plan for the gaza strip of glance. as hayes country has no plans to bring his baby settlers into gaza. he added that once how masters, defeated, he believes palestinians would be in charge of the territory. how mazda is considered a terrorist group by many countries. meanwhile, thousands turned out to him by roads for the funeral of the homeless commander who was assassinated that earlier this week. morning as learning to the streets pay rate for the how much number to the seller of a killed by the pound is riley driving strike as well, has not claimed responsibility for the attack. but nonetheless,
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a movie is the most senior. i am asked me to be killed since estimators began on october 7th, the assassination his rates fee is that the conflict could escalate as well as even preparing for that possibility staging, ami drills and the golden heights bordering with them and on in the north. today we had to drill a pair of north with the army corps and the infantry preparing such an event that if we would need to enter such engagements with kids by law, then we would make sure that we would come up on top. meanwhile, in the west bank is right, the forces remain and then your shopping is refugee camp. funding over night trades 29 people. the arrested in the operation and the army say is discovered at large cache of weapons being held to you and run kindergarten. inside this loud speaker, we found a powerful explosive of the cables led to this explosive,
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which was hidden behind to cotton and in gaza as well continue just bombardment of the city of han, eunice. the international red crescent size. it's causing the headquarters was damaged by shelling, gases, how much one house ministry said one of 16 people were killed in the attacks and pushing the number of the dead to oh, nice to 22 and a half 1000. what since october 7, i'm hoping it could be the prime minister told the visiting us center to that is why i would stay the course of the word absolutely committed to achieving our war games that is destroying o goals destroyed from us, releasing our hostages, making sure because it doesn't become afraid again and for that will apply maximum power with maximal precision that we were that's needed us secretary of state
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antony blinking is about to make another visit to the region in the attempt to lower the temperature. it is a no one's interest, not israel's, not the regions, not the world's, for this conflict to spread beyond gaza. it was a humanitarian situation in gaza, deteriorating the world can only watch and hope that doesn't happen. let's get most of my correspondents, tanya kramer, who's following events from give you some welcome time you will come to the secretary brinkman's in a moment. first, i took a survey, as well as the host will find the casa outlines yesterday by the defense minister. it's right to your color and uh it was defense minister outlined a plan, but his office dress that this is his personal vision. this would have still to be a policy through the smaller war. copying that and to the why to secure to cabinet, to become then an official document. so you'll have to go on the details of what he
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thinks would be best uh to go a full vote. he said in general, that will continue until old is really hostages. that are remaining in gaza will be released and until uh, it's around the house, dismantled or governing and military or capabilities of thomas. but you've been also into details saying that there will be a face a, the next stage of the war saying that will be a new a come, but approach. apparently he means more targeted approach in the north. and there he's speaking only about the north because it's relative snow focusing also its operations on the south in the gaza strip mainly. and he also told a results, however, i have to say detecting. but this new military approach actually entails how it would be different from the current approach. and he talked about the postwar garza plans. he said that a local palestinian entities would
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a govern the civilian affairs of causes. but it's also very unspecified who the means of by that you didn't took at least about the palestinian, the t this it seems. and you also said that would be no civilian presents is rarely civilian presents and gossip. yeah, let's talk about about a notice that was in guns i after this war as is that the official is riley policy . no, i don't see the can took about an official is ready policy yet when it comes to post war does the again you'll have kind of the defense minister outlined that he doesn't see a civilian presence in gaza like you referring to the possibility that is where the settlers would be reset with there, but we have heard from the far a several the far right ministers in the cabinet, mainly the finance minister finance minister, a bit so that smote rich as saying that he wants to see is really surplus. going
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back to garza as well, have been with settlements in a garza and 2 up to 2005. and also have you heard from others that they would encourage as they put it, palestinians to leads, basically to push out palestinians uh from uh, gaza. so as we looked at this plan to new york, garland its not a very detailed yet, for example, we don't see whether, you know, when public students would be allowed to go back to the north where they should go back to many are made homeless and of course is also the question who would be rebuilt, garza who will be putting the bill for that sites. okay, so and then a brief web then about the visit of the us secretary of state. what can we achieve on this 4th visit to the middle east since sometime of december? what from, what do we understand the us secretary entered the blinking of for him again. also
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the future of cause of the postwar calls will be certainly also be on the agenda. but a res, seem to us pushing for a less intensive award. a to go into a different phase. the more targeted a pro, despite that is really military and also to pull some more age going into gaza and to protect civilians given the high desktop among the civilian population. and of course the displacement that has been happening there in the past 3 months with over 85 percent of the people having been multiple time displaced according to the united nations. so i think this would be also very high on the agenda. thank you for that time in time to try man injurious and take a look at some more of the stories making news around the world. now. the so called islamic states, asp calgary, that'd be attack that killed him more than 18 people as a settlement in iran. on wednesday to to august the 2 explosions targeted commemorations for revolutionary god, commander and will cassim southern monte,
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was assassinated by us traveling 2020 south africa, an athlete. i'll skip the story as has been released from prison on a roll. will hardly say he's now at home before him and then pick about a house, a 99 years of a 13 year sentence, the mode of his girlfriend, kelly and subsequent trial drew worldwide attention to japan. and 4 days after the major us quite that they got countries west with ours is, are in the race against time to locate survivors. among the $240.00 people, i believe still to be missing. the death dulls that present to 90 to the west coast line with west affected by the $7.00 magnitude event which flattened in time neighborhoods and damaged infrastructure. large area of land was flooded by this phenomena, triggered by the quite depends government as a mocked around 30000000 bureaus with
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a to support effective communities. correspond to james chase. i gave me an update on the situation in which email one of the worst affected dance as well, where i'm currently standing is outside what used to be would seem is morning market. this used to be a really key parts of the, the city or where the buffering costs of the city. in almost every direction i can see now that is complete devastation. the reason why the devastation was sorry about it, this particular location is totally off the crate. struck here, there was a fire that ripped through much of the buildings and the, the around me. the reason i'm wearing a hard time is because the weather was. so today's been pretty bad, very strong winds and strong rain as well. and because this, i want to lose stay bree on the buildings, a lot of it has been falling off and blowing into the road. as you mentioned, such and rescue operations are. i'm going that's one taking place about a 100 meters in front of us just to bar. gentleman is still looking for his wife,
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who was we believe traps under the rubble and the building just in front of us 3 days ago. but still no signs of a police officer looking for about 2 hours just now and they can find so the devastation we see behind you looks absolute, where have people been moved to? and what is, is that applying for them to return to their homes as well in the immediate, often mazda of the, as creek, where most people have been relocated to his medical sense is within which he missed it itself and other medical facilities. some people are and then hospitals as well. um the bigger question really is in the long time where these people can return to your in, in what team are there. so many homes that have been destroyed, people are feeling very bored at the moment. i'm not really sure what the future holds in comparison to a point of comparison, which might be a good use for once. a drill on. here's the off of the 2011 of quake in which tens of thousands of people died in japan. some people were relocated to government pre provided facilities, but then ended up being in those houses for many years. waltz homes were rebuilt
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for them, but those in the temporary homes, one of necessary, the best quality. if you look at the level of destruction hit well though, the death sold hasn't been as high as the creek in 2011. you can imagine that it's going to be months if know years before this city, which email returns to any semblance of normality and a quick was about as an international. a japan has said that a bologna, acceptance and natural aid from the united states. why is that? we also have question to a police officer just a moment ago, and he was a little bit confused as well. um, he said that, you know, if, if countries are willing to offer aid, they should be accepting a wherever. it comes from the line key. reason is that the level of cooperation and communication between the japan and the us is already pretty strong. there are some 50000 us posts now, but if your personal stationed in japan, and so the level of kind of collaboration that already exists is probably quite high. i mean, points and contacts again, areas of this,
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this region is very remote and it's difficult to kinda coordinate, different emergency response teams coming to this area. and that's probably why they've elected to just go with the, with the, in a sense with what they know, fox about james, that database, james chase, that in japan to go to bangladesh, which is getting out full parliamentary elections this weekend with prime minister . shake a scene and almost a short of a 5th time. the main opposition positive being pay is fully costing the vote and cooling on the problem is that to step down, since this will leave voters with little choice, how many will actually turn out? the w is a bad ahmed reports from back in the capital tucker the streets of fields with bolsters of their voting body and dinner lies as parliamentary elections approaching bung with dish. the main opposition, the bung with the nationalist party
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b and b is boy cutting the elections and demanding prime minister fee. cuz he knows resignation. senior to be in be leaders including moines. con, are urging boulders to abstain from voting. we do not want to legitimize this illegal, fussy, go, and call, make a collection of our music. that is, the whole point of yesterday. we are always prepared to take part in good winfrey, fair bodies, some projection and be made to ski a gate. and then they get 5 minutes of frequency. now he seeking a 4th consecutive to a party alarm. unique has been running the government since 2009. our former advisor most showed up on reject the b and b's criticism and leads the part of leadership for their absence from bower. the other thing i would say is, when was the last i been b one index. if it by d does not by to simply the direction for tree close, it could be working,
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people tend to forget that and they do not have the cable leadership. no, they do not have a credible policy. we'd be out of the few remaining parties, both no trip to the alarm league, the stay you said for long with this is while i'm into the election, but with the main opposition athens. the challenge for one with this election coming soon ends fake as soon as ultimately 5 days to inspire the sounding voter turnout on election day. although the opposition has already rejected this election for those willing parties, legitimacy and acceptance of the selection isn't seal. it depends on how many people show up at the polling stations on january 7th. but many voters like the one to bite is some fees without any opposition. it's no longer a democratic election,
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but a selection offered participation by the opposition. that is a must otherwise, it is not a democratic election. if the opposition does not take part in the election, there was no need for both the former and election commissioner shackle out to saying it goes to sentiments, emphasizing the need for us to contest for meaningful parties. measure the fact that we're doing all trying to say that people are part of severe as a war type part as words induced parts of it. no, it's not unless the contest between bodies, unless it is it is, it is participatory in, in, in that sense. uh and uh you have multiple r d participation. then the water turned off the list below where you try the exam. so it's both the mobilization campaign on searching into legal about just how many obama patients, 119000000 voters they can use to go to the pool result from
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isabel met, who joins us not from the bank that actually capital back. welcome to the bank. i'm so we have the band pay representative describe the election that's illegal and the faucet goal. why? of the of the b n b. not only just white vault at this election. they are basically asking the voters, they're arguing them not to go to the folding stations on sunday. uh and also they have called us a call to 48 hours strike and uh to strike, to uh, to, to access it as, as a means of non cooperation with the government. so basically they say that this election, this is already decided because they are not taking part into this and a while, they allow me to leave the government this part to you. they are saying that there
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are doing that 60 percent of the copies that are registered through the election commission. they are already into this election. so it's a, it's a, it's a progress report election, but uh, being to be safe if they are not taking part or their lives in know, taking part, it's not a part disability because b, n b in albany. this here at the highest uh for the uh, the support environment this. so that's why they say this is, we don't them, this is not the to participatory election. and so given that bad boy account, um, but what we options go ahead, can they be described as credible uh, well, uh, steam bangladesh, like since 2014 the elections, the parliamentary elections are being held under the ruling party before that it was uh, basically there was an interim government. okay. i think a government for a few elections, but it was a withheld under the entered and government of the get take
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a government who with in, in the, in the, in the game to just pull the election in and just hand over the power to the next government that elected government, but since 2014, the elections are being held by the intern goldman, so in, in 2014 already uh, the allow me to closing foller. so being people, i quoted that the election in 2014 just to just as, as, as a mean of non cooperation they didn't, they, they said there is a lack of fitness. and then in 2018 that they've actually to part and they lost it and they said there was a huge rigging. so they said that this time around, they are not going to take part in this election because under this government, official election is not possible. and uh they, they, they, they are, they demanded for the resignation of the prime minister, say casino, and also informing cit. didn't goldman to hold this election, which the ruling party tonight and eventually the so that's thanks for that as
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a bit. i'm at into the german chancellor alas shelves as visited as of northern germany hit by floods, waves of right and rising flood waters of left dikes at risk of collapse. one village is baffling. the waters with the help of french specialist plot forces as far as the i can see at this small village of tools and in germany, smoke rising waters have been collecting for nearly 2 weeks, perhaps ending to get into house this time you have or to speak to the sales may dyke to protect to home. now is it a suspicion but it was really depressing. body 1st, there was the danger of flood waters from behind. now because of the ground water, we also have a threat from the other side. you think it can't be real? what's going on on it? you just tried to use humor to deal with it and we went to walk out so cold outside
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the house, launch palms of work and constantly, day and night. gemini has mobilized volunteers from civil protective services, but it's a race against the clock. and the water displays, we are protecting the village with our pumping capacities. we have 2 high capacity pumping modules here. um each of this pump skin problem, 5000 liters per minute. and retry to bring the water away from the houses so that the small channel which is now a big lake, re notarize more so that um the village and the people in the house is not get too much flooding. the whole village is involved. neighbors are sharing palms, but there is a common fear. if the dyke are on to and breaks, most of the houses will be flooded. of the millions of sand banks have been distributed in the flathead areas to protect the settlements and ducks.
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help is even coming from france. french civil security workers travelled 1200 kilometers from the south of paris to control the situation. it's part of the use corporation system for disaster response to and is relying on the team of experts doing everything they can to save it. but it's heavily dependent on the weather forecast to which is finally predicting a couple of dry days after weeks of rain. let's take you to low science event and we can join the dw reporter who's in the town of 7, or welcome a yoshika. what's the situation? i'm the bangs of the river. i le, here in the rural district of seller. and this is normally a medium sized stream you have to know, but it has become a large river,
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even building a delta with a lot of water and going over kilometers. and you can see right behind me that there are streets fields, farms and villages flooded by the water. and the water level is still very high and this region it remains on the highest low to level the region. but we have to say that there is some good news as there is dry and cold of weather predicted for the weekend. so the situation is still tends for the people because of what the water is in their basements, india gardens on the fields. but there are some dryer days ahead and this must be a relief for a lot of people after 2 weeks of the heavy rightful. just pick up on the, about 5 of the point that so lots of flooding as i just took us to big the extent of the damage as well. uh, the damage and uh, the cost us to like, literally i'm the water. we have to say
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a once the water will the gun, we can see a bit cleared right here, but it's already cleared that the cost of this catastrophe will be, will over a $1000000000.00 in the end. and this is just an estimation, obviously, particularly hard to hit all the psalm is because the harvest might be already loss of to 2 weeks of standing voltage on their fields. and that means that there will be a lot of cost of damage for, for them. but as will the villages in the towns of this area, lo, real sex and the northern jeremy, they are a lot of people that hit hard. and there's also a already a political discussion about the costs of this catastrophe as the region. so the bonus lend calling the federal government for health and trying to to share the costs of this catastrophe. okay, so, so that's uh yes. got you. oscar vibe. i
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will say with the weather because freezing temperatures and gale force winds have swept across northern europe, finland and swain have suffered widespread power outages with no full traffic motorist on highways for hours. one bus you don't want to be on stranded amid traffic chaos. rescue crews working away. but no end in sight that followed a night. that's all motorist caught in traffic jams trapped inside their vehicles by the cold southern fatality toilet small. i've been waiting here for 12, almost 13 hours, so i know how this works now and, and the following mercury also knocked out power to thousands of homes in northern sweden. let me take your time book. i saw on my alarm clock that the power went out at 4 in the morning to you if you'd like. what did you do then? no, i went up to see how cold it was and it was 38 below. so i fired up the stove. what
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about that to go? but i like ok them xtreme, cold and snow have also hit neighboring countries, and things are set to get worse before they get better. media or ologist are forecasting even colder temperatures. the rest of the week. boy in america is enjoying new found fame after achieving what no one else has done before. he's beaten a classic video game. catch this intend of version of the game is 1st published 40 years ago, previously been described as on feasible days until we really gibson seen here is still was oklahoma. maybe to what game is called the co screen. the senior overlays and say, kind of feel his fingers estimate about history, making performance. the good things to say he's pretty pleased about that
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dw offer. got 8 next. i'll be back at the top of a good day. the
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business, the new will tell you the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d, w. a religious community refuses to be swept up finally done. in the house of america is present as essentially as hold nice
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thing of the young people face a time of exploration and decision making. will they embrace the heritage to step into the modem? so the, on this in 45 minutes on the w, a manuals engine, you belong to the 77 percent to cancel. i just got on 65 full was while all those top 5. and here's one thing we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics, i'm much it to you from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together,
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nicholas talks about community life on the research is now on the business date of the news africa coming up on a program as a new yet again, let's recap some highlights from the concept. from a i n i j. we asked if you don't want speech in to 1000 the we've selected the best of all 3 of its stories from the data. vineyards, africa, we have found the confidence lead us on the voices of those who are struggling to make ends meet. stay tuned for all that and much more coming out for dw use after the .


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