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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. israel's defense minister said, lays out his vision for a post to mazda gaza strip. you'll have the lock says the palestinians would be in charge after from last is defeated. and he says that there will be no, it's really settlers in the territory. also coming up, rescue cruise in japan, keep up the search for survivors of the devastating new york state earthquake. but the chances of finding people alive are fading: ads north and south korea exchange or tilbury fire and drills near disputed island . what's behind this latest incident,
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the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. israel's defense minister has outlined his post to most plan for the gaza strip. you'll have kalonde says that he envisioned no is really settlers moving into the territory. he went on to say that once a mazda is defeated, he believes palestinians would be in charge there. a mazda is considered a terrorist group by many countries. meanwhile, thousands turned out in bay route for the funeral of the mosque commander who was assassinated there this week. moon is learning the streets pay rate for the how much number to the seller of a killed by the pound is riley driving strike of israel has not claimed responsibility for the attack, but nonetheless movie is the most senior. i'm asked me to be killed since social
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security is began on october 7th. the assassination has rates here, so the conflict could escalate, as well as even preparing for that possibility staging, ami drills and the golden heights bordering that have been on in the north. today we had to drill a pair up north with the army corps and the infantry preparing such an event that if we would need to enter such engagements with kids by then we would make sure that we would come up on top. meanwhile, in the west bank is ready for us is remain in the new shipments refugee camp funding over night trades 29 people. the arrested in the operation. and the army say is it discovered at large cache of weapons being held it to you and run kindergarten. inside this loud speaker, we found a powerful explosive of the cables led to this explosive,
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which was hidden behind to cotton and in gaza as well continue just bombardment of the city of han, eunice. the international red crescent size. it's causing the headquarters was damaged by shedding gases, how much one house ministry said one of 16 people were killed in the attacks. pushing the number of the dead to all nice to 22 and a half 1000. since up to 7. i'm hoping that can be the prime minister, told the visiting us senator, that is why i would stay the course were absolutely committed to achieving our war games that is destroying all goals destroyed from us, releasing our hostages, making sure because it doesn't become afraid again and for that will apply maximum power with maximal precision that we were that's needed us secretary of state antony blinking is about to make another visit to the region in the attempt to
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lower the temperature. it is a no one's interest, not israel's, not the regions, not the world's, for this conflict to spread beyond gaza, with the humanitarian situation in gaza, deteriorating the world can only watch and hope that that doesn't happen. and dw is tonya kramer is following events from jerusalem. i asked her for more on the defense ministers, postwar plan for gaza. yes, york go on to the defense minister, has presented his vision for what a post war cause i could look like that. but his office trust, again this would half is not official policy yet. this would have to go, of course, uh uh, through the smaller war, copying that and through the wide is secure to cabinet to become a policy. so he said that basically the war would continue until the old, the remaining is where the hostages are released. that are still in garza. and
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until um, old military and governing capabilities of her mouth would be eliminated. but then he went more into detail, talking about the north of gauze, a 1000000 in military terms, saying that this uh, there would be a new com but approach mainly it ground and especially operations. it's not quite clear what this entails, how much it will be different from what we're seeing right now, but, of course, uh, the focus right now, it's not just in the north of casa of this world, but also mainly now in the south. you'll so talked about a post more dos, are the cheap ones to see a local published engines running a guy. so he didn't specify which entities he's talking about. and he also said that there would be no, is rarely civilian presents basically no, a settlements in gaza. and on that particular point, tanya,
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i'd just like to ask you because you know, cannot be believed. the fact that he says there will be no civilian presence in gaza because that's at odds with other members of the cabinet. well, i think it's too early to tell because uh, there is no official plan yet. uh that you know, uh from the, uh, is really government. they are holding a meetings about that and be heard at least 2 of the ministers of the far right of finance minister a bit. so let's move which for example, he talked about that he wants to see is where the settlers returning to gaza. he also heard a similar comments from you to him up and we're the minister for a fall right minister for the national security. they also went as far as saying that they would like to see post students encouraged as they put it to move out from gaza. and this is of course with many palestinians uh, uh,
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sharing uh that they are in the long term. uh, that is what i was trying to push them out of kaiser altogether. and that was tanya kramer reporting from jerusalem for days after a major earthquake rock japan authorities are in a race against time to locate survivors. among the $222.00 people believed still to be missing. the death toll has now risen to at least 90 for japan's western coastline was worst effected by the $7.00 magnitude event, which flattened entire neighborhoods and damaged infrastructure. a large area of land was flooded by the sea. nami, triggered by the earthquake. japan's government has been remarked around 30000000 euros worth of aid to support communities affected. c. w correspond to james tater gave us this update on the situation in what dba? one of the worst effected areas. some of the nights in watching,
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there are another night where people, whose homes have been destroyed, staying in shelters like this. this building behind me was initially a medical sensor which was transformed into a shelter. the survivors of the south quake in the day since that it happened to be supposed to the manager of this shelter a few moments ago. and she told us that some $700.00 people, mostly watching me, residents are currently staying in this facility and that she expects them to be staying here for at least another 2, possibly 3 months while recovery efforts continue with not really is the question. now people are posing as we approach that week mark. since the quake struck us empty, where people and how long it's going to be, before people can return home on the somewhere else, point of comparison to make it would be on the 2011 off quake. when people were sometimes homeless for years, placed with decades following the crate because homes can be rebuilt quickly enough
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. and that really is a concern here as well. that's this, the city will see more people move away. we'll see recovery efforts low and that people wouldn't be able to return through the homes in watching my that stood before the south quake. south korea has ordered residence of 2 border islands to seek shelter after north korea fired a barrage of artillery shells into the sea. the south said that there were no military or civilian casualties and that it had also carried out its own trails in the area. accusing the north of threatening peace. the young gang said that it's naval life. fire exercises had no impact on the islands, and that it was acting in response to propagation from its neighbor. the journalist frank smith joins us now from sol, so these tension is already very high between north and south korea. how serious is this latest incident? well, certainly it is
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a new thing for the military is so true in the us and in north korea to be conducting military exercises launching artillery shells right in the same area. not really sure that's happened before, but we need to look at this a kind of in context, the last 18 months on the korean peninsula. since the election of, of president use, so killed in the south has seen an escalation of tension. north korea launched a record number of missiles over that span. we're talking about summary launch, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. so looking at this class today, i think, i think we need to, to put that into context. certainly it is a new sort of concerning development. again, to see these drills take place. okay,
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apologies there to our viewers and to frank smith, we have some issues there with the audio. so we're gonna try and reestablish the line there. and in the meantime, move on to some other news because the opposition party leaders in bangladesh are calling for general strikes ahead of parliamentary elections on sunday, saying they will not be fair. critics of the current prime minister shake has seen a say that her government will not allow free and inclusive loading across the country. she's accused of repressing the opposition through her security measures. her opponents are calling on folders to boycott the election and are demanding, has seen his resignation. south africa nationally, the oscar for the story is, has been released from prison on parole. the former olympic runner has served 9 years of a 13 year sentence for the murder of his girlfriend to the model. we've a steve camp authority said that he left prison in pretoria and is now at home as
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a killing and subsequent trial. true worldwide attention. prior to the incident, the story has had been a national hero as a paralympic champion, and the 1st w m. f t to compete in the olympics. and dw is diane hawker is in johannesburg and told me about the reaction from the family of the victim. rivers seem definitely an extremely emotional day, particularly full reba skin comes mother who is her surviving parent, a father berries. the income passed away in september last year and june did come put out the statement this morning saying that, you know, today is a reminder of everything that happened and said, as a reminder of her daughters passing. she also pointed out that it's been very difficult for her to leave because of the public attention that has been given to
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this matter. although she's also, you know, the st. the, the various people, close family members, friends and ordinary south africans and people around the world who have shown the family support. at the time of the, of the, of the murder. there was an outpouring of support for the student come family and that continued throughout this process of, of parole. i'm up until today because i and hawker and johannesburg, germany's armed forces are being deployed for relief efforts in the state of saxony on halt as weeks of rain and rising flood waters have left dikes at risk of collapse. forecasts promise relief over the next few days. but more rain is still expected in parts of the country. several regents in germany have been struggling with floods for about 2 weeks now. chancel, all actual visited some flooded areas earlier on thursday, promising support in fighting the floods in some parts of central and southern
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england are also experiencing widespread flooding. heavy rainfall has been adding to severe damage done to homes and infrastructure by storm hank. earlier this week, hundreds of homes have been evacuated. entire villages rose and train tracks remain submerged in water, causing ongoing travel chaos. there are over $300.00 flood warnings still in place for parts of england and wells. experts say that the impact of river flooding and remaining surface water is quite significant for its precedence and manual mccomb has led a safe funeral in paris for the late chuck, the law. the man who has been called the architect of the modern e. u. as the european commission president from 1985 to 1995, his 10 year saw the foundations laid for european economic and monetary helium. see that led to the introduction of the single currency? the euro. member states also remove barriers to the free movement of goods,
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services and people to law died on december 27th. at the age of 98. you're watching data, your new stay with us rad. up next, looking at how and i conic car helps a trans women on her journey of self discovery. the so you don't think and feel the same way you expect and want different things from life and your parent. i just want to pursue what that's nice on fire or you think your kid is 2 different risky, irresponsible.


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