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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. israel's defense minister lays out his vision for a post from oscar, has a strip. you'll have colanda says the palestinians would be in charge after him off is seated. and he says there would be no is really settlers in the territory also coming up childs paralympic athletes. oscar the story is released on parole. a south africans printer serves nearly 9 years of a 13 year sentence for the murder of his girlfriend, previous teen cap. and bangladesh hears up for elections with no meaningful opposition on the ballot. so voters see any reason to take part the
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. i'm sarah kelly. welcome to the program. israel's defense minister has outlined his plans for gaza once as real, finishes its war against him. aust, which carried out the deadly terror attack and israel's history. on october 7th, you'll have kalonde said that he envisioned no. is really settlers moving into the territory. kalonde said that because a residents are pulse to me and therefore palestinian bodies will be in charge with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against the state of as well. cdw is tonya kramer is following events from jerusalem. and i asked her for more on the defense ministers, postwar plan for gaza. yes, you go on to the defense minister has presented his vision for what?
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a post 4 dollars a quick look like that, but his office trust, again, this would half is not official policy yet. this would have to go, of course, uh uh, through the smaller war, copying that and through the why to secure to cabinet, to become a policy. so he said that basically the war would continue until the old, the remaining is where the hostages are released. that are still in garza and until um, old military and governing capabilities of from us would be eliminated. but then he went more into detail talking about the north of cause a 1000000 in military terms saying that this uh, that would be a new com. but approach mainly is ground and especially operations. it's not quite clear what this entails, how much it will be different from what we're seeing right now. but, of course, uh, the, the focus right now is not just the north of casa of this world,
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but also mainly now and in the south. he also talked about a post more da, said that she wants to see a local public opinions of funding a guy. so he didn't specify which entities he's a talking about. and he also said that there would be no, is rarely civilian presents, basically no, a settlements in gaza. and on that particular point, tanya, i'd just like to ask you because, you know, can that be believed? the fact that he says there will be no civilian presence in gaza because that's at odds with other members of the cabinet of the well, i think it's too early to tell because uh, there is no official plan yet. uh that you know, uh from the, uh is where the government they are holding uh meetings about that and be heard uh uh at least 2 of the ministers of the far right of finance minister a bit. so let's move which for example, he talked about that he wants to see is where the settlers returning to gaza. he
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also heard a similar comments from you to him. i've been with the minister for a far right minister for the national security. they also went as far as saying that they would like to see postings encouraged as they put it to move out from gaza. and this is of course with many palestinians of sharing that they are in the long term. that is what i was trying to push them out of carousal altogether. and that was tanya kramer reporting from jerusalem south africa and ashley's oscar for story as has been released from prison on parole. the former olympic and paralympic runner has served nearly 9 years of a 13 year sentence for the murder of his girlfriend, the model we've a scene cap. hello, key exit for a paralympic star turn. murder. oscar per story is,
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is released from this prison near pretoria. was largely kept away from the media spotlight. the story is banned from speaking to the press until the end of his parole, it expires in december 2029. until then he faces restrictions on when he can leave his home. his doris must also attend classes on anger, management, and violence against women. a breach of these conditions could land him behind bars again. of the story is was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, reverse dean camp on valentine's day, 2013. he shot her 4 times through a bathroom door and his home. his story is claimed he missed, took steam count for a burglar, but prosecutor say he killed her with intent during an argument. members before the murder, the former athlete and double s u t was a national hero nickname the blade runner for his prosthetic legs. the story is
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overcame a condition he was born with to become a champion sprinter. now after serving 9 years of a 13 year sentence, the disgrace paralympic man is living here with his uncle, according to local media, in a statement ahead of his release, revisiting camp. some others said that she accepted the court's decision, but that there can never be justice. she added, quote, we who remained behind are the ones serving a life sentence. and the debby is diane hawker, as in johannesburg, telling me more about the reaction from steam camps. family a. this is the name, excuse me, emotional day, particularly full reba skin comes mother who is her surviving parent. i saw the various, the income passed away in september last year and june skid. come put out the statement this morning saying that, you know, today is
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a reminder of everything that happened and said as a reminder of her daughters passing. she also pointed out that it's been very difficult for her to leave because of the public attention that has been given to this matter. although she's also, you know, the st. the, the various people, close family members, friends and ordinary south africans and people around the world who have shown the family support. at the time of the, of the, of the murder. there was an outpouring of support for the student from family and that continued throughout this process of, of parole. and up until today that was diane hawker in johannesburg. here are some other stories making news. a mass of fire has broken out an industrial complex in the us state of new jersey. no injuries have been reported. the blazes thought to have be gone in a warehouse though the exact causes under investigation. south korea's defense
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ministry says that north korea fired more than 200 artillery shells near disputed border islands, controlled by the south. fed loved the south to evacuate residents to bomb shelters, and carry out live fire drills on the island sole said that there were no military or civilian casualties. germany's town, so all off schultz has visited areas in the north of the country, effective by floods, weeks of rain and rising flood waters have left dikes at risk of collapse. response teams have received support from french specialists in trying to contain the situation its 4 days after a major earthquake rock japan authorities are in a race against time to locate survivors. among the $222.00 people believed still to be missing. the death toll has no risen to at least 90 for japan's western coastline was worst effected by the $7.00 magnitude event,
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which flattened entire neighborhoods and damaged infrastructure. a large area of land was flooded by the tsunami, triggering the earthquake. japan's government has gear marked around 30000000 bureaus worth of aid to support communities effective. he w correspondence. james taylor gave us an update on the situation and what email, one of the worst affected areas as well where i'm currently standing is outside what used to be would seem is morning market. this used to be a really key parts of the the city already buffering costs of the city. in almost every direction i can see now that is complete devastation. the reason why the devastation was sorry about it. this particular location is totally off the crate. struck here, there was a fire that ripped through much of the buildings and the, the around me. the reason i'm running a halt is because the weather was so today's been pretty bad, very strong winds and strong rain as well. and because this i want to lose stay
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bree on the buildings, a lot of it has been falling off and blowing into the road in which he moved. there's so many homes that have been destroyed, people are feeling very bored at the moment. i'm not really sure what the future holds in comparison to a point of comparison, which might be a good use for once. a drill on. here's the off of the 2011 of quake in which tens of thousands of people died in japan. some people were relocated to government pre provided facilities, but then ended up being in those houses for many years. waltz homes were rebuilt for them, but those in the temporary homes, one of necessary, the best quality. if you look at the level of destruction hit well though, the death sold hasn't been as high as the creek in 2011. you can imagine that it's going to be months if know years before this city, which email returns to any semblance of normality and bangladesh is gearing up for parliamentary elections this weekend. with prime minister shakes, sienna, almost assured, a 5th term. but the main opposition party,
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the b m p is boycotting the vote. and calling on the prime minister to step down. since this will be voters with little choice, how many will bother to turn out what data use they'll? they're awesome. it reports of the in the capital talk, the streets are filled with bolsters of the routing party and dinner lies as parliamentary elections and proceed bung with dish. the main opposition, the bung with the nationalist party b and b is boy including the elections and demanding prime minister fee because he knows resignation. senior being deleted as including moines con. are urging boulders to abstain from voting. we do not want to legitimize this illegal, fussy, go, and call, make a election of i'll make that is the whole point on yesterday. we are always prepared to take part in getting winfree fair and parties of g election and be made
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to ski a gate, and then they get 5 minutes of fi casino. he's seeking a 4th consecutive to a party alarm. unique has been running the government since 2009 our former adviser most showed up on reject the b and b's criticism and leads the part is leadership for their absence from ball or. the other thing i would say is, when was the last i been be 180. if your body does not participate in the direction for 3 close, it could be working says people tend to forget that. and they do not have the credible leader should know they do not have a credible policy. we'd be out of the very few remaining parties, those notes for it to the allow me like the stay you said, for barn with this is while i'm into the election,
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but with the main opposition athens, the challenge for fun with is just election coming soon and take us in those only 5 days to inspire the sounding board to turn out on election day. although the opposition has already rejected this election for those willing parties. the lady, tennessee, and acceptance of this election isn't really depends on how many people show up at the polling stations on january 7th. but many voters like the ones who, by this dumb feed, without any opposition, it's no longer a democratic election. but a selection over for participation by the opposition is a must otherwise it is not a democratic election. if the opposition does not take part in the election, there is no need for both the is the former election commissioner shuck a lot to saying that it goes to the sentiments emphasizing the need for us to contest for meaningful parties measure the fact that we're doing now trying to say that people are part of severe as a war type part as words induced parts of it. no,
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it's not on list of the contrast between parties unless it is it is, it is participatory in, in, in that sense. uh and uh you have multiple or the participation, then the border turn off the list below where you try the exam. so each voter mobilization campaign on. so did it legal about just how many obama patients, 190000000 voters begin to go to the pool. and finally from the world of n b, a basketball, a buzzer beater that stole the show. and the game in san francisco near la your kid, had a night to remember against the golden state warriors. first, he helped his denver side drawled level and the closing moments of the match. and with less than a 2nd left on the game clock, he wasted a shot from a long, long range. and it went in giving denver a much celebrated victory that you're up to date here and data meetings. thank
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you so much for watching. coming up next. it is doc film. stay with us. the last name is the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold a bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called com. so hold back.


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