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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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just got the news which we ashore their own political take anyhow, and the latest pulse kind of on the line that i mean a 40 percent or 35 percent. no, i have to correct myself a 3rd of all americans of all americans and not a trump supporters think that the storm of the capital for years ago was initiated by the f b. i that tells to how much news, how much truth, how much facts really matter in this political discourse right now here in the united states. and zooming out a bit from today's age biden's approval ratings are close to an all time low. what can you do to win over voters that are unimpressed with his 1st term in office and who maybe think that january 6th won't repeat itself and is nothing to be concerned about. i think is one of his biggest challenges really will
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be to convince those who turned away from him who won't go vote at all the saw the young border. so very disappointed with this policy regarding isabel and the conflict and the war in gaza. and these are also many arab americans for the same reasons, but then we have also the plague water switch traditionally a very important a for the democratic party because they're also disappointed and of what uh joe biden really could do for this vodo body. and then of course, um, there are many, many, my friends from all different kinds of countries will also disappoint a pointed that a job. i didn't, couldn't i kind of follow up all the promises he make made, you know, but um, nicole, we have to keep in mind. it's another 10 years, 10 years. it's another 10 months before the election lot couldn't happen. we shall
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see what happens. it was all the trials a donald trump is facing and then we also shall see how people resonate with the hateful rhetoric of donald trump. the joe biden was also quoting that when he says that the blood of america is poisoned by my friends. so this could uh, change the political discourse here in the country, but i agree with the assumption of your question. it is a tricky part of a joe biden has chosen by focusing so much, much on donald trump, at least at the beginning of this election year. exactly, it's only the beginning, it's a long road ahead. thank you so much. and as we're kicking this campaign off with us today, that was the most pull. our washington bureau, t of israel's defense minister,
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has to outlined his plans for a gauze after israel finishes its war against thomas, which carried out the deadly as terra, talking israel's history. on october 7th of last year, you'll have kalonde said that he envisioned no is really settler is moving into cause or he said once i'm off is defeated, he believes palestinians would be in charge. there was look at israel's plans and how they might be received. israel's defense minister, you have got a lot on tour with soldiers. he says the war has entered a new phase is real as drawing down its troops in northern gaza and will concentrate on targeted operations there while continuing to pursue hamas leaders in the south. he also gave his version of a post war scenario. guidelines said guys are residents are palestinian, therefore palestinian bodies will be in charge with the condition that there will be no hostile actions or threats against the state of israel. this wording has not
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been adopted by israel's cabinet, which is still divided over post war plans. ahead of a trip to the region, german foreign minister and elaina bab box called for mutual security between israelis and palestinians. is that kind of bare models to be no occupation of the gaza strip, kind of have no expulsion, no reduction in the size of the territory. at the same time now, there must be no more danger to israel from the gaza strip hyphen in gaza. a med ongoing airstrikes and funerals. optimism is hard to find. work of the, of the future of guys after the war is dark and gloomy, and very difficult. problems in the coming period is going to be more difficult than the previous one. so look at all the hospitals that they have destroyed. all the schools that they have ruined dining and there's nothing less we hope that we will be able to return on the 1st place. and no matter what the bigger picture
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holds for the people of garza, the situation right now is dire. with fears of a humanitarian catastrophe becoming reality day by day, one of our special corresponding to abraham is following events from jerusalem. and earlier i asked her about the main points of golan plan for the day after and gaza . well, it's just important to 1st emphasize nicole. this is by no means official government policy. this is the vision of the defense minister and there are other opposing visions within the current government, which we can perhaps a get to later. this is also not the detail plan that the united states, israel's closest ally has been calling for. this is more like a broad vision with very broad bullet points and things that we have heard already from the is really government. so the how much will no longer be in control in the gaza strip. after that israel would maintain security control. but
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then when it comes to the governance of a, the lives of postings in the gaza strip that, that would be left to a palestinian bodies. there's no detail as to what he means by that he didn't specifically mentioned the palestinian authority which the united states had. because sort of mentioned in conversations about the proverbial day after that a revitalized and reformed palestinian authority could possibly at take a charge. he also mentioned that a multi national effort would have to be mobilized in order to reconstruct and rehabilitate the strip. and he did say that there would be no is really civilian presence in the gaza strip and bite that she really needs settlers. um, you know, israel did previously up into 2005 have settlements in the gaza strip and much smaller scale than they do in the occupied westbank. but the settlers had to
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be evacuated and there have been calls for them to return from the right side of is really politics. but for the defense minister again, this is his vision, not government policy. that's not something that he'd like to see happen at. let's talk about that disagreement that you hinted at their deadline says there will be no is really civilian presence in a gaza. there's disagreement about that in the cabinet. what are the members. a a who are vowing for a re settlement in gaza saying, so we're talking about 2 senior members of a cabinet, the finance minister, but so small church and the national security minister. it's hard vandevere both prominent figures of the settlement movement and definitely the far right members of the current government, very vocal and quite influential. and what they have been seeing over the past couple of days is that they would endorse or return settlers. and that they see
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that as part of that is real security plan. their argument basically is that to maintain security, there needs to also be a civilian presence. in the gaza strip, they've also both hinted at, quote unquote, voluntary immigration of palestinians in the gaza strip. this is a fear that palestinians have had since this war began since civilian started being squished into smaller and smaller spaces further south of the strip. it's something that countries in the era region like egypt and jordan have also said that the categorically reject the idea of resettling palestinians elsewhere. so these ministers say things like voluntary immigration, that's the language that they use. but what palestinians here in what era leaders here is a force displacement and that is also not acceptable. but right now for palestinians
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. and we've also, you know, heard the united states and germany speak out again, statements like this that there should be no forced displacement of posting and no reduction of territory under any circumstances. and dw special corresponded abraham from jerusalem. thanks i as well in the meantime, us secretary of state antony blinking has arrived in turkey, kicking off a week long visits to the middle east. lincoln's visit comes as the us tries to contain the israel, him off for fearing that it could spread into a wider conflict. the top us diplomat will hold talks and a symbol on saturday, then had to israel the occupied westbank and 5 arrow countries including egypt, guitar and sonia ravia comes as attacks and 11 on end. ron have wrote nerves in the region are corresponding door and jones and is dumble is following the story for us . and earlier i asked him one secretary of lincoln is hoping to achieve this time around. well,
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i think the secretary of state lincoln's visit to talk. he's seen as much about diplomatic messaging as substance. you have to realize that since the onset of these will, between israel and hamas blinking had largely side line tacky. but instead focusing on the gulf states. and in part that was due to tuckers president bridget type of the one's very strong support of how much describing it as a liberation movement. but the fact the blinking has now chosen to start his tour of the regents with a visit to tuck. he is seen a sending a message possibly to israel about what's the washington's growing discomfiture over israel's handling of this war. the us remains opposed to a cease fire, something that is middle eastern partners, except for israel, of course, is this should be a priority. how much of an obstacle do you think this will be in blankets talks over the coming days? well, i think this is to be a major problem facing, blinked, and he's going to be facing growing calls from, from his talk. so it's uh, this ongoing goal by israel has to come to an end. we've warnings of the growing
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humanitarian crisis and the threats to the region and possibly even the things of contagion. but i think few people are expecting any reversal in the united states. tons of strongly backing israel, but behind the scenes i think that will be hopes that to bring come will press so only is riley government. the need for possibly more talking to the approach are less a scaling back of its operations as a way of, of a lease alleviating the growing fees of growing regional instability across the whole region. the story and jones reporting there. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world today. the chief of the us national rifle association, wayne lapierre has resigned to after more than 30 years and the role is as his decision was motivated by health concerns, the move comes to days before he left here and the n r. a face trial in new york on corruption charges civilian. at least 5 people have been killed after a pack,
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passenger trained caught fire in the bangladesh and capital of com. witnesses say the trained ignited not far from the city's main terminal. police suspect a potential arson attack ahead of national elections on sunday. south korea's defense ministry says north korea fires more than 200 artillery shells near the dispute or a disputed border islands, controlled by the south that lead the south to evacuate residents to bomb shelters . and carry out live fire drills on the island. so said there were no military or civilian casualties to south africa. now we're actually to aust group. the story is has been released from prison on parole. the former olympic and paralympic runner has served nearly 9 years of a 13 year sentence for the murder of his girlfriend, the model of your resting count, a low key exit for a paralympic star turn. murder, oscar per story is release from this prison near pretoria was largely kept away
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from the media spotlight. the story is banned from speaking to the press until the end of his parole. it expires in december 2029. until then, he faces restrictions on when he can leave his home. because doris must also attend classes on anger, management, and violence against women. a breach of these conditions could land him behind bars again because doris was convicted of murdering his girlfriend, reverse dean camp on valentine's day, 2013. he shot her 4 times through a bathroom door and his home. the story is claimed he mistook steam count for a burglar, but prosecutor say he killed her with intent during an argument. members before the murder, the former athlete and double s u t, was a national hero, nickname the blade runner for his prosthetic legs. the story is overcame
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a condition he was born with to become a champion sprinter. now after serving 9 years of a 13 year sentence, the disgrace peril empty and is living here with his uncle, according to local media. in a statement ahead of his release, revisiting camp, some others said that she accepted the court's decision, but that there can never be justice. she added, quote, we who remain behind are the ones serving a life sentence. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you today. us president joe biden has kicked off his re election campaign with a major speech in pennsylvania. used his likely arrival, donald trump, of being a threat to democracy, highlighting his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election. he also said, trump was willing to use political violence to achieve his goals. and that's our time you're all up to date. thank you. so much for your company today
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from all of us here in the newsroom by the name is the calls back saved. now, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, and you guys would have been nosy bay like get everyone to kings to check out the award winning cop call. don't hold back the .


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