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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 5:30am-6:01am CET

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the rank one step into a bold adventure the treasure map for martin globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled, bragging sites on youtube and also input the . this loan border is on a role as a role model. and a record set or this demote swears hotel offers amazing view. is it visitors manage the journey they get there? and this venetian favorite mines on simple, but it's all about timing these stories and more coming up on today's edition of your on the
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restart in the french city of nice where one young skateboarder has learned to use her long board to roll through life's challenges. marina korea, when from a young, insecure immigrant to becoming a world champion, mostly my board is an extension of myself and it's my whole life. it's the reason i can be who i am today. so it really means everything to me now at 25 years old marina is one of the world's best long boat dances. one of you who practiced a disciplined, professionally didn't know non voting is like a mix of scapegoating and sensing, and the adults use string together. don steps and right at the same time, the motion on this and you of the
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loading is the rush of a drain and then it's freedom 0 rules just you and your board. the 2 of you against the world in just ideas. marino, when from amateur to pro right here in nice she grew up in the african island nation of cape daddy. when she was 14, her family emigrated to france. she struggled with the language at 1st, which took a tall on her self confidence, the cause of value. it was difficult to me at school. sometimes i was locked up when i said something for my accent, the section i felt very different from the others, discovered them and understood early on that i had to do it twice as hot so that i could be heard despite my accent. and i hate to say the color of my skin. i'm not going to look at 17,
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her step by the board. her head 1st board. marina found comfort in skateboarding and quickly became one of the stars of the beach front. the betsy stone. she's the assistant, she doesn't give out if it is. i mean when she wants to accomplish something, she sees it through. that's just how she is a medical in 2020 marina qualified for the women to freestyle long boat dance well championships which were held online due to the pen demik. she impressed the jury with her unique and speedy style. the news is that, you know, the judge has asked me the same question for the time, which is the video edited. and i told him, no, you can turn on the sound too much of those things. nobody else is moving faster than normal. i'm the one who's foster and that impressed them. i think after all i was reading it was the 1st african woman to win the title.
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now, she teaches long boat dancing to younger girls. she's been organizing skateboards engines like this for 5 years. now. this is what i put off. this is how you stand on the board. first you have to bend your knees slightly. am for not too much just a little bit. now you need to push your way to is there. okay? so pointed out i usually don't like to stay in front of people because haven't got my boys. but when marina is there and stuff and like sometimes these girls, it makes me much more like want to do it like i'm not scared. i love that she's 1st a woman and a woman of a color that's like something that is like really you guys marino wants to be a role model for others like laya who aren't as visible in the sport. i mean, it's ultimately i wouldn't call myself an activist. it is, but doing what i do attracts attention. the astellas also i don't conform to the
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know by the migraines. if you feel like they don't belong to know that anything is possible, that a piece of paper doesn't define who you are or what you're capable of. in 2024, marina will be representing k betty as ambassador at the olympic games in paris. and i'm skyboard is it's not a box can kind of religion or sexual orientation and they just see a person and they both feel comfortable and safe in the community. and i think that's why i never gave up the simple pleasures. i'm in the, in my head there are 2 marines, the marine with head bowed, and one without the just with the board. i'm moreno slicing for something to say about without us. i'm just an ordinary. go walking about like everyone else too much with
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a freaking school. it's not the destination, it's the journey or so the st goes. and that's definitely the case when it comes to visiting the grim. so hotel in switzerland, located at 2000 meters above sea level and with limited transportation in winter, getting there, turned out to be quite the adventure 4 year old max reporter, diana opinion. i mean, the middle of nowhere in this is probably the most isolated put that in switzerland . why would anyone do the hotels here? that's what i want to know. but getting up here, it's not easy. seems stay on the road leading up to the hotel is closed in the winter time. it's freeze me here. but before i jump in there cuz i'm going to show you how i got here. the bench for begins that are 92600 meters in, in their church in a village. we double $1000.00 inhabitants, 2 hours from city in winter. you can only get to the hotel,
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we duck guide and look to scarf. mine is already waiting for me together with 16 other trumpeters. we drive $200.00, but not everyone is heading all the way up to the hotel. so at this point, the road is slow. but at the moment it looks pretty good. it would be doing several times 3 meters high. after 20 minutes, 5 us, we take the cable card to the else to guess the next a will know crime. and then we continue underground to the toner to degree instead of hydro electric power plant from there or 2 more kilometers of the tunnel. so wait us. and before returning to the daylight, we make a stop. these crew supposed to be sure what discovery, 1974,
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during the construction of the tunnel. crazy find any one more cable cars for the weather today is fantastic and beautiful. you with your phone, but the if the weather gets bad, it can this route the dangerous? no. no. if it's very windy, if there is a storm, it's possible that this telephone break cannot start anymore. oh, okay. and is there any alternative for? yeah, i'll be happy to go to an old title down $260.00 steps. so we are lucky today. yes for you. i want to stay on the last. we arrive the so after an hour and a half we made it to we are now. i don't know pieces of 1980 meters above the sea level, but i'm kind of used to it. my cd bogota include them. this is 2600 meters
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high. so let's see how it goes. i have started tricking up the highest point to taking the views. the king said was peace now perch of a rest of the house being an important step for travelers crossing the out one foot since the middle ages. but the night and 29, it had to give way to the dumb was and it was subsequent deep rebuilt on her rock. marcus maya has been running the place since 2019 sole source. and so why should someone visit the hotel games and hos bees of a mentor? i'm because it's a unique place in winter, at least in switzerland. if not world wide. trinity alone is worth it with the tunnels, powell, toms, and the crystal gorge. then you get the panorama and this quiet and with that,
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hold on please. what is it like for you to run a hotel here in the middle of nowhere? and then hope that he had to lie managing a hotel. here it is. so cold was very exciting. oh, it's nice, but sorry to mind doing it the same time we exclusively use fresh projects in our kitchen and that has to be transported on with daily twice a week. they will tell you, receive deliveries, become smaller depending on the number of guests we take both pos and train, just like the casks do. it's time for the company part of my trip being served, a 6 course meal, 14 or the in just look at those fees screen to see. i think it's really beautiful hair. high up in the mountains with a calm and there's no $1.00 to $15.00 north,
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so i can only recommend, you know, i'm sure we'll be back in some movie today. i'm gonna hit the wrong day here. it comes to my reward or maybe the i do have to, i'd meet once that you are in here. just just wonderful. here's the teams and her speech is really remote, but the journey was totally worth it. the of the sea food is a favorite addition to a tying cruising, especially when the sea is rented to your doorstep. and that is why in venice, many restaurants serve up spaghetti i live on really are past with clans. it's
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a popular dish for tourists and locals are like going to see i live. i'm going to try to see that if the venetians again provides the perfect fish and conditions for plans because of the reason why the ancient italian dish is serv. another here, especially by shift, but alpha con for so if you have to pull out a uh the nice, this is popular and venosity as in other seaside results. precisely because our customers expect absolute freshness from this product. we sold our 1st available. i'm thinking about tv is one of the oldest restaurants in venice. it's been here for 300 years and is well versed in the secrets of how to make the perfect spaghetti. i never opened a window in the morning and welcome to and take you montana. you, my name is raphael, delta and i as being the chevy if and 9 years today, i'm going to show you how to make spaghetti i live on galaxy. i live over the key
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fact in the ingredients is the simplicity. exams from the green, fresh ink top supposedly, like wind, olive oil, kind of costs but guessing. i think about phoenix. no, i see. it's also often made. we've got like, if we still die, but here at antigua, montane garlic is a total, no not equate, even though a lot of people use calling northridge outside. the clientele does not really like this intense flavor because many of i guess go to the theater officer 18 here. and going to the theater after eating a lot of gully. oh, that isn't exactly. the idea is that they are put on the nickel, shoot it out, the scene, the locals and tourists. and like get the exams from the realtor markets. the venetian institution that's almost a 1000 years old, the
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restaurants like and take them a teeny, have their own special delivery by boat. every morning. patricia the best friends from the see straight into the pulse of one of the benefits of venice. this geographic location such that i'm supposed to need to be washed and salt of both said to touch any sign from the shelf. then the bad ones are taken out separate rooms long. i know so we get rid of any where the shell is cracked. because if they have broken, then they clam might not be good anymore. sea level and it's also useful to detect clams that are completely full of sand at all. hope you maybe stop you each step and the cooking process has to be done. absolutely perfect. king size, the spaghetti cooks from 9 minutes. exactly. then the plans go into the olive oil
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walls. the pasta is cooking. there's no margin for error. timing is everything. the novel is not bad if they label one, the cleanser open, you must immediately add this to get to you. because if you don't, then they clam start to hot at at that all you do is right. the muscle level, the clan contracts, the level, it becomes rubber right and therefore, less palatable. the more we need in order to be able to have a sprinkler possibly on the final task before it's twisted and served onto the tonight or the
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you speaking to the so the good thing i live on delay is one of my favorite dishes . it really is very good if it's a my daughter's haven't yet learned to appreciate it because of the texture of the sea food. oh no, but i am convinced that as they grow up they will then be able to appreciate this dish as much as i do the simple taste of venice on the sea, old on one plate and ready to be safe to explore your ups rich culture on facebook discover stunning landscape. enjoy our fine cuisine with your own. that's bringing you a wealth of, of in europe and traditions taking action. so be sure to check out our facebook page.
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there are many cliches about german. for example, they're very punctual. they only eat sausage and sour cross and they drink lots of beer. so how many of these things are actually true? we asked for young germans, which ones come to mind for them? the bread and other 9. what the germans do for fun doesn't, doesn't know that that's a warm welcome to germany. big mountains, auto body. more than 80000000 people live here. all of them hard working, punctual, and human of us. but those are just cliches. on things. we just, it is to find out more since for best fellow citizens who are here today at dodge of atlanta to discuss a couple of things, especially at the most school. those questions about german, why i german so efficient? maybe because they're always on time. and they get up early and they just do the
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things that they have to do. like i mean a very passionate about things outside of their work, very german to have to do list and, and to pack and to put maddox on. what do i already have done, accomplished? and then next to then the next point, what are the german traditions? what was the austin connected with the alcohol? should the expense last? well, we'd worked as a, that's what everyone in germany for about 2 additional music though that no doesn't know that that's why it's german fluid. so bad because it's at i don't think it's bad. i think it's just not the hip. there are no spices in german food except from salt and purple german who does very heavy. oh yeah, so and that's why i don't like that much because after the good german yo, i feel very heavy and sleepy and when it goes back for like 2 days,
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but then you're drinking. yeah, i got my stuff. oh yeah. well yeah. and then everything is well a guess jim and food can in fact to give it a positive spin, be quite haughty, like the classic potent knuckles with dumplings. but not all germans are on board 2019. so they indicated that german who's in was on the appreciate. if i round hop, the respondents audrey i'm, it's friendly. ok, maybe i just have to bring at the very end how it drunk. so like because of the vice wasn't before breakfast, so that naturally more friendly member live in people are kind of stressed. they're always stressed in general. yeah. jones. ok, what friendly, but they don't offer it as openness. other nations, maybe just germans obsessed with punctuality. and rightfully so, because it's a route to be late because it's not just your time,
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it's my time to and it has been waiting until they think that you're a bad person to come that one of the best things about germany is the punctuality of people. yeah, it's really nice because it also has to do something with reliability. so if you say you do some things to be nice to have your actions put way your mouth it does. everyone drink in germany, lots of kit, but i as a. yeah. for example of my 3 year old son. oh that's, that's the majority of the people at the beginning. yeah. an average of 19 latest per person annually places germany close to the top of the drinking countries. one nation that downs even more of the the capital is techy. and in fact checks every, it's twice as much in a year. german ever. wow. 9. they own the life in the, in the, in the seller. yeah. you well yeah. actually yeah, they have to saying that germans go to the basement to last night. that's just that
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germans. they want it to be able and one or 2 left so badly that you can see they like to anything like 40 and then they look up and got somebody's part of that. i'm allowed to laugh. there's another thing that i always like to say and work vela and kind of talked about the tip and who's laughing has the capacity so is not working enough so time to get back down to work. and if the germans work hard enough, maybe they're leaving cupboard together some well engineers. human production artist says so kemper and for ceramic, some are poetry in motion. she wants her audience to have an emotional response when her sculptures start to move. the countless ceramic circles are linked together, creating, coming and soothing sounds. they have the work of dutch artists so temper rink. ho
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ceramic scopes is reach out to all the senses. the make things that so i've never seen before, as i've never heard before, to make new things new combinations that make me happy or make me feels on who that strange or that's i don't know what, but something else. yeah. so now lives on the dodge island of test. so as a child, she was already creative and showed a keen interest in dance. and out of to one year to freshen academy, she switched to visualize where she enjoyed exploring different materials. she finds inspiration in her surroundings. name taurus, my biggest inspiration and then especially the movements in nature. so where the changes are like the tide, like the wind,
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like the plot in our festivals, like the heart beat, those nature movements that are going and to see the ceramic sculptors come and live in the studio. successful seas working with clay as a kind of conversation with the material as well as in learning process. she works on each individual ring with the utmost concentration. she seals the ends with with us so that know air bubbles keep getting between i really loved the kind of stubbornness clay has in doing its own. because every time when i fire a killed like more than once, twice a week, things happen that i didn't expect it. so it's, it's still,
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i'm still exploring the sounds that are produced create what is known as an a, as in our effect, this evokes the tingling feeling that her scope does trigger in many listening to the senior year level of dance inspired her to set her sculptures in motion, it's so isn't that something our didn't like or you're making a recipe and let's do some are to let's do some ceramic and let's do some dance. but it turned out that way. yeah. yeah, on the island of test. so the scope does have been showcased many times in the gallery post house. she has worked with galleries to maurice cristo fund miles since 2010. it's different from the other authors we show because it's a abstract and the other office. i'm mainly to go to work and there's something
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magic about it because it's, it's, it can move it, can it sounds, it has moved things and people can touch it or rearrange it. and that's what we do when we exit as of what the assess is work said also being exhibited abroad, including in south korea and japan. she hopes to evoke an awareness of the world we live in through hardwick. that's a helpful thing. thing that people, when they see my work and know about nature or feeling the nature maybe even more, get more respect from a charge you know, in the future. so temper rank would like to work with dances and create some of his sculptures for the stage that wraps up this week's edition of your own max. be sure to follow us on social
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media for more from the world of culture and lifestyle. thanks for tuning and enjoying this again. next week the the
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she toxic judy ideal or feminist icon. the new barbie movie is raising a lot of questions. we take a close look at the impact of the paint and plastics pop culture phenomenon. the counting of d. w came out of the,
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the level of my life in detail. because this week we are in vegas. and would you believe me if i told you that this country was 300 as well? that's a book that you can sometimes get in a phone way resulting to try but the 77 percent in success. jimenez. d w the it shouldn't be this warrant here. it's hard not to feel something really is happening here. what is happening to greens and ice researchers explore an untouched place into the ice starts january dw. imagine that you're eating
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a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from the house. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible, all the rest they classify as disgusting. w series about a complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what's, you know, on youtube, dw, documentary vacations, an applicant? do they have the i went, i told me that they don't have violence and we go sailing tulsa tissue today, because when they go to that we set up to, you know,
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medical people are stuck with car bama tenants all the way. so not because the the dc is dw and use in days around top stories. us president joy bind in his kicked off his re election campaign with an outspoken attack on his blankly challenge of donald trump speaking and pennsylvania by the accused. trump of it going nazi germany biden said the former president was willing to trace and america's democracy in order to return to a pallet you a secretary of state antony blinking has begun a week long to or of the middle east arriving in turkey. he's hoping to stop the war in concept escalating into the wider region blinking.


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