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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 10:30am-11:00am CET

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of course, we say they're about never giving up every weekend on the w the how does a woman become pregnant beyond source? simple rise show the process is straightforward, but it's not always successful. the woman might be in 1st time and his benefits. what can be done if there's a problem and when it does with, how does a woman have a healthy pregnancy? so many questions. who has the offices we do on in good shape the
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pregnancy puts a huge strain on the entire body of the house and lodges because it has moved a lot to pump the lens. stomach and kidneys enjoyed increased supply a lot. the body produces more insulin and proteins. i'm an entirely new organ. this for one that was not said before pregnancy, the sometimes another pair of hands would be really useful or another set of eyes. but we can just grow new organs or can we? well, pregnant women can, together with the baby, a whole new organ grows inside dead bodies. the 1st sign of the fist center is often just a tiny line in pregnancy tests or reaction to the h. c, g in your, in a home. and that's produced by the so called crystal glasgow cells. they called the
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ring around the embryo one week of just such a nice ation. the last chrysler blast cells fuses with the lining of the uterus. together they form the percentage h, c, g levels. then double every 2 days on the pregnancy test tends positive. from the 1st week of pregnancy, the placenta is the embryos lifeline, providing everything it needs from the matlab via the umbilical code. this includes everything from oxygen to victim ins, minerals, proteins, and antibodies. the placenta also filters out tom full substances from the mother's bloodstream such as the volume uses and bacteria. unfortunately, some still make it through the piston till barrier took so plasma pathogen. so measles viruses, for example, but also alcohol and nicotine. during pregnancy, the placenta controls the range of processes using hormones. it produces itself
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early on up to send to and shows those most space in the uterus and stopped the menstrual cycle. it also signals for the memory glands to grow. it will say, regulates its own gross as well as that's as the embry. as towards the end of a pregnancy, the placenta is about 20 centimeters in diameter and weighs about 600 grams. the once the child is bone, the placenta has served its purpose. and now is the time when most parents really could use an extra pair of hands. so this also involves the delivery of the placenta, which in countries including egypt, australia and china is given to traditional burial fust as a new trend. imagine on social media, cooking and eating the placenta. just in tow city is served to stimulate milk, production, strength, and the muses them and help the mother to bond with
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a child. but scientists will win against the practice as the placenta could still carry viruses bacteria and talks instead it floated out during pregnancy and that can be passed on by nurse thing. and there's another alarming trends that can affect women during pregnancy, and middle of the changes and the peebles taking place. expecting women also expected to be beautiful, unsuccessful, in the social media age. being pregnant also means looking perfect at the same time . after giving birth to a child, you just snap back into shape as if nothing out of the ordinary it happened partying like a model well being. the mother pump icon brianna made a very public statement posing with her baby daily in a sexy les stress on the cover of a magazine in the process, setting the bar even higher for pregnant women. and then
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after giving birth, shedding the baby weight and getting back into shape is made to look like child's play. calling these women who look at these images, obviously still the pressure to live up to them. and of course, they feel depressed when they come to the starting normal table disbursing center in frankfort, a company's women throughout their pregnancy. cyrus via tech is one of the midwives this collaborative index, as long as it's not many women would acknowledge that they are influenced by this stuff. but you know, just how they put themselves under a lot of pressure. now typically they'll start by asking about pelvic floor exercises kind of that and then it's when will i be able to exercise again, when can i start going out again or pregnancy is a sensitive time. hormones are all over the place and the body is changing. which factors play into the equation for when in this job assorted us. uh,
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i do think there's a lot of pressure, especially from social media. i think i managed to keep my distance quite well simply because i had a smooth pregnancy and always felt relatively comfortable in my that i think the food have tried to get an excess incentive. oh, so busy dealing with more pressing problems or the i didn't really care about superficial things like that. so social media didn't really affect i. fortunately the as long as have during my 1st pregnancy, i was loving, i was just beautiful then. and that's 5 to bring my 2nd pregnancy. i wasn't very well and so i definitely wasn't blowing that in my the difference i've, i'm some new uh sure. one instagram you any story, beautiful women with beautiful bellies this land. they don't have more to retention and don't have lumpy size or anything. so it's not the real world mix or had it hits. not beauty ideals are as old as time itself. the only thing that really changes is how they're communicated. do then medium godaddy and desktop social
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media makes it seem like defection is actually attainable. so i can achieve perfection too because other people assuming able to do it in their everyday lives or just have to make the official some kind of industries moving. i'm just putting in a phenomenon that becomes harmful when you're health takes a backseat or social inequalities are exacerbated is that was all inside wherever said same mr. graham is just one big bubble. something i was aware of when i was pregnant and still i am now. so maybe i'm just too self confident for it to influence me in any way, shape or form. and the ad informix seems fine because there are also self confident women on instagram and they show how things can be done differently. the come back to set off on it depends on what you're dealing with as a woman to which people really catch and which social media accounts you follow. it
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makes a huge difference on the recent one to receive the message here don't be faced, the kind to yourself and your body. healthy lifestyle is also important for those hoping taken seats as is plenty of patients. because even with regular sex, it can take up to a year or more to become pregnant. the most important prerequisite is that both pop is a healthy and 1st house. but let's turn 1st to women. what are the factors that can play a key role? here is 6 tests to help these to female facilitate 1st use condoms. yes. you had right before you want to get pregnant to you should be using condoms. sexually transmitted diseases like media and garner mia optimal can leads to infertility. so always use a condom to help reduce the risk of future problems. second, to avoid coffee,
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alcohol, and it's not cold, takes consuming, excessive amounts of coffee, alcohol or drugs can make it hard to conceive so many contexts to avoid them altogether. caffeine hinges the contraction of muscles in the fallopian shape. studies have also shown that more than 5 cups of coffee a day can lead to miscarriages. and be careful with other caffeinated drinks to offered to stop making smoke because they're up to 40 percent less likely to conceive the non smoke cuz it's making impact as the functioning of the ovaries. so it's better to quit. the kansas sticks to them before a healthy weight. studies have shown a link between obesity and in for tennessee. so it's good to keep you awake. it's a reasonable level. motorized exercise on a regular basis helps as does a healthy lifestyle. and you can switch diet. if you want to can see if you need to
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be guessing enough in calcium and zinc to think helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. and slowly cast it is full so important. a women's body needs satellites to produce the sex hormones, east region and progesterone, which is necessary for conception to number 5, be wary of plastic. plastic may seem impossible to avoid, but some research suggests it might be a good idea to minimize your exposure. a study on mice show the various chemical compounds can inhibit the production of a sticking. plaster, young children are particularly vulnerable to chemical and pasta, collect spacious. so when it comes to toys, bubbles and pacifies is best to use alternative materials. and another tips take age into consideration. female fatality and the quantity of eggs
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declined with the age of to $35.00 facility declines. small rapids late so it's better to spouse, a family earlier about that than like the sometimes there are health conditions that make it difficult for women to concede. and dmitri osis is when tissues similar to the lining of the room grows and other places, such as in the fallopian tubes, the vagina and the bladder. but also outside of the pelvic end up domino cavity. the condition concludes extreme pain, and also lead to in for tennessee. but duct is often failed to recognize in dmitri osis, which can result in a grueling deal for the women effected. at 1st, selina brenda had painted her stomach bladder and then her bowels. nobody's sunset
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. it could be a dynamic, logical problem. she went from doctor to doctor, seeing everyone from urologist to gastroenterologist. they failed to find anything zoning if the misunderstood as if she were a hypochondriac, found the place to start, the smell is done because of pain on. and it was difficult to find out what the problem was advised to have, plus having pain when you don't know what's cooling, it is really worrying about it so, so incredibly difficult to cope with psychologically when you just know that something is wrong. and really effective means a lot of us, much from uh, the pain guns worse and setting up a vendor developed more and more symptoms making her life practically unbearable of any kind of resolve. i missed content, i couldn't. why i couldn't have any hobbies or a relationship, nothing. everything was put on hold. it was 15 years until she finally discovered what was wrong with her. in an online article, for gynecologist, referred her to an end demetrius as clinic. during the resulting surgery doctors
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found that her organs were covered in nations, the source of the pain. under the moment i was to hoyt hour when they told me i started crying tougher tears of joy is crazy, but i find you had a name for it onto the stomach, malcolm they restored my trust to myself, because at some point, you even stop trusting yourselves at the top, i remember talking on the 5th and the smell, but her battle with endometriosis did not end their. she still suffers with regular pains and is therefore unable to start a family. she found help from yvonne fund delay. as the endo ladies, the annual meet trios is self help group. there's an especially big help on bad days. for the state quiz, what you were already doing by looking off to yourselves, seeing how things are going today. deciding if you just need to have some timeouts the support group helps her to keep on going and find joy and even the smallest things. so thank you for listening to the office. i know it sounds philosophical,
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but this own is actually showed me that long ago for a while. i couldn't even go for 5 minute walk. so don't right now when i walk through the far as for a quarter for an hour, it's such a good feeling guys. but she also knows that the chronic disease will be with her to some degree for the rest of her life. if a woman is struggling to get pregnant, the problem could actually be the mom. this is the case for almost half of all couples having difficulty, conceding possible causes are obesity. high intake of saturated fats. excess of smoking hormones used in bodybuilding or chemicals in plastics. but men can do something to boost the quality of this bem, staffing with a healthy diet and 2 or 3 super fluids for boosting male fertility. the number
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one, sam and several studies came to the conclusion that fish improves for mobility. that's probably due to the high concentration of omega 3 fatty acids and fish, and one danish study, a group of men were given fish oil. while another group was not. comparative results showed that the groups and fish oil underwent the following changes. increased same and volumes, larger testicles and the higher sperm count. omega 3 fatty acids are good for blood flow, which means they're good for interactions as well. other studies weren't as conclusive . the positive effect of fish may just be a result of eating less. ne, number 2 walnuts, a study of 199 young man looked at the effects of not consumption. the participants 8 knots for 14 days and resulted in the men having improved orgasms and the higher sex drive. there's firm count rose as to the mobility of theirs firms,
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but that study came under fire. some specialist claims the effects of the knots could be explained by the unsaturated fatty acids they contain. however, simon and nonce harbor, another secret fatality boosting ingredient are getting of argued names as a nitrogen rich amino acid. in addition to other substances, the bodies metabolism uses it to produce nitric oxide. studies have shown that nitric oxide lower as blood pressure and expands to blood vessels. something that helps with directions are getting can also boost folks from count and mobility. walnuts also contain a lot of things besides being indispensable for a healthy prostate. this element is also involved in sperm production. as think deficiency means this firm use of their energy before they can reach the ag number 3, tomatoes. numerous studies have pointed to tomatoes as having
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a positive effect on the facility of humans and animals. the secret is called michael pain. it's an antioxidant that provides the red coloring and plant foods. it also helps to reduce the oxidative stress in the body cells. however, the body doesn't absorb that michael teen and wrong tomatoes very well. it's best to cook them 1st. tomato puree is especially good from like a pain absorption. the participants, however, weren't sent to me. those they were given capsules containing 14 milligrams of length of pain equivalent to 200 grams of rock tomatoes. their sperm was healthier and could swim better. but even if these foods can boost male fertility, don't forget that a balance diet is essential to the health and wellbeing with is a problem conceiving modern medicine can help in a variety of ways. the simplest method is insemination, which involves spin cells being introduced directly into the uterus. the method can
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significantly increase the chances of conceiving. then there's also sufficiently insemination or in vitro fertilization. in this case, egg and sperm cells are brought together and then the bar chain. it centralize ation a successful $2.00 to $3.00 embryos, so thin transferred to the uterus. so since the late 19 seventy's ivy f has helped to bring a 1000000 babies into the world. unfortunately, some women have congenital, or a client of no minus ease of the uterus. but even here, a potential solutions available bringing a child into the world as a miracle of nature is our book a, is a gynecologist and helps this miracle become a reality. also for women who are extensively unable to have children. she transplants rooms here at the gynecology and obstetrics clinic at tubing and
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university hospital form. my colleagues just called about a patient who is most is broken. we'll go to the operating room right away to avoid the risk of the patient, the baby. oh, you too risk getting an infection book, a nose, the woman who was about to give birth. 2 years previously, the gynecologist over saw her uterus transplant with the organ donated by the patients. mother. a story that made headlines in 2016 is that a booker performed the 1st procedure of this kind in germany. in total, she's already helped to bring 4 children into the world. the by thinking doesn't have the session 2 children already over 2 years old and develops normally. number 3 and full haven't tends to yet, but the developing just as wonderfully the transplant is extremely complicated with a range of criteria to be met. only about 100 such operations had been performed
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worldwide to date. that said, however, means not. i know how is the of, if we can help with just one woman, then i'd say the effort was less, it is just fantastic to be able to bring a new life into the world. i am leaving me a copy of the gift of life. for example, the book of labor of love once the egan anticipated baby is that the parents will soon be faced with a whole new set of challenges. the nipple needs and loss of tender loving care. and there is often a ton of advice from well meaning friends and relatives. but is it sound advice? if in doubt it's best to ask a 95 experts see top for diapers change many parents do it that way. kind of feeling demonstrate so best to approach some of the vehicle that should not be serious about grab the baby's hips up around here
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. you know this close to the torso as possible and turn the baby slowly to one side, the hips. this way, the baby notices ok and being turned over to this, i'm not another good impulse for the babies own motor skills development. the pen of the thing is a baby handling x, but he helps parents to be prepared for life with the baby when changing diapers based technique and concentration are important to me for like if i maybe tried to leave a voicemail in the same times where all think about cooking a meal soon. i want to buy the baby notices me and daddy aren't really that familiar about. it's got me focused on the land and demanded to tell them the guns are expecting the 1st baby at christmas. they'll forge me. i'm looking forward to it, but i'm also nervous. i'll be responsible for another human being and not just myself is running off of the service as well. so whatever you put, we can ahead of time. all of those us pen of aging is
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a trained physical therapist who has long, specialized in pediatrics from premies and intensive cad to teams. he's noticed that people often don't know how to handle babies with an uncommon lumpkin and some parents came in with the baby because they were having a problem with the but it wouldn't have been necessary if they'd known about baby handling to the civic. i thought this has to stop having, i don't want to do with these things after the fact kind of of tried to help prevent them beforehand because of in products of life and cannot tell of feeling also she has his tips in online courses, a man who teaches baby handling is a rarity nice and i like, well, i'm relatively exotic as a man in this sector, but i didn't notice it much myself on. i tried to do things as naturally as possible, but i, i always addressed both parents. i didn't focus specifically on mothers or father, steve lewis, heads off on the key, take away parents need to be patient. babies develop at that right. and speed the
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plot your baby's developmental plan does exist. it's inside your baby and you can't really influence it. it can't, apart from providing this external environment, that means the white, emanating security angles, nothing baby know you're in good hands here. we're looking after you know, giving you a baby space to develop according to his or her own plan. i know when she left philip sick and how it grew to have created such a space, they have no particular problems with little nyja. instead, the somewhat surprised that lives haven't changed that dramatically to see a, as a so we're so happy we can take your practically everywhere. she lets us sleep and smile. things are going really well. i'm going to even so that rather than to advice. aiken man, so something is my 1st baby, and i like to do as much rides as possible. my home, these items kind of eating notices right away. that things here are running smoothly. heels and those that smells whole ways of the case. and as i look up
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areas of ensure themselves because they're having difficulty that it can make things worse. a lot. we pass that on to watch on with the energy that we radiated dental here and addressed this very clearly. what did the parents need to feel secure in order to, excuse, not peace of mind to full on is that the last one had always times. okay. get them off to the 1st space. babies and parents have many new things to learn and kind of reading is that to help them by the way, moderate exercise doing pregnancy is also okay. as long as the woman listens to her body. and those of you who on pregnant contestant to join into the local antello today, you only need to, let's, let's start and are slightly next their shoulders go down to the floor. push up yourself,
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rotate your upper body. that down, pushes up. and we switch the side, the forces to squeeze your stomach to have enough civilization do this exercise 8 to 12 times to a little break and repeat it for titles. with this x 5 to train your phone, i provide your are your shoulders, your chest,
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but also your abdomen is and your back. so it's a perfect exercise that so for this weeks in good shape, goodbye and see you. next time the on the
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shift, your guide to life and it digital, the flow of the latest online trend, navigate your way through the digital jungle global perspective. we'll video guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matches to you. shift in 15 minutes on the w. b. she toxic judy ideal or feminist icon.
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the new barbie movie is raising a lot of questions. we take a close look at the impact of the paint and plastics pop culture phenomenon. the 30 minutes on d w. the most, do you do the same to tennis? she survived. oh sure. it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the degenerates to musicians under the swastika, a documentary about this sounds of power inspiring story about survival of the home
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. go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany. watch now on youtube dw documentary, the smiles, me to action for the news. the
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a this is dw news live from berlin, u. n. warrens, guys that has become an inhabitable 3 months end of the war, almost 2000000 people are internally displaced in vital age. deliveries are severely hampered in gaza as israel vows to continue its air and ground defense. us secretary of state, as any blinking is in the middle east on a week long diplomatic tour as fears about the conflict in gas and could expand to the wider region. also coming up joe biden cost donald trump a threat to democracy in his 1st campaign speech of the.


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