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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w use life from bullying from maxine says a usa line and makes an emergency landing after a window and a section of the body blow out to me that there are no reports of any serious injuries withheld when aviation expect to find out what might happen? the un says guns that has become uninhabitable. months of boyhood displaced almost 2000000 to palestinians is found, reveals the next phase and its fine tickets. how mazda civilian, 8 only crinkled fifths of the territory, and just died. colds. donald trump a loser and threat to democracy. in his 1st campaign speech for the year,
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the last president accused is like the bible of echo with the language used in nazi germany. the i've been visible in welcome. alaska airlines is grounded. it's boeing 737 max 9 fleet, tough to one of its planes, made an emergency landing of the west state of oregon, a section of the fuselage, including a window blew out a few minutes. i'll have to take off images posted to social media, show a gaping hole in the side of the plane, and oxygen masks hanging. there are no reports of any major injuries. the national transport safety board says it is investigating the incident and we'll try getting to our expertise later in the show later in the day. moving on is way the bones continue to full on gaza. this saturday, the rep reports of the it strikes on the southern cities of han uterus and rafa
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where hundreds of thousands of civilians as he can shelter the militaries next stage in the war. the defense minister says they'll take a more targeted approach to the north of the enclave. they continue to pursue the leaders of how most widely considered a tetra group in the south. smoke rises overhead units in southern gaza, as israel, as military continues to bombard suspect to time us height outs. the fighting has severely hampered a deliveries to the strip you and says some convoys have even been shot at this is the 1st medical delivery to arrive in hon units in 10 days. buildings across the territory have been reduced to rubble, some 85 percent of cousins are now incredibly displaced. in a statement released on friday, the u. n's emergency relief coordinator said 3 months on from the october 7th
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attacks by him. us gaza has quote, become a place of death and despair. families are sleeping in the open as temperatures plummet. areas where civilians were told to relocate for their safety have come under bombardment. people are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. simon is around the corner, gaza has simply become uninhabitable. on friday, the israeli military said its forces hitting more than $100.00 targets in 24 hours alone, including military positions, rocket launch, tides and weapons. as the fighting continues, the u. n said supplied vital to the survival of causes 2000000 residents are virtually non existent. there are fears, the war and suffering could expand to israel's northern border, which level known as both sides exchange fire on an almost daily basis.
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us president joe biden use the anniversary of the january 6th capital riot to attack is likely rival donald trump. he says that the president poses a grave threat to american democracy. he accused trump of echoing language, use the nazi germany from his back saying bite and was feeling hungry back in full campaign mode. and then fighting moved to abide and unofficially open his 2020 full presidential push backed by a supportive crowd. with this warning to vices, america, as we begin this election year, we must be clear. democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. i look and there's one man bite and says, come on, we'll take,
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hold us away. joyce's claire. tom trump campaign is about him, not america, not you. donald trump campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. he's willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power. our campaign is different. this was a campaign kick off, tripping in symbolism. even before stepping on stage in pennsylvania, biden took time to visit valley, forge the place where george washington spoke of democracy as a sacred cause. almost 250 years ago, add to his home his points. he also chose to highlight this moments the more recent history, the january 6 riots were hundreds of trump supporters store the us capital in the
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wake of the 2020 election. trying to direct the facts of january 6. trump is trying to steal history. the same way he tried to steal the election. we saw it with our own ours. trump's mom was a peaceful protest, was the violent of soul. trump won't do what an american president must to refuse it should denounce political violence. during the campaign trail himself just days ahead of the iowa caucuses were republicans will select that soft choice for the parties. presidential nomination, trump didn't hold back by direct it is an unbroken streak of weak dish, incompetence, corruption, and failure. other than that is doing quite well. as needed, did you say i me was stuttering through the halls. i gaze got up. i got a, he's a threat to democracy. i'm the that they've weaponized government to say i'm a threat to democracy. so with the new yeah, just
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a few days olds. the battle lines and this presidential election, being drawn with this rights to the white house set to become a fights for the soul of america. the us supreme court has agreed to hit donald trump's appeal against being bod from the republican primary ballast in colorado. la sponsors, state court ruled trump disqualified from standing as he engaged in insurrection during the capital attacked by his supporters. supreme court justices have indicated though fast track the decision. the case has major implications for the presidential vote. in an attempt to stop the conflict from spreading in the middle east from gone to you, a secretary of state entity blinking hasn't bounced in a week long crisis tour of the region. first lake of the diplomatic marathon, kentucky with lincoln has met with foreign minister con, feed on next. blinking is expected to see focus president richard, probably a bad one. is vocal support of thomas has raised concerns in the west. lincoln.
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well then travel to israel, the occupied westbank and 5 arab nations, including egypt and saudi arabia. let's go to assemble with the w corresponding duty. a honda is standing by for us, you will have what can we expect from these thoughts as well? i think for anthony blink, and these are quite tens and tough talks here and is simple today. he just finished a 2 hour meeting with his turkish counter pod hawk on feet on. and he's now speaking with president bridget for the tire of ad on the war and gaza, the humanitarian crisis. they are, of course helping the agenda. why did i say 10 storks? because taki is an important but very difficult nato l. i for the us and both governments have very different positions on the israel, a mazda war with the us being a store supporter of israel. while the attackers president has turned into one of
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the most vocal and harsh critics, all v is were in the military campaign in guys all the destruction it has. course he has accused. is there any prime minister natania when a quote him here of committing genocide and gaza and he has recently even compared him to nazi lita otto and hit lock. i think washington would like add one would like to see add one tone down these uh verbal attacks and i think another important issue for blinking is tuck. he's continued support for how most of the government in, on her does not consider the as the most militant group, a terrorist organization like it's a partners in the us. so elsewhere in western countries, but rather as a legitimate political force. and i'm us officials in recent years have found a safe haven here in turkey. the us state department seems to believe that several, i'm us operatives are still here in the country. so this is definitely an issue
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apart from that, from all the differences, what i'm from washington do have in common is that they do not want to see this war escalate further. turn into a wider regional conflict, dragging the several other actors and non state actors in and they have said they want to make sure there is a better access for humanitarian aid into gaza for palestinians. and you'll hear these aren't the only tricky talks that the latest will be having to use would have us or no, of course there's a whole range of regional and bilateral issues on the agenda, but an important topic and that's just been confirmed by the turkish foreign minister is sweden's bid to join a nato officials in the us and in other wisdom, capitals have grown quite frustrated. i'd say with tacky, basically dragging out this entire rectification process on the way,
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trying to extract some political concessions. it's been more than one and a half years now, i believe since sweet and applied for nato membership. and although ad on the president gave his green light last year, we're still waiting for a full parliamentary vote here in tacky a vote on the rectification protocol. and i think of lincoln is trying to get some of sure and says that this is going to happen any time soon. you'll be hon. thank you very much for the analysis. and let's return to our top story. now. dramatic scenes as a us passenger plan makes an emergency binding after a window and a section of the body blew out in mid day. there were no reports of any serious injuries. let's bring in stephen bryan to professor of aircraft systems at tumble the university in finland. we had problems earlier in the show crossing to you can you hear me at all? cuz it looks like we've lost you again. unfortunately,
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we'll have to leave that talk to later on in the show. let's turn to some other news. from around the world, the head of the powerful us gun lobby. the national rifle association has resigned . dr. moving searches, years. wayne's up here blamed health concerns. this announcement comes ahead of his trial. you your next week on corruption charges because of the barrels. i'm which bolivia has reported its biggest ever cocaine seizures, but least found more than 8 tons a massive shipment of timber wood panels, apparently destined for the naval that's according to the un. bolivia is the bolts . the launch is producer of cocaine and coca, its source plans up to columbia and for the brazilian football legend mario dial has died at the age of 19 to he was the 1st person to win the world cup of as a play a and to coach 50 which would be 4 times. he's one of the considered an instrumental
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figure in brazil. surprise to global football prominence. 7 as a tardies in japan say at least a 110 people a day and then more than 200 still missing following last week. so it's like i'm on the hottest 8 areas is why do you my city on depends western coast. many states have been reduced to rubble. bad weather is also hammering, rescue and recovery efforts corresponded. james traitor sends us this report from the peninsula. you can watch him a bunch of times, western coast, many parts of the city now look like this. the historic morning markets, once bustling with stools, has been devastated. for centuries, the monkey that once did hit with the beating heart of life in which email now the lock, the shops which the city of celebrates is now lying in ruins. the market was consumed by a message by off to the january 1st of quake hotly because fire trucks were impeded
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by damaged roads. sort of a hey, there's still some pods but it's still smoldering. with that connection to the pos now gone. some residents say they don't know how they can look forward to the future. just meet just from the markets. the chief priest of a local temple tells us his wife is among the nice thing. he says he saw the house collapse. the windows such team finally arrives. they find nothing of to hours of such it was such team scouts of the city for quite victims, some $700.00 events residents of staying as a temporary shelter. i'm not here so no is one of the she says she face some of the older residents might never returned off to the homes were destroyed tonight to find me or they would probably move to the children's homes outside the prefecture . and then the population of the city look down at the city would change for the
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was why have says, whichever way things change. everyone who knows best to see will never be to set up next shift look, sad, internet addiction and possible solutions. i've been presented in phoenix now the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the record. every weekend on d w. my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do
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