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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw use like from brother in dramatic scenes as a us satellite and makes an emergency landing after a window and section of the body blow out in me that are no reports of any serious injuries. we'll talk to an aviation expert to find out what may have happened to you and says, guns that has become inhabitable months of war displays almost 2000000 palestinians . this man reveals the next phase and it's fine to get some assets to 1000000000. 8 only trickles into the town and bangladesh is willing to upset when false to them as the opposition boy on sundays general election. it accuses the government of
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jailing. thousands of activists in approval crackdown will get the license from deck. com. the bank is willing welcome. alaska airlines has grounded age. boeing 737 max 9 fleet after one of its planes made an emergency landing in the us state of oregon. a section of the fuselage, including a window blew out a few minutes. i'll have to take off images posted to social media, show a gaping hole in the side of the plane, and oxygen masks hanging. there are no reports of any major injuries. the national transport safety board says it's investigating the incident. i asked aviation expert steve and brian sat temporary university and been led to explain how it happened, the interface that insights the croft in
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a climb about 15000 feet has experienced a mechanical failure of some so by this mechanical side. yeah, well paste. what happened is the ashcroft is fitted ways effectively fight tools. so certain customers, if this a croft can, they could 30 the all prices. i can squeeze in lots of extra sites, which means that with lots of extra people on the cross, they need to have more tools available in the event of an emergency that has to be open to get everybody out quickly. like we saw in japan races like so no or no, and lines need to have extra tools. so colleagues come up with this idea of where they can deactivate remove completely these extra tools for this. so try since the top bancroft for the past, for the airlines that don't need it. and then fit these causes effectively fight
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tools that have got a window in it. so in all intents and purposes, the uh, the outside of the, across the inside of the aircraft just looks like a window is this cover does then step right to come off in flight. so stephen, would you say that's a weak spot of the types in, in, in this production process as well it's, i've seen some of the photos and from what i can say, it doesn't look like where the cover attaches to this folder in a pall. inside it looks rather nice and shiny and intact. now the interesting bit familiar is that these companies will be held on by false lemmings boats. and if you put the wrong top a false and again, or you don't attach the false incorrectly if it's not told, or if the, the fastenings um, uh, not to the,
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the right specification. then that color comes off. and this type of event, but we don't know what has happened before. so in 1990 a british airways across to the u. k. it's window fell out of similar top experience in so much that the window in this case it was held in by boats. i put the wrong boats on you mentioned the aircraft, it was at 15000 feet. uh, how surprised are you that no one was actually hut. i'm really surprised and it's it's very fortunate. it seems that the way this panel completely detached and fell off. that because i want people sitting right next to effectively that the whole in the future, the paid the light didn't have a significant injuries because even if the um,
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the set pricing panel doesn't hate. yeah. you then get things like that break being blown off and moved around the capital. i state because the aircraft is still climbing and it's flying recently faust. so the passengers sitting that would normally be sitting near that if they were right next to that, how they would be quite significantly. so stephen, what of going to be the, the consequences safety wise because of this incident so, well, it's now happening is, alaska airlines have crammed it all to say right croft, because there is a big investigation. this just started the investigation will be conducted by the american investigators, which will be the n t s b i. in addition, they will be input from boeing and this investigation will look at how the croft um, the uh,
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the fits it with these site tools. how they all um at the moment. so all of the other plates in this uh, operation and so they are going to be very key to make sure that the tools, the store covers that they fos incorrectly is likely to be an inspection requirement. so the plan will not be allowed to take off before an inspection takes place to make sure that false things are correct. i know things of been pushing properly. press the all by the agency. right. thank you very much for joining in. this is why the bombs continue to fall on gaza this saturday. there were reports of air strikes on the southern cities of hon, uterus, and bravo, with hundreds of thousands of civilians. the seeking shelter in the military is next stage and the bowl of the defense minister says they'll take a more target at approach in the north of the enclave. continue to pursue the lead
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is how most widely considered a tower group in the south. smoke rises overhead units in southern gaza, as israel, as military continues to bombard suspect to time us height outs. the fighting has severely hampered a deliveries to the strip you and says some convoys have even been shot at this is the 1st medical delivery to arrive in hon units in 10 days. buildings across the territory have been reduced to rubble some 85 percent of gauze, and are now incredibly displaced in a statement released on friday. the u. n's emergency relief coordinator said 3 months on from the october 7th attacks by how much gaza has quote, become a place of death and despair. families are sleeping in the open as temperatures plummet. areas where civilians were told to relocate for their safety
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have come under bombardment. people are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. simon is around the corner, gaza has simply become uninhabitable. on friday, the israeli military said its forces hitting more than $100.00 targets in 24 hours alone, including military positions, rocket launch, tides and weapons. as the fighting continues, the un said supplies vital to the survival of causes. 2000000 residents are virtually non existent. there are fears, the war and suffering could expand to israel's northern border, which level known as both sides exchange fire. on an almost daily basis. security is being stepped up around holding stations ahead of sunday's general election in bangladesh. a 119000000 people are registered to vote. i mean it's the
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shake i've seen is ruling party is one of the expect it to win a full time. the main office isn't in the bangladesh. nationalist party is boy talking about the b and b has a cold for a 48 hour general strike. it accuses the government of arbitrarily jailing its bibles competing a why me lead to nice the allegation. let's take you straight to dunk out with. so bad aspect is following this for us with tensions rising ahead of the boat. what can we expect this weekend? it's been uh right now in talk. i it's, it's almost the days over now it's evening and up the 1st day of the strike that has been like the days over. so we haven't seen much happening on the streets today, but what we have seen last night, or last couple of days, a few incidents of our spending, our senate tax on, on some bullying boots that close the country. and also yesterday there was one our
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send it back on a passenger train which killed 5 people and a golden sweat taken to the hospital. so in that sense, the situation is a little, it a little tense and we have seen less traffic as photo saturday in talk up, but um there, and we saw like, uh, the forces different force police and other, other forces patrolling all over the car, all over the city with on the vehicles. so that's the situation in talk out right now. this is a 2 day strike of course starting today with the b and b asking people to boycott tomorrow's vote. what's going to happen tomorrow? so tomorrow, uh e b and b is like they are, they're asking, there are doing people not to come to the polling stations and not to vote for an election that they are not part of. and they don't want them to vote for this election because they think the as they are not participating in this
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a ruling party, they are going to form another government. and they don't want this government to be accepted, widely accepted or legitimized. so that's why they don't want these people to come to the boarding centers and not vote for the for the, for the of, of, on this election. but on the other hand, the ruling party, they're saying that they are asking people to come to the boarding centers and give boards and, and they want to show that if a lot, if a big turnout is happening, then they would say that the opposition has not a lot of follower base or support based in the country. so that's the big question is now right now, how can you tell us a bit more about politics in your country, considering the opposition accusations against the government when it comes to bibles being jail. these attacks on polling stations that a train as he mentioned and, and calls for a boy called at the but so b and b has
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asked the people to bike or the selection they have already uh, blanketing this. and uh, the thing is they said that uh uh they, they were demanding an interim government under which government this election should have been happening under disc under this govern administration. this election shouldn't be deb that's. that's the quote because they think that under this administration, a fed election is not possible. so that's their content. and that's the logic. and, and, and, and they say that if this government and, and prime minister shake us the, not the design and foreman and didn't goldman and under the administration, they would take part in this election. and they went into, into the streets. they were up demanding the we did with the demands, but um, on the stage there were some there, the processions turned violent and at some point in late october and after that of the police cracked down on the,
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on their supporters. and they say at least $20000.00 and more of their support as are in jail. they were taken in j n a that include their of the top leaders. so they say that there is no environment in the country right now for, for a democratic election. so the, you would see my eyes open, how that probably has the owner is managing to consolidate power at home or so if that's a problem and just a shake of so you know, it's like she has been in power since 2009 uh consecutively for durham, we would it be if she, if she gets elected again. so what she has done so far, she has up the economy of the country, has grown in the last 15 years and she has managed to pull work to go down and, and also she has made some big mega structures in the country. so some big develop
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and walks of data that's easy but so that's hard what, what she is she a she, she's proud of what she's doing about that. but also on the other side, the critics, they say that there is a democratic backsliding in the country that uh, the operation, the opposition said that are operations on them. so this is a dilemma in that, but also she's getting support internationally because for halls sure. what she, things that her foreign policy is friendship to everyone malice to none. but we have seen that the us and the european union, they have been always, they have been trying to say that the democratic backsliding has to be dealt. there should be an environment of dialogues and all, but she didn't want any kind of any in any election and any dialogue with the opposition who only wanted her stuff to resign. but she also had a on her back to the regional players like china and india. what we have seen and
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russia is also there. so this is a very complicated a for in a situation like sounds like it's very complicated. they go into my guys, have they're leaving their dw, go back in dot com. thank you very much. i. it's a thank you for joining us here on data products down on the trast fashion as an environmental 9 a clothing graveyard image of land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion watch now on youtube. the mold does a country and.


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