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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw, you slide from berlin, the un says guys that has become uninhabitable. months of war have displaced, 2000000 palestinians who live under constant threats of air strikes by israel is riley ministry escaping back operations and northern guys and pressing its offensive against from us in the sacks. as fears, 9th of the conflict in gaza could expand to the wider region us secretary of state . and to me, blinking continues a whirlwind diplomatic tour, stopping for tools with the leaders of turkey and greece. before arriving in the middle east. i'm dramatic scenes as a us airliner makes an emergency landing
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a piece of the fuselage flows out in mid air. there are no reports of any serious injuries with the airline grimes, its fleet of 737 to max nines. the problem for nearly as welcome to the program is riley bottoms has been folding on guys up for another day. there are reports of air strikes on the southern cities of con, eunice and rough were hundreds of thousands of civilians are seeking shelter. india's riley ministries next day during the war, the defense minister says they'll take a more targeted approach and use fewer troops in the north of the gaza strip, but continue to pursue the leaders of hamas in the south. of mass is considered a tear group by germany, the you and many others. smoke rises for hahn units in southern
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gaza as israel, as military continues to bombard suspect to time us hide out. the fighting has severely hampered a deliveries to the strip. un says some con voice have even been shot at this is the 1st medical delivery to arrive in han units in 10 days. buildings across the territory have been reduced to rubble. some 85 percent of gardens are now incredibly displaced. in a statement released on friday, the un emergency relief coordinator said 3 months on from the october 7th attacks by her boss. gaza has quotes become a place of death and despair. families are sleeping in the open as temperatures plummet. areas where civilians were told to relocate for their safety have come under bombardment. people are facing the highest levels of food insecurity ever recorded. simon is around the corner. gaza has simply become
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uninhabitable. on friday, the is really military said its forces get more than $100.00 targets in 24 hours alone, including military positions, rocket launch, sites, and weapons. as the fighting continues, the u. n said supplied vital to the survival of causes. 2000000 residents are virtually non existent. there are fears, the war and suffering could expand to israel's northern border, which level known as both sides exchange fire on an almost daily basis. in an attempt to stop the conflict from spreading us secretary of state anthony blinking has just arrived in jordan. that's the 3rd stop of a week long diplomatic trip. earlier he visited greece for talks with greek prime minister. yeah. causing me to attack his grease spots and initiative by cyprus to establish a maritime car door to deliver a to guys
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a blinking arrived in greece after meeting turkish president, treasury of ty it or the one earlier on saturday. he'll later travel to israel, the occupied westbank and 5 arab nations. c 9, d is an expert on turkey's domestic politics and it's foreign policy. you told me earlier, what he made is blinking visit to anchor. so he has an appeal bass, i think, with the turkish authorities because is increased concerned going forward since the october 7 attacks occurred in israel. the cherokee is a material suppose to, along with cuts are off from us. and significant research shows that turkey is one of the main financial hubs, which the service entity basically is, is able to, to fund a considerable amount of funds to the organization in gaza, but also other operations overseas outside of kaiser. so what part of lincoln's job is actually to request or insist turkish authorities to,
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to take measures against this impact just informally, can visit the state department released as a number of names. most members residing in turkey and offered a bounty for, for, for, for that capture. the secretary has an uncomfortable task inputs, you know, it's asking for a key to essentially end or significant a scale down and support from us. because everything that the united states does in trying to assess these route to, to, to, to combat the status of the is enabled and continued by the turkish republic. and therefore, this presents a significant challenge for the united states and israel and other allies to want to see, to the, the limitation of how much going forward. all right, so the us sides firmly with this rep, but i'm the turkish president that has compared at is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu to ad off hitler and said he should be prosecuted for quote, war crimes. so it looks like it's going to be difficult from what you're saying am for the us and turkey. um,
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but how do you think they're going to go about is how do you think these discussions are going to go if they're trying to find some sort of middle ground between that's not forget these to allies. so that's a good question. i think the be the, the by the administration is going to hit a wall simply because i don't think they have the decisiveness needed to actually, punitive majors against turkey suicide to stop eating and it back to a terrorist. that's the, that's recognized by the united states and the european union and also, so he continues to harbor some of his leadership as provided passports, as well as material shipments of weapons grade materials. and from us, i don't think the by the administration has the chop suicides to be charged, so you'd have to hold to the top. and also i'll also be honest with you to, in the sense that the, the art on government. yes, the cheese compared destiny. i, which we thought see, he's cool for a boy caught up is really good spite surgery, citizens inside of the turkey. but inc trade with, with, with israel has only increased by about
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a 3rd since the october 7 to types. right. so either one is actually being disingenuous as it puts it as it starts against is ready to actually get from us. so because he doesn't want to, you know, cut trade and, and you know, lots of business with, with, with, with this right. on the one hand, but he wants to hold that account on the other. and also the by the administration is not just looking at the turkey from the perspective of as relevant. the boss is looking at from, you know, the extent to which will turkey cooperate with other things that are privacy stuff . you know, i'd say, such as the admission of sweden into nato, which still, you know, turkey is holding back on. and the return for turkey saying, yes it at our once the united states, a southern succeed fighter jets. so there's a broader portfolio of issues, but on the hamas, israel issue, i don't think the by the administration of the secretaries got to get very far. i see not seen on g d from the marine corps university in washington, dc. thank a as the governor of the eastern ukrainian region of the nets says at least 11
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people, including 5 children have been killed in a russian missile strike. the attack targeted, the city of puckered off, nearly 50 kilometers from the front line and a nearby area. the strike is said to have damaged, at least 6 houses. it comes as russia intensified its attacks on ukraine, ukrainian president for autumn ears landscape says hundreds of missiles were launched against his country in the past week. alaska airlines has granted it's boeing 737 max 9 feet after one of its planes made an emergency landing in the us state of oregon. a section of the fuselage including a window blue arrived a few minutes after take off images posted on social media, show a gaping hole in the side of the plane and oxygen masks hanging down. there are no reports of major injuries. the national transport safety board says it's investigating the incident. earlier i asked aviation expert and
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journalist judy and bray in cambridge, have such a failure could have happened in mid flight as well. the 3rd day. this is a space, so i know tillery emergency exit, which isn't used by alaska airlines. so instead of putting a door in boeing, pushing a whole section with the window. ready and it is this section for some reason. sailed and flew out. so it was back to the door. it's a whole panel. and that is what happens. the air across it re 16000 seats, the which i've been the pressurized. so the pilots very quick. the ops for mission to, to send a return to is apple, which you did as, as a to send it. the pressurize ation issue was less than about 30 friday because of people's phones with tablet hands, all that sort of thing. but so they did actually get down and they will say,
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what seems almost that miraculous that nobody was seriously injured. it may seem almost like a silly question. what was i to ask you to me to have dangers? is it for even a small chunk of the plane to blow off? well, it shouldn't happen. so that's good, right? signature. especially with this pick red cross where they've, they're all grounded for 18 months while they went through a safety checks off the 2 previous crashes. so they said so that so why this has happened, we don't know yet. so there's going to be a major inquiry. meanwhile, alaska airlines about to ground it. busy that the across and seen some boeing all the way now to examine the top and every, all the head off in the s leads. that old boeing 737 max jets were granted worldwide for nearly 2 years after 2 crashes in 2018 and 19. so does this raise new
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safety concerns a 5 base at type of aircraft, or whether you must raise a safety concern because you're not supposed to have sections of the fuselage blowing out like that. but it's a week and now right down to us as a single major issue, we will have to see what happens if thoughts really there are about $1300.00 of these acts off in service out the boat. so i should really be 2 words. thanks. union aviation expert to enter list judy and bray. oh, sorry, he's in japan say at least a 110 people are dead and more than 200 are still missing. following last week's earthquake, a woman in her ninety's was pulled a live from a collapsed have some more than 5 days. after a major quake slammed the region. among the hardest aid areas is what g, my city under pines, western coast, many streets have been reduced to rubble. bad weather is also hampering,
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rescue and recovery efforts are correspondent james trader, sent us this report from the affected area. you can watch him a bunch of times west and coast. many parts of the city now looks like this. the historic morning markets, once bustling with stools, has been devastated. for centuries, the monkey, the ones did hit with the beating hawks of life in which email now the lock, the shop switch, the city of celebrate now like in ruins. the market was consumed by a message by off to the january 1st of quake hotly because fire trucks were impeded by damaged roads. sorry, the hey, there's still some parts of the run that is still smoldering. with the connection to the pos now going some residents say they don't know how they can look forward to the future. just meet this from the markets. the chief priest of
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a local temple tells us his wife, as among the nice thing. he says he saw the house collapse, the windows such team finally arrives. they find nothing off the hours of such it was such team scoured the city for quite victims, some $700.00 of its residents of staying as a temporary shelter. i'm not here so no is one of the she says she face some of the older residents might never a ton of to that homes were destroyed like of funding or they would probably move to the children's homes outside the prefecture, as i know. and then the population of the city will go down. the and the city will change for the was why had the which of the way things change. everyone who knows this to see will never be the 2nd. before we go, we want to leave you with some of the sites and science of the epiphany around the world on pablo phone in the us for me in the team here. thanks for watching. take
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her the, the, the, the,
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the t we're going to stay and the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic that concern us about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w cost cost sometimes a seed is of all you need to allow big ideas to grow or bring an environmental conservation to wife with learning facts like global ideas.


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