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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the the, you're watching data will you use live for the lead mo, travel for you waste a giant boeing after a dramatic emergency landing a piece of fuselage blows out in mid day. there are no serious injuries thought authorities of ground in somnolence, owings, and best civic, best feeling 737 macs, a craft also coming up us secretary of state and to me blinking prices on with a will when diplomatic to a saying his mind i'm is to stop the conflicting concept from spreading the
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jared raid. welcome to the show you with a giant boeing is facing more scrutiny. i only for the safety of one of its best selling planes. federal authorities have ordered an immediate grounding and inspection of some boeing, 737 macs, 9 a craft. now this follows an alaska airlines flight in which a fuselage panel blew out. so i have to take off leaving a gaping hole in the plane. it landed safely safely with no major injuries. emma, who took a pre flight selfie before boarding an alaska airlines flight from portland, oregon bound for ontario, california. for her. it was a normal flight. until it wasn't. i'm sleep a as feel a plain job and it wasn't like any other turbulence just because the masks i came down to. so that's what i knew like, oh gosh, this is something way different. and yeah, sort of freaking out. a piece of the fuselage tore off the left side of the jet as
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it climbed out of portland. no door flew off. um we i'm so grateful we weren't hire in the air like that more things and it fly out that no one flew out. i think that's incredible that we're all safe. who was left by a panel, the plains manufacturer, boeing designed to cover the space for an optional escape door. it took away from the plane unhappy i crossed the that's high altitude of cruising altitude, for example, maybe more passages wanna unbundle the about creating a big movie about the cabinet and then setting what would have been a risk of loss of life with the passengers potentially able to be sucked out of the vehicle. the pilot made an immediate emergency landing back in portland with all 174 passengers and 6 crew members on hurt. back on the ground, it all sink in for an interview. i think it's just crazy,
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like when we were standing, a lot of guest services waiting to get re booked and everyone's looking at that picture together. i was like, oh my gosh like that is like literally like entire door or panel of the plane that flew out. right. so i'm feeling a little shaky. i really want to go see my friends and my boyfriend. so that's what i'm looking forward to. the plane was a brand new 737 max 9, boeing's best selling plane on saturday. federal officials ordered the immediate grounding of all 737, next 9 jetliners until they are inspected. boeing says that fully supports the phase decision. well steven rice is a professor or a craft systems company, a university in finland. he told us earlier, it was a lucky coincidence that no one was seriously injured in this accident. i'm really surprised and it's um, it's very fortunate. it seems that the way this panel completely detached
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and fell off that because i want people sitting right next to effectively that the whole in the future, the paid the light didn't have a significant injuries because even if the um, the set pricing panel, it doesn't hate yeah, you then get things like that break being blown up and moved around the cabinet high state because the aircraft is still climbing and it's flying recently faust. so the passengers sitting there would normally be sitting near that if they were right next to that, how they would be hurt quite significantly. stephen, i stephen right there he was a navy ice and expos speaking to us earlier. let's take a look now at some of the stories making headlines today. at least 11 people, including 5 children have been killed. you know, russian missed all struck in the eastern ukrainian region of don't yet. russia has intensified its attacks on ukraine. it seems the stock of winter ukrainian
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president loaded me. zalinski says russia has launched hundreds of missiles in the last week of on lawyers for a child senegalese opposition. later, to appeal against a court ruling bothering him from standing in next month's presidential election was months. sancho was sent to prison for 2 years in june for marly, corrupting a young post. them that'd be. he believes he has made its biggest is a cocaine stage. the police found more than 8 tons of the drug keaton. in a shipment of wood panels bound to the netherlands, the united nations says, believe here is the world, the biggest cocaine producer of to columbia, and for re me your brazil football legend. mario's the galler has died at the age of 92. he was the 1st person to win the sports will comp as boys play a and cottage and the only person to have ever done it twice. us secretary state antony blinking says he wants to make sure that the conflict in
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gossip does not sprayed. when can also it stays this particular concern over exchanges of fire on the border between these around them live and on. he was speaking during a diplomatic mission around the middle east. lincoln the spinning took in grace. he's now in jordan and we'll move on to kata egypt and israel. this is the 4th time since october 7th, that i'll be in the region and will be there at what remains and incredibly difficult time for the region in the wake of the october 7th attacks on israel. as we said from day one, we have an intense focus on preventing this conflict spreading. and a big part of the conversations will be having over the coming days with all of our all as partners is looking at the steps that they can say. using the influence advise that they have to do just that, to make sure that this conflict doesn't spread. second, we'll be looking at what we can do to maximize the protection for civilians
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maximize the amount of trade assistance getting into them. uh and also to get possibly just out of guys and do double use turkey correspondent julia han followed up lincoln's talks with turkish president richard. typo one. he's her assessment. the packing is an important but also a very difficult nato ally for washington to express. an ad one has a image as one of the fiercest critics. all the is we're in the military campaign. in garza, he has repeatedly verbally attacked. is there any prime minister benyamin natania? why think washington would like to see add one to tone down these the attacks? another important issue i believe is turkey's continued support for him us because ad one does not consider the militant group a terrorist organization role that he things they are a legitimate political force. a mazda officials have found a safe haven here in turkey and recent years and the us does seem to believe that
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several a legit him, us operatives are still here in a tacky. so there are lots of differences. but as i said, there is also common ground and i think it's important for the us to make sure that talkie will be on board when it comes to any post floor plans for gaza. however, they might look like a yearly hon reporting day from his temple. meantime, to use foreign policy chase, yoseph burrell, has warned, against slipping on, being dragged into a regional conflict. the real has been holding talks in bainbridge as fee is arise, that the war in costs are crude, escalade, israel, and the living on base the malaysian group has by law have been exchanging rockets finally, i mean is to thank you to all of you swear authorities in japan say at least 110 people out did and more than 200, it's still missing. following the earthquakes on january, the 1st
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a woman in her nineties has been pulled a live from the collapse house. 5 some 5 days life. a among the hottest seed areas is the city of watching my on japan's west western caused many straits. they had been reduced to rubble, bad way. there is also hampering recovery operations of correspondent james chase. same task this report as you can watch him a bunch of times west and coast. many parts of the city now looked like this. the historic morning markets. once bustling with stools has been devastated. for centuries, the monkey that once did hit with the beating heart of life in which email now the lock, the shop switched. the city of celebrates is now lying in ruins. the market was consumed by a message by off to the january 1st of quite partly because fire trucks were impeded by damaged roads. sort of a hey, there's still some parts of the run,
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but it's still smoldering. with that connection to the pos now gone. some residents say they've done their house, they can look forward to the future. just meet just from the markets. the chief priest of a local temple tells us his wife has among the nice thing. he says he saw the house collapse. the windows such team finally arrives. they find nothing of 2 hours of such and was such team scouts of the city for quite victims, some 700 of its residents of staying as a temporary shelter. makia sono is one of them. she says she faced, some of the older residents might never returned off to their homes were destroyed king michael finding or they would probably move to the children's homes outside the prefecture. and then the population of the city will go down and the city will change for the was why had that which of the way things change?
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everyone who knows this to see will never be to say, well, it's christmas full of millions of orthodox christians around the world, ukraine to move the event to the end of december to distance itself from russia. but on media. so it'd be egypt and causing stun. celebrate this weekend, the double use you re reset all your reports from the lot fee and capital rica with some people. they unlock the occasion with cold water rather than mild one. seats minus 15 celsius in locked out of the whole confess, conditions id. he's getting ready to swim. hello, dave, ideas the in the cold water. so you just have to watch out that you don't get caught by the sharp faces advice from his wife, margarita. i want to join. she's much heavier inside. we see our son marks to
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also be station drive this cause says he seems here whenever he can ice or you know, mice afternoon between one and 3 minutes is enough to get the health benefits the lot that has a little tradition of swimming. and i see what are some of those health benefits many here type that tradition to the church. and also it looks that we chose some way to in january around to the people which can often involve baptism style belong to just speak to what most of the orthodox christians, a lot of the i have russian notes, but are those, these lots of young? he comes out from put this down that isn't a decade ago, month, a slick of theater. i felt more drawn to it even physically. i had gone through a difficult time in my life and had to make certain decisions. and i felt the
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orthodox church was much closer to me, but i felt that supported me because i'm to both the family is a capital a v got as a so this is a holiday home is going out of town as marks. school is on a break, is it can spend to the orthodox christmas here as a 1000 or just yeah, that was just christmas on december 24th and 25th is more of a merry time for us to see a sleeper movement of what the party orthodox christmas is for us, much more religious. we prefer to celebrate this in a more peaceful atmosphere about brookwood for her that's made crackling. f, freezing deep outside. okay, here's a quick reminder of our top stories. the us a safety regulator has ordered and, and immediate grounding, an inspection of some boeing 737, max, 9, a cross. it follows an alaska airlines flight in which
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a window flew out to tank off in oregon and u, a secretary of state and to the blinking states. he wants to make sure conflict in gaza thousands freight blinking night. the comments during a diplomatic mission around the middle east. he's been in turkey and greece and has now arrived in jordan to get you can always get things up with you and yours on the car. just download our app from google file from the apple app store. it'll give you access to all the latest news to me around the world, as well as of course notifications for any ranking news and you're up to date on coming up. next sports life follows female athletes in afghanistan, and we're trying to continue to korea's despite being approached by the tell about this of course a lot more on our website, dw, dot com. you can follow us on social media to handle on jared, great in building. thank you for watching
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the big she's an advocate. do they have the when i, when i told me that because they don't have violence. do this, and we go say, colson, does she? today's because then they go to that who set up to, you know, medical people watch stuff with car bama tenants all the way. so not to go to these places in europe smashing.


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