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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 11:00am-11:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from berlin. ballad counting is set to begin in bangladesh, following a largely uncontested general election. the main opposition boy conduct the vote after call me an unfair making it all but certain the current ruling party will when pay forth consecutive terminal also on the program us secretary of state and to me blinking presses on with his whirlwind diplomatic tour aimed at preventing the conflict and gather from spreading is most recently stopped and surveyed in capital of a man on early sunday, which followed business to turkey and chris. the
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poles are closing in, following a largely uncontested general election in bangladesh with prime ministers, shaken, seen as the ruling party expected to win a 4th consecutive term in office. the main opposition party boy called at the vote . it accuses the government of arbitrarily jailing its members and allegation, the governing, allow me legal denies. brian minister, she'd casino cost her vote in the election in which many fund let issues already know what that is. that is going to be the ruling of, i mean the pieces on was no effective rifles in more seats as the main opposition, the bundle dish nationalist party sees the election is unfair and is not a big bar toner one to address them. we are asking people to by court the election on the does and activist we act accordingly. we have informed the world on the
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phone, whether she nation about the desk and the nation is protesting with us to check the b and b. it gives us the government of secrecy now, of imposing a booty track down in the months leading up to the election. the party claims more than 20000 of its members have been invested, and several guild in class has been released. many remain in hiding. the government sees the b and b has got a dog r. as in the dogs cousins of law enforcement officers has been sent in to maintain security on election d. since bangladesh was created in 1971, it has mostly been joined by either of army league or the b and b. each
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claims the other for violent tax. despite to this would be effectively uncontested . the tickets were for in the most of the between the 2 main parties overshadowed their election. and for more on this dw reporters, a bar i meant, joins us from bangladesh as capital deca. the polls are closing now. what are you hearing about turned out and do you think it is enough for the government to say it has the backing of the majority as well? the turn out is during the 7115 percent, just one hour earlier, before the closing closing of the pools. and the so in the last hour, in other few $0.04, votes might because, so that's the information from the electron function. uh so uh, the thing is a low floor for uh, for an official. um, uh uh there is a patient, a bar code or an election to be accepted. uh like,
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how much more does should the dental it should be. but uh for that uh, allow me to the leaders as they have talked to the local media into us, they do, but i in for an a 50 percent. will that turn out uh so that they can pull this collection up so widely accepted. and the goal goes, have rejected the opposition, but uh it, it seems that the thing the, their estimation of is it will be when for a later chart, that sounds like quite a bit short at present. we understand those numbers will be changing. and you are telling us earlier that there were some violent incidents today. how was the overall security situation? i think we are having some problems with real porters of our up and we'll come back
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to him when we can establish an audio. it's jordan's king abdullah has called on us secretary of state anthony blinking to put pressure on israel for an immediate cease fire engagement. blinking is currently in the jordanian capital, a man as part of a week long diplomatic tour ended calming regional tensions caused by the conflict the toward the coordination center for the world food program and held talks with king abdullah and jordans for administer, blinking has underscore the need to protect civilians and gaza and increase a deliveries there during his meeting with leaders. us secretary of state and need lincoln's week long whistle stop tool is paying a comb intentions to to spike and as well as with him. again, this is not just to work a day diplomacy that a genuine consent to come for that course is already escalating. we have an incense
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focus on preventing this conflict spreading far too many houses have been killed, especially the children. far to many remain incredibly challenged in terms of their access to food for water, the medicine to the essentials of life. as the wheels of diplomacy turn in gaza, that's the new laptop in the past 3 months is really strikes clay more lives food in medicine, increasing this guess i didn't tie it neighborhoods reduced to level c, u. n. c mats having she said, gaza has quite simply become uninhabitable. but isabel said that he is making progress. so frustrated, he might have had the end of fitness and determined fighting. we have what is meant to the mass military framework, inter valeo for move gun, the customer to them. we shall continue to deepen our achievements in these areas. it takes time, there are no short cuts in the war on terror seem of approval. and the risk of
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escalation is what concerns diplomats the most, in particular, the border between israel and 11 on these way and has the law forces have been exchanging shells almost daily since october 7 earlier this week, struck in by root that killed senior. i'm actually to sell it every in flight intentions. these inside of the meanwhile, inside is vile 7. now, regular antique government protests demonstrates is increasingly dissatisfied with the government's handling of the war and the slow progress in getting the hostages returned. some even calling for the prime minister and his government to step down . the hope is for this increase, especially if that domestically and internationally can help produce a much needed break today. and it's not just is rarely prime minister who's
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undergoing pressure to bring it into the conflict doors. also posing a challenge for israel's main ally, the united states. i asked nbc is jason camp of donia. what's at stake for president biden? if his diplomatic effort should fail, i could mean that we're going to engage and they're more that is not ours for lack of a better term. um, and that may look like a loss in the election year here in the united states for the administration and president joe biden. we get involved in something like that, especially with every military action increasing in the area because of the strip. um, i think right now the show of the american secretary of state going out there is a 5050, it's a coin flip, but they get out there and say, hey, we don't want this thing to spread. we don't want any other countries involved. we don't want any other groups involved and nothing happens to cease fire doesn't
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happen more a get into the area that's going to look like the trip was all show and no go. and i'm not sure that's going to bode well here. the, with the american voter, that was jason compet donya with nbc and use radio. in los angeles. us authorities have ordered the grounding and inspection of a $171.00. boeing plains us air giant is under intense scrutiny over the safety of it's popular at $737.00 max 9 aircraft. the order comes after a fuselage panel blew out on an alaska airlines flight in mid air, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the plane. it landed safely with no age or injuries. from inside the cabin, a passenger captures the moment just as the joint hold of his mood is relatively calm. but some of those on board are using oxygen masks. to break the lights, go out at the alaska airlines flights, tries to make an emergency landing. you know, the recording catches a tense,
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few minutes as crew members tried to bring the plane with more than a 170 people on board safely back down to with the down the laptop, the pete. we needed to announce the bag. and i didn't even though it took us honestly and then yeah, and sleeve as philip plain drops. and it wasn't like any other turbulence just because the masks i came down to. so that's what i knew like, oh gosh, this is something way different. and yeah, sort of freaking out is still yet knowing what caused parts of the plains fuselage to fall off. just stuff to take off. but investigate to say the situation could have been a lot worse at the crap reached its cruising altitude. the aircraft was around 16000 feet and only 10 minutes out from there and
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from the airports when the door blew. fortunately, they were not at cruise altitude of 30000 or 30035000 sleep seats. think about what happens when you're in cruise. everybody's up and walking. folks don't have seat belts on. they're going to restrooms. the flight attendants are providing service to passengers. we could end up with ended up with something so much more tragic. the us airline regulate to has or did the grounding and inspection of some boeing 737, max, 9 jets in the wake of the incidence affecting more than a 170 aircraft worldwide. steven right is a professor of aircraft engineering, a temporary university in finland. i asked him about his reaction to the incident as well. i thought that the,
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the event sounded browser unusual. it's not often that you hear about how it was appearing on aircraft. that said, this sort of event has happened before. and what has happened previously, specifically to british airways in 1990. it was because the wrong sized bolts we used to hold a window and that wasn't a structural member of the aircraft so that you know this, this stuff sort of stuff can happen. but it seems very unusual and just plain uh, on which this occurred was brand new only 10 weeks old. how. how could this have happened? do you think? well, it, it doesn't really make much sense to my, the plains brand new issue site. it's fresh at the factory. i understand it's been delivered and then it's, it hasn't been used very much by the operator. and it's only in this
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uh, the size that something has catastrophically happened to the aircraft. so the question that i'm asking myself is because it's so new and it hasn't been through the airlines usual maintenance. this to me indicate something happening from the factory. something that hasn't been picked up is late and it's hidden. and why would you go looking for it when you believe that it's perfectly fine? and it, us regulators have ordered the grounding of a $170.00 of these planes. what do you think they will be looking for to well, from my understanding, i suspect that going to require a engine is licensed aircraft engine is to uh, to inspect these, these fostering plates effectively the covers covered invest option i make. i
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want to make sure that the correct false means are ins uh or used. they're also going to want to make sure that the correct talk specification for these boats has been applied, which is relatively straightforward to check. and the requirement is for this check to take place before the next slide. so until they actually do this check and then sign some paperwork and report back to boeing that it's been done. these planes won't be taking off in america at this time. and here's a reminder of our top story. sioux falls, our closing and bangladesh, the following a largely uncontested general election with the current prime minister, all but certain to win a 4th term in office. the main opposition party boy economy. vote calling in hon, stare. and you are, of course, watching your news live from berlin up next, a documentary about the diary and gap, one of the most important and dangerous migration roots in the world. i'm mixed by
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cert, for me and the entire new scene here. berlin, thanks for watching the shows either and same to the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's my thoughts hired or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stop in port is not i want my son to become a doctor during the clubs. it's time to to.


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