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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw news life from bell in ballot counting is underway in bangladesh. sounds for a launch we uncontested election. the opposition fully caught at the boat, causing it on face, making it all but certain, the ruling pot. he will win another time in office full, so i want to program you waste, secretary of state and state, blinking, arise and contact the latest league of his diplomatic to insight into containing the conflict in gaza and boosting a to palestinians. the gulf site is a mediator between israel and thomas the
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i've been visible and welcome in bangladesh, votes of being counted in a general election, beset by low turnout and sporadic incidents of violence. by me this to shake a scene, his body is expected to win a 4th time in a row after a nationwide boat boy caught it by the main opposition. hundreds of thousands of people elise and members of the on forces were deployed in the lead up to the ballad, several polling boots, schools and a buddhist monastery was at a place. at least 4 people died in a passenger train fire that the government called us and here are some of the reasons they selection is stored such a political unrest. brian minister, she casino cost her vote in the election in which many fund let issues already know what that is. that is going to be the ruling of. i mean, the faces on was no effective rifles in more seats as the main opposition, the bundle dish nationalist party sees the election is unfair and is not
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a big bar on the album. we are asking people to by court the election on the disconnect, the risk we act accordingly. we have informed the was on the phone whether she nation about the pro desktop rep. and the mission is protesting with us to check the b and b, it gives us the government of secrecy now, of imposing a booty track down. in the months leading up to the election. the body claims more than 20000 of its members have been arrested. and several guild in class has been police. many remain in hiding. the government sees the b and b has got a dog r. as in the dogs, cousins of law enforcement officers has been sent in to maintain security on election d. since bangladesh was created in 1971,
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it has mostly been joined by either of army league or the b and b each claims the other for violent attacks. despite to this would be an effective fleet uncontested. the decade for, for the most of the between the 2 main parties, oversight to their election, i asked dw, so bear off, but in that guy, if the opposition is boy called had impacted voter turnout. the road. yes, it certainly has. uh, a few minutes ago. uh, the electric connection commissioner, because you have the water, he has declared that the total turn out uh uh is around 40 percent. uh what he told us earlier. uh, one hour before the election and the director for both being closed. uh, it was during the 7 person there around 27 percent now its 40 percent off. however,
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from the election commission and also from the ruling party. the anticipation was they would, and they were expecting that the 50 percent turn out of the debt and in bangladesh, even in an, in i do situation logan all the parties taking, taking part in this, in, in an action, a 70 percent for thing turn out is the number, so in that sense, actually the uh, the, the, the white card from the opposition has effected the voting, turned out, ends up being, but uh, we will be there. we are still waiting for the final uh no final, the exact turnout results that will be declared from the election function. so bad . ok, bad in dot com. us secretary of state and state blinking has arrived in that category . capital do have the latest stump of his diplomatic too focused on the conflicting concept. he travelled from jordan where king of done that just thinking to put pressure on israel to stop and launch it in the palestinian territory. thousands
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have been killed during israel's defensive to destroy all of us, which count out the west tower, attacking the as well as history. on october 7th, the us just talk, diplomats on a mad scramble to prevent the spread of the israel. how much will this time end to me blinking isn't georgians? capital man, as his middle east mission becomes ever more urgent, georgians. king of doing it. the 2nd judging the us secretary of state to do or he tend to push israel for a ceasefire, and warning blinking of what he calls the catastrophic repercussions of war and gaza. lincoln's visits to a world food program facility, highlighting the west ending humanitarian situation in the gaza strip or for these displaced palestinians on the receiving end of this conflicting gauze.
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help can't come soon enough. some accounting on end to me blinking himself to end the war. not by many brenson, we had the engine nibbling coming gold. the blinking looks the dog with an eye of my seat in hens the war and the misery when living in. they are people that mostly for free and they kind of find life. but his rescue is such through rough, blocked we're not the is really as striking, the south of the going to strip the prospective p seems hopeless. lincoln's middle east told though, continues, as he has to meet all the lead is on his mission to try to control the full out. from this conflict. i mean, the warnings of a public health disaster, the us secretary of state is calling for a to be scaled up. but what about getting those deliveries to civilians?
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i put that question through test ingram. of you to say if the un children's fund as well. there's a double challenge, ben, it's a matter of getting the idea and then, and then getting into across the guys a strip. so we need to scale up i, we need to get in this as quickly as possible. and then we need to tackle some of the challenges that we face in getting it to the children and families who need it the most, but that is absolutely critical. so the cold, the scale it up is, is, will very well welcome to test this one spot in the gaza strip in the very south. and it is the only spot where aid is getting in the boat to egypt. is there any hope of things getting better? there's been talk of the arrows crossing in the north being open for example. yeah, look like calling for a little existing crossings into the guys. a strip that were, were operating before the escalation hostilities to be reopened. one of those
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crossings, dram shalom, has been opening for, for some days, but, but as you say, there are others that could be opened and we really need access from as many possible route set up for events in order for us to get more idea. and because at the moment, we're only getting, you know, a 100150 trucks today and before the installation facilities of his 500. so the need is going our offices and the a is dwindled. so it's, it's really a, a very tragic situation for children and families on the ground. a golfer, i was going to say that a net needs to get to so many children who uh, over, proportionately affected in this war. tell us more about the situation for them, which was you make up about half of the population of god, just as you say, that a disproportionately affected by these conflict is no safe spice. for a child in god, the bones folding from the and disease looking around every corner. as we just
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heard in your report, there's no food nurses. i was a no show to their parents and families are really just exhausted by the she a exemption of trying to survive every day where we're hearing accounts from families and children on the ground that they often go days without eating. and when they do, it's just, you know, small amount of bread. and so the situation in terms of food is, is incredibly difficult and with worried in the coming waves to the very real risk of what spread 7. and for the kids who do manage to survive this onslaught, what, what sort of future is for them? how, how, why to you about the long term effects of this war on them? it's a strategy beyond anyone's wildest imagination. i think one of the things that where you know stuff a trying to prepare for and get a handle on these, the long term mental health impacts. obviously these children will have many of them physical scars from this conflict. but others will have lost family. they lost
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their home and enjoyed a ongoing fee a to so for days and for weeks throughout these facilities. so as you know, so if we're not just the delivering aid, we're also providing support services to some of these children to make the weather out and help them process some of those emotions to try and reduce the long term impact of the trauma trauma that they're experiencing at the bottom of the situation though is dependent on diplomacy that's going on around the region at the moment. and so many different players, but who is to blame for things? not having changed. i mean from day one with 3 months into this war and the situation hasn't changed. it really? it is. um, i'm the father of a little bit. we're allowing this as a global community to continue unit stuff has been calling for weeks now. full and immediate and long lasting humanitarians,
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they expire because we talk about aid and the changes that need to happen to get more in. and that's important. but the safe side really is the only way that we're going to be able to deliver enough. i to mate and they get it around the other to the children and families that need it. and ultimately for the sizing to stop, because most people that we speak to in guys are at the moment just urging us frontier to do whatever we can to end the fighting. as a humanitarian died agency, we can add the kite to to parties them to of being sessional community to do, but everybody can to try and, and the funding but ultimately needs needs to come from outside. i got it from you and assess test ingram. thank you very much for taking the time out today to speak to us here on dw, and use a brief look now at some of the other stories making use. the so called islamic state militant group has claimed responsibility for a deadly explosion in the after. and capital capital have
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a beneficial say at least 5 people were killed when the blast rate through a mini bows, at least 17 up as well, but it, it was in a she, like most of the neighborhood previously targeted bias. rescue work as a full the woman in her nineties for the rumble of a collapsed house in japan. within 5 days after a deadly it was quite. she was taken to a hospital of a 200 people are still missing off to the quite strong depends west coast. us. us all tardies of all of the grounding, an inspection of building a 100 boeing planes. the usa of giant is under intense scrutiny over the safety of its popular 737 max 9. a fuselage panel blew out on an alaska airlines flight in me . they're leaving a gaping hole in the side of the plane. it landed safely back in portland. there were no major injuries from inside the cabin, a passenger captures the moment just as the joint hold of his mood is relatively calm. but some of those on board are using oxygen masks. to break
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the lights, go out at the alaska airlines flights, tries to make an emergency landing nor the recording cap. she's a tense few minutes as crew members try to bring the plane with more than a $170.00 people on board. safely back down to with the down, the, alaska, the pete. we needed to send out the bag and i didn't even though we took off honestly and then. yeah. and sleeping as feel the plane drops. and it wasn't like any other turbulence just because the masks i came down to. so that's what i knew like, oh gosh, this is something way different. and yeah sort of freaking out is still yet knowing what caused parts of the plains fuselage to fall off. just stuff to take off. but investigate to say the situation could have been a lot worse of the crap, reached its cruising altitude. the aircraft was around
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16000 feet and only 10 minutes out from there and from the airports when the door blew. fortunately, they were not at cruise altitude of 30000 or 30035000 sleep seats. think about what happens when you're in cruise. everybody's up and walking. folks don't have seat belts on. they're going to restrooms. the flight attendants are providing service to passengers. we could end up with ended up with something so much more tragic. the us say like regulate, has ordered the ground doing and inspection of some boeing 737, max, 9 jets in the wake of the incidence affecting more than a 170 aircraft worldwide. that brings you up to date on the w and use of x.
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tech 1000000000. is ideas for transport and why they main on what i've been visible and see next down the world in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about the topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headlines world in progress. the w cost cost you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that space is, is a morally relevant criteria. and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier. and. 2 2 should.


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