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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use life from berlin bind to the dash has a winter after a large me on contested election. prime minister shade casino has one re election for a 4th consecutive term in a contest boy content by the main opposition, which called the context of unfair. also in the program, us secretary of state antony blinking, arrives in kentucky on the night. it's like of his diplomatic tour, it's aimed containing the conflict in gaza and boosting a to palestinians. the gulf states is
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a key mediate here between israel and thomas the on pablo. solely as welcome to the program, binds of dashes, routing party is swept to victory in sundays election. the countries, the election commission says prime minister, shaken, seen as a why me lead as one more than half the seats in the countries legislature. that gives her a 4th consecutive term as the countries later. but in a poll boy content by the main opposition. that true low turn. i have to and was marked by finance. a prime minister shake has seen a custom her ballot in an election without the real competition. after 15 years and power, she faced few obstacles on her way to another 6 year term domain a position bind glut, dish nationalist party. the b and p like caught to devote, accusing her of
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a brutal crack down to his siena. it seems of little consequence. i have to go home to home and do his party. no. i have my i called to be the 2 people to the people. the people accepted it or not for them, they have accepted this electron or not. that is important but has soonest be to rivals say they are up against more than just words. they being p claims more than 20000 of its members, have been arrested in the lead up to the vote. the government blames the opposition for arson attacks. the coal, so boy code seems to have been heard by many voters. these protests are suit to the streets and the capital dock. uh,
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instead of go into polling stations as a citizen, voting is my most important, right. why am i here on the street instead of going to exercise my rights? because in reality, there is no election here. we all know who's going to window who's going to form the next government. even the solo, the voting starts, the election officials put the turn now that's around 40 percent of the non but from the previous polls, 6 years ago, the supporters of christina, crated her with a successful fight against poverty and some bushes. infrastructure developments, while opponents say that today, she's acting like an autocrat that isn't these beauty to the again to us or so sir . and steve, so good take. so consider to be able to enemy is the space for promoting solid. the basic i so the, the apollo is, has been the cause, the machine came despite the low turn out on the bike caught a while me league ended supports his claim as soon as victories,
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legitimate. now that the results are written, it's not clear how the opposition will respond. professor any re, as a political scientist, illinois state university in the united states a little earlier, i asked them how much the opposition boy con, affected the turn. i am the election in general. it does effected in almost the as a matter of fact, we have seen to date, inbound a dish that people have voted to did with this piece that been decided enough the bus. because even though who killed status that has been provide seems to be a suspect. and they're going to see that this has been eaten the building kind of stuff. and it was completely absent. i've just been thinking of putting agents in the center so large major, even the government number shows that it has been a white glove in 3 days each has attracted the donna under their sex or
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so it's been an election essentially with added opposition. and yet the government claims it's free and fair. what are your thoughts on it? how's it going to be? see and see it when bring 2000 plus people have been invested. add up the election more than 15. 100 people have been convicted on frivolous charges. sometimes, you know, the basis besides what we have seen that the, the comcast cause demands definitely because by the, the ruling party, you know, when they're put out the kind of candidates or to me independently. and basically they have their own party at their after a dish and a process that we're seeing is completely on here. and then again, what for you seem to the date. it's the important one that people have actually see to include have see, to read. this is that this is the next assignment barely be called an election often describe a disconnection. and that is why the little time that we have see alright, well,
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now going forward. what will a, has seen a victory then mean for bangladesh. so these legs, the legs are missing the 1st place because it is not a mandate of the people that received because to the process as well as to the dates that people have not voted. this is not an expression of to we lived in b, b as they will face and then, and a lot of us from the issue of claiming that they are active representing the peoples. besides, we see that obligation political bodies, including the dish and ask prosperity, but then again, other 15 political bodies that are registered with dc or to get the 61 political parties have not participated in this election. people have not working. so this will be a challenge for them. beyond that, there are 2 other elements of gender economy is in a dire situation. we have seen the crisis that started almost a year ago is getting worse. and all of these things would be
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a major challenge floodplain for and then whether it would be acceptable to the international community, particularly with the western countries living insisting on the the other name most of the election. all right, we leave it there, professor ali, re, as from the illinois state university. thanks for joining us on dw. thank you. a secretary of state anthony, blinking is on a tour of the middle east and in an effort to contain the conflict in gaza. his latest hopes of taking place and guitar, whose officials have served as keen mediators between israel and thomas. which card i the worst terror attack in israel's history? on october 7th, are you a secretary of state antony blinking on a mad scramble to prevent the spread of israel? a mazda for this time? us is tough. diplomat isn't guitar. second largest city sale has this middle east mission becomes ever more urgent. us secretary of state, met with a guitar
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a mere shake. tell me been how much, how tiny blinking says he's pushing for ways to protect civilians and get more humanitarian aid in the gaza. while ensuring that moss could not strike again, blinking visit to a world food program facility highlighting the worsening humanitarian situation and the gaza strip. for these displays, palestinians caught in the crossfire. this conflict in gaza. help can not come soon enough summer desperately hoping this visit will finally bring an end to the war. not among many black we hope that antony, blinking, m god. that blinking looks at us with an eye of mercy and the ends. the war and the
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misery were living in san we are a people that must live a free and dignified life at email. but his rescuer, search rebel, after another is rarely ever striking the south of the gaza strip. prospect of peace seems hopeless. lincoln's middle east tour continues as he prepares to meet other leaders, including israel and the occupied westbank on his mission to try to control the fall of from this conflict of the german foreign minister on elena available. kids also on a trip to the middle east to making her 4th visit to the region since the october 7th attacks babble kids due to hold talks with the is randy president on foreign minister before leaving the a sample code for an n to the cycle of violence in the middle east, she said both sides would be able to live in peace only if quote,
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each sees the suffering of the other. a short while ago i spoke to chief political correspondent need a has a who's in jerusalem. i asked her what bab upset about the situation that's brought her back to them, at least. what was the stress that it's exactly 3 months to the day? that's how most her is in broad, unimaginable suffering to this region to israel and to gaza. and she said that that cycle of violence does have to stop. but she also said that there are people in level known who are now concerned that to that could be a potential escalation of the conflict to that region. she said, it only takes this fault to set the entire regional client and that, that is not sustainable. that now we also must be, must make so that's and humanitarian suffering and, and the people do talk about ways to come to sustainable peace. again, not deadlock is expected to hold talks with palestinian foreign minister re leaky in the palestinian territories on monday. tell us more about that planned meeting
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and what the reaction has been from me as well. and i've tried to use going to meet with him, and of course there are 2 topics on the agenda, one, the concrete steps that need to happen now during this current phase of the whole war if you will. and so how do people get the humanitarian a gemini is one of those countries that has been cooling for more humanitarian polls is to let a deliveries actually get into the listed in territory, east west. so many people are threatened with starvation that that is not a situation that is sustainable. but of course also now is the time says bev of the german foreign minister to talk about the post will gauze the situation on what is required to achieve such a situation. we had the report about antony blinking american counts upon germany on the us. do work hand in hand when it comes to trying. an brokering piece here in this region,
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gemini says that 5 things there essentially on needed to reach this sustainable peace and security for the region that there can be no more terrorism threat from gaza towards is ro without the same time. also no more reduction of the palestinian territories, especially garza know of occupation of gaza. and then also as the needs to be strong hosting and authorities to all these things will be on the agenda in the post and entire trees. right, this isn't the box 1st trip to the region in, in recent months, as we've mentioned, to remind us what role germany is taken as the israel, how much more rages gemini, feels very strongly affected itself. germany because of its history. because of the nazi paused where the germans killed so many jews, the 6000000 jews. germany says that israel does have the right to exist as the state and that any attempt to abolish the state of israel must of course be
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counteracted. and so israel germany says, is a country that has the right to defend itself of the same time germany, also putting pointing the finger at all the humanitarian suffering that is going on . and is one of the biggest delivers of a humanitarian goods into the post in the entire trees, but also into countries like egypt. where for example, a young babies are being treated that are coming out from post time. us. thanks, dana of chief political correspondent nina has in jerusalem forth. let's take a look now at some of the stories making news around the world. the news, broad costs are ultra 0, has accused israel of targeting. it's journalist funerals have being held for to palestinians who reported for the network. they were killed on sunday when the parent is, randy airstrikes hit the car they were travelling in. israel's military hasn't responded, but a said before that it naturally deliberately attacks. during this the so called
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islamic state, american group has claimed responsibility for a deadly explosion. and the ask on capital kabul talked about officials say at least 5 people were killed when the blast ripped through a many bus, at least 17 others were wounded. it was in a she item, most of them neighborhood previously targeted by s. worship worship, or as have held mass and back to him to mark the beginning of orthodox christmas. the westbank city of bethlehem is believed to be the 1st class of jesus. this year's event was more muted with the vast majority of celebrations, canceled in solidarity with palestinians and gods. and here's a reminder of our top stories are invited to the dash, the incumbent prime ministers party has been announced as the winter of this weekend's large meet uncontested general election. the main opposition party boy content vote, calling it unfair, the wind ends, prime ministers,
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a casino at her latest term in office. hope next, our tech show shift this time, looking at internet addiction and space technology spend all stuff beneficial, us all on top of voting leaves for me and the team here. berlin, thanks for watching and take care the rest of what did you do to save the tenants and she survived our shirts. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin the,
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the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika,


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