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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CET

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the the, this is dw news life from berlin, bangladesh as a winner, after a large me on contested election. prime minister say casino has one re election for a 4th consecutive term in a contest boycotted by the main opposition, which called the con, which called it unfair. also on the program, us secretary of state anthony blink and continues his diplomatic tori and guitar, where he warns that the conflict in gaza could quote metastasized to the wider region. the top us diplomats also urges the protection of civilians and preserving palestinians right to live in the territory the
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unpopular fully ass. welcome to the program. bangladesh is ruling party has swept to victory in sundays election. the countries election commission says prime minister, shaken, seen as a why me lead as one more than half the seats in the country is the legislature that gives her a 4th consecutive term is the country's leader. but in a poll, boycotted by the main opposition that drew low turn out and was marked by violence . a prime minister shake has seen a custom her ballot in an election without the real competition. after 15 years in power, she faced few obstacles on her way to another 6 year term domain, a position binding about dish nationalist party. the b and b like caught to devote, accusing her of a brutal crack down to has seen a. it seems of little consequence. i have to go home
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to home. if there is a party that there is no, i have my, i called to be the 2 people to the people. was the people accepted or not? for them they have accepted this electron or not, that is important but has seen this be to rival say they are up against more than just words. b and p claims more than 20000 of its members have been arrested in the lead up to the vote. the government blames the opposition for our some attacks the coal, so boy code seems to have been heard by many voters. these protests are suit to the streets and the capital dock. uh, instead of go into polling stations as a citizen, voting is my most important, right. why am i here on the street instead of going to exercise my rights?
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because in reality, there is no election here. we all know who's going to a window who's going to form the next government. even the soul of the voting starts. the election officials put the turn out that around 40 percent of the non but from the previous polls. 6 years ago, the supporters of christina, crated her with a successful fight against poverty and impatience infrastructure developments. while opponents say that today, she's acting like an autocrat, but this isn't these beauty to the agenda as also said and deep feel good take. so consider to be able to enemy is the space for promoting solid, the basic guy. so the problem is, has been the because the machine came despite the low turn out on the bike caught a while me league ended supports his claim as soon as victories, legitimate. now that the results are reading, it's not clear how the opposition will respond. let's get some more analysis
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now and speak to says agent expert michael cove of mine who is the, the deputy director of the agent program at the wilson center in washington dc. welcome to dw and use. so 1st and foremost, how much has the opposition boy caught effect at the turn act on the election in general? was it was very critical. the fact that the d n t, the main opposition did not participate because that essentially has meant that the ruling part of the allow me leak was running against itself in the sense that those opposition parties that did decide to participate in the election. they're quite small and they're quite weak, meaning they can mount a challenge to the ruling party. and then you also have um independence, a bunch of independence that ran. but most of these independents were actually aligned with the ruling party. so again, wants to be in pain, decided not to participate that made it very clear what the outcome of the selection was going to be. and that was the case of in the n p. pardon me, the why?
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mainly the ruling party running against itself and gliding to an easy and highly predictable victory. all right, so we're looking at an election, but essentially without a significant opposition. and yes, the government has claimed that it's a free and fair election. what's your opinion on that? as well i, i would argue that by definition you cannot have a stare election if you do not have the main opposition party in there. and you know, the reason why the main opposition decided not to participate goes back to a number of factors and it's laid out really over a period of many months. so not a year or so. and that includes a very significant crack down against the opposition to the point that the, the main opposition b and p as included that the playing field. the electro playing field was not level and itself it um, it had no no reason to participate in an election that it believed it would lose.
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and also have to go back to the previous election in 2018 when the opposition didn't participate. and the ruling party won and a result that was widely viewed as rick, the ruling party won with about 96 percent of the votes. so i think that for the opposition, they concluded that what's the point of doing this? they believe they made a mistake and the last election by running, they feel that the situation hasn't gotten any better. that the repression and the part of the ruling party is only increased and that sense base out there is no reason to participate. so i think it's important to look at not only the fact that the opposition decided not to participate, but also the reasons driving that decision. and i would argue that the key word here is credible. i think that the election cannot be described as a credible action because of the fact that the main opposition did not participate and for the reasons that it shows not to participate. right. what this has seen is victory then mean for a bangladesh going forward as well. i mean,
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the dish has a lot of challenges right now. and the immediate one for, for shaken, seen it for the prime minister is, is political in the sense that you have an opposition. that is extremely agree. you extremely angry. did not want the selection to happen, but did not want the election to happen with the, with the current government overseeing it. it must know that it is now to the point of being elect, really irrelevant. so i think that for the government there's going to be a major challenge related to the issue of political tensions and the risks of political unrest and even the possibility of political violence down the road. the other day challenge for the government will be you can amik shaken, seen a, has state or claim to being a successful leader to the fact that she's overseen significant levels of economic growth. and yet the economy is sputtered over the last year. seeing brand new levels of inflation and that that'll be a big challenge for her as well. thanks michael. michael, google mine, deputy director of the asian program at the wilson center. thank you. us secretary of state on to the blinking is on a tour of them,
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at least in an effort to contain to conflict in gaza. is 8. is talks of taking place in tar, where he met with the countries a mere and warrant that israel's war against thomas which carried over the worst her attack in israel's history. on october 7th could metastasize to the wider region causing more in security. and so free of the us, secretary of state antony, blinking on a mad scramble to prevent the spread of israel. a mazda for this time us is top diplomat is inc. atara 2nd largest city sale has this middle east mission becomes ever more urgent. us secretary of state, met with a guitar a mere shake. tell me been how much, how tiny blinking says he's pushing for ways to protect civilians and get more humanitarian aid in the gaza. while ensuring that moss could not strike again, blinking visit to a world food program facility highlighting the worsening humanitarian situation and
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the gaza strip. situation for these displays, palestinians caught in the crossfire of this conflict in gaza. help cannot come soon enough. some are desperately hoping this visit will finally bring an end to the war. not many, many plans. we hope that antony blinking and god, that blinking looks at us with an eye of mercy and the ends. the war and the misery were living in san. we are a people that must live a free and dignified life at email. but as rescuer search read the after another is rarely err striking. the south of the gaza strip prospect of peace seems hopeless. a link in the middle east tour continues as he prepares to meet other
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leaders, including israel and the occupied westbank on his mission to try to control the fall of from this conflict. the german foreign minister on elena bell bulk is also on a trip to the middle east, making her 4th visit to the region since the october 7th. the tax fab oaks, visiting claims talks with the is riley president on foreign minister before leaving the foreign minister babble called for an end of the cycle of violence in the middle east. she said both sides would be able to live in peace, only of quote, each seized the suffering of the other. while earlier i spoke to chief political correspondent and you know, has a who's in jerusalem and i asked her what the bulk said about the situation. that's brought her back to the middle east. what was the stress that it's exactly 3 months to the day? that's how most terrorism, broad unimaginable suffering to this region to israel and to gaza. and she said that that cycle of violence does have to stop. but she also said that there are
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people and never known her now concerned that the that could be a potential escalation of the conflict to that region. she said it only takes the spot to set the entire region on fire, and that, that is not sustainable. but now we also must be, must make sure that she monetary and suffering and, and the people do talk about ways to come to sustainable piece again. mean a has a in jerusalem there. let's take a look. now, some of the stories making news around the world, then use broad costs for elders era has accused his right of targeting. it's journalists funerals of being held for to palestinians who reported for the network . they were killed on sunday when an apparent is ran, the air strike hit the car they were traveling in. israel's mandatory hasn't responded, but a said before that it never deliberately, attacks journalists rescue workers in italy, have her covered the bodies of 2 people who were killed in an avalanche in the
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mountains close to the swiss border. a couple of were snowshoeing in the piedmont region, when the avalanche struck the us national society. a film critics has voted german performer example, who the as best actress for her roles in anatomy of a full and zone of interest. she's earned praise for her diverse roles and does not tipped for the upcoming golden globes. and perhaps even ask, i'm sorry to interrupt. i'm sorry. strong comparative women such roles. so to you, come sancho, who do i place them with great intensity your opinion, and to tell me in some way it was and what we were going through in that time we have a full she plays a successful olsa who was suspected of murder. did she pushed her husband out of a window after an argument or not the movie deeds? the question unanswered. the sense of who knows?
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acting performance helps the film when a palm door in 10. 2023 was put as here. shown of interest with hoola in the leading role was also on i didn't can and it's be nominated for 3 golden globes sense of who that plays the wife of outfits commander who would office who is portrayed as a loving mother who can also be as cold as ice, with no scruples about wearing a coat of a minute, a jewish woman in a film highlighting the banality of evil. in the shadow of the comes crib atoria somebody who is an exceptional talent working in european field. she and habits her roles with great passion but remains true to herself. self confident and politically active, even of the screen, the future is female. so let's go. nothing more to add on to who the
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game will fame after playing a stressed out business woman in the award winning fan tony ad, ma'am. in the movie the characters cookie falls. i tend to live upside down the steps from mentioned. we have tons of groups of individuals a few weeks ago for the ones i do repeat and fill in the award as best actress for her role in the anatomy of a full year to she made from physical statements. i am fortunate to be able to work and peace. you are fortunate to work in peace and some people are not working in peace right now. not even living in peace right now. it's something that we collectively have to achieve. the next step in her career could follow suit . hula is highly tipped for the golden globes. and then oscar nomination at the moment. if anything seems possible for her, it's just all right. you're up to date of next sports life. taking
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a look at the telephone suppression of female athletes and i've kind of stopped. stay tuned for that after a short break on pablo phone and yes from me on the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. and i'll see you again at the top of the next hour. take care the every jenny is the surprises. we've gone all out to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time. but still very much alive. your guy to the special.


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